Executive powers “will not be questioned”. Sounded better in the original German.

Trump powers 'will not be questioned' on immigration, senior official says

The ninth circuit also rejected the White House argument that the president has “unreviewable authority” to enact immigration policy, amounting to a blank check to restrict travelers from a vast swath of North Africa and the Middle East.

“Rather than present evidence to explain the need for the executive order, the government has taken the position that we must not review its decision at all,” the panel wrote.

“The public has a powerful interest in national security and in the ability of an elected president to enact policies,” the judges continued, but “the public also has an interest in free flow of travel, in avoiding separation of families, and in freedom from discrimination.”

On Fox News Sunday, Miller forcefully defended the ban by citing terrorist attacks committed on US soil “from 9/11 to San Bernardino to Chattanooga”. None of those attacks were executed by foreign nationals from the seven countries targeted by Trump’s ban.

It's as if Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and so in retaliation, the US attacked Brazil. That's how much sense this makes.

And "will not be questioned"? The entire quote in context:

“Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

I heard someone say it sounded better in the original German. I guess the Trump Administration doesn't know what "co-equal" branches of government actually means.

Many people in Iraq loved Saddam because they thought he was a "strong ruler". The GOP minions feel the same about Trump. They don't see anything wrong with "will not be questioned". That's why they are dangerous to the country and the world.
Funny. You never questioned obama's executive orders.

Nope they never did and Barry wrote a shit load of them.

Including one using the list that Trump used in reference to Muslims from seven countries banned from the US.

The only EO's they question are Trumps.

If it weren't so pathetic it would be funny as hell.
He wrote them Claude because your ah's in congress wanted to punish him ,wanted to fu gov't so they could blame him Too bad it didn't work lol

He wrote them so he could go around Congress and that's the very same reason Trump is writing them.
It's a Republican Congress, fool.

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