Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks

Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
The NRA and gun companies love Dem administrations. That’s when the rake in all the cash from scaring the shit out of their sheep
Liar, the biggest gun sale occurred during the Trump admin. Sorry GD liar, all of you.
How’d they do under Obama?
Very good according the the fbi ya sorry GD liar.
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
The NRA and gun companies love Dem administrations. That’s when the rake in all the cash from scaring the shit out of their sheep
Liar, the biggest gun sale occurred during the Trump admin. Sorry GD liar, all of you.


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Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
The NRA and gun companies love Dem administrations. That’s when the rake in all the cash from scaring the shit out of their sheep
Liar, the biggest gun sale occurred during the Trump admin. Sorry GD liar, all of you.
Lmao! Like that proves a GD thing! LIar.
I wonder what the chances are that Trump actually sets up an alternate presidency for his alternate universe.


I'm hoping for a shadow government, something akin to the leftist's "deep state." From there, Trump, his associates, and their lawyers can hammer the living fuck out of the illegitimate Biden administration, and either try to have all of them them deposed, impeached, or entangled in endless lawsuits and criminal investigations.

Turnabout is fair play, wouldn't you say?
Well I couldn't find it. You can find Private pages you just can't read them. I can't find it.
Copied and pasted directly from there:


Private group
729.4K members

Do you need an invitation?
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
I've heard that if this doesn't work they're going to threaten to hold their breath until they turn blue!
Yeah? You've heard (and said) a lot of silly shit.
The official name seems to be "Sleepyjoe............................"
If they're citizens of the US, they'll be wrong beginning on Inauguration Day.

But if this helps their feelz, that's nice.

Otherwise, it means nothing.

Will likely witness a modern rebirth of anti-federalism serving as intellectual opposition to your group's push toward communization of the nation.

What is it about communism that drives your interest in it being central to modern American governance, Mac? I'm just curious. I'm sure you're familiar with the mainstream use of such language as 'equitability' and whatnot being tossed around by your favored representatives in government.
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Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
The NRA and gun companies love Dem administrations. That’s when the rake in all the cash from scaring the shit out of their sheep
Liar, the biggest gun sale occurred during the Trump admin. Sorry GD liar, all of you.
Actually gun and ammo sales spike whenever anti-gun idiots start grumbling about making repressive changes to the law and/or Constitution. We are probably in the midst of the
midst of the biggest spike ever right now. My Son (guns&ammo salesman)and the NRA thank you. Might even top the Obama spike. Or they would if they could keep enough in stock. 9mm and 5.56 ammo is very very hard to get at any price.
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
6 bills can do that

People forced out of a job, had their businesses closed, can't pay their bills or feed their families, just got enough money to buy a gun.
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Kind of sad

Even though I never supported Trump, I always called him my president

Speaks for itself
So a couple of million Kornspiracy Kooks band together on FB to pi$$ and moan over their Failed Messiah's impressive loss on November 3, 2020?

Couldn't care less.

Me... I only like WINNERS... not LOSERS... I mean... after all... "It is what it is." :cool:
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
The NRA and gun companies love Dem administrations. That’s when the rake in all the cash from scaring the shit out of their sheep
Liar, the biggest gun sale occurred during the Trump admin. Sorry GD liar, all of you.
How’d they do under Obama?
Very good according the the fbi ya sorry GD liar.
Haha. What did I lie about?! You literally just said they did very well under Obama which was my point
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
The NRA and gun companies love Dem administrations. That’s when the rake in all the cash from scaring the shit out of their sheep
Liar, the biggest gun sale occurred during the Trump admin. Sorry GD liar, all of you.
Actually gun and ammo sales spike whenever anti-gun idiots start grumbling about making repressive changes to the law and/or Constitution. We are probably in the midst of the
midst of the biggest spike ever right now. My Son (guns&ammo salesman)and the NRA thank you. Might even top the Obama spike. Or they would if they could keep enough in stock. 9mm and 5.56 ammo is very very hard to get at any price.
Yes this was my point. Largest spike being after sandy hook, yet Mikey here thinks I lied about something. Haha
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
The NRA and gun companies love Dem administrations. That’s when the rake in all the cash from scaring the shit out of their sheep
Liar, the biggest gun sale occurred during the Trump admin. Sorry GD liar, all of you.
Lmao! Like that proves a GD thing! LIar.
It proves that I’m accurate And have facts backing up my statements and you don’t. All you got is name calling

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