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Explaining The Democrat Party

Meanwhile, the RepubliKlan Party has aligned themselves with Racists and Hatemongers as they throw our great nation into chaos

No matter how many times you post Republiklan informed people know the Democrats are the party of the KKK. You know it too.

Just as your side constantly ignores the political shift that went on in the 60's after the Civil Rights Act...where Republicans became the party of the KKK and white supremacists. Also, you ignore the rise of Newt and his Republican Revolution in 1994 which was the beginning of the Republican party opening its tent and becoming a home for any whack job and crazy with a conspiracy theory.

There never was any such 'shift.'

Any with even a two digit IQ know that that is simply propaganda.

A total lie, believed only by morons.

Simple enough to prove:
Watch me prove how truly stupid the 'flip' myth is:

What the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as you do, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being indoctrinated...er, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for your news.....

.....what are the chances would be that you woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting Republican......you know....'flipping.'

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

No, the Parties Didn't 'Switch'

It's time to debunk a popular myth about the Republican and Democrat Parties.

A brief look at the historical facts will show that this is an unsupported leftist theory. Racist Democrats who were in power as the Dixiecrat Party, founded in the 1940s, did not became today’s Republicans.
No, the Parties Didn't 'Switch'

Same was true of Democrats....they never altered their racism.

Need proof?
The most popular Democrat today, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton has an unbroken record of racism from his earliest political efforts.

Willfully ignorant of history. Honestly, I don't know why you bother. Nobody believes your trolling.

Yes. The parties did switch. I noticed you didn't address the Civil Right Act in either of your bold cut and pastes but immediately pivoted to deflections.
We studied the Civil Rights Act and its impact on the political parties in detail in my school...and that was in the mid 1980's. This is not theory.
Democrats in the south flipped to Republicans while Democrats became the party of Civil Rights. Here, get familiar with our history.
This is an old article. But right on the money. It's funny to see some of the things printed that turned out to be scary on-the-money. :)

More Republicans supported civil rights than Democrats.

Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill the Republicans brought to Congress.

Can you provide a few of the books that have informed your geopolitical insight?


Try reading a book some day.

I'd be happy to provide a starting curriculum for you ....just say the word.

No they don't. Read the article I linked from 2012. It's quite prescient.
A lot of anti-lynching bills were brought up before 1965. When the parties essentially flipped.
But here is a very recent example of someone holding up an anti-lynching bill. Which party does he belong to? :)

You really need to familiarize yourself with US history. You have a bad habit of bending
narratives (and history) to fit your political leanings.

"The lynchings were Southern whites' extrajudicial efforts to maintain social control, white supremacy, and Democratic Party rule, ..... From 1882 to 1968, "...nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress, and three passed the House. Seven presidents between 1890 and 1952 petitioned Congress to pass a federal law."[10] Not one bill was approved by the Senate because of the powerful opposition of the Southern Democratic voting block."

I take-it you are not interested in either my offer to provide a curriculum to inform your lacunae, or in books in general.

That makes you the quintessential Democrat supporter.

While you can use big words with some linguist dexterity, it doesn't cover up the fact that nothing you've posted about the racist policies of the Democratic Party are true after 1968 - more than 50 years ago. In fact, it was John F. Kennedy who moved the Democrats past their racist past and introduced the Civil Rights Act to Congress. When asking Johnson to be his running mate, Kennedy made a point of telling Johnson about his plans for racial reform, and Johnson agreed to all of them.

After Kennedy's death, Johnson made sure that the signature legislation of the Kennedy Presidency, the Civil Rights Act was passed. And when you look at the votes it took to pass that Act, 29 Southern Democrats voted in favour of the Bill, but not ONE Southern Republican voted for it. Yes the Bill passed because of Republican votes, but in both the House and Senate it was NORTHERN Republican votes because while some Southern Democrats broke ranks and voted in favour of the Civil Rights Act, not one Southern Republican did so.

History is NOT on your side little Trump Chick. History shows that Republicans freed the slaves, but they NEVER gave them equal rights.

"While you can use big words with some linguist dexterity, it doesn't cover up the fact that nothing you've posted about the racist policies of the Democratic Party are true after 1968 - more than 50 years ago. "

The 'big words' are secondary.....'big thoughts' are what leaves you in the dust.

"...racist policies of the Democratic Party are true after 1968 - more than 50 years ago."

Let's check:

1. Not only was the Democrat Party the home of slavers, segregationists, the Jim Crow folks, and the KKK....but the folks who try to lie their way out of the stain that attaches to all Democrats by claiming that it all changed in the 1960's, and the Democrats reversed themselves....

Clinton proves otherwise.

His 40 or so years as Democrat, up to and including the fact that he is so popular to Democrats that he was given the keynote speech at Obama's 2016 convention....

...and for his entire political life he has been a racist.

2. Now, "Democrats 100 years ago, or 50 years ago..." doesn't seem fair...it was so long ago....

Was it?

a. Dixiecrats lost in 1948 (65 years ago)....then went right back to being Democrats.

3. Let's take a look at the most popular Democrat today, and see how your math holds up...

Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

(b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

(c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy

[Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of RacismJust to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used to represent the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritage is hate.
Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism | HuffPost]

Gee....'til 1992,....

