EXPOSED: Komen VP Targeted Planned Parenthood

That's great! Keep it coming, you're really scoring points and proving those who support abortion aren't really eugenecists after all...
in what fashion? this is rather broad...

sorry my kid was being a pill....naptime he gets cranky.

This must be the place where you play dumb,

IN every fashion of her pregnancy.

You do know there are certain things she should and shouldn't do. Does she feel obligated to do the things needed in order to carry her child to full term and ultimately give birth to a helalthy child.

I'll be back tomorrow for your answer. I gotta run catch a plane!!

play dumb? I just wanted you to give more details into your question.

Um yeah she wants the child. Whats your point here?

The question was rather simple but I understand your reluctance to answer it.

Does your wife have any obligation to the life that's living inside her?

Is she obligated to conduct herself in a manner as to not jeopardize the safety of her unborn child?

Is the life that's living inside her human?
They aren't trap doors. They are questions. They put you in a bad light because there is no way, if you are truthful, to paint your ideology in a GOOD light.

Eugenics is evil. Abortion is killing babies. That's the long and short of it.
No what? Eugenics isn't evil? Abortion isn't killing babies? Or something else?

Like I said, oppressive dicks like you avoid the questions because you know you're scum.
play dumb? I just wanted you to give more details into your question.

Um yeah she wants the child. Whats your point here?

The question was rather simple but I understand your reluctance to answer it.

Does your wife have any obligation to the life that's living inside her?

Is she obligated to conduct herself in a manner as to not jeopardize the safety of her unborn child?

Is the life that's living inside her human?

Nothing is ever simple and typically these are trap questions that one uses in order to try to paint the debater in a bad light.with that i wanted you to flesh out your questions better.

Since we are keeping said baby, naturally she is being safe with it. We would like to have it come out normal.

Its a potential life that takes 9 months to form into a child. Right now its just potential.

She has the obligation to her safety and health regardless of being pregnant or not.

Potential life? According to the "Basics of Biology" life begins at conception. You going to argue with biology? Produce documentation from a biologist that claims life does not begin at conception.

And of course she will do what it takes to insure the life she carries comes out normal.
No what? Eugenics isn't evil? Abortion isn't killing babies? Or something else?

Like I said, oppressive dicks like you avoid the questions because you know you're scum.

oppressive? are you fucking retarded? the only oppressive people here are people like you.

I might like the idea of eugenics but i wouldnt force it on people. Nor would i force a woman to have a baby she didnt want.

I answered his questions, i never have an issue answering a question.

the end result is you cant mind your own business and shut the fuck up.

I'm not oppressive at all. Abortion is a human rights violation, and propagandizing it, pushing it at populations that you want decreased, is eugenics in its purest form.

You are oppressive scum. You've already shown it all through this thread, and you'll continue to show it, because it's who you are.
No what? Eugenics isn't evil? Abortion isn't killing babies? Or something else?

Like I said, oppressive dicks like you avoid the questions because you know you're scum.

oppressive? are you fucking retarded? the only oppressive people here are people like you.

I might like the idea of eugenics but i wouldnt force it on people. Nor would i force a woman to have a baby she didnt want.

I answered his questions, i never have an issue answering a question.

the end result is you cant mind your own business and shut the fuck up.

If you like the idea of eugenics then by definition you like the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population. Either of which would include encouraging and/or forcing people to adopt the same mind-set.
"In 1960, Blacker's proposal was adopted by the Eugenics Society. A resolution which was accepted stated (in part):
"The Society's activities in crypto-eugenics should be pursued vigorously, and specifically that the Society should increase its monetary support of the FPA [Family Planning Association, the English branch of Planned Parenthood] and the IPPF [International Planned Parenthood Federation] and should make contact with the Society for the Study of Human Biology, which already has a strong and active membership, to find out if any relevant projects are contemplated with which the Eugenics Society could assist."
"At the time this resolution was adopted by the Eugenics Society, Blacker was the Administrative Chairman of IPPF. When IPPF was founded in 1952, it was housed in the offices of the Eugenics Society.
"The dominant figure in the eugenics movement in the United States, considered by the English to be a model of crypto-eugenics, was Major General Frederick Osborn, a master propagandist. In 1956, he said people "won't accept the idea that they are in general, second rate. We must rely on other motivation." He called the new motivation "a system of voluntary unconscious selection." The way to persuade people to exercise this voluntary unconscious selection was to appeal to the idea of "wanted" children. Osborn said, "Let's base our proposals on the desirability of having children born in homes where they will get affectionate and responsible care." In this way, the eugenics movement "will move at last towards the high goal which Galton set for it."
Osborn stated the public relations problem bluntly: "Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics." He pointed to genetic counseling as a prime example: "Heredity clinics are the first eugenic proposals that have been adopted in a practical form and accepted by the public. ... The word eugenics is not associated with them."

