EXPOSED: Komen VP Targeted Planned Parenthood

Be anti abortion all you want.

quit being anti choice.

That is negative

Hey stupid.... pro-choice = pro-abortion.

Not true at all. I know many people who would never ever have an abortion (myself included) but do not believe we have the RIGHT to tell others to follow our personal CHOICE.

Yes it is true. You support a persons choice to have an abortion.

While it is certainly true that a woman’s body is greatly impacted by pregnancy, it is not true that abortion is simply a matter of her choosing to do something with her body. The fetus growing within her womb is a separate person with its own distinct genetic makeup. Abortion does not remove some part of the woman’s body; it destroys the body of a separate, unique individual.

We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among those is LIFE.

“Fetus” is a Latin term meaning “little one”, used to describe a stage of development, just like “infant” or “adult”. A fetus conceived by human parents, and growing according to the instructions in its own genetic code of 46 human chromosomes, is by definition human.
BTW 3 percent of what they do is perform over 329,000 abortions in 2010 according to their 2010 annual report.
And that is 329,000 fewer kids born in to welfare that you don't have to pay for with your taxes.

I thought "conservatives" were in favour of less people on welfare. Now you're not?

Leave it to a liberal to justify the ending of an innocent life.

But using your logic, to end poverty and those on welfare we should kill all the poor people.

You are one stupid fuck!!
BTW 3 percent of what they do is perform over 329,000 abortions in 2010 according to their 2010 annual report.
And that is 329,000 fewer kids born in to welfare that you don't have to pay for with your taxes.

I thought "conservatives" were in favour of less people on welfare. Now you're not?

Leave it to a liberal to justify the ending of an innocent life.

But using your logic, to end poverty and those on welfare we should kill all the poor people.

You are one stupid fuck!!

Uhm, no. You're talking about people and I'm talking about embryos. Big difference.

Anyway, I'm merely pointing out that if we follow what you want, it would lead to more people swelling the ranks of welfare, and I thought you were in favour of shrinking that number.

But maybe I was wrong. So, you want more people on welfare then?
"She said, 'If we just say it's about investigations, we can defund Planned Parenthood and no one can blame us for being political.'"

She wanted to defund breast exams for poor women while continuing to fund Penn State who is under investigation for child abuse.

So, its okay to abuse kids but not okay to fund health care for the poor. Like the catholic church, she/they care more about fetuses than they care about children.

The dirtiest secret about abortion is that 2/3 of all American abortions are medically necessary and involve women who would have otherwise carried to term. Abortion IS women's health care. Abortion saves women's lives. It is absurd and very dangerous to try and separate one important aspect of women's healthcare from the rest. Would we ever tell a cancer clinic they may not carry a defibrilla*tor or other cardiac gear and medicine?
I wonder how many anti-choice "conservatives" are in favour of gay couples being allowed to adopt. Seems it would be hypocritical if they weren't in favour of it.
And that is 329,000 fewer kids born in to welfare that you don't have to pay for with your taxes.

I thought "conservatives" were in favour of less people on welfare. Now you're not?

Leave it to a liberal to justify the ending of an innocent life.

But using your logic, to end poverty and those on welfare we should kill all the poor people.

You are one stupid fuck!!

Uhm, no. You're talking about people and I'm talking about embryos. Big difference.

Anyway, I'm merely pointing out that if we follow what you want, it would lead to more people swelling the ranks of welfare, and I thought you were in favour of shrinking that number.

But maybe I was wrong. So, you want more people on welfare then?

You said " that is 329,000 fewer kids born in to welfare ".
Leave it to a liberal to justify the ending of an innocent life.

But using your logic, to end poverty and those on welfare we should kill all the poor people.

You are one stupid fuck!!

Uhm, no. You're talking about people and I'm talking about embryos. Big difference.

Anyway, I'm merely pointing out that if we follow what you want, it would lead to more people swelling the ranks of welfare, and I thought you were in favour of shrinking that number.

But maybe I was wrong. So, you want more people on welfare then?

You said " that is 329,000 fewer kids born in to welfare ".

Yeah, so? Once they're born their a kid. Before that they aren't. They're a zygote or embryo or fetus.

Did you take any biology classes in school?
So what? I don't get the connection. Why should an organization dedicated to curing breast cancer be required to contribute to an organization dedicated to killing the unborn?
Only the naive and stupid would speak in such absolutes and deny facts presented.

