Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

Facebook is for people with shit for brains.

Yes, but the problem is....is not only Facebook that the Totalitarians are purging... but also Twitter, Google, YouTube...etc.

Is an absolute ban on conservative voices!

THAT IS WRONG! :mad-61:
Such platforms as were built upon the new technological front (minus a good grounded American set of rules to live by), and for which were created within the generational tech explosion period that happened, are since being run by these (super nerds?) who hate everything of old, and were born out of so much confusion that to give these kinds of individuals to much control or power without a good set of rules to go by, has proven to be a huge mistake maybe ???

To many weird people getting to much power and money way to fast now, and this has placed some very strange individuals with way to much power and influence over what should be a guarded culture that was to be protected by the Constitution in which was written and designed to protect that culture.

The constitution has jack shit to do with a Facebook ban. Read the first amendment. The only entity restricted is the government.

Not YouTube.
The problem with the internet and millennials, is that they don't want any rules or restrictions placed upon their unfettered ability to create anarchy and chaos in everyday society. Every civilized society has rules it follows, and if it didn't it would stop being civilized, and it would seize to exist.
But Christians better bake that cake!
Stupid analogy. It might be different, had the Christians been asked to make a pornographic cake, or a cake that says "I hate n*****s". Jones's privilege was revoked because of the content Facebook was asked to host, not because of his thoughts, beliefs, or lifestyle.

Seriously, do away with this idiotic analogy.
Banned from private internet property.

Again, Jones can post to his heart’s content on his own website. But he has no right to the use of anyone else’s website
That wasn't what I responded to. Hitler's children DO have full use of social media. It is the Constitutionalists that are banned.

I agree ^^

The bias from these thugs is unacceptable and disgusting!

Might as well add the word Christian where the word conservative is also. The meaning would be the same.
Numerous YouTubers created videos Monday defending Infowars founder Alex Jones after Big Tech coordinated an all-out censorship effort against his social media accounts.
Wow! That will show them!

If anybody wants to find them, just type something ridiculous and embarrassing in the YouTube search bar, like "illuminati", or "alien abduction", or "contrails controlling our minds". They will pop right up!
What is hate and what is just disagreement is highly subjective.
Never Never Never expect the Left Wingers to be fair and honest.

It is subjective. Its up to Facebook to determine when that line has been crossed for the use of their own service. And what the line should be. And how it should be enforced.

Apparently it works something like this:

You hate a person, conspire with 3 other social media platforms and then simultaneously ban him.

But Christians better bake that cake!

They have similar terms of service. It makes sense that once one moved, others would as well.

Terms of service of Christian bakeries: WE DON'T SERVE TO LEFTIST IDIOTS.

Why does that not quite pass?

Simultaneous banning by 4 media monopolies, no problem. The left is a bunch of retards.
BTW, why didn't Twitter ever ban Sarah Jeong and how about banning her new employer the NYT?
That woman should never be able to work again by the left's standards.

Remember the poor plumber who lost his livelihood because he lost his temper and called a black driver a ******? The double standard is clear to all. This won't go on forever. The average American is too reasonable for there NOT to be a backlash.

NYT will not surviving very long, and if it does it will increasingly become a laughingstock to all but the far left crazies.
Facebook is for people with shit for brains.

Yes, but the problem is....is not only Facebook that the Totalitarians are purging... but also Twitter, Google, YouTube...etc.

Is an absolute ban on conservative voices!

THAT IS WRONG! :mad-61:
Such platforms as were built upon the new technological front (minus a good grounded American set of rules to live by), and for which were created within the generational tech explosion period that happened, are since being run by these (super nerds?) who hate everything of old, and were born out of so much confusion that to give these kinds of individuals to much control or power without a good set of rules to go by, has proven to be a huge mistake maybe ???

To many weird people getting to much power and money way to fast now, and this has placed some very strange individuals with way to much power and influence over what should be a guarded culture that was to be protected by the Constitution in which was written and designed to protect that culture.

The constitution has jack shit to do with a Facebook ban. Read the first amendment. The only entity restricted is the government.

Not YouTube.
The problem with the internet and millennials, is that they don't want any rules or restrictions placed upon their unfettered ability to create anarchy and chaos in everyday society. Every civilized society has rules it follows, and if it didn't it would stop being civilized, and it would seize to exist.

The problem with your argument is that you don’t actually know what the constitution says.

Again, no one has the right to post on Facebook. And no, every civilization didn’t forbid a Facebook ban. You’re imagining a fantasy history like you imagined a fantasy constitution.

