Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

BTW, why didn't Twitter ever ban Sarah Jeong and how about banning her new employer the NYT?
That woman should never be able to work again by the left's standards.

Remember the poor plumber who lost his livelihood because he lost his temper and called a black driver a ******? The double standard is clear to all. This won't go on forever. The average American is too reasonable for there NOT to be a backlash.

NYT will not surviving very long, and if it does it will increasingly become a laughingstock to all but the far left crazies.
the average American couldnt give a fiddler’s fuck about the conspiracy ramblings of Alex Jones.

This is going to piss off conspiracy theorists. And those hapless souls are enraged by their own imagination as a matter of course. Any “backlash” from the tin foil crowd already happened in the ashes of their “pizza gate” fantasy
You "RESPONDED" to me, but where did I mention Alex Jones??????

Why do you ignore what I said about this racist Korean? The truth is you have no problem with this s bitch getting a paycheck from the NYT. You are not an average American. This will destroy that paper.
How about banning SNL, they are also full of hate.

When will this person get banned?


Wait, they hired her... to the board of all places.
The NYT should be bombarded with this DAILY. They need to know, that we know.

Did you read their response:


"It's the fault of white males, who harassed the Harvard graduate. Oh we have no evidence and the posts weren't actually responses, but what else could the explanation be?"

How far would Alex Jones get by blaming the Martians?
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Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

Did you mean that they are trying to remove all free speech that goes against their agenda? Even if it takes a conspiracy to do so that is completely unjustified by the rules of the platforms.

Because that would have been truthful.
Theyre within their right to regulate the speech on their platforms...theyre a business, not the Government.

Frankly, if my kid was killed at Sandy Hook Id be so horrified and off the deep end, that if i'd heard his comments Id probably crusade until he has zero pennies left if it took til the day I died

No, no no... Court ruled that Trump can't block anyone on twitter. These are monopolistic public channels where individuals go to practice their free speech. Banning someone from them goes against their rights. Especially when it is done in such an obvious conspiratorial way.

This is an attack on free speech, pure and simple.
Thats rank stupidity. Theyre not the government, theyre a business.

So then, why is Trump not able to block anyone he wants?

A bit of a double standard.
Um... tRump is a government official.

Did you forget?
BTW, why didn't Twitter ever ban Sarah Jeong and how about banning her new employer the NYT?
That woman should never be able to work again by the left's standards.

Remember the poor plumber who lost his livelihood because he lost his temper and called a black driver a ******? The double standard is clear to all. This won't go on forever. The average American is too reasonable for there NOT to be a backlash.

NYT will not surviving very long, and if it does it will increasingly become a laughingstock to all but the far left crazies.
the average American couldnt give a fiddler’s fuck about the conspiracy ramblings of Alex Jones.

This is going to piss off conspiracy theorists. And those hapless souls are enraged by their own imagination as a matter of course. Any “backlash” from the tin foil crowd already happened in the ashes of their “pizza gate” fantasy
You "RESPONDED" to me, but where did I mention Alex Jones??????

Why do you ignore what I said about this racist Korean? The truth is you have no problem with this s bitch getting a paycheck from the NYT. You are not an average American. This will destroy that paper.

The truth is I’m not talking about the NYT or any random poster you care to bring up.

I’m citing facebooks ban of Alex Jones. The topic of the thead. And one you apparently are refusing to discuss.
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

If they were trying to shut down all fake news, they would start with the NYT and CNN.

They aren't trying to shut down fake news.

They're trying to shut down free speech.

Here we have some brilliant fascist antifa chasing a black woman from her seat in a cafe, screaming obscenities at her, dumping a drink on her white escort, and calling her a *white supremecist*.

Yes, the left. Arent' they awesome...

Candace Owens, black conservative, run out of Philly eatery during protest: ‘F— white supremacy’
No, they wouldn't. But they should probably get to Faux pretty soon.

I know they wouldn't, because they aren't trying to shut down fake news.

They're trying to protect it.

That's why they're calling a black woman a white supremecist. Because then the fake reporters report "Antifa challenged white supremacists today at a Philly cafe"....and morons like you broadcast it.

I'm sorry, but that is incorrect.

Would you like to try again?
How about banning SNL, they are also full of hate.

When will this person get banned?


Wait, they hired her... to the board of all places.
The NYT should be bombarded with this DAILY. They need to know, that we know.

Did you read their response:


"It's the fault of white males, who harassed the Harvard graduate. Oh we have no evidence and those weren't actually responses, but what else could the explanation be?"

How far would Alex Jones get by blaming the Martians?
These old institutions are committing suicide and they are too blinded by their hate to see.
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BTW, why didn't Twitter ever ban Sarah Jeong and how about banning her new employer the NYT?
That woman should never be able to work again by the left's standards.