Does the federal government help fund PP?

Does PP perform abortions?

If the answers to both of these are "yes", then I am right and you are wrong.

do you say stupid things?

are you stupid?

If the answers to both of these are "yes", then I am right and you are wrong.


you have zero evidence any federal money paid for any abortions. All you have is your own bias speculation. PP says zero federal dollars go towards abortions. So its your opinion vs their word.

good ole internet, where peoples opinions trump reality.

Fact. More abortions are performed by PP than any other agency.

Fact. PP receives more federal funding than any other agency.

PP has a lot to lose if they admit they use federal dollars to fund abortions. Fact is they do use federal dollars. Fact is their main function is performing abortions. This is well, known and well documented. But hey, keep your naive ass in the dark and pretend it's not true.
Uhm, no. You're talking about people and I'm talking about embryos. Big difference.

Anyway, I'm merely pointing out that if we follow what you want, it would lead to more people swelling the ranks of welfare, and I thought you were in favour of shrinking that number.

But maybe I was wrong. So, you want more people on welfare then?

You said " that is 329,000 fewer kids born in to welfare ".

Yeah, so? Once they're born their a kid. Before that they aren't. They're a zygote or embryo or fetus.

Did you take any biology classes in school?

Yes and in biology, it states that life begins at conception.

A scientific textbook called “Basics of Biology” gives five characteristics of living things; these five criteria are found in all modern elementary scientific textbooks:

1. Living things are highly organized.

2. All living things have an ability to acquire materials and energy.

3. All living things have an ability to respond to their environment.

4. All living things have an ability to reproduce.

5. All living things have an ability to adapt.

According to this elementary definition of life, life begins at fertilization, when a sperm unites with an oocyte. From this moment, the being is highly organized, has the ability to acquire materials and energy, has the ability to respond to his or her environment, has the ability to adapt, and has the ability to reproduce (the cells divide, then divide again, etc., and barring pathology and pending reproductive maturity has the potential to reproduce other members of the species). Non-living things do not do these things. Even before the mother is aware that she is pregnant, a distinct, unique life has begun his or her existence inside her.

Furthermore, that life is unquestionably human. A human being is a member of the species homo sapiens. Human beings are products of conception, which is when a human male sperm unites with a human female oocyte (egg). When humans procreate, they don’t make non-humans like slugs, monkeys, cactuses, bacteria, or any such thing. Emperically-verifiable proof is as close as your nearest abortion clinic: send a sample of an aborted fetus to a laboratory and have them test the DNA to see if its human or not. Genetically, a new human being comes into existence from the earliest moment of conception.
So very admirable. Most people have to worry about feeding their kids these days though.

Would you continue to work for an organization where there was an anti-gay bias?

There is a difference between working for a company and a company who happens to hire someone who is anti-whatever..

Yet in the case of SGK, we've heard people claim they have an overall right-wing Christian slant...
You said " that is 329,000 fewer kids born in to welfare ".

Yeah, so? Once they're born their a kid. Before that they aren't. They're a zygote or embryo or fetus.

Did you take any biology classes in school?

Yes and in biology, it states that life begins at conception.

A scientific textbook called “Basics of Biology” gives five characteristics of living things; these five criteria are found in all modern elementary scientific textbooks:

1. Living things are highly organized.

2. All living things have an ability to acquire materials and energy.

3. All living things have an ability to respond to their environment.

4. All living things have an ability to reproduce.

5. All living things have an ability to adapt.

According to this elementary definition of life, life begins at fertilization, when a sperm unites with an oocyte. From this moment, the being is highly organized, has the ability to acquire materials and energy, has the ability to respond to his or her environment, has the ability to adapt, and has the ability to reproduce (the cells divide, then divide again, etc., and barring pathology and pending reproductive maturity has the potential to reproduce other members of the species). Non-living things do not do these things. Even before the mother is aware that she is pregnant, a distinct, unique life has begun his or her existence inside her.

Furthermore, that life is unquestionably human. A human being is a member of the species homo sapiens. Human beings are products of conception, which is when a human male sperm unites with a human female oocyte (egg). When humans procreate, they don’t make non-humans like slugs, monkeys, cactuses, bacteria, or any such thing. Emperically-verifiable proof is as close as your nearest abortion clinic: send a sample of an aborted fetus to a laboratory and have them test the DNA to see if its human or not. Genetically, a new human being comes into existence from the earliest moment of conception.

