extra ecclesia nulla salus (no salvation outside the Catholic Church) in MY view

So why did he choose to punish Jesus?

On another line.

What do you make of these in terms or even needing a hell, when none are lost to it?

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

I don't get your main point..
The Church encourages total abstinance from ANY sexual activity.

But your Bible doesn't.
The Church is ostensibly there to nurture those who have been saved by the Gospel.
just another fake

"the Catholic Church teaches [whatever bs]" statement. Find out what the CC really teaches, then we can attack that and not a straw man
just another fake

"the Catholic Church teaches [whatever bs]" statement. Find out what the CC really teaches, then we can attack that and not a straw man
Our friend forgets that St. Peters and many churches were built on the backs of their Temple Prostitutes.

Let us al thank the religions for prostitutes.

I bow in respect to them.


Let me try again.

There is no need for a hell when none of us are ever lost, --- as per the scriptures provided.

If none are ever lost, why would Yahweh have Jesus murdered?

If you are saying that you yourself do not believe in Hell.. and I still cannot tell what you are saying exactly..

well, I can't say anything because I just do not know what you are saying..
If you are saying that you yourself do not believe in Hell.. and I still cannot tell what you are saying exactly..

well, I can't say anything because I just do not know what you are saying..
Take a guess based on key words like all saved.

If you cannot guess the slant -----

I know one thing: It defies all logic to reject a Church that you even begin to suspect is Christ's one and only Church
I reject your church because it is a COUNTERFEIT of the Sabbath Keeping Church of God. Your first pope was Simon Magus
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If Jesus established ONE CHurch it just stands to reason He wants people to be in that Church


so it also stands to reason that if they are not, they end up in Hell


However, I have met protestants who trust the Bible, as they should, and do not argue with Catholics all day long about every little thing the RCC teaches... so IMO, which doesn't matter bc only God's "opinion" does, such open-minded and open hearted people who sincerely seek God in Christ... can be saved.. Only God knows whether they WILL be in the end, at the end of their lives, but that goes w/o saying

I know one thing: It defies all logic to reject a Church that you even begin to suspect is Christ's one and only Church... and of course God holds us accountable for all our choices...

and anyone who is saved while outside the Catholic Churcch (not an official member), if saved, IS saved through the auspices of the Cathlic Church whether that person knows it or believes it or not... because ALL Christian communities are connected spiritually w/ the Catholic Churchc... the Catholic Church was the first Christian Church in the world (the only one but whatever) and all the Protestant ones derived or "spun off" from the RCC

Have you forgotten about the Nestorian church and the Coptic church?
Have you forgotten about the Nestorian church and the Coptic church?
those were not churches and the churches Luther and his malcontent followers started (Methodist, etc) are not churches either.

there is only ONE Church. I pray you discover which one it is as some of us have
He has a demon. Thank God you can't understand him
laugh.. at your bluntness

It does seem as though, well, if you are not right w/ God, it does seem you would tend to not make sense all the time. . not saying that poster has a demon (God knows, eh?) but.. I notice my own brain improved the longer I followed Jesus.. which doesn' mean I have achieved perfection but things are better than b4..
Our friend forgets that St. Peters and many churches were built on the backs of their Temple Prostitutes.

Let us al thank the religions for prostitutes.

I bow in respect to them.

never found proof or even "evidence" of such.. you hear all kinds of rot about Christ's Church.. nature of the beast on Planet E

Also: All the sins of all the Catholics in the whole world :uhoh3::eek: can not change the facts about the Church Christ founded, especially that annoying one about how the CC is the Original Church
those were not churches and the churches Luther and his malcontent followers started (Methodist, etc) are not churches either.

there is only ONE Church. I pray you discover which one it is as some of us have

The Coptic church is in Egyptian.. started by Mark I think. The Nestorians had 7 bishops just in Arabia. You should lighten.. You turn people against the Catholic Church.
laugh.. at your bluntness

It does seem as though, well, if you are not right w/ God, it does seem you would tend to not make sense all the time. . not saying that poster has a demon (God knows, eh?) but.. I notice my own brain improved the longer I followed Jesus.. which doesn' mean I have achieved perfection but things are better than b4..

Ah... You're an extremist.
never found proof or even "evidence" of such.. you hear all kinds of rot about Christ's Church.. nature of the beast on Planet E

Also: All the sins of all the Catholics in the whole world :uhoh3::eek: can not change the facts about the Church Christ founded, especially that annoying one about how the CC is the Original Church
Do I detect you giving kudos to the creation of a homophobic and misogynous religion, with a genocidal God?

As to proof, think of Martin Luther's reasons for splitting off.

One was Rome taxing the prostitutes, when they were not using them themselves.

1,000 years of Vatican debauchery is well recorded.

john 3:16 and dozens of other verses says not one word about salvation AND the rcc.
I reject your church because it is a COUNTERFEIT of the Sabbath Keeping Church of God. Your first pope was Simon Magus
If you are SDA, it is your so called church that changed things. The Original Church made Sunday the holy day because that is the day Christ was resurrected.

The Original Church.. (only words you need to think about, really)..

sda goes back a couple hundred years at best

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