Explaining the differences between Democrats and Republicans to a 12 year old

My daughter has began asking lots of questions about politics and political parties. In short how would you describe the primary differences and ideologies to a 12 year old female?
I don't think it can be done with one explanation, it needs to be done as a process.

We very much wanted to raise two curious, independent thinkers, individuals whose critical thinking skills wouldn't be distorted, hamstrung and limited by commitment to a liberal or conservative ideology.

So we've always tried to point out news items and explain the pros and cons of each side of each argument. Now (they're 18 and 21) they've begun to do it without our prompting, so we're (relatively) confident that they have a pretty good intellectual foundation.

It wasn't easy, that's for damn sure.
Hmm, some really thoughtful answers here. Well done.

Ultimately, I'd tell her that Democrats and Republicans are people who like to think that there are only two kinds of people in the world, and one side is our friend and the other is our enemy. Thoughtful people know better.
You might tell a kid that but you would be very wrong. Especially inexcusable after this election when people decided on a different direction regardless of party.
Hmm, some really thoughtful answers here. Well done.

Ultimately, I'd tell her that Democrats and Republicans are people who like to think that there are only two kinds of people in the world, and one side is our friend and the other is our enemy. Thoughtful people know better.
You might tell a kid that but you would be very wrong. Especially inexcusable after this election when people decided on a different direction regardless of party.

Sounds like you disagree with me. But I was talking about Republicans and Democrats, not the new Trump party. The question seemed to be about Republicans and Democrats. The Trump party seems more anti establishment and characterized by "a pox on both houses."
My daughter has began asking lots of questions about politics and political parties. In short how would you describe the primary differences and ideologies to a 12 year old female?

Tell her, if Republicans rule, and she gets raped at 12, she's going to be a very young mommy with a child carrying the genes of a psychopath.
Tell her the finger pointing is at least somewhat by design, because by blaming the other guy the two party system remains in power. I don't know, might save that for another day........Anyway, I'll answer your question in liberal Vs conservative fashion, because it's more consistent then trying to figure out how the Dems. and Reps. differ.

Liberals are generally more emotional. This is why most artists/musicians are libs. Conservatives are generally more practical and responsible with fortitude to get shit done. Don't say shit though, she's 12.:lol:

Govt. employees generally swing liberal. It's ironic, because in our state for example, the Republicans have offered more and it's really not close. A lot of that has been timing, but it is what it is. Unless under the influence of a heavy union, then blue collar workers swing conservative. This is consistent with practical thinking.

Those in our largest cities swing liberal, primarily because of diversity, propaganda and social "stir". Most of these people don't solve basic problems, because they're spoiled by social infrastructure. Those in rural areas etc. are far more likely to solve problems, and now we're back to practical again.

Conservatives hold things closer to the chest while liberals do the opposite (see emotional). Of course that's not always the case, look at Trump's mouth. A conservative is more likely to be honest or say nothing at all. A liberal is more likely to observe your words to gauge if you're consistent with their "hipster" narrative. They're less likely to not be completely honest, sometimes to pay a compliment or agree when neither are the case.

Conservatives are generally more independent, while liberals more dependent. This is consistent with the left's desire for more socialism, combined with the point larger cities swing liberal due to social infrastructure.

That's pretty well it, my opinion.
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Hmm, some really thoughtful answers here. Well done.

Ultimately, I'd tell her that Democrats and Republicans are people who like to think that there are only two kinds of people in the world, and one side is our friend and the other is our enemy. Thoughtful people know better.
You might tell a kid that but you would be very wrong. Especially inexcusable after this election when people decided on a different direction regardless of party.

Sounds like you disagree with me. But I was talking about Republicans and Democrats, not the new Trump party. The question seemed to be about Republicans and Democrats. The Trump party seems more anti establishment and characterized by "a pox on both houses."
The facts disagree with you, don't blame me. The GOP didn't want Trump so hell yes he and his supporters are more anti-establishment. The Dems had a lot of disenfranchised Bernie supporters to contend with so it was not a simple party matter.
My daughter has began asking lots of questions about politics and political parties. In short how would you describe the primary differences and ideologies to a 12 year old female?

