Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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Was Mueller even able to examine Hillary's personal servers for evidence of "hacking"?
Barr is acting shady and definitely covering for the president but I don’t think he is doing anything illegal.

There is nothing for Trump to cover up. Period.

What exactly is it that your TDS addled mind believes is being covered up, and do you have actual proof?

Statement: "There is nothing for Trump to cover up. Period".

Response: Really, Does sand get in your eyes?


The supporters of Trump ^^^, in caucus.
Which one are you?

Obvious projection.

You can see that projection from your position in the sand? You must have some good eye protection.
Convincing or not?

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice - FactCheck.org

Explain and justify your response.

Justify what? The whole machine is corrupt. Find me one who is not.

I'll wait


Better yet, you provide the name and evidence of a member of "the machine" who is corrupt, and your have the evidence to prove s/he is corrupt beyond a reasonable doubt.

That's the conundrum. The machine has a system that prevents that. Maybe Barr will prove me wrong but the jury is still out


"The Machine"? A Deep State reference? Why not stick to facts, and dismiss the conspiracy theories.
The facts are the reality of today. Not what some politician tells you they are. You and I are not entitled to facts. Unlike yourself, I do not need to wait for the fox to tell me how the hen house is safe. I have eyes and ears and judge our elected leaders by such. Are you saying the left and right side of the isle are playing with a full deck? Really?

I believe half what I see and nothing I am told

Convincing or not?

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice - FactCheck.org

Explain and justify your response.

Justify what? The whole machine is corrupt. Find me one who is not.

I'll wait


Better yet, you provide the name and evidence of a member of "the machine" who is corrupt, and your have the evidence to prove s/he is corrupt beyond a reasonable doubt.

That's the conundrum. The machine has a system that prevents that. Maybe Barr will prove me wrong but the jury is still out


"The Machine"? A Deep State reference? Why not stick to facts, and dismiss the conspiracy theories.
I've been waiting for you to do that exact thing, wry.:auiqs.jpg:
Convincing or not?

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice - FactCheck.org

Explain and justify your response.

Justify what? The whole machine is corrupt. Find me one who is not.

I'll wait


Better yet, you provide the name and evidence of a member of "the machine" who is corrupt, and your have the evidence to prove s/he is corrupt beyond a reasonable doubt.

That's the conundrum. The machine has a system that prevents that. Maybe Barr will prove me wrong but the jury is still out


"The Machine"? A Deep State reference? Why not stick to facts, and dismiss the conspiracy theories.[/QUOTE]
I've been waiting for you to do that exact thing, wry.:auiqs.jpg:

When will you post something of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking; I suppose you don't have any opinions, and simply hang out here like an NFL official, to take away someone else's game.
Justify what? The whole machine is corrupt. Find me one who is not.

I'll wait


Better yet, you provide the name and evidence of a member of "the machine" who is corrupt, and your have the evidence to prove s/he is corrupt beyond a reasonable doubt.

That's the conundrum. The machine has a system that prevents that. Maybe Barr will prove me wrong but the jury is still out


"The Machine"? A Deep State reference? Why not stick to facts, and dismiss the conspiracy theories.[/QUOTE]
I've been waiting for you to do that exact thing, wry.:auiqs.jpg:

When will you post something of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking; I suppose you don't have any opinions, and simply hang out here like an NFL official, to take away someone else's game.
Stay tuned, wry....probably this week there will be news that will crash your world.
Better yet, you provide the name and evidence of a member of "the machine" who is corrupt, and your have the evidence to prove s/he is corrupt beyond a reasonable doubt.

That's the conundrum. The machine has a system that prevents that. Maybe Barr will prove me wrong but the jury is still out


"The Machine"? A Deep State reference? Why not stick to facts, and dismiss the conspiracy theories.[/QUOTE]
I've been waiting for you to do that exact thing, wry.:auiqs.jpg:

When will you post something of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking; I suppose you don't have any opinions, and simply hang out here like an NFL official, to take away someone else's game.

Stay tuned, wry....probably this week there will be news that will crash your world.

I wouldn't be surprise, given the flags I've gotten when those on the right get away with much more than me.
My point is absurd? I’m simply citing how the law defines “obstruction of justice” and facts from Muellers report. Go read them both for yourself and tell me anything that I’ve said that’s not backed up
I've read them and am not impressed. The firing of a liar and a phony like James Comey has no bearing on the Mueller investigation. Should Trump leave a man in his position of influence after he blatantly proffered a fraudulent bit of evidence (Steele dossier) to the FISA court, for instance?
If trumped fired a guy because he wouldn’t drop an investigation then Trump is abusing his power. Just like a business owner is allowed to fire whomever he wants. But if he fires his secretary for not sleeping with him then he is breaking the law. I know you know this so stop playing dumb. It’s tiresome

Yeah it's tiresome trying to keep track of "is it the day the left loves Comey or does the left hate him today?"
How exactly do you gauge who the “left” loves or hates? And does your small mind just attribute those sentiments to everybody who supports liberal ideologies?

