Executive powers “will not be questioned”. Sounded better in the original German.

Trump has a majority in Congress to pass anything he wants, Obama didn't.

He had it for two years and pissed away all of his political capital on Ocommiecare. Democrats have been getting their asses kicked every election, at all levels, since then.

Dumbest political move in recent history.
ISIS as a going concern is nearly finished. Obama handed Trump a mop up operation.

Let's hope Trump can handle this simple task.

Hey Trump,
I kinda sorta almost got some of this mess I created under control. Hope you can finish it up for me.

Pres Obie
ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

And that was before Iraq began major operations to run ISIS down.
Oh boy! Obie contained 45% and 20% of something he helped create 100% of! What a success story.
ISIS was created 100 percent by George W. Bush. That's why Trump wanted Bush impeached, and why Trump wanted to cut and run from Iraq.

It takes a lot of nerve for a cut-and-run registered Democrat like Trump to blame Obama for the rise of ISIS. It also takes some really, really willfully ignorant rubes like yourself for Trump to get away with it. :lol:

No moron....isis was allowed to grow because obama pulled out troops out.....had our troops been left in Iraq, just as they have been left in Germany Italy, Japan, and south korea after wars there, the countries would be stable and isis would not have gainged power....moron

When the UN terminated the US occupation of Iraq President Bush was forced to sign the SOFA with the Iraqis at the end of 2008. That SOFA spelled the timetable for our withdrawal.

US troops have not been fighting any significant insurgency in any of those countries.
Trump powers 'will not be questioned' on immigration, senior official says

The ninth circuit also rejected the White House argument that the president has “unreviewable authority” to enact immigration policy, amounting to a blank check to restrict travelers from a vast swath of North Africa and the Middle East.

“Rather than present evidence to explain the need for the executive order, the government has taken the position that we must not review its decision at all,” the panel wrote.

“The public has a powerful interest in national security and in the ability of an elected president to enact policies,” the judges continued, but “the public also has an interest in free flow of travel, in avoiding separation of families, and in freedom from discrimination.”

On Fox News Sunday, Miller forcefully defended the ban by citing terrorist attacks committed on US soil “from 9/11 to San Bernardino to Chattanooga”. None of those attacks were executed by foreign nationals from the seven countries targeted by Trump’s ban.

It's as if Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and so in retaliation, the US attacked Brazil. That's how much sense this makes.

And "will not be questioned"? The entire quote in context:

“Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

I heard someone say it sounded better in the original German. I guess the Trump Administration doesn't know what "co-equal" branches of government actually means.

Many people in Iraq loved Saddam because they thought he was a "strong ruler". The GOP minions feel the same about Trump. They don't see anything wrong with "will not be questioned". That's why they are dangerous to the country and the world.
Funny. You never questioned obama's executive orders.
Obamas orders came about because the republican scum in congress sat on their hands Nothing would get done with their fillibusters and delaying tactics The moron in office now has no such problem

Which was the problem. Obama was trying to illegally circumvent Congress
Trump powers 'will not be questioned' on immigration, senior official says

The ninth circuit also rejected the White House argument that the president has “unreviewable authority” to enact immigration policy, amounting to a blank check to restrict travelers from a vast swath of North Africa and the Middle East.

“Rather than present evidence to explain the need for the executive order, the government has taken the position that we must not review its decision at all,” the panel wrote.

“The public has a powerful interest in national security and in the ability of an elected president to enact policies,” the judges continued, but “the public also has an interest in free flow of travel, in avoiding separation of families, and in freedom from discrimination.”

On Fox News Sunday, Miller forcefully defended the ban by citing terrorist attacks committed on US soil “from 9/11 to San Bernardino to Chattanooga”. None of those attacks were executed by foreign nationals from the seven countries targeted by Trump’s ban.

It's as if Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and so in retaliation, the US attacked Brazil. That's how much sense this makes.

And "will not be questioned"? The entire quote in context:

“Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

I heard someone say it sounded better in the original German. I guess the Trump Administration doesn't know what "co-equal" branches of government actually means.

Many people in Iraq loved Saddam because they thought he was a "strong ruler". The GOP minions feel the same about Trump. They don't see anything wrong with "will not be questioned". That's why they are dangerous to the country and the world.

Trump is definitely "chairman of the board", but he's learning real fast that "the board" is pretty big and that we have our own tricks up ourselves: he's had to back away from his Muslim Ban, his head of the security council is going to be fired for sure, and I think that the man should face charges. Trump's pick for labor secretary is about to face a sort of national strike as well; that guy's no good, and as for American security, Trump want's to create a sort of new Manhattan Project, which is mind of understandable and you don't want to telegraph your punches, but the problem is Trump nor his people know what the hell they're doing, so they keep toppling their own house of cards. I think Trump's own narcissism will keep him from doing a lot of the things he says he wants to do.
Trump powers 'will not be questioned' on immigration, senior official says

The ninth circuit also rejected the White House argument that the president has “unreviewable authority” to enact immigration policy, amounting to a blank check to restrict travelers from a vast swath of North Africa and the Middle East.

“Rather than present evidence to explain the need for the executive order, the government has taken the position that we must not review its decision at all,” the panel wrote.

“The public has a powerful interest in national security and in the ability of an elected president to enact policies,” the judges continued, but “the public also has an interest in free flow of travel, in avoiding separation of families, and in freedom from discrimination.”

