Exactly what did Putin get from Trump while he was President?

Nothing was debunked....

Trump gave Putin the benefit of the doubt on the hacking that was proven time and again.

But of course you don't live in reality so you wouldn't know anything about that. Got it.
Putin got what he expected out of Trump

A fractured Western Alliance and a weaker NATO
He also got a fractured US Democracy, delegitimization of the free press and distrust in the American electoral process

Trump delivered
Putin got what he expected out of Trump

A fractured Western Alliance and a weaker NATO
He also got a fractured US Democracy, delegitimization of the free press and distrust in the American electoral process

Trump delivered
All lies. NATO is stronger because of Trump. Trump made NATO countries live up to their defense spending.
Nothing was debunked....

Trump gave Putin the benefit of the doubt on the hacking that was proven time and again.
You are missing the entire point. The clear corruption that was exposed should have you never voting for the DNC again.

It's like you're blaming the video camera for catching the robber on film and now you're giving the robber a blowjob. You're a fucking idiot.
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how long have you been retarded?
Any American that believes this bs propaganda is an idiot not to be taken seriously.

Donald Trump’s 4 years and subsequent attack on Democracy did great harm to our people and country. I don’t know about propaganda, but going on national TV and calling US elections a fraud was an attack on America.

Putin got exactly what he wanted. Democracy to be tattered and torn
Complete dumbassery.

Also, Trump was only there 4 years. You can't expect him to clean up every mess Barry Hussein left behind.

So seriously, what did Putin get from Trump while he was President? I can name a couple things:

1. Up to 300 dead Russian mercenaries in Deir al-Zour, Syria.

2. The devastation of Russia's oil-based economy because of ramped up US oil and gas production.

3. Anti-missile defense systems and other arms to Poland and Ukraine

4. A strengthened US military.

5. Expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats in response to the poisoning of Russian spy Sergei Skripal in Britain.

6. DOJ indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officials.

Putin got what he expected out of Trump

A fractured Western Alliance and a weaker NATO
He also got a fractured US Democracy, delegitimization of the free press and distrust in the American electoral process

Trump delivered
Still nothing but Dimtard talking points. NATO is stronger because of Trump, according the the head of NATO.

I have no idea what a "fractured Western alliance" is in your head. Your Vegetable Messiah has pissed off more allies in his first year than Trump would do in 100.
If you installed a manager at a branch office like Putin helped do with Trump through the DNC hacking operation, would you want to make your manager look bad by creating a crisis atmosphere?

I know, I know... you're going to deny that Russia had anything to do with hacking the DNC thus confirming you don't live in the real world.
do you have anything other than prog fantasies to post?

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