Read the news and these threads???

So in your sheep mind you use what the word of the day is for your narrative, fill in the blank only one choice " piece of shit")

Today Comey is a ________ because he cost Hillary the Election..

Today Trump is a ________ because he fired Comey

My point is absurd? I’m simply citing how the law defines “obstruction of justice” and facts from Muellers report. Go read them both for yourself and tell me anything that I’ve said that’s not backed up
I've read them and am not impressed. The firing of a liar and a phony like James Comey has no bearing on the Mueller investigation. Should Trump leave a man in his position of influence after he blatantly proffered a fraudulent bit of evidence (Steele dossier) to the FISA court, for instance?
If trumped fired a guy because he wouldn’t drop an investigation then Trump is abusing his power. Just like a business owner is allowed to fire whomever he wants. But if he fires his secretary for not sleeping with him then he is breaking the law. I know you know this so stop playing dumb. It’s tiresome

Yeah it's tiresome trying to keep track of "is it the day the left loves Comey or does the left hate him today?"
How exactly do you gauge who the “left” loves or hates? And does your small mind just attribute those sentiments to everybody who supports liberal ideologies?

Read the news and these threads???

So in your sheep mind you use what the word of the day is for your narrative, fill in the blank only one choice " piece of shit")

Today Comey is a ________ because he cost Hillary the Election..

Today Trump is a ________ because he fired Comey

Huh? Were you trying to answer my question or did you just decide to babble about random BS?
I've read them and am not impressed. The firing of a liar and a phony like James Comey has no bearing on the Mueller investigation. Should Trump leave a man in his position of influence after he blatantly proffered a fraudulent bit of evidence (Steele dossier) to the FISA court, for instance?
If trumped fired a guy because he wouldn’t drop an investigation then Trump is abusing his power. Just like a business owner is allowed to fire whomever he wants. But if he fires his secretary for not sleeping with him then he is breaking the law. I know you know this so stop playing dumb. It’s tiresome

Yeah it's tiresome trying to keep track of "is it the day the left loves Comey or does the left hate him today?"
How exactly do you gauge who the “left” loves or hates? And does your small mind just attribute those sentiments to everybody who supports liberal ideologies?

Read the news and these threads???

So in your sheep mind you use what the word of the day is for your narrative, fill in the blank only one choice " piece of shit")

Today Comey is a ________ because he cost Hillary the Election..

Today Trump is a ________ because he fired Comey

Huh? Were you trying to answer my question or did you just decide to babble about random BS?

I am not sure how I can try to educate someone like you who refuses to be educated...

So please tell the audience are you going to continue to flip flop or are you going to tell us your final answer

Do you hate Comey today or not?

If trumped fired a guy because he wouldn’t drop an investigation then Trump is abusing his power. Just like a business owner is allowed to fire whomever he wants. But if he fires his secretary for not sleeping with him then he is breaking the law. I know you know this so stop playing dumb. It’s tiresome

Yeah it's tiresome trying to keep track of "is it the day the left loves Comey or does the left hate him today?"
How exactly do you gauge who the “left” loves or hates? And does your small mind just attribute those sentiments to everybody who supports liberal ideologies?

Read the news and these threads???

So in your sheep mind you use what the word of the day is for your narrative, fill in the blank only one choice " piece of shit")

Today Comey is a ________ because he cost Hillary the Election..

Today Trump is a ________ because he fired Comey

Huh? Were you trying to answer my question or did you just decide to babble about random BS?

I am not sure how I can try to educate someone like you who refuses to be educated...

So please tell the audience are you going to continue to flip flop or are you going to tell us your final answer

Do you hate Comey today or not?

Well you start by at least trying to present an intelligent argument. You literally haven’t even tried to do that. #hopeless
Yeah it's tiresome trying to keep track of "is it the day the left loves Comey or does the left hate him today?"
How exactly do you gauge who the “left” loves or hates? And does your small mind just attribute those sentiments to everybody who supports liberal ideologies?

Read the news and these threads???

So in your sheep mind you use what the word of the day is for your narrative, fill in the blank only one choice " piece of shit")

Today Comey is a ________ because he cost Hillary the Election..

Today Trump is a ________ because he fired Comey

Huh? Were you trying to answer my question or did you just decide to babble about random BS?

I am not sure how I can try to educate someone like you who refuses to be educated...

So please tell the audience are you going to continue to flip flop or are you going to tell us your final answer

Do you hate Comey today or not?

Well you start by at least trying to present an intelligent argument. You literally haven’t even tried to do that. #hopeless


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How exactly do you gauge who the “left” loves or hates? And does your small mind just attribute those sentiments to everybody who supports liberal ideologies?