Just read the 1st amendment please.
Might as well add the word Christian where the word conservative is also. The meaning would be the same

Whiny babies who got confused somewhere along the line into thinking not getting everything they want exactly way they want it represents oppression.
How about banning Hillary Clinton, she called young Black men "predators".....that will never happen
This is also one of the reason they will start shuttingg people down Infwars included.
Numerous YouTubers created videos Monday defending Infowars founder Alex Jones after Big Tech coordinated an all-out censorship effort against his social media accounts.
Wow! That will show them!

If anybody wants to find them, just type something ridiculous and embarrassing in the YouTube search bar, like "illuminati", or "alien abduction", or "contrails controlling our minds". They will pop right up!

You dork. LOL
BTW, why didn't Twitter ever ban Sarah Jeong and how about banning her new employer the NYT?
That woman should never be able to work again by the left's standards.

Remember the poor plumber who lost his livelihood because he lost his temper and called a black driver a ******? The double standard is clear to all. This won't go on forever. The average American is too reasonable for there NOT to be a backlash.

NYT will not surviving very long, and if it does it will increasingly become a laughingstock to all but the far left crazies.
the average American couldnt give a fiddler’s fuck about the conspiracy ramblings of Alex Jones.

This is going to piss off conspiracy theorists. And those hapless souls are enraged by their own imagination as a matter of course. Any “backlash” from the tin foil crowd already happened in the ashes of their “pizza gate” fantasy
What is hate and what is just disagreement is highly subjective.
Never Never Never expect the Left Wingers to be fair and honest.

It is subjective. Its up to Facebook to determine when that line has been crossed for the use of their own service. And what the line should be. And how it should be enforced.

Apparently it works something like this:

You hate a person, conspire with 3 other social media platforms and then simultaneously ban him.

But Christians better bake that cake!

They have similar terms of service. It makes sense that once one moved, others would as well.

Terms of service of Christian bakeries: WE DON'T SERVE TO LEFTIST IDIOTS.

Why does that not quite pass?

Simultaneous banning by 4 media monopolies, no problem. The left is a bunch of retards.

Facebook isn’t a bakery. You’re hopelessly confused,
BTW, why didn't Twitter ever ban Sarah Jeong and how about banning her new employer the NYT?
That woman should never be able to work again by the left's standards.

Remember the poor plumber who lost his livelihood because he lost his temper and called a black driver a ******? The double standard is clear to all. This won't go on forever. The average American is too reasonable for there NOT to be a backlash.

NYT will not surviving very long, and if it does it will increasingly become a laughingstock to all but the far left crazies.
the average American couldnt give a fiddler’s fuck about the conspiracy ramblings of Alex Jones.

This is going to piss off conspiracy theorists. And those hapless souls are enraged by their own imagination as a matter of course. Any “backlash” from the tin foil crowd already happened in the ashes of their “pizza gate” fantasy

How abnout banning the crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy knuttjobs too
BTW, why didn't Twitter ever ban Sarah Jeong and how about banning her new employer the NYT?
That woman should never be able to work again by the left's standards.

Remember the poor plumber who lost his livelihood because he lost his temper and called a black driver a ******? The double standard is clear to all. This won't go on forever. The average American is too reasonable for there NOT to be a backlash.

NYT will not surviving very long, and if it does it will increasingly become a laughingstock to all but the far left crazies.
the average American couldnt give a fiddler’s fuck about the conspiracy ramblings of Alex Jones.

This is going to piss off conspiracy theorists. And those hapless souls are enraged by their own imagination as a matter of course. Any “backlash” from the tin foil crowd already happened in the ashes of their “pizza gate” fantasy

How abnout banning the crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy knuttjobs too

LOL you are one a roll.
Interesting article by Kara Swisher on how Social (or in my view Surveillance) Media has become weaponized, and Facebook's role in all of this. Key quotes:

All these companies began with a gauzy credo to change the world. But they have done that in ways they did not imagine — by weaponizing pretty much everything that could be weaponized. They have mutated human communication, so that connecting people has too often become about pitting them against one another, and turbocharged that discord to an unprecedented and damaging volume.

They have weaponized social media. They have weaponized the First Amendment. They have weaponized civic discourse. And they have weaponized, most of all, politics.


Mr. Zuckerberg is now trying to fend off talk in Washington of regulating his company like the thing he once told me it was: a utility. He has also spent the last month meeting over dinners with a range of academic experts on free speech, propaganda and more to try to understand where to go from here.

Opinion | Kara Swisher: How Mark Zuckerberg weaponized social media

And this is why what Facebook has done to censor political speech is a violation of the first Amendment, imo. Zuckerborg has run the company as though it really were a utility, to the extent that it controls billions of people's access to news and information. But now he wants the editorial freedom of a content provider without giving up being a utility.

You can't have it both ways, bub.
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