Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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You’re not sure which investigation Trump wanted Comey to drop?! Seriously?! Why do I even bother talking to fools like you?
My question was rhetorical and practical since Comey didn't conduct these high level investigations in a vacuum by himself, as already pointed out. Grow the fuck up.

And it makes as much sense as you claiming Comey was fired to end the Russian interference investigation when it did nothing of the kind. If talking to a fool bothers you please stop torturing yourself and run along. You won't be missed.
Perhaps I’m a fool for listening to the words that come out of Trumps mouth, but he literally said he fired Comey because of the “Russian thing” on national TV. Whether it was effective in impacting the investigation or not has no bearing on how the law defines obstruction of justice
Barr is acting shady and definitely covering for the president but I don’t think he is doing anything illegal. It is concerning that the spin was so bad about the report both from Barr and the President that Mueller felt compelled to give a press conference to clear it up. That’s rather pathetic for the Trump team.

All modern presidents have AGs that are in their corner though, that’s not a shocker.

Muller was covering his ass, and bitching that the press was not flattering his arrogant ass enough.
Are you spinning or do you really think that? I don’t care if you’re a trump supporter or not but what happened here is obvious. Mueller took issue with how the president and the media were spinning his report so he spoke up to try and clear the record.

Bullshit. He stepped on his dick.
He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
Barr is acting shady and definitely covering for the president but I don’t think he is doing anything illegal. It is concerning that the spin was so bad about the report both from Barr and the President that Mueller felt compelled to give a press conference to clear it up. That’s rather pathetic for the Trump team.

All modern presidents have AGs that are in their corner though, that’s not a shocker.

Muller was covering his ass, and bitching that the press was not flattering his arrogant ass enough.
Are you spinning or do you really think that? I don’t care if you’re a trump supporter or not but what happened here is obvious. Mueller took issue with how the president and the media were spinning his report so he spoke up to try and clear the record.

Bullshit. He stepped on his dick.
He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
Whatever you need to tell yourself to make it thru the night sweetie.
I tell myself facts. If you think I’ve said anything that’s not true then make a counter argument and show why it’s not true
Muller was covering his ass, and bitching that the press was not flattering his arrogant ass enough.
Are you spinning or do you really think that? I don’t care if you’re a trump supporter or not but what happened here is obvious. Mueller took issue with how the president and the media were spinning his report so he spoke up to try and clear the record.

Bullshit. He stepped on his dick.
He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
Muller was covering his ass, and bitching that the press was not flattering his arrogant ass enough.
Are you spinning or do you really think that? I don’t care if you’re a trump supporter or not but what happened here is obvious. Mueller took issue with how the president and the media were spinning his report so he spoke up to try and clear the record.

Bullshit. He stepped on his dick.
He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
Whatever you need to tell yourself to make it thru the night sweetie.
I tell myself facts. If you think I’ve said anything that’s not true then make a counter argument and show why it’s not true
Page 9 of the Mueller report. "Further, the evidence was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election." Evidence not sufficient is a fancy way of saying there was no there there. No conspiracy, no collusion.
Are you spinning or do you really think that? I don’t care if you’re a trump supporter or not but what happened here is obvious. Mueller took issue with how the president and the media were spinning his report so he spoke up to try and clear the record.

Bullshit. He stepped on his dick.
He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
Are you spinning or do you really think that? I don’t care if you’re a trump supporter or not but what happened here is obvious. Mueller took issue with how the president and the media were spinning his report so he spoke up to try and clear the record.

Bullshit. He stepped on his dick.
He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
Whatever you need to tell yourself to make it thru the night sweetie.
I tell myself facts. If you think I’ve said anything that’s not true then make a counter argument and show why it’s not true
Page 9 of the Mueller report. "Further, the evidence was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election." Evidence not sufficient is a fancy way of saying there was no there there. No conspiracy, no collusion.
You are half right... there was no conspiracy, but collusion is not the same thing. Trump lying when he said he had no contacts with Russians, Flynn lying about meeting with Russians. Don Jr, and Kush lying about meeting at trump tower, the prez helping with a cover story, manafort giving polling data to Russians... all this is collusion. It’s all outlined plus more in Muellers report.

Here is the definition of collusion Incase you forgot...