Remember the poor plumber who lost his livelihood because he lost his temper and called a black driver a ******? The double standard is clear to all. This won't go on forever. The average American is too reasonable for there NOT to be a backlash.

NYT will not surviving very long, and if it does it will increasingly become a laughingstock to all but the far left crazies.
the average American couldnt give a fiddler’s fuck about the conspiracy ramblings of Alex Jones.

This is going to piss off conspiracy theorists. And those hapless souls are enraged by their own imagination as a matter of course. Any “backlash” from the tin foil crowd already happened in the ashes of their “pizza gate” fantasy
You "RESPONDED" to me, but where did I mention Alex Jones??????

Why do you ignore what I said about this racist Korean? The truth is you have no problem with this s bitch getting a paycheck from the NYT. You are not an average American. This will destroy that paper.

The truth is I’m not talking about the NYT or any random poster you care to bring up.

I’m citing facebooks ban of Alex Jones. The topic of the thead. And one you apparently are refusing to discuss.

The topic here is the biased media monopolies. You might not want to address it and instead burrow your head to sand. Typical leftist response.
BTW, why didn't Twitter ever ban Sarah Jeong and how about banning her new employer the NYT?
That woman should never be able to work again by the left's standards.

Remember the poor plumber who lost his livelihood because he lost his temper and called a black driver a ******? The double standard is clear to all. This won't go on forever. The average American is too reasonable for there NOT to be a backlash.

NYT will not surviving very long, and if it does it will increasingly become a laughingstock to all but the far left crazies.
the average American couldnt give a fiddler’s fuck about the conspiracy ramblings of Alex Jones.

This is going to piss off conspiracy theorists. And those hapless souls are enraged by their own imagination as a matter of course. Any “backlash” from the tin foil crowd already happened in the ashes of their “pizza gate” fantasy
You "RESPONDED" to me, but where did I mention Alex Jones??????

Why do you ignore what I said about this racist Korean? The truth is you have no problem with this s bitch getting a paycheck from the NYT. You are not an average American. This will destroy that paper.

The truth is I’m not talking about the NYT or any random poster you care to bring up.

I’m citing facebooks ban of Alex Jones. The topic of the thead. And one you apparently are refusing to discuss.

The topic here is the biased media monopolies. You might not want to address it and instead burrow your head to sand. Typical leftist response.

Facebook is no monopoly for Jones content. You can watch it right now on Jones own website.

Again, you’re hopelessly confused.
That woman should never be able to work again by the left's standards.

Remember the poor plumber who lost his livelihood because he lost his temper and called a black driver a ******? The double standard is clear to all. This won't go on forever. The average American is too reasonable for there NOT to be a backlash.

NYT will not surviving very long, and if it does it will increasingly become a laughingstock to all but the far left crazies.
the average American couldnt give a fiddler’s fuck about the conspiracy ramblings of Alex Jones.

This is going to piss off conspiracy theorists. And those hapless souls are enraged by their own imagination as a matter of course. Any “backlash” from the tin foil crowd already happened in the ashes of their “pizza gate” fantasy
You "RESPONDED" to me, but where did I mention Alex Jones??????

Why do you ignore what I said about this racist Korean? The truth is you have no problem with this s bitch getting a paycheck from the NYT. You are not an average American. This will destroy that paper.

The truth is I’m not talking about the NYT or any random poster you care to bring up.

I’m citing facebooks ban of Alex Jones. The topic of the thead. And one you apparently are refusing to discuss.

The topic here is the biased media monopolies. You might not want to address it and instead burrow your head to sand. Typical leftist response.

Facebook is no monopoly for Jones content. You can watch it right now on Jones own website.

Again, you’re hopelessly confused.

It's an internet media monopoly. Don't pretend to be clueless.

Attacking US citizens together with other media monopolies. What in the fuck?
He should be more worried about the 95% of subscribers who think free speech is a thing.
Yes, I'm sure Facebook amd all the ither platforms are simply terrified....

Well they should be. Let me educate you about what it means to be an American. Now is the time to find the constitution that you haven't read and start reading. Right as the FIRST AMENDMENT is free speech you anti-American fuck. Our most important value. Don't fuck with it.

Now is the time to start defending it or get the fuck out of this country to one of those shitholes who don't enjoy the same rights and thus are shitholes. God damn fascists...
Before you start telling people to get out of the country, you need to understand the limitation of 1st amendment. True threats are not protected speech.

In addition, nobody has 1st amendment protection on facebook and other similar online services.