Eugenics, Population Control, Racism, Birth Control
Nothing is ever simple and typically these are trap questions that one uses in order to try to paint the debater in a bad light.with that i wanted you to flesh out your questions better.

Since we are keeping said baby, naturally she is being safe with it. We would like to have it come out normal.

Its a potential life that takes 9 months to form into a child. Right now its just potential.

She has the obligation to her safety and health regardless of being pregnant or not.

Potential life? According to the "Basics of Biology" life begins at conception. You going to argue with biology? Produce documentation from a biologist that claims life does not begin at conception.

And of course she will do what it takes to insure the life she carries comes out normal.

No you think life begins at conception. A lump of cells that mutate over time to become a fetus is not life. Its a lump of cells that mutate into life.

Nice fail though. Almost got that one through.

Right because at even 7 months you could pop the baby out and it might survive outside the womb. ( im not sure what the earliest fetus being born is.)

Lets pretend you are right and life begins at conception and it is a fetus etc etc etc. So what? Its still not your place to say anything. Nobody asked you for it, nobody wanted it in the first place. Go live your life and mind your own business.

Sadly i think minding your own business is something you have difficulty controling.

This is an interesting insight into Plasma's ignorance...a zygote doesn't "mutate". It DEVELOPS. At conception, the stage is a zygote, then an embryo, then a don't even know the terms you're using.

I imagine you're one of those who believes in ignoring women screaming on the street as they're being strangled by their boyfriends, too. After all, it's none of your business. It probably would give you a little thrill, just as the thought of women getting abortions no doubt gives you a little thrill. All that power...power over life and death, power over a woman. It's quite intoxicating to eugenecist monsters.
oppressive? are you fucking retarded? the only oppressive people here are people like you.

I might like the idea of eugenics but i wouldnt force it on people. Nor would i force a woman to have a baby she didnt want.

I answered his questions, i never have an issue answering a question.

the end result is you cant mind your own business and shut the fuck up.

If you like the idea of eugenics then by definition you like the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population. Either of which would include encouraging and/or forcing people to adopt the same mind-set.

I like the idea of controlling a population when it is needed. Like say over in India or china where they have over a billion people and limited resources.

We are damn lucky those 2 billion all dont drive cars and use up natural resources like we do.

I can see the benefits to it and i can see the draw backs of the control aspects. Its fun to talk about, but not something to take very seriously right now. Unless you are Koshergirl and are a moron.

Yes, I'm the substandard. You admire the application of eugenics in China, where infanticide is common, and where women can be imprisoned and executed for refusing to abort their children, and where forced abortion is COMMON....

And I'm the moron.
You're made up of cells, too. So is my desk, your drinking cup, and the plant growing in the corner.

Obviously, you're too ignorant to be participating in this conversation in any real way.
Potential life? According to the "Basics of Biology" life begins at conception. You going to argue with biology? Produce documentation from a biologist that claims life does not begin at conception.

And of course she will do what it takes to insure the life she carries comes out normal.

No you think life begins at conception. A lump of cells that mutate over time to become a fetus is not life. Its a lump of cells that mutate into life.

Nice fail though. Almost got that one through.

Right because at even 7 months you could pop the baby out and it might survive outside the womb. ( im not sure what the earliest fetus being born is.)

Lets pretend you are right and life begins at conception and it is a fetus etc etc etc. So what? Its still not your place to say anything. Nobody asked you for it, nobody wanted it in the first place. Go live your life and mind your own business.

