Exclusive: Mueller's team questioning Russian oligarchs

What was this investigation about again? It’s like mewler was sent to the store for milk and ended up in South America.

And Whitewater started out as an investigation into a failed business deal, and several years later ended up whining about Clinton's blowjob. Get back with me in a few more years and we will talk about how long investigations should last.
Care to name the lead prosecutor in whitewater, believe me you’ll recognize the name
What was this investigation about again? It’s like mewler was sent to the store for milk and ended up in South America.

And Whitewater started out as an investigation into a failed business deal, and several years later ended up whining about Clinton's blowjob. Get back with me in a few more years and we will talk about how long investigations should last.
Care to name the lead prosecutor in whitewater, believe me you’ll recognize the name

Who could forget Ken Starr? How many years did that investigation last?
Mueller is stopping random rich Russians to find out how they spend their money.

That's simply strange. That's desperation.

Yeah, but if it turns out that some of that spending includes illegally funneling cash into Trump's campaign then Trump could be in some hot water.

And if space aliens are behind it all it's even worse..


Fucking Stalinists....
I am beginning to think that the "big fish" prey of Mueller's investigation may not be Trump, but rather Russian spies and cutouts who have been stealing U.S. secrets -- government and industrial -- and attempting to/actually co-opt and compromise our political system.

Looks like he has a wide range of targets. I will be excited to see the results of his investigation.

I'd be excited by a regressive post about Trump that didn't include innuendo, supposition and speculation.

In the entire investigation not one person has been charged with a crime. It's all been lying to investigators without a single underlying crime. Poor Papadapolous not only got a date wrong but was drunk when Mueller wrang that out of him.

Mueller should be arrested for defrauding the government. This is the Emperor's New Crime.
Mueller is stopping random rich Russians to find out how they spend their money.

That's simply strange. That's desperation.

Yeah, but if it turns out that some of that spending includes illegally funneling cash into Trump's campaign then Trump could be in some hot water.
I wish I could invent the cure for paranoia/schizophrenia. I would become rich just marketing it to those afflicted on USMB
Mueller is stopping random rich Russians to find out how they spend their money.

That's simply strange. That's desperation.

Yeah, but if it turns out that some of that spending includes illegally funneling cash into Trump's campaign then Trump could be in some hot water.
well, we found out today that President Trump IS A SUBJECT in the Special counsel's criminal Investigation of the Russian Interference....so it is official, not just the Trump campaign team is being investigated for their involvement with the Russian government interference, but the President of the United States is as well....

I believe this is the first, CONFIRMING that.... we all have been speculating this is the case, but didn't know for certain if Pres. Trump was being investigated.... and coming from Trump's lawyers that he is a ''Subject''....has to mean it is true! :eek:

Mueller's team questioning Russian oligarchs - CNNPolitics

Special counsel Robert Mueller's team has taken the unusual step of questioning Russian oligarchs who traveled into the US, stopping at least one and searching his electronic devices when his private jet landed at a New York area airport, according to multiple sources familiar with the inquiry. A second Russian oligarch was stopped during a recent trip to the US, although it is not clear if he was searched, according to a person briefed on the matter. Mueller's team has also made an informal voluntary document and interview request to a third Russian oligarch who has not traveled to the US recently.

The situations have one thing in common: Investigators are asking whether wealthy Russians illegally funneled cash donations directly or indirectly into Donald Trump's presidential campaign and inauguration. Investigators' interest in Russian oligarchs has not been previously reported. It reveals that Mueller's team has intensified its focus into the potential flow of money from Russia into the US election as part of its wide-ranging investigation into whether the Trump team colluded with Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election. The approach to Russian oligarchs in recent weeks may reflect that Mueller's team has already obtained records or documents that it has legal jurisdiction over and can get easily, one source said, and now it's a "wish list" to see what other information they can obtain from Russians entering the US or through their voluntary cooperation.

I think it has more to do with money laundering and not campaign funding. Trump bankrupted 4 casino's leaving American banks holding the bag on 900 million in loss's. You do that to an American bank they're not going to loan you another penny--without "yuuuuuge" collateral and a few Russian Oligarchs to secure that loan.

Here is a good explanation of it.

A great book to read right now. It's the 6th top seller on Amazon.


Very well written, easy to follow, and hard to put down. These authors deserve a Pulitzer on this one. It reads like a nonfiction spy novel and gets into the money laundering.
I am beginning to think that the "big fish" prey of Mueller's investigation may not be Trump, but rather Russian spies and cutouts who have been stealing U.S. secrets -- government and industrial -- and attempting to/actually co-opt and compromise our political system.

Looks like he has a wide range of targets. I will be excited to see the results of his investigation.

I'd be excited by a regressive post about Trump that didn't include innuendo, supposition and speculation.

What part of my post had innuendo, supposition, or speculation?
I am beginning to think that the "big fish" prey of Mueller's investigation may not be Trump, but rather Russian spies and cutouts who have been stealing U.S. secrets -- government and industrial -- and attempting to/actually co-opt and compromise our political system.

Looks like he has a wide range of targets. I will be excited to see the results of his investigation.

I'd be excited by a regressive post about Trump that didn't include innuendo, supposition and speculation.

What part of my post had innuendo, supposition, or speculation?

I just keyed on your word excited, but it does apply to 90+% of your posts about Trump.


Mueller's team questioning Russian oligarchs - CNNPolitics

Special counsel Robert Mueller's team has taken the unusual step of questioning Russian oligarchs who traveled into the US, stopping at least one and searching his electronic devices when his private jet landed at a New York area airport, according to multiple sources familiar with the inquiry. A second Russian oligarch was stopped during a recent trip to the US, although it is not clear if he was searched, according to a person briefed on the matter. Mueller's team has also made an informal voluntary document and interview request to a third Russian oligarch who has not traveled to the US recently.

The situations have one thing in common: Investigators are asking whether wealthy Russians illegally funneled cash donations directly or indirectly into Donald Trump's presidential campaign and inauguration. Investigators' interest in Russian oligarchs has not been previously reported. It reveals that Mueller's team has intensified its focus into the potential flow of money from Russia into the US election as part of its wide-ranging investigation into whether the Trump team colluded with Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election. The approach to Russian oligarchs in recent weeks may reflect that Mueller's team has already obtained records or documents that it has legal jurisdiction over and can get easily, one source said, and now it's a "wish list" to see what other information they can obtain from Russians entering the US or through their voluntary cooperation.
He's not authorized to interfere with legal multinational economic transactions. #FIRE HIM NOW! lol
Mueller has set a precedent. Think about a wealthy US business man (oligarch) flying into Moscow and being detained and searched by Putin. And investigated for supporting Putin opponents?

How well would that go over for all of you who are backing this insane desperate move by the dirty cop Mueller?
The airport is a terrific place to detain, question and subpoena these ass-bastard Russian thugs, spies and Trump allies.

And no search warrants are required to seize their electronic devices.

FBI questions Ted Malloch, Trump campaign figure and Farage ally

After a long day of conspiracy, financial crimes and obstruction of justice? ....


How are you going to like it when the reverse happens for American oligarchs ass bastard thugs spies, Obama and Soros allies landing in various foreign capitols? Gonna love it?
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