Read the news and these threads???

So in your sheep mind you use what the word of the day is for your narrative, fill in the blank only one choice " piece of shit")

Today Comey is a ________ because he cost Hillary the Election..

Today Trump is a ________ because he fired Comey

Huh? Were you trying to answer my question or did you just decide to babble about random BS?

I am not sure how I can try to educate someone like you who refuses to be educated...

So please tell the audience are you going to continue to flip flop or are you going to tell us your final answer

Do you hate Comey today or not?

Well you start by at least trying to present an intelligent argument. You literally haven’t even tried to do that. #hopeless


View attachment 263618
No need to translate. I’m not speaking in code. Plain English
Read the news and these threads???

So in your sheep mind you use what the word of the day is for your narrative, fill in the blank only one choice " piece of shit")

Today Comey is a ________ because he cost Hillary the Election..

Today Trump is a ________ because he fired Comey

Huh? Were you trying to answer my question or did you just decide to babble about random BS?

I am not sure how I can try to educate someone like you who refuses to be educated...

So please tell the audience are you going to continue to flip flop or are you going to tell us your final answer

Do you hate Comey today or not?

Well you start by at least trying to present an intelligent argument. You literally haven’t even tried to do that. #hopeless


View attachment 263618
No need to translate. I’m not speaking in code. Plain English

If you were you would give us your final answer: do you hate Comey or love him?

Huh? Were you trying to answer my question or did you just decide to babble about random BS?

I am not sure how I can try to educate someone like you who refuses to be educated...

So please tell the audience are you going to continue to flip flop or are you going to tell us your final answer

Do you hate Comey today or not?

Well you start by at least trying to present an intelligent argument. You literally haven’t even tried to do that. #hopeless


View attachment 263618
No need to translate. I’m not speaking in code. Plain English

If you were you would give us your final answer: do you hate Comey or love him?

Neither... Comey is fine. I’m impartial
If trumped fired a guy because he wouldn’t drop an investigation then Trump is abusing his power. Just like a business owner is allowed to fire whomever he wants. But if he fires his secretary for not sleeping with him then he is breaking the law. I know you know this so stop playing dumb. It’s tiresome
If Trump fired someone (Comey) because he wouldn't drop an investigation (I'm not sure which investigation you think Comey ran himself) and then the next guy came in (Wray) and nothing changed at all that doesn't really make any sense at all, does it.

Who is playing dumb here? Not me.
If trumped fired a guy because he wouldn’t drop an investigation then Trump is abusing his power. Just like a business owner is allowed to fire whomever he wants. But if he fires his secretary for not sleeping with him then he is breaking the law. I know you know this so stop playing dumb. It’s tiresome
If Trump fired someone (Comey) because he wouldn't drop an investigation (I'm not sure which investigation you think Comey ran himself) and then the next guy came in (Wray) and nothing changed at all that doesn't really make any sense at all, does it.

Who is playing dumb here? Not me.
You’re not sure which investigation Trump wanted Comey to drop?! Seriously?! Why do I even bother talking to fools like you?
You’re not sure which investigation Trump wanted Comey to drop?! Seriously?! Why do I even bother talking to fools like you?
My question was rhetorical and practical since Comey didn't conduct these high level investigations in a vacuum by himself, as already pointed out. Grow the fuck up.

And it makes as much sense as you claiming Comey was fired to end the Russian interference investigation when it did nothing of the kind. If talking to a fool bothers you please stop torturing yourself and run along. You won't be missed.
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Barr is acting shady and definitely covering for the president but I don’t think he is doing anything illegal. It is concerning that the spin was so bad about the report both from Barr and the President that Mueller felt compelled to give a press conference to clear it up. That’s rather pathetic for the Trump team.

All modern presidents have AGs that are in their corner though, that’s not a shocker.

Muller was covering his ass, and bitching that the press was not flattering his arrogant ass enough.
Are you spinning or do you really think that? I don’t care if you’re a trump supporter or not but what happened here is obvious. Mueller took issue with how the president and the media were spinning his report so he spoke up to try and clear the record.

Bullshit. He stepped on his dick.
He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
Barr is acting shady and definitely covering for the president but I don’t think he is doing anything illegal. It is concerning that the spin was so bad about the report both from Barr and the President that Mueller felt compelled to give a press conference to clear it up. That’s rather pathetic for the Trump team.

All modern presidents have AGs that are in their corner though, that’s not a shocker.

Muller was covering his ass, and bitching that the press was not flattering his arrogant ass enough.
Are you spinning or do you really think that? I don’t care if you’re a trump supporter or not but what happened here is obvious. Mueller took issue with how the president and the media were spinning his report so he spoke up to try and clear the record.

Bullshit. He stepped on his dick.
He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
Whatever you need to tell yourself to make it thru the night sweetie.

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