Except, of course, two glaring problems.

2) Up until about the last trimester, an embryo cannot acquire materials and energy. Not on its own. If it is separated from the mother it will not survive. Ever. Period.
3) Zygotes do not respond to their environment. Not any more than skin cells do and we all agree skin cells do not have rights.

So by your definition, before the last trimester, it's not a human life. It's living human material, sure, but that's not the same now is it?

Beside this, you haven't addresses my two questions. Are you in favour of more people on welfare? And are you in favour of gay couples being able to adopt?
My food stamp reply was funny and original. You have no sense of humor.

Sorry, it wasn't funny...

You tried, though...

I'll still donate to an organization that does a lot of good...

If you don't mind funding abortions, then go for it.

It doesn't...

I understand the anger for reversing their decision, and initially I blamed them for caving...

But they really didn't change their policy... The money for PP was already allocated and wasn't being stopped - even initially... All future funding by SGK to any organization IS going to be scrutinized for practices that are in line with what the foundation believes... If they determine that PP is not the best use of their funds, then they won't get anything from them... PP is NOT guarenteed future funding and we'll have to see what the future brings...

The organization as a whole does lots of good things... I'm not going to throw them under the bus because of a media soundbite or two...
Only the naive and stupid would speak in such absolutes and deny facts presented.

Does the federal government help fund PP?

Does PP perform abortions?

If the answers to both of these are "yes", then I am right and you are wrong.

Only in your black and white world... a world devoid of variables. A world where A+B always equals C.

Does PP use Federal funds in the performance of abortions? No... they don't. They diligently keep their abortion clinics separate from the other services they provide. What you want to do is(figuratively speaking) throw the baby out with the bath water. 97% of what Planned Parenthood does has NOTHING to do with abortions and actually saves lives everyday. All you want to focus on is the 3% of what they do that you don't agree with.

yeah, but he hates women and doesn't think we should have health care or protect our constitutional rights.

what a pissant.
Sorry, it wasn't funny...

You tried, though...

I'll still donate to an organization that does a lot of good...

If you don't mind funding abortions, then go for it.

It doesn't...

I understand the anger for reversing their decision, and initially I blamed them for caving...

But they really didn't change their policy... The money for PP was already allocated and wasn't being stopped - even initially... All future funding by SGK to any organization IS going to be scrutinized for practices that are in line with what the foundation believes... If they determine that PP is not the best use of their funds, then they won't get anything from them... PP is NOT guarenteed future funding and we'll have to see what the future brings...

The organization as a whole does lots of good things... I'm not going to throw them under the bus because of a media soundbite or two...

which organization? komen or planned parenthood?

your observation would be true of both.
We see the board troll is all outraged again.

you liberals are jokes..."Freedoms of choice" you spout is only good when it applies to you or something you like

Komen can donate to anyone they want without your permission.

you're so concerned about PP, DONATE all your saving to them then shut the hell up about Komen

scratch a liberal find a fascist.

What the fuck is your issue? What are you babbling about? You're right about one thing: Komen can donate to whomever they want. It so happens that Komen wants to donate to Planned Parenthood. So what's your issue? Sit down and shut the fuck up.
not a matter of means. If I am so diametrically opposed to a corporate decision that I am willing to make it public, I would also no longer be willing to work for said company. I have the courage of my convictions, hardships not withstanding.

So very admirable. Most people have to worry about feeding their kids these days though.

Would you continue to work for an organization where there was an anti-gay bias?

I was career tell me.
If you don't mind funding abortions, then go for it.

It doesn't...

I understand the anger for reversing their decision, and initially I blamed them for caving...

But they really didn't change their policy... The money for PP was already allocated and wasn't being stopped - even initially... All future funding by SGK to any organization IS going to be scrutinized for practices that are in line with what the foundation believes... If they determine that PP is not the best use of their funds, then they won't get anything from them... PP is NOT guarenteed future funding and we'll have to see what the future brings...

The organization as a whole does lots of good things... I'm not going to throw them under the bus because of a media soundbite or two...

which organization? komen or planned parenthood?

your observation would be true of both.

SGK... I don't support the main function and purpose of PP...

Others are free to do so, but I don't...

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