Zone1 Explain This

We don't have to do what you say because the reason you have what you do is not for the reason you say. But what has been presented in the OP are blacks who have done everything you guys claim we need to do and still face racism.

You have no explanation, all you have is the usual lame right wing white garbage..
When Jews and Orientals came to the United States they faced a lot of racism. They overcame it by performing and behaving well. Now they are usually more prosperous than white Gentiles.
Again, no one has asked for your opinion about blacks or what pisses whites off. Frankly, I don't give a rats behind. Explain why blacks do everything whites like you say we should do and still face racism or post elsewhere.
Blacks have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy than whites, and lower IQ averages.
Again, no one has asked for your opinion about blacks or what pisses whites off. Frankly, I don't give a rats behind. Explain why blacks do everything whites like you say we should do and still face racism or post elsewhere.
So you don’t give a rat’s ass about what pisses whites off, yet you post all sorts of diatribes showing what pisses blacks off. So we are supposed to care what annoys blacks while you brag how you don’t care about whites?

And you’re not doing everything whites say you should do and you still face racism. Stop having the majority of babies out of wedlock. Stop committing violent crime at such a high rate.
In discussing race in this forum we see all kinds of stereotyped factless comments coming primarily from the right. The common claim is that if blacks got motivated, educated, and worked hard we can succeed because white racism isn't the problem. Here we see an example of blacks doing everything that right wingers say blacks should do and still racism limited their opportunities.

I pushed my kids to succeed academically to escape racism. But it doesn't work that way

Moms everywhere are suffering from burnout. But Black mom burnout is different. As a Black mother to two teenage sons and a toddler daughter, I find myself wondering: Will my children be perceived as a threat and cut down in their prime because of their race? Will they miss out because they’re invisible to whoever is passing out the opportunities? Do they have to be perceived as perfect to get any chance to seize their dreams?

Many people of color often turn to the one tool we have in our own shed — the instinct to try to outwork any negative perceptions of us, to tackle the questions that haunt us like the spirits of our ancestors. We’re taught to overwork to prove ourselves beyond the reach of racism and to render racist stereotypes unbelievable or even laughable.

But is this tendency to overwork — and our tendency to encourage our children to do the same — an attempt to outrun systemic issues beyond our control?

Growing up in Tennessee, I was taught working hard was the key to everything — happiness, upward mobility and rising above racism in the South. And while I consider my work ethic one of my greatest gifts, it seems the neat equation of “racism + hard work = less discrimination” doesn’t always add up.

“Work twice as hard to get half as much” was the mantra many of us were raised on, but it is considered by most Black moms today to be played-out advice from our parents’ generation. Despite that, racism and its effects haven’t expired, and in many ways, they’ve been given new life in this era.

Op-Ed: I pushed my kids to succeed academically to escape racism. But it doesn't work that way

The problem with those who call themselves in opposition is the fact that they believe things that do not apply to the way blacks are raised. Perhaps if you are white and don't put in the effort, you will not not suceed. Perhaps if you are white and don't focus on education you will fail. But when we as blacks try talking to you about this you need to stop pretending that white racism is not a hurdle. Whites do not face this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.” Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

So explain why blacks can do everything you guys claim we need to do and still face racism. This thread is not about your ignorant factless opinions about blacks, black crime, Asians or everything else you guys do to avoid discussing the impact of white racism. So any and all off topic posts will be reported from the start. So you have two choices, explain why blacks do everything you guys say we need to do but still face white racism, or don't post in this thread.
The most factless and racist stereotypes claims come from black racists like you.

That doesn’t excuse the ignorance and hatred of the whites racists. And there are some here. Just not nearly as many as you black racists “see.”
According to white racists. Whites mouth off to cops and fight them all the time.
I happens, in Los Angels I saw more whites in fights and getting tazed or beaten down than I did blacks and I lived there for over fifty years. A white criminal gets beaten down and bystanders generally say something on the order of he was an asshole and deserved it. They certainly don't mob up and attack the cops.
Of course, but he was complaining about how blacks earn less, and I was pointing out that at least some of that is attributed to the fact that a greater percentage of whites have graduated from college than have blacks.
There are blacks who earn more too. It depends on skills, experience, education and work ethic.
When Jews and Orientals came to the United States they faced a lot of racism. They overcame it by performing and behaving well. Now they are usually more prosperous than white Gentiles.
"Orientals"? Really? Did you wander out of a Tardis from the 1950's?

Jews always have the option of being white when it suits them. So that argument doesn't fly.

For Asians... here's the thing. Asians were never discriminated against because they by and large just weren't seen as a threat. The root of most racism by white people is fear. Fear of Crime, fear of losing out on opportunities.

Asians are the "Model Minority" because they present a lack of a threat.

Blacks have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy than whites, and lower IQ averages.

They have higher crime rates because they have higher poverty rates.
And stop repeating the Bell Curve like it has any legitimacy. It was debunked years ago.

So you don’t give a rat’s ass about what pisses whites off, yet you post all sorts of diatribes showing what pisses blacks off. So we are supposed to care what annoys blacks while you brag how you don’t care about whites?

Um, the man has his right to say his piece. I don't agree with him much of the time, but when I challenge him, it's actually on substance.

