EXPOSED: Komen VP Targeted Planned Parenthood

Definitions are not scientific facts. You fully well know that common language "definitions" are based on nothing more than the way people speak, and that they do NOTHING to establish scientific information.


Atom | Define Atom at
the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element, consisting of a nucleus containing combinations of neutrons and protons and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus by electrical attraction; the number of protons determines the identity of the element.
There's a definition that is a scientific fact. Do you disagree?
It's painfully clear that liberals will go to any length to support the taking of an innocent human life. Which actually shows their hypocrisy when most liberals are against the death penalty which takes a life of the guilty.

So apparently they are more interesting in protecting the life of the guilty than that of the innocent.

For women who demand complete control of their body, control should include preventing the risk of unwanted pregnancy through the responsible use of contraception or, if that is not possible, through abstinence.

And about Planned Parenthood, I have shown many instances where they disregarded the law, but the left simply ignored it. Which is typically the case.

According to Tait Sye, national spokeswoman of Planned Parenthood, 63 of the more than 800 Planned Parenthood facilities in America provide the option of prenatal care to pregnant clients—that’s 7.8% of the clinics. On the other hand, 321 of the clinics—about 40%— provide abortion services, and every one refers for abortion, according to Planned Parenthood’s website.

Perhaps the most blatant display of Planned Parenthood’s abortion-first agenda can be found by looking into the types of services they provide pregnant clients— 332,278 (97.6%) of Planned Parenthood’s pregnant clients obtain abortions, while 7,021 (2.1%) of them received prenatal care, and 977 (.3%) did adoption referrals through Planned Parenthood.

Less Than 8% of Planned Parenthoods Provide Prenatal Care, 40% Do Abortions
Abortion is legal...and will remain so.

We don't have an abortion problem, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem. My goal as a pro-choice liberal is to decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies. The only way to do that is through education and contraceptives...which is what PP provides.

Atom | Define Atom at
the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element, consisting of a nucleus containing combinations of neutrons and protons and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus by electrical attraction; the number of protons determines the identity of the element.
There's a definition that is a scientific fact. Do you disagree?

The facts are established via a scientific process of discovery. Definitions are not established in this way. Definitions, as used in common language, are established based on common usage. As a "scientific fact" the above definition of an "atom" is vague at best. For example, the chemical properties of an atom are primarily determined by the number of electrons. Yet, based on the definition you've provided, it's the number of protons. Also, not all atomic nuclei contain neutrons. And then there are isotopes of the "same" element, which have different atomic structures and behave in different ways from each other. Then, there's the matter of molecular elements, like oxygen, which are not very stable in atomic form and are rarely found unless in molecular form. Your vague definition would give us reason to challenge whether a single oxygen atom is actually the smallest component of oxygen, or whether the oxygen molecule constitutes such a description.

Anyone with a basic understanding of logic understands the importance of definition, and applying definitions properly. Simply deciding to define "embryo" as a human being does not make it so and does not constitute any form of scientific evidence.

By Laura Bassett

WASHINGTON -- Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the nation's leading anti-breast-cancer charity, has insisted that its since-reversed decision to pull funding from Planned Parenthood arose from a routine change in criteria for grant eligibility that had nothing to do with abortion politics.

But a Komen insider told HuffPost on Sunday that Karen Handel, Komen's staunchly anti-abortion vice president for public policy, was the main force behind the decision to defund Planned Parenthood and the attempt to make that decision look nonpolitical.

"Karen Handel was the prime instigator of this effort, and she herself personally came up with investigation criteria," the source, who requested anonymity for professional reasons, told HuffPost. "She said, 'If we just say it's about investigations, we can defund Planned Parenthood and no one can blame us for being political.'"

Emails between Komen leadership on the day the Planned Parenthood decision was announced, which were reviewed by HuffPost under the condition they not be published, confirm the source's description of Handel's sole "authority" in crafting and implementing the Planned Parenthood policy.

Handel's strategy to cut off Planned Parenthood involved drafting new guidelines that would prevent Komen from funding any organization that was under investigation by local, state or federal authorities. Since Planned Parenthood is currently the target of a congressional inquiry prompted by House Republicans into the way it uses government funds, the family planning provider would have been immediately disqualified from receiving new Komen grants.

After the initial uproar when news of the decision broke, the story that Komen told the public was that the cut-off was unrelated to a political agenda against Planned Parenthood.

