FACISM LIVES!!!! trump accountability project

progressive hunter

Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2018
for those that really thought it was the repubes and trump that were the facist I hate to break it to you,,,


I truly feel awful for America. I'm outta here in 10-15 years, if I'm lucky.
That kinda thinking is partly what brings us to this point. How do you know you are not going to be living in another flesh container after the one you have now fades as the grass?

Resisting tyranny is up to you that are younger.
I already broke my back in order to insulate myself in my golden years.
I wish y'all luck!
I truly feel awful for America. I'm outta here in 10-15 years, if I'm lucky.
That kinda thinking is partly what brings us to this point. How do you know you are not going to be living in another flesh container after the one you have now fades as the grass?

Oh! And I also tried to warn y'all through my years here.
I sleep well at night, with one eye open. But, I've always slept this way.
I am speechless, we have so many Americans actually voted for a party that supported race riots and bailed out looters. I know Trump is flawed, but no republicans condoned or actively used violence. Democrats DID. This is how broken our society has become.
I am speechless, we have so many Americans actually voted for a party that supported race riots and bailed out looters. I know Trump is flawed, but no republicans condoned or actively used violence. Democrats DID. This is how broken our society has become.

It boils down to this, Mary.
No one foresaw that the pandemic would give rise to the concept of mass mail-in ballots that opened the door to a Presidential theft by the Dimm controlled deep state, media, and Big Tech.
America got circumstantially hi-jacked.
Muppets under age 60 are in for a tyrannical Neo-Marxist hosing. It makes me sad.
More then that. They have to make decisions that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. People have romances with strong governments. Getting there can be of peace or war. But once there, it is misery.
for those that really thought it was the repubes and trump that were the facist I hate to break it to you,,,


If you think about it, Hitler had Goebbles and the German press to spread his propaganda. Today, Biden has the DNC and the broadcast media, many of whom are Democrats and Anti-Trumpers, to spread propaganda.
I am speechless, we have so many Americans actually voted for a party that supported race riots and bailed out looters. I know Trump is flawed, but no republicans condoned or actively used violence. Democrats DID. This is how broken our society has become.
AOC, Rubin, and Reich, are not some fringe elements of the Left. These Enemies Lists They are Calling for make them the Left of Fascism that has taken over the Democrat Party. This is not JFK’s Democrat Party. Heckfire, this is not even Barack Obama’s Democrat Party.

This is why Joe Biden and, especially, Kamala Harris must immediately disavow the calls for arrest, retribution and reeducation of Trump supporters. They must make very clear that they do not support the rising Fascist wing of THEIR party. They must be asked to disavow these un-American ideas before the become President-elect and Vice-President-elect on December 14.

for those that really thought it was the repubes and trump that were the facist I hate to break it to you,,,


USA is the new Soviet Union
Welcome all Conrads
for those that really thought it was the repubes and trump that were the facist I hate to break it to you,,,


USA is the new Soviet Union
Welcome all Conrads

Ignorant Commie Has The Sads

NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” HAVING SECOND THOUGHTS: AOC said she might quit politics, as some centrist Democrats blame progressives for House losses, NYT says.

Considering her entire identity is wrapped up in her political worldview (and vice-versa), I doubt “Sandy’s War” will be declaring a truce anytime soon.

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