Governor Clinton invited Orval Faubus to his inauguration and they exchanged an almost South American abrazo, embrace, http://www.booknotes.org/Watch/72551-1/Paul+Greenberg.aspx

Governor Orval Faubus, progressive New Deal Democrat, blocked the schoolhouse door to the Little Rock Central High School with the state’s National Guard rather than allow nine black students to attend.

Clinton’s mentor was J. William Fulbright, a vehement foe of integration who had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Orval Eugene Faubus, attended Bill Clinton’s 1979 gubernatorial inauguration, where the two pols hugged, as Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial page editor Paul Greenberg recalls.)
Know who Faubus was?
Yup...he used the National Guard to prevent blacks from going to school

c. Bill Clinton wrote his first letter, dated June 21, 1994, of congratulations to the UDC [Untied Daughters of the Confederacy] celebrating their 100th anniversary. Later Clinton wrote a letter September 8, 1994 letter of congratulation to the Georgia Division of the UDC celebrating their 100th anniversary, then August 9, 1995 welcoming to Washington, D.C. for their 1995 national convention. Each letter was given a full page with Clinton’s picture in the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine (UDC Magazine) giving legitimacy to the UDC.

For reference, the UDC magazine includes " a Ku Klux Klan praising book, not just the Klan of Reconstruction but the Klan of the 1920s, a book which recommends the racist books of Thomas Dixon, “The Clansman” ...
Anti-Neo-Confederate: Bill Clinton Enables Neo-Confederates & Betrays Carol Moseley-Braun: UPDATED

d. "Clinton praised Arkansas’ late Democratic senator J. William Fulbright, a notorious segregationist who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also signed the Southern Manifesto, which denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown vs. Board of Education school desegregation decision in 1954. Clinton called Fulbright “My mentor, a visionary, a humanitarian.”Dems Need to Houseclean - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online


Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.
But...in 1993, Bill Clinton gave the Medal of Freedom award to a lifelong segregationist, Democrat Wm. J. Fulbright. And another life-long segregationist, Democrat Albert Gore, Sr. was in attendance.

Hey...didn't Bill Clinton just recently speak at the Democrat National Convention?

Bill Clinton was prevailed upon to make certain Obama won his re-election:

Jul 26, 2016
"Former President Bill Clinton will deliver the keynote address on Tuesday night at the Democratic National ..."

… President Bill Clinton

argued that Colin Powell, promoted

to brigadier general during Mr.

Alexander’s tenure, was the product

of an affirmative action program.

Bill Clinton: In Past, Obama Would Be 'Carrying Our Bags' - Breitbart

That was 2008.

In your face, boooooyyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!!!
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Democrat party, only manure has benefits, so it's kind of an unreasonable comparison.
The current iteration of the Democrat Party is no longer opposed to the evil inclinations of human nature…..it accepts and even advances them, up to and including murder.

7.When Liberals/Progressives/Democrats seek knowledge, they go to the NYTimes. When conservatives seek knowledge, we apply to the Bible. The Bible cites God Himself as declaring that the “will of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Genesis 8:21).

A distinguishing characteristic of Liberals and Leftists is an aversion to recognizing or acknowledging evil and its permutations, i.e., communism. On another level, it explains the Left’s dislike for capitalism, a system which produces winners and losers, a painful fact that the Left would rather not see.

So, when Professor James Spiegel produced his little ditty about the evil component in our nature, and the astute among us might apply that revelation to the movement known as the Democrat Party….well, he needed to be silenced.

Dennis Prager: “Maybe humanity really doesn't need to hold that there's a transcendent source for right and wrong. Maybe we're so wonderful a species that we can do it without any reference to something above us." But after the Holocaust and Gulag, I find that to be very, very unrealistic.”

The human mind is far too susceptible to rationalization to be allowed to come up with some subjective morality, some individual rule that guides the entire society.
We all decide on a set of rules...rules verified over millennia...the Bible...or some derivative of the Bible, such as the United States Constitution.

Maybe you ought to read this Constitution you're so keen on, or the protections the Founders built in for minority rights, the basis of which for the Founders was a fear of the "tryanny of the majority". The Electoral College was founded because of fears that a populist demagogue would win the popular vote. The EC was supposed to prevent the "tryanny of the majority", which you're now trying to claim should hold sway.

The Constitution doesn't talk about good or evil, but it sets out checks and balances on "tryanny", and it also addresses the rights of minorities. The Founders were determined to separate religion and politics because the entire country was founded because of religious persecurtion. The Pilgrims left Europe because of religious persecution. The Founders wanted religion OUT of politics to prevent the government from persecuting Americans because of their religion. The Religious Right is trying to overturn those concerns and FORCE Americans to adopt their fundamentalist and wrong-headed beliefs and encode them into law.

In your abject partisan hackery, you think that everyone else is as igorant of religion, politics and the Constitution as you are. The selective education of the home schooled conservative is so lacking in persepective or even facts.

Is there any part of this you'd like to defend?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....and if the Democrats take control, they will pay off constituents with reparations.

Any of it??????

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