Expulsion of the Germans from many countries after 1944 and 1945

Yes you idiot because Russia had just cause, Israel has started every war since they were extablished, the only one they didn't start was the yom kipur war, and that was Egypt and Syria trying to take back land Israel had stolen.
Ukraine did not attack Russia. Russia attacked Ukraine. Israel was attacked in 1948, in 1973, and threatened in 1967. Each time the Jews were threatened with annihilation.

Russia is the largest country in the world. Russia should stop fearing imaginary threats, and behave like a decent world citizen. The threat of fascism does not come from the democratic West, but from Russia.
Yes you idiot because Russia had just cause, Israel has started every war since they were extablished, the only one they didn't start was the yom kipur war, and that was Egypt and Syria trying to take back land Israel had stolen.
Russian bot school did not educate you well. Hardly any Americans take the side of Russia. If you want to sound convincing to Americans who oppose American support for Ukraine say that we should protect our southern border instead of Ukraine.
Ukraine did not attack Russia. Russia attacked Ukraine. Israel was attacked in 1948, in 1973, and threatened in 1967. Each time the Jews were threatened with annihilation.

Russia is the largest country in the world. Russia should stop fearing imaginary threats, and behave like a decent world citizen. The threat of fascism does not come from the democratic West, but from Russia.
Democratic West my arse.
No, but my Dad robbed a German couple at gunpoint for a bottle of wine when he was stationed there right after the war. But he felt bad about it later, and went back and paid them for it.
My Dad killed Germans during the war. Landed on Omaha Beach and served until the war was over.

Never indicated that he felt bad about it.

However, I think that if he had done what your Dad did he would have also felt bad about it.

Kudos to your Dad for doing the right thing.
We hear much of "illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank."

How are they illegal? If so called "international law" prohibits the settlements, where was international law in 1967 when Egypt threatened to destroy Israel?

If Israeli leaders signed any legal documents forbidding the annexation and ethnic cleansing of land conquered in a just war, those leaders, or their successors should erase their names from the documents. The West Bank, the Golan Heights, and even Gaza should be formally annexed, ethnically cleansed of Palestinians, and settled with Jews.

The Jews need living space to settle in and prosper. The Children of Israel should be allowed to live in the land of Israel.
Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen when Israel attacked.

They only settled there because the Nazis invaded.

Are you saying the whole Lebensraum program was fake?

Hitler used the excuse of Germans living in those countries being mistreated, as a pretext to attack. Like Putin was only protecting the poor, innocent Russians in Ukraine.
Hitler used the excuse of Germans living in those countries being mistreated, as a pretext to attack. Like Putin was only protecting the poor, innocent Russians in Ukraine.
Difference is you idiot in Russia's case it's true, didn't you see the pogrom in Odessa when people were burned alive and 8 years of Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk and other parts of Donbass, of course you did and probably support the Nazi terror.
We hear much of "illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank."

How are they illegal? If so called "international law" prohibits the settlements, where was international law in 1967 when Egypt threatened to destroy Israel?

If Israeli leaders signed any legal documents forbidding the annexation and ethnic cleansing of land conquered in a just war, those leaders, or their successors should erase their names from the documents. The West Bank, the Golan Heights, and even Gaza should be formally annexed, ethnically cleansed of Palestinians, and settled with Jews.

The Jews need living space to settle in and prosper. The Children of Israel should be allowed to live in the land of Israel.
The Holy Land Was Hollow Until the Jews Returned
Difference is you idiot in Russia's case it's true, didn't you see the pogrom in Odessa when people were burned alive and 8 years of Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk and other parts of Donbass, of course you did and probably support the Nazi terror.

Fuck off. Get all the Russian troops out of Ukraine and take all the Russian civilians with.

It's the biggest country in the world,
plenty of room for the poor mistreated Russians of Ukraine.
Think of the sad fate of the volga germans. And others Germans in Russia ……

No. I think about all the "Russians" who live in Germany now. If they would not live here I would not give a damn for their life in Russia in the next decades. But perhaps Russia will wipe out Germany with nukes. In this case it could be better we will invade Russia and will kill every single Russian there - as long as we have a chance to do so. This could save the whole planet. And yes: I do not really think we should do so - but tell me a better way.


Oh by the way: 3rd of October. Not bad the last 33 years. Isn't it not astonsishing how young we are old Germans?

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Fuck off. Get all the Russian troops out of Ukraine and take all the Russian civilians with.

It's the biggest country in the world,
plenty of room for the poor mistreated Russians of Ukraine.
No answer i see, oh and you fuck off you ignorant moron.
Russians and early American planners were right. Should have turned Germany and Japan into farms with no industry.

I think what we did after worked out pretty well. We turned the Germans into Bankers and the Japanese into Electronics/Auto Manufacturers.

Both reliable allies, Japan more so that Germany right now though.
I think what we did after worked out pretty well. We turned the Germans into Bankers and the Japanese into Electronics/Auto Manufacturers.

Both reliable allies, Japan more so that Germany right now though.

You are US-Akmericans but not anyones allies. You only know more or less good enemies. That's your primary problem.
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