Sadly i think minding your own business is something you have difficulty controling.

This is an interesting insight into Plasma's ignorance...a zygote doesn't "mutate". It DEVELOPS. At conception, the stage is a zygote, then an embryo, then a don't even know the terms you're using.

I imagine you're one of those who believes in ignoring women screaming on the street as they're being strangled by their boyfriends, too. After all, it's none of your business. It probably would give you a little thrill, just as the thought of women getting abortions no doubt gives you a little thrill. All that power...power over life and death, power over a woman. It's quite intoxicating to eugenecist monsters.

please allie, it's eugenicist.
Nothing is ever simple and typically these are trap questions that one uses in order to try to paint the debater in a bad light.with that i wanted you to flesh out your questions better.

Since we are keeping said baby, naturally she is being safe with it. We would like to have it come out normal.

Its a potential life that takes 9 months to form into a child. Right now its just potential.

She has the obligation to her safety and health regardless of being pregnant or not.

Potential life? According to the "Basics of Biology" life begins at conception. You going to argue with biology? Produce documentation from a biologist that claims life does not begin at conception.

And of course she will do what it takes to insure the life she carries comes out normal.

No you think life begins at conception. A lump of cells that mutate over time to become a fetus is not life. Its a lump of cells that mutate into life.

Nice fail though. Almost got that one through.

Right because at even 7 months you could pop the baby out and it might survive outside the womb. ( im not sure what the earliest fetus being born is.)

Lets pretend you are right and life begins at conception and it is a fetus etc etc etc. So what? Its still not your place to say anything. Nobody asked you for it, nobody wanted it in the first place. Go live your life and mind your own business.

Sadly i think minding your own business is something you have difficulty controling.

Like I said produce documentation from notable biologists that state life does not begin at conception.

Mind my own business coming from a person that likes the idea of eugenics? That's rich!

Hypocrite much?
No you think life begins at conception. A lump of cells that mutate over time to become a fetus is not life. Its a lump of cells that mutate into life.

Nice fail though. Almost got that one through.

Right because at even 7 months you could pop the baby out and it might survive outside the womb. ( im not sure what the earliest fetus being born is.)

Lets pretend you are right and life begins at conception and it is a fetus etc etc etc. So what? Its still not your place to say anything. Nobody asked you for it, nobody wanted it in the first place. Go live your life and mind your own business.

Sadly i think minding your own business is something you have difficulty controling.

Like I said produce documentation from notable biologists that state life does not begin at conception.

Mind my own business coming from a person that likes the idea of eugenics? That's rich!

Hypocrite much?

Yes mind your own business. Yeah i like the idea, but like i said its not something i would do in practice. Its fun to debate. You people really like to lie about other peoples opinions huh? I guess thats all you really have though. Seeing how you know you should shut up and its not your body.

The fertilized egg is not a human life : Pharyngula

have fun.....

Like controlling a population of which you are for is minding one's own business. :cuckoo:

You're a walking contradiction.
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Actually, you said you LIKED THE IDEA but it wasn't ripe for implementation RIGHT NOW.

Eugenecist. Nazi. Scum.
And you said you DID think it should be in place in places like China and India (apparently you are unaware that it is in place in China, and a more disgusting piece of human rights violations doesn't exist in the entire world).

"Fun to think about"


Yeqing Ji from Shanghai, China, will most likely not be able to have children after she said two forced abortions physically impaired her uterus.
The story of Ji and others who say they sufferered from abuses were shared at three separate congressional hearings this week about human rights in China, including one hearing regarding a new bill to prohibit entrance to the U.S. of human rights offenders from China."
Woman in China Said Two Forced Abortions Leaves Her Unable to Have More Children - ABC News
""I like the idea of controlling a population when it is needed. Like say over in India or china where they have over a billion people and limited resources.

We are damn lucky those 2 billion all dont drive cars and use up natural resources like we do.

I can see the benefits to it and i can see the draw backs of the control aspects. Its fun to talk about, but not something to take very seriously right now. Unless you are Koshergirl and are a moron. "

Liar. You said it.

As I said, eugenecists and butchers count on lies and propaganda to push their oppressive agenda.

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