Collusion is a secret cooperation or deceitful agreement in order to deceive others, although not necessarily illegal, as a conspiracy.
But now, with the indisputable evidence against Trump, Democrats are boxed in now to perform a Constitutional duty. I'm still not convinced they will go through with it, seeing that the Senate won't move on it? But, I don't really see it as a choice either for them. Democrats are caught between two bad things for them politically too. They have no good political options, but the best one, to show they are doing a Constitutionally bounded function, is to proceed.

Sit back and watch. Assuming she won't be thwarted by her own caucus, you're going to see the best strategist in Washington perform her Constitutional duties, and outwit and outmaneuver the White House on top of it. It's going to be a blast.

Do you understand this is our nation? This isn't a game. This is very serious.

Personally, I don't want a president who was elected under the circumstances this one was elected. I don't want a president who undermines our institutions and standing in this world. I don't want a president who tells the world he believes putin over our many intelligence agencies. I so don't want a president who is a puppet for any foreign nation much less russia. I don't want a president who uses the office for his own personal gain so blatantly. I don't want a president who lies through his teeth just about every time he opens his mouth.

However I'm a realist. The reality is that the House can impeach him all day long. It means nearly nothing. The Senate will never vote guilty no matter what evidence is presented. trump will scream he's innocent of everything and it will become even more a circus and our nation will become more divided.

I believe in democracy. I believe in the vote of the people. There will be an election in a year in and a half. I want the people to throw his ugly butt out of office. I want the voice of our vote to get him out of office. That way he doesn't get any martyr status and a president pence can't pardon him or anyone involved with or related to trump who has committed crimes.

I want to see the truth be told to the American people and I want the American people to speak with our voices.

This isn't something that is going to be a blast. It's going to be very, very ugly and do nothing but harm and divide our nation more.

Under what "circumstances," comrade? Where the Potentate attempted but failed to rig the election on behalf of his opponent? Where the "intelligence" agencies perjure themselves to spy on his campaign? Where the head of the CIA engages in treason to get Russia to slander the opposition for the purpose of influencing the election?

Perhaps Comrade, the real issue is that you're not comfortable having elections, that you want our rulers to be appointed by the party.
Yes he also lied to congress and is also in contempt of congress. Also he is not judge and jury and misrepresented the Mueller report on national TV.

Oh, and what did he lie about, Ahmed?
Mueller based his report on the OLC decision in 2000.


Look, you're just an ignorant Hamas terrorist - you're as dumb as the camels Arab men lust after.

But IF you dumb piles of shit want to accuse the AG of lying, you need to post EXACTLY what the AG said, and how it was an intent to deceive and is false.

Seriously, you may be dumber than Wry Catcher

Look it up, you have google.

Mueller MENTIONED a 1997 guideline by the OAC - you ignorant terrorist.

NOW. IF you dumb piles of shit want to accuse the AG of lying, you need to post EXACTLY what the AG said, and how it was an intent to deceive and is false.
In fact his team did indict a number of those members of his inner circle, the political issue is based on Mr. Mueller's unwillingness to indict The President (based on a DOJ policy, not the law).

it 's not that he didn't want it to be political, in fact it is political and Mr. Mueller, IMO, didn't want to be engaged in a political pissing contest, which in on going in the Congress.


Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is a hatchet man hired by the democrats to take out the president of the United States in a soft coup.

Political is the ONLY thing the pile of shit is, or ever was. He surrounded himself with the most vicious Trump Haters he could find, and then engaged in unethical and illegal tactics that have marred his shameful "career" for decades. This pile of shit has put the innocent in prison for as long as he has infected the public sphere.

Even with this, the filthy and corrupt fuck could fabricate NOTHING to hang on the president, even WITH the treason of Obama with all the spying by Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, and McCabe.

Buh buh buh BUT WAHHHHHHHH:CryingCow:


The only one obstructing anything is the fuckwad Torquemada who hid exculpatory evidence.
How about you support that statement with an argument?

For to me, BWK is exactly right.

Not that this exposes you as a hack

There is more of the same. I find, Mueller should have prosecuted the participants in the Trump Tower meeting for campaign finance violations (accepting something of value, or the promise thereof, from a foreign power).

