Facebook's Algorithm: A Major Threat to Public Health

Trump hosted secret White House meeting with Facebook CEO
By Justin Wise - 11/21/19 07:29 AM EST

President Trump hosted an undisclosed meeting at the White House with Mark Zuckerberg during the Facebook CEO’s most recent trip to Washington, according to NBC News.
The October meeting, which Facebook confirmed to The Hill, came during the same trip during which Zuckerberg testified before Congress about the platform's new cryptocurrency, Libra. Peter Thiel, a billionaire venture capitalist and Facebook board member, was also in attendance at the White House dinner, NBC News reported.
It remains unclear what was discussed during the meeting, which came at a time when Zuckerberg adamantly worked to defend Facebook's new policy exempting political ads from fact-checking. Zuckerberg gave a speech at Georgetown University standing by Facebook's commitment to free speech during his most recent visit.




But only Obama got some Marky Zuckerplucker booty. Little Marky had such a man crush!
Look where the Hussein's hand is! LOL

Trump hosted secret White House meeting with Facebook CEO
By Justin Wise - 11/21/19 07:29 AM EST

President Trump hosted an undisclosed meeting at the White House with Mark Zuckerberg during the Facebook CEO’s most recent trip to Washington, according to NBC News.
The October meeting, which Facebook confirmed to The Hill, came during the same trip during which Zuckerberg testified before Congress about the platform's new cryptocurrency, Libra. Peter Thiel, a billionaire venture capitalist and Facebook board member, was also in attendance at the White House dinner, NBC News reported.
It remains unclear what was discussed during the meeting, which came at a time when Zuckerberg adamantly worked to defend Facebook's new policy exempting political ads from fact-checking. Zuckerberg gave a speech at Georgetown University standing by Facebook's commitment to free speech during his most recent visit.




Marky was all smiles because Barry gave him a reach around
The algorithms are only used to keep conservative posts from being seen. Especially if you post links.
I almost got banned for posting a link to the U.S. Senate records showing the names of all U.S. Senators and their party in 1860. I thought that was pathetic. How does posting Congressional records and historical FACTS, violate FASCISTbook's Community standards. When they realize how pathetic it looked, they removed my 30 ban, and instead put all posts into their "algorithm" so it couldn't be seen unless someone selects SHOW ALL posts.
They banned me 2 weeks later for posting more historical FACTS about U.S. Senators Hiram Revels (R) and Senator Bruce (R), and what happened to them and black voter's rights after Dems took back power in Washington after reconstruction. FAsCIstBook DemoKKKrats hate teaching U.S. History to their uneducated brainwashed masses.

Debunked Argle-Bargle ^ :icon_rolleyes: You are not believable my friend.

Since Dr. Love feared responding to my list of 1860 Senate members, and realized he couldn't debate using his use drugs ENTHUSIASTICALLy whine, and admitted that you're uneducated on who U.S. Senator Jefferson Davis (D) was, and FEARED trying to debate that 1960 Senate record, perhaps you want to debate who U.S. Senator Hiram Revels (R) was, or want to debate why so many DemoKKKrats tried to prevent him from being seated in the US Senate? BAHAHAHAAAA

What in God's name are you blathering about now? I still don't believe you were banned from Facebook for your political opinions. If you stay away from the fake COVID news that Donald barfs up daily, you'll probably be fine.

I was also banned for 30 days for posting WORD FOR WORD, a quote from Barrack Obama from the 2012 debates. The Democrat Censors at Facebook lost their minds because it was a news board from NBC trying to play the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA card. Posting Obama calling Russia our ALLY and making fun of someone for saying RUSSIA was our greatest geopolitical foe, really made those FASCISTbook Dems loose their minds.

The 1980s called and asked for your anal LUBE back, snowflake!

Had Hillary won, you'd be banned permanently
Trump hosted secret White House meeting with Facebook CEO
By Justin Wise - 11/21/19 07:29 AM EST

President Trump hosted an undisclosed meeting at the White House with Mark Zuckerberg during the Facebook CEO’s most recent trip to Washington, according to NBC News.
The October meeting, which Facebook confirmed to The Hill, came during the same trip during which Zuckerberg testified before Congress about the platform's new cryptocurrency, Libra. Peter Thiel, a billionaire venture capitalist and Facebook board member, was also in attendance at the White House dinner, NBC News reported.
It remains unclear what was discussed during the meeting, which came at a time when Zuckerberg adamantly worked to defend Facebook's new policy exempting political ads from fact-checking. Zuckerberg gave a speech at Georgetown University standing by Facebook's commitment to free speech during his most recent visit.




But only Obama got some Marky Zuckerplucker booty. Little Marky had such a man crush!
Look where the Hussein's hand is! LOL

Conspiracy theories and COVID disinformation is killing people. Our president enables and amplifies these nuts. Step up Facebook. A bridge too far to believe Donald will change and cut it out with the lies - But STEP UP Republicans!

  • Facebook is failing to keep people safe and informed during the pandemic.
    • Global health misinformation spreading networks spanning at least five countries generated an estimated 3.8 billion views on Facebook in the last year.
    • Health misinformation spreading websites at the heart of the networks peaked at an estimated 460 million views on Facebook in April 2020, just as the global pandemic was escalating around the world.
    • Content from the top 10 websites spreading health misinformation had almost four times as many estimated views on Facebook as equivalent content from the websites of 10 leading health institutions, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
    • Only 16% of all health misinformation analysed had a warning label from Facebook. Despite their content being fact-checked, the other 84% of articles and posts sampled in this report remain online without warnings.
  • Report reveals top ‘superspreaders’ of health misinformation on Facebook.
    • From RealFarmacy, one of the biggest health misinformation spreading websites, to GreenMedInfo, a website that presents health misinformation as science.
    • On Facebook, public pages act as one of the main engines for sharing content from websites spreading health misinformation, accounting for 43% of the total estimated views.
    • We identified 42 Facebook pages as key drivers of engagement for these top health misinformation spreading websites. They are followed by more than 28 million people and generated an estimated 800 million views.
  • There is a two-step solution to quarantine this infodemic that could reduce belief in misinformation by almost 50% and cut its reach by up to 80%.
    • Step 1: Correct the Record by providing all users who have seen misinformation with independently fact-checked corrections. This could decrease belief in misinformation by an average of almost 50%.
    • Step 2: Detox the Algorithm by downgrading misinformation posts and systematic misinformation actors in users' News Feeds, decreasing their reach by up to 80%.
  • Facebook has yet to effectively apply these solutions at the scale and sophistication needed to defeat this infodemic, despite repeated calls from doctors and health experts to do so.

LOTS Moar:

People can choose to not get their news from friends on Facebook. Right?

Facebook is a HORRIBLE echo chamber for Trumpublicans.
They believe anything and everything posted by other Trump supporters including fake news from Russia.
I deleted my FB because I despise Zuckerberg - But always de-friended those who posted too much political crap from EITHER side.

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