Tell her, if Republicans rule, and she gets raped at 12, she's going to be a very young mommy with a child carrying the genes of a psychopath.

That explains what happened in your case, fortunately though it is very rare.
The problem is that Classic Blue Blood Republicans believe in Open Borders and Cheap Labor whilst protesting such in the press.
Hmm, some really thoughtful answers here. Well done.

Ultimately, I'd tell her that Democrats and Republicans are people who like to think that there are only two kinds of people in the world, and one side is our friend and the other is our enemy. Thoughtful people know better.
You might tell a kid that but you would be very wrong. Especially inexcusable after this election when people decided on a different direction regardless of party.

Sounds like you disagree with me. But I was talking about Republicans and Democrats, not the new Trump party. The question seemed to be about Republicans and Democrats. The Trump party seems more anti establishment and characterized by "a pox on both houses."
The facts disagree with you, don't blame me. The GOP didn't want Trump so hell yes he and his supporters are more anti-establishment. The Dems had a lot of disenfranchised Bernie supporters to contend with so it was not a simple party matter.

Sounds like you have a need to disagree with me even when I am agreeing with you. And I am certainly not blaming you for anything, so sorry you feel blamed. The question in this thread was about Dems and Repubs. Not about the new directions in both parties, which I completely agree with you about.
Pubs = really bad

Dems = even more really bad

I think you are suppose to rotate that daily.
I suppose in fact that may happen often.

I hope the women's movement forces both parties to realign.
Both parties desperately need something. Maybe women can make the difference.

Neither party is the same as when I first became eligible to vote. The Republican party has moved the furthest from the party I joined in 1974. The party of Barry "Mr. Conservative" Goldwater doesn't exist anymore. It's been replaced by RW Democrats: Authoritarians who believe an elite should dictate to others how to live, what to do and what to believe.
Both parties desperately need something. Maybe women can make the difference.

Neither party is the same as when I first became eligible to vote. The Republican party has moved the furthest from the party I joined in 1974. The party of Barry "Mr. Conservative" Goldwater doesn't exist anymore. It's been replaced by RW Democrats: Authoritarians who believe an elite should dictate to others how to live, what to do and what to believe.

I see that in the left.
Both parties desperately need something. Maybe women can make the difference.

Neither party is the same as when I first became eligible to vote. The Republican party has moved the furthest from the party I joined in 1974. The party of Barry "Mr. Conservative" Goldwater doesn't exist anymore. It's been replaced by RW Democrats: Authoritarians who believe an elite should dictate to others how to live, what to do and what to believe.

I see that in the left.
The American Left has been elitist since FDR. It slowed for a bit until JFK. Not that JFK was necessarily elitist, but he brought the "modern" idea of having "experts" run the country to the forefront along with the idea of going to the Moon. The idea first came about with the success of the Manhattan Project, which not only ended the war, but made the US a superpower. After the war, the idea waned. To counter the threat of a "Communist Moon", JFK brought it back. His martyrdom made the idea of elite experts dictating how the country should be run a permanent fixture of the Democratic party.
Strictly Rep. Vs Dems. it's whatever rhetoric they happen to adopt at the time. Our two party system is junk.

Libs. are more likely to accept changes, even when dumb and foolish. Never much cared for the saying "change is good". No, it's really not.......Only good change is good. Libs are also easier to exploit. Think I'm wrong? Ha........I won't get into it, but history says I'm right.
There is nothing ideological about making power the sole purpose of existence. As the two party dictatorship only serves that, no genuine difference exists. Otherwise, the minute differences could go on forever, or at least until a comatose state overtook the listener.
Neither of the dominant and dominating parties is going to provide what is needed. People with the capacity to reason, analyze and decide, individuals with fuller consciousness, have to emerge in large numbers at the 'grass roots' level. Eyes open, they need to forget the stifling political past and see what works for humanity, not for élites.
No, TheDude, real history does not.

Is that right? You might explain that to Jews for starters. They know all the fuck about it. Nazi Germany is one of MANY examples.

Hint, who feeds you BS narratives via the media and Hollywood every day? Who are they MOST likely to convince?

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