On Fox News Sunday, Miller forcefully defended the ban by citing terrorist attacks committed on US soil “from 9/11 to San Bernardino to Chattanooga”. None of those attacks were executed by foreign nationals from the seven countries targeted by Trump’s ban.

It's as if Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and so in retaliation, the US attacked Brazil. That's how much sense this makes.

And "will not be questioned"? The entire quote in context:

“Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

I heard someone say it sounded better in the original German. I guess the Trump Administration doesn't know what "co-equal" branches of government actually means.

Many people in Iraq loved Saddam because they thought he was a "strong ruler". The GOP minions feel the same about Trump. They don't see anything wrong with "will not be questioned". That's why they are dangerous to the country and the world.
Funny. You never questioned obama's executive orders.
Obamas orders came about because the republican scum in congress sat on their hands Nothing would get done with their fillibusters and delaying tactics The moron in office now has no such problem

Which was the problem. Obama was trying to illegally circumvent Congress
Obama is not president anymore.
Sometimes, the principles of democracy must be suspended in order to save them.
“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

Benjamin Franklin
That´s not the point.
Yes, it is. We have a Second Amendment. 10USC311 is also, federal law.
You can show up with whatever law you like, suspended is suspended.

Suspended does not mean the law gets modified or freedoms get abolished. It means to do the right thing even against the "will" of the people and/or government. If the baby wants booze, you say, hey we´ve got democracy and get it sloshed?
Sometimes, the principles of democracy must be suspended in order to save them.
“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

Benjamin Franklin
That´s not the point.
Yes, it is. We have a Second Amendment. 10USC311 is also, federal law.
You can show up with whatever law you like, suspended is suspended.

Suspended does not mean the law gets modified or freedoms get abolished. It means to do the right thing even against the "will" of the people and/or government. If the baby wants booze, you say, hey we´ve got democracy and get it sloshed?
Minors can drink (and have sex) with adult supervision.
Sometimes, the principles of democracy must be suspended in order to save them.
“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

Benjamin Franklin
That´s not the point.
Yes, it is. We have a Second Amendment. 10USC311 is also, federal law.
You can show up with whatever law you like, suspended is suspended.

Suspended does not mean the law gets modified or freedoms get abolished. It means to do the right thing even against the "will" of the people and/or government. If the baby wants booze, you say, hey we´ve got democracy and get it sloshed?
Minors can drink (and have sex) with adult supervision.
What the fuck? How much do you like babies, on a scale from 1 (barren) to 10 (baby molester)?
“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

Benjamin Franklin
That´s not the point.
Yes, it is. We have a Second Amendment. 10USC311 is also, federal law.
You can show up with whatever law you like, suspended is suspended.

Suspended does not mean the law gets modified or freedoms get abolished. It means to do the right thing even against the "will" of the people and/or government. If the baby wants booze, you say, hey we´ve got democracy and get it sloshed?
Minors can drink (and have sex) with adult supervision.
What the fuck? How much do you like babies, on a scale from 1 (barren) to 10 (baby molester)?
did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law or economics?
That´s not the point.
Yes, it is. We have a Second Amendment. 10USC311 is also, federal law.
You can show up with whatever law you like, suspended is suspended.

Suspended does not mean the law gets modified or freedoms get abolished. It means to do the right thing even against the "will" of the people and/or government. If the baby wants booze, you say, hey we´ve got democracy and get it sloshed?
Minors can drink (and have sex) with adult supervision.
What the fuck? How much do you like babies, on a scale from 1 (barren) to 10 (baby molester)?
did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law or economics?
Trump powers 'will not be questioned' on immigration, senior official says

The ninth circuit also rejected the White House argument that the president has “unreviewable authority” to enact immigration policy, amounting to a blank check to restrict travelers from a vast swath of North Africa and the Middle East.

“Rather than present evidence to explain the need for the executive order, the government has taken the position that we must not review its decision at all,” the panel wrote.

“The public has a powerful interest in national security and in the ability of an elected president to enact policies,” the judges continued, but “the public also has an interest in free flow of travel, in avoiding separation of families, and in freedom from discrimination.”

On Fox News Sunday, Miller forcefully defended the ban by citing terrorist attacks committed on US soil “from 9/11 to San Bernardino to Chattanooga”. None of those attacks were executed by foreign nationals from the seven countries targeted by Trump’s ban.

It's as if Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and so in retaliation, the US attacked Brazil. That's how much sense this makes.

And "will not be questioned"? The entire quote in context:

“Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

I heard someone say it sounded better in the original German. I guess the Trump Administration doesn't know what "co-equal" branches of government actually means.

Many people in Iraq loved Saddam because they thought he was a "strong ruler". The GOP minions feel the same about Trump. They don't see anything wrong with "will not be questioned". That's why they are dangerous to the country and the world.

“Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

giphy (2).gif
You fruitcake leftists only get half-way there before you go limp, like a middle aged man with ED. You are intellectual limp dicks.

The administration's argument is that the Chief Executive has plenary power to direct foreign policy, not that everything he does in every area is exempt from review. There is plenty of precedence for this view. Even leftist Super Twat, Chris Matthews, acknowledged this a couple of nights last week after the 9th Cir. ruling.

My first inclination when reading the OP is to think you are being intentionally deceptive, which assumes that you understand what is really going on. But I am quickly coming to understand that the leftist scum here are just fucking stupid.

More Trumpsplainin'.

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