If you don't understand the difference between making threats and free speech that Mr. Jones exercised, you indeed can not be an American. There was no mention of any threats.

Which airline do you prefer? I will have the list of "countries" without free speech ready. Always a pleasure helping people find their utopia.
Threats to shoot somebody isnt protected speech.
He should be more worried about the 95% of subscribers who think free speech is a thing.
Yes, I'm sure Facebook amd all the ither platforms are simply terrified....

Well they should be. Let me educate you about what it means to be an American. Now is the time to find the constitution that you haven't read and start reading. Right as the FIRST AMENDMENT is free speech you anti-American fuck. Our most important value. Don't fuck with it.

Now is the time to start defending it or get the fuck out of this country to one of those shitholes who don't enjoy the same rights and thus are shitholes. God damn fascists...
Before you start telling people to get out of the country, you need to understand the limitation of 1st amendment. True threats are not protected speech.

In addition, nobody has 1st amendment protection on facebook and other similar online services.

If you don't understand the difference between making threats and free speech that Mr. Jones exercised, you indeed can not be an American. There was no mention of any threats.

Which airline do you prefer? I will have the list of "countries" without free speech ready. Always a pleasure helping people find their utopia.
Threats to shoot somebody isnt protected speech.

He made no such threats.

Why do the leftist idiots have such a big difficulty telling the difference between free speech and a threat? If he actually made such threat, youtube would be least of his worries.

These people are as far from American as it gets.
Facebook is no monopoly for Jones content. You can watch it right now on Jones own website.

Again, you’re hopelessly confused.
It's about ACCESS to new eyeballs. As a utility, they know what they're doing.

You have no right to use someone else’s website. Jones has a right to his own.

There is no monopoly. As Jones can still say whatever he’d like.
Yes, I'm sure Facebook amd all the ither platforms are simply terrified....

Well they should be. Let me educate you about what it means to be an American. Now is the time to find the constitution that you haven't read and start reading. Right as the FIRST AMENDMENT is free speech you anti-American fuck. Our most important value. Don't fuck with it.

Now is the time to start defending it or get the fuck out of this country to one of those shitholes who don't enjoy the same rights and thus are shitholes. God damn fascists...
Before you start telling people to get out of the country, you need to understand the limitation of 1st amendment. True threats are not protected speech.

In addition, nobody has 1st amendment protection on facebook and other similar online services.

If you don't understand the difference between making threats and free speech that Mr. Jones exercised, you indeed can not be an American. There was no mention of any threats.

Which airline do you prefer? I will have the list of "countries" without free speech ready. Always a pleasure helping people find their utopia.
Threats to shoot somebody isnt protected speech.

He made no such threats.

Why do the leftist idiots have such a big difficulty telling the difference between free speech and a threat? If he actually made such threat, youtube would be least of his worries.

These people are as far from American as it gets.

Again, a private website has nothing to do with free speech. It’s a prisvste site with private terms of service that Jones ageeed to. And the sole arbiter on who has violated those terms of service.....is Facebook.

And Jones agreed to this too.

You guys don’t get what rights and free speech actually are.
You have no right to use someone else’s website. Jones has a right to his own.

There is no monopoly. As Jones can still say whatever he’d like.
But two homos have a right to a bakers business.

The difference is, there are MANY bakeries. Only one Facebook with that kind of reach. They are a monopoly.
Well they should be. Let me educate you about what it means to be an American. Now is the time to find the constitution that you haven't read and start reading. Right as the FIRST AMENDMENT is free speech you anti-American fuck. Our most important value. Don't fuck with it.

Now is the time to start defending it or get the fuck out of this country to one of those shitholes who don't enjoy the same rights and thus are shitholes. God damn fascists...
Before you start telling people to get out of the country, you need to understand the limitation of 1st amendment. True threats are not protected speech.

In addition, nobody has 1st amendment protection on facebook and other similar online services.

If you don't understand the difference between making threats and free speech that Mr. Jones exercised, you indeed can not be an American. There was no mention of any threats.

Which airline do you prefer? I will have the list of "countries" without free speech ready. Always a pleasure helping people find their utopia.
Threats to shoot somebody isnt protected speech.

He made no such threats.

Why do the leftist idiots have such a big difficulty telling the difference between free speech and a threat? If he actually made such threat, youtube would be least of his worries.

These people are as far from American as it gets.

Again, a private website has nothing to do with free speech. It’s a prisvste site with private terms of service that Jones ageeed to. And the sole arbiter on who has violated those terms of service.....is Facebook.

And Jones agreed to this too.

You guys don’t get what rights and free speech actually are.

A private companies that are the platform for 90% of internet speech, have nothing to do with free speech?

Try again.

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