What value did the Hillary/Fusion GPS operative Natalia Veselnitskaya. Remember, Hillary's "fixer" Glenn Simpson met with Veselnitskaya before and after her Meeting with Trump Jr. (page 166)

Mueller had to resort to the tortured argument that Trump jr. et al couldn't have known that was a crime to avoid prosecuting them. Had he done so, he'd have had the mother of all political fights on his hands, and he obviously avoided that. It's painful to watch.

Total bullshit.

Mueller says nothing even remotely similar to your lie.

Further, IF what you claim were true, that obtaining opposition research is illegal, then Hillary and Obama are both guilty by purchasing the Steele Dossier, which they used to influence the election.

Mueller didn't prosecute the president because DoJ regulations prohibited it. He avoided reaching a prosecutorial decision because he couldn't prosecute. The rest is now in the hands of Congress (Mueller hinted at that), or, post Trump's presidency, for the courts to adjudicate. He collected the evidence, outlined avenues for further investigation and prosecution for that purpose (and hinted at that as well - "when memories are fresh"). That's Bob "By the Book" Mueller as he lives and breathes.

You sir, are a fucking liar.

Mueller didn't prosecute because;

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


The next honest Trump hater I encounter will be the first one.
You're echoing a meme. If you want to be believed, you need to do a lot of research and stop pretending you have any understanding of the chaos which grips The District.


"The firing of a liar and a phony like James Comey has no bearing on the Mueller investigation."

Of course, Comey's firing sparked the Mueller investigation in the first place, which is why that firing cannot have had a "bearing" on that investigation - it didn't exist at that time. Other than, obviously, sparking it. That's not a meme, that's just bottomless ignorance advertising itself in neon all over the sky.

No it didn't, Hillary sparked the investigation's ...

In fact, the covert operations to take out Trump started a full 18 months before Comey attempted to extort the President of the United States and was terminated for it.
You're echoing a meme. If you want to be believed, you need to do a lot of research and stop pretending you have any understanding of the chaos which grips The District.


"The firing of a liar and a phony like James Comey has no bearing on the Mueller investigation."

Of course, Comey's firing sparked the Mueller investigation in the first place, which is why that firing cannot have had a "bearing" on that investigation - it didn't exist at that time. Other than, obviously, sparking it. That's not a meme, that's just bottomless ignorance advertising itself in neon all over the sky.

In reality you are correct, in the mind of a trump supporter, it is a fact, in MO, it is a conspiracy theory echoed by the trump gang.

Oh, so you COLLUSION are going to accuse OTHERS of Conspiracy Theories?

That's fucking rich....

You’re not sure which investigation Trump wanted Comey to drop?! Seriously?! Why do I even bother talking to fools like you?
My question was rhetorical and practical since Comey didn't conduct these high level investigations in a vacuum by himself, as already pointed out. Grow the fuck up.

And it makes as much sense as you claiming Comey was fired to end the Russian interference investigation when it did nothing of the kind. If talking to a fool bothers you please stop torturing yourself and run along. You won't be missed.
Perhaps I’m a fool for listening to the words that come out of Trumps mouth, but he literally said he fired Comey because of the “Russian thing” on national TV. Whether it was effective in impacting the investigation or not has no bearing on how the law defines obstruction of justice

Perhaps you're a just hack with virtually no integrity? :dunno:

Former President Barack Obama knew his FBI director was going to "blackmail" incoming President Trump in January 2017, attorney Joe diGenova said.

Last week former FBI General Counsel James Baker admitted the bureau was worried that former FBI Director James Comey would appear to be “blackmailing” the president-elect at the end of a Jan. 6, 2017 briefing at Trump Tower when he divulged some of the most salacious claims in an unverified dossier about Trump's ties to Russia.

Appearing on Fox News late Sunday, diGenova noted this briefing happened one day after Obama met with top officials in the Oval Office, including Comey.}

Obama knew Comey was going to 'blackmail' Trump, Joe diGenova says

Comey was fired for committing treason by trying to blackmail the POTUS..

Where Comey fucked up is that he took the word of John Brennan that his "pee tape" actually existed.

Since the whole thing was a fraud and simply absurd, Trump laughed him out of the Oval Office and fired his traitor ass.
You’re not sure which investigation Trump wanted Comey to drop?! Seriously?! Why do I even bother talking to fools like you?
My question was rhetorical and practical since Comey didn't conduct these high level investigations in a vacuum by himself, as already pointed out. Grow the fuck up.