And you’re not doing everything whites say you should do and you still face racism. Stop having the majority of babies out of wedlock. Stop committing violent crime at such a high rate.
Do you have any proof IM has committed a crime or had a child out of wedlock?
There are blacks who earn more too. It depends on skills, experience, education and work ethic.
Well of course….on an individual basis. But IM2 was complaining that blacks as a group earn less than whites as a group, and part of that is explained by the fact that blacks as a group don’t have as much education as whites as group.
Well of course….on an individual basis. But IM2 was complaining that blacks as a group earn less than whites as a group, and part of that is explained by the fact that blacks as a group don’t have as much education as whites as group.
And why do you think whites, as a group have more education as a group? Could it be that until fairly recently the seperate but not equal black schools were notoriously underfunded, and only got more books when the white schools got new ones, and the old ones were given to the black schools?
And why do you think whites, as a group have more education as a group? Could it be that until fairly recently the seperate but not equal black schools were notoriously underfunded, and only got more books when the white schools got new ones, and the old ones were given to the black schools?
Fairly recently? Segregation has been outlawed since the sixties. That’s SEVENTY YEARS of equal, integrated education. That’s SEVENTEEN high school graduating classes.
I can only speak for my experience, but my high school always had old books, I was in an all-city band and color guard and I noticed that my black friends who went to Dorsey and Manual Arts high schools (where enrollment was almost 100% black) had brand new books every semester. When I asked them, they said they got new books all the time. When I asked our book custodian about it, she told me, we didn’t get new books because we didn’t destroy ours. She said Manual Arts and Dorsey almost never got even ten percent of their books returned at the end of semesters.
In Los Angeles all schools got the same funding per student. It’s one of the reasons the San Fernando Valley has wanted to secede from Los Angeles for nearly a hundred years. The citizens there pay high taxes and see the money spent in other neighborhoods, they see the police they pay for working in Watts and East LA instead of Northridge, Encino or Tarzana. The same thing with Fire Services and other city services.
"Orientals"? Really? Did you wander out of a Tardis from the 1950's?

Jews always have the option of being white when it suits them. So that argument doesn't fly.

For Asians... here's the thing. Asians were never discriminated against because they by and large just weren't seen as a threat. The root of most racism by white people is fear. Fear of Crime, fear of losing out on opportunities.

Asians are the "Model Minority" because they present a lack of a threat.
By Orientals I mean China and nations that learned civilization from China. These tend to be more intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous than white Gentiles. That is why they deserve to be called "the model minority." They are only a threat to non Orientals who cannot compete with them academically and economically. That is why some people dislike them.
Everything Lisa posts is anti black hate. She believes in white superiority. And when she gets called on it, she becomes the poor Jewish victim of anti-semitism.
Everything Lisa posts is anti black hate. She believes in white superiority. And when she gets called on it, she becomes the poor Jewish victim of anti-semitism.
Lisa is Jewish. You are not black lol
Well of course….on an individual basis. But IM2 was complaining that blacks as a group earn less than whites as a group, and part of that is explained by the fact that blacks as a group don’t have as much education as whites as group.
im2 isnt even black lol
By Orientals I mean China and nations that learned civilization from China. These tend to be more intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous than white Gentiles. That is why they deserve to be called "the model minority." They are only a threat to non Orientals who cannot compete with them academically and economically. That is why some people dislike them.

Nobody uses the term "Orientals" anymore to describe Asians.

They are hardly all "Law Abiding", which is why you have Chinese Tongs, Japanese Yakuza and other disorganized crime groups. Some groups do well. Other groups, not so much.

The reason why there is dislike for them among African Americans is the same reason you don't like it when someone cuts in line ahead of you at the grocery store.
And why do you think whites, as a group have more education as a group? Could it be that until fairly recently the seperate but not equal black schools were notoriously underfunded, and only got more books when the white schools got new ones, and the old ones were given to the black schools?
Black schools were three generations ago. It took Jews ONE generation to go from poor, uneducated immigrant parents in generation one to college graduates in generation two - and while living in urban poverty.
Nobody uses the term "Orientals" anymore to describe Asians.

They are hardly all "Law Abiding", which is why you have Chinese Tongs, Japanese Yakuza and other disorganized crime groups. Some groups do well. Other groups, not so much.

The reason why there is dislike for them among African Americans is the same reason you don't like it when someone cuts in line ahead of you at the grocery store.

Poverty and Violent Crime Don’t Go Hand in Hand​

New data on Asian-Americans in New York City undercut a common assumption.
Barry Latzer
May 25, 2022

Many analysts, along with the general public, believe that poverty is a major, if not the major, cause of crime. But a new study from a Columbia University research group should remind us of something that history has consistently shown: that the relationship between poverty and crime is far from predictable or consistent. The Columbia study revealed the startling news that nearly one-quarter (23 percent) of New York City’s Asian population was impoverished, a proportion exceeding that of the city’s black population (19 percent). This was surprising, given the widespread perception that Asians are among the nation’s more affluent social groups. But the study contains an even more startling aspect: in New York City, Asians’ relatively high poverty rate is accompanied by exceptionally low crime rates. This undercuts the common belief that poverty and crime go hand in hand.

Asians had consistently low arrest rates for violent crime—usually lower than their proportion of the population, lower than those of blacks and Hispanics, and in one category (assault), even lower than that of whites, who, as a group, are far less often impoverished.

At 1.2 per 100,000, Asian murder arrest rates were nearly one-ninth of black rates. If poverty were the principal cause of crime, we would expect Asian rates to be as high, if not higher, than those of blacks. That the Asian rates are relatively low illustrates what I call the “crime/adversity mismatch,” a recurring phenomenon. As I observe in my history of crime: “Throughout American history, different social groups have engaged in different amounts of violent crime, and no consistent relationship between the extent of a group’s socioeconomic disadvantage and its level of violence is evident.”


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