
They do everything they can to stop it. It makes no sense really. But then you realize they also don’t even want women to be physically women. Only a group of people who want girls to have penises could also not want to live in a great country. Their ultimate goal is to live the most miserable lives possible. Success is not an option when your desire is failure.
Their goal is to negate all societal and scientific norms so that the population has no idea what is true. Orwell got it right clear back in 1949.
Democrats remind me of Muslims. They try to bully you and if you back down even a bit, they pounce on you for showing weakness. Bring force upon that Democrat or Muslim and the fucker will run like a dog with its tail between its legs. Only if the Democrats have a 10 to 1 advantage will they stand up to your force...

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Well, I guess it depends on the Muslim, but (most) Democrats are, at least at this point, very dangerous and unbalanced. :(
Demturds spew "Build Back Better" but by their words/actions are doing anything but.
I disagree. Democrats do come up with terrible, loopy slogans to support (some loopy) political causes with aspirations that will never be met. Just like every political slogan ever invented.
They're kinda Marxist that way.
No, they're kinda just retarded that way. The philosophies of Karl Marx don't come into play in this particular political conversation.
I disagree. Democrats do come up with terrible, loopy slogans to support (some loopy) political causes with aspirations that will never be met. Just like every political slogan ever invented.

No, they're kinda just retarded that way. The philosophies of Karl Marx don't come into play in this particular political conversation.
The slogans are loopy because their ideas are loopy it’s simple is that.
Imagine, if you will, a number set between 1 and 100. If those sitting at 2 can succeed at defining 50 or 60 as EXTREME, what does that do to the perception of them?

You see, their next step is to define 30 as extreme and then 20. Eventually their own position become moderate if they can define 3 as extreme.
That is the term Democrats are trying to attach to MAGA. Democrats hope to create an 'Overton Window' to cast them as more politically acceptable by calling the opposition 'extreme.' Get ready to hear them spew that all the way to the mid-terms. It's a Marxist strategy to call others what you yourself are.

Before very long EVERYONE will become a kulak.
Hitler was a leftist, Mao leftist, Chavez leftist, Castro leftist etc.

Everything evil in world history has come from the left. Without exception. Nothing has changed.

What it really boils down to is those who support and promote individual liberty and rights, and the collectivists who seek central dictatorship.

It doesn't matter what you call them, or what they call themselves - Monarchists, Socialists, Torries, Nazis, Democrats, Communists - they are collectivist totalitarians with the goal of centralizing power.
The Democrats are deranged fascists - essentially Nazis - at the moment, but Marxists?

Not by the wildest stretch of imagination.

Marxism is just philosophy/theory.

Democrats are just pure thugs - nothing more.


The democrats have embraced Marxism since the days of Wilson. FDR and his boy crush on Josef Stalin wasn't just because of the mustache, it's because of a shared Marxist vision. Truman and his "all red" Cabinet with Harry Dexter White - proven Soviet Spy,

No question the democrats are Nazis, whites are the New Juden. But Nazism is just a variation of the socialist theme. Nazi is to socialist as pug is to dog. All Nazis are socialists, not all socialists are Nazis - but they'll all piss on a fire hydrant.
What it really boils down to is those who support and promote individual liberty and rights, and the collectivists who seek central dictatorship.

It doesn't matter what you call them, or what they call themselves - Monarchists, Socialists, Torries, Nazis, Democrats, Communists - they are collectivist totalitarians with the goal of centralizing power.


It is their demand for lock-step conformity, their authoritarianism, and their absolute intolerance of original thought that distinguishes them from the liberals they claim to be.
Hitler was a leftist, Mao leftist, Chavez leftist, Castro leftist etc.

Everything evil in world history has come from the left. Without exception. Nothing has changed.

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