Explaining the differences between Democrats and Republicans to a 12 year old


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
My daughter has began asking lots of questions about politics and political parties. In short how would you describe the primary differences and ideologies to a 12 year old female?
See what happens when you tell them about Santa too early?

One group thinks they are helping you when they tell you what to do. The other group tells you what not to do in order to help you. Neither group is particularly helpful.
My daughter has began asking lots of questions about politics and political parties. In short how would you describe the primary differences and ideologies to a 12 year old female?
The answers should be obvious to every rwnj:

Anything and everything democrat is bad, bad, bad.

Anything and everything republican is good, good, good.

Their side (democrats) doesn't do anything right.

Our side (republicans) never does anything wrong.

My daughter has began asking lots of questions about politics and political parties. In short how would you describe the primary differences and ideologies to a 12 year old female?

The 12 year old wanted new shoes.

I told her I will give her the $100. for the sneakers.

She had to wash the cars.

When she came for the money I showed her $100. and took 45% for taxes.
Dems think you should demand that everybody pay for everything for everybody else.
Repubs think you should learn to earn your own way an not whine about how much more of everything some folks have than you.
My daughter has began asking lots of questions about politics and political parties. In short how would you describe the primary differences and ideologies to a 12 year old female?

As Michael Herr reported in his amazing book about the Vietnam War: "If it ain't the [freaking] incoming, it's the [freaking] outgoing, and the only difference is, there ain't no [freaking] difference at all."
My daughter has began asking lots of questions about politics and political parties. In short how would you describe the primary differences and ideologies to a 12 year old female?

Just go down the list of issues one by one.

Size of government
Second amendment
Gay marriage
Illegal Immigration
Drug legalization
Flag burning
Assisted suicide
Man made global warming


She's 12, so tell her she's not expected to pick a side one way or the other. Tell her she can also change her mind at Any time if she's compelled by the facts to do so.

Tell her to stay 12 for as long as she can! [emoji6]

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I'd tell he that they are the two big political parties and some of the people aren't much different. Most are because they are conservatives or liberals. A liberal is like a child that depends on mom and dad to make things right and provide for her. When the child grows up they are supposed to provide for themselves so they can raise a family of their own.
Pubs = really bad

Dems = even more really bad

I think you are suppose to rotate that daily.
I suppose in fact that may happen often.

I hope the women's movement forces both parties to realign.

It wasn't a women's movement, it was a march. I think we will get more middle, but unfortunately will more likely keep going right. Over reacting is common in situations like this.
Yup, it is the women's movement. No, more will not go right. You are overreacting is common in these situations.
My daughter has began asking lots of questions about politics and political parties. In short how would you describe the primary differences and ideologies to a 12 year old female?

I would start by telling her that there isn't an accurate and simple answer to the question. Next, I'd introduce her to the notions of negative and positive liberty and explain the philosophical differences between them using the following web-based content as a rubric for guiding the discussion.
Your child must be quite precocious to be asking that question. That's a good thing, but it imposes a greater burden on you as her parent to be able to explain fairly, accurately and without unduly oversimplifying complex topics to such a young person. If you are getting that sort of question at 12, far more difficult ones are soon to follow.
I imagine even a 12 year old girl has been a victim the left wing propaganda by the education system promoting the process of terminating the life of an unborn child through abortion. There are some pro-abortion politicians in the GOP but generally the party is pro-life. The biggest difference in the political parties is the fact that there is no tolerance for individual thought in the democrat party and there are no democrat officials who dare to be pro-life. The last democrat who dared to think for himself was Joe Lieberman and they kicked him out of the party.
Hmm, some really thoughtful answers here. Well done.

Ultimately, I'd tell her that Democrats and Republicans are people who like to think that there are only two kinds of people in the world, and one side is our friend and the other is our enemy. Thoughtful people know better.

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