Karen Handel, Susan G. Komen's Anti-Abortion VP, Drove Decision To Defund Planned Parenthood

Komen Cuts Planned Parenthood Grants Months After Arrival Of New VP, Who Is Abortion Foe

Kill all of your children you wish. Just dont use tax payer money.

Its that simple.

I learned long ago but, Question… if I set the bar real low on numbers, based on these ref: (please not perfect)
Societal attitudes towards abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abortion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Say it’s a 50/50 split pro. vs pro.. No, I will go down to 35% of all tax payer (Pro-Choice) will say Yea! to clear cut Roe v Wade support of legal abortion. I will stipulate to the current laws, and best action for medical under direction of a doctor in this matter. With this as a baseline and a shit load of tax payer funds involving this issue only, I think we are or maybe over zealous with wanting to say no tax dollars being used, No? If, you are suggesting that your opinion or demand is that all tax dollars (or just the funds in the abortion issue)are at your/(Pro-Life) direction to dictate its use only? I don’t follow this to well, Tax payer money for personal women health issue, Hmm. Personal issue on tax payer money? Hmm. ok. And all directly affect use of these funds by the 35% of pro-choice women, and to their detriment in some cases as to a women issue of personal health with said funds that are unavailable?

Just a little short on seeing this view point clearly “Kill all of your children you wish. Just don’t use tax payer money.” The percent that desire this medical service and want it. As I would like to cut-off all (cost) like medical service like too, Lifer’s (the locked in jail kind), limiting 5 up to 50 timers to same as the uninsured addressing medical needs. We won’t get into the overall local, state cost in education, welfare, medical in or out of jail etc., and also say first 18yrs of children of the poor life, on top the this issue of abortion cost to tax payer. Is it really that simple still? As the 35% of women do and want the service available and will happily cover the whole tax payer cost with their portions of their tax payer funds. Why the round and around over tax dollar or portion thereof ?

This may just be an interpersonal struggle, and much ,much more suffering by others in their personal lives is required just to have choices?... Maybe. I’m just a slow learner, and new here Hmm… I am just a little too, simple to follow all of this stuff.

BTW… But, I like killing baby’s to whatever level save my portion of tax payer money. Do you have any baking spares around I can help with? As I am wanting to get my first confirmed kill outside of my own Unplanned Parenthood, and it would be really cool, and I could mount the sacrum, llium collection on my wall and throw darts at it..:scared1:
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Please link where he did that.

Same old shit... defend your own... You know damned well that any time anyone posts a link to Huffpo, thinkprogress, or any other "non-Conservative approved" source, you guys play the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkeys... almost without exception.

If it doesn't come from a source that you approve of... it's propaganda. That's the brainwashing that the Murdochs and the Kochs have done to you... "if it ain't us... it's false".
R v W was not constitutional. The Supreme Court is composed of humans, and humans are frequently wrong.

Sorry, as a real American, I don't place complete faith in institutions just because they represent the state. I save that sort of reverence for God alone.
Good grief. Talk about nuts.

yes you authoritative type assholes tend to be nuts. That is a given.

I'll make sure to pay for an abortion in your name someday.

I've no doubt you've paid for a few. Most of the most adamant defenders of the necessity of killing babies and butchering women defend it because they like to impose it upon others.

Sex offenders, child molesters, abusive get the picture. People like you.

You can sit there and say "Fail" at everything someone puts up... however the United States SUPREME COURT... you know, the highest court in the land?... deemed Roe v Wade to be CONSTITUTIONAL.... so your OPINION means nothing... or next to nothing.

Abortion is the taking of an innocent life and it's not an opinion, it's a fact.

Roe v Wade can be overturned. Man made that ruling and man can change it.

You can sit there and say "Fail" at everything someone puts up... however the United States SUPREME COURT... you know, the highest court in the land?... deemed Roe v Wade to be CONSTITUTIONAL.... so your OPINION means nothing... or next to nothing.

the fun thing is with him stating fail, it means he doesn't like the 14th, which makes sure twats like him can't infringe on my liberties. HE doesn't want liberty, pro-life people never do, they want it their way or nothing else

So the taking of an innocent life is protecting liberty? :cuckoo:
And it's a woman's RIGHT to be butchered in the name of liberty! She should be grateful, goddamnit! Having your uterus scraped and your baby tossed in the trash is a PRIVILEGE!
No, the one in the womb doesn't know I'm wrong because the one in the womb, using your logic, doesn't know or feel anything at all, and your wife or whatever can opt to ignore your wishes and kill him at any time, and be perfectly within her rights to do so.

I know an abortion clinic that would gladly abort her, even days from delivery. Shall I send you the address?

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