And it makes as much sense as you claiming Comey was fired to end the Russian interference investigation when it did nothing of the kind. If talking to a fool bothers you please stop torturing yourself and run along. You won't be missed.
Perhaps I’m a fool for listening to the words that come out of Trumps mouth, but he literally said he fired Comey because of the “Russian thing” on national TV. Whether it was effective in impacting the investigation or not has no bearing on how the law defines obstruction of justice

Perhaps you're a just hack with virtually no integrity? :dunno:

Former President Barack Obama knew his FBI director was going to "blackmail" incoming President Trump in January 2017, attorney Joe diGenova said.

Last week former FBI General Counsel James Baker admitted the bureau was worried that former FBI Director James Comey would appear to be “blackmailing” the president-elect at the end of a Jan. 6, 2017 briefing at Trump Tower when he divulged some of the most salacious claims in an unverified dossier about Trump's ties to Russia.

Appearing on Fox News late Sunday, diGenova noted this briefing happened one day after Obama met with top officials in the Oval Office, including Comey.}

Obama knew Comey was going to 'blackmail' Trump, Joe diGenova says

Comey was fired for committing treason by trying to blackmail the POTUS..

Where Comey fucked up is that he took the word of John Brennan that his "pee tape" actually existed.

Since the whole thing was a fraud and simply absurd, Trump laughed him out of the Oval Office and fired his traitor ass.
Why am I a hack? Because a believe a Republican special prosecutor that served as head of the FBI under presidents of both parties over Joe DiGovenova?

Ok buddy
You’re not sure which investigation Trump wanted Comey to drop?! Seriously?! Why do I even bother talking to fools like you?
My question was rhetorical and practical since Comey didn't conduct these high level investigations in a vacuum by himself, as already pointed out. Grow the fuck up.

And it makes as much sense as you claiming Comey was fired to end the Russian interference investigation when it did nothing of the kind. If talking to a fool bothers you please stop torturing yourself and run along. You won't be missed.
Perhaps I’m a fool for listening to the words that come out of Trumps mouth, but he literally said he fired Comey because of the “Russian thing” on national TV. Whether it was effective in impacting the investigation or not has no bearing on how the law defines obstruction of justice

Perhaps you're a just hack with virtually no integrity? :dunno:

Former President Barack Obama knew his FBI director was going to "blackmail" incoming President Trump in January 2017, attorney Joe diGenova said.

Last week former FBI General Counsel James Baker admitted the bureau was worried that former FBI Director James Comey would appear to be “blackmailing” the president-elect at the end of a Jan. 6, 2017 briefing at Trump Tower when he divulged some of the most salacious claims in an unverified dossier about Trump's ties to Russia.

Appearing on Fox News late Sunday, diGenova noted this briefing happened one day after Obama met with top officials in the Oval Office, including Comey.}

Obama knew Comey was going to 'blackmail' Trump, Joe diGenova says

Comey was fired for committing treason by trying to blackmail the POTUS..

Where Comey fucked up is that he took the word of John Brennan that his "pee tape" actually existed.

Since the whole thing was a fraud and simply absurd, Trump laughed him out of the Oval Office and fired his traitor ass.
Why am I a hack? Because a believe a Republican special prosecutor that served as head of the FBI under presidents of both parties over Joe DiGovenova?

Ok buddy

You're a hack because you would call Robert Mueller "a Republican special prosecutor "

Who do you think you will deceive? Seriously?
In fact his team did indict a number of those members of his inner circle, the political issue is based on Mr. Mueller's unwillingness to indict The President (based on a DOJ policy, not the law).

it 's not that he didn't want it to be political, in fact it is political and Mr. Mueller, IMO, didn't want to be engaged in a political pissing contest, which in on going in the Congress.


Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is a hatchet man hired by the democrats to take out the president of the United States in a soft coup.

Political is the ONLY thing the pile of shit is, or ever was. He surrounded himself with the most vicious Trump Haters he could find, and then engaged in unethical and illegal tactics that have marred his shameful "career" for decades. This pile of shit has put the innocent in prison for as long as he has infected the public sphere.

Even with this, the filthy and corrupt fuck could fabricate NOTHING to hang on the president, even WITH the treason of Obama with all the spying by Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, and McCabe.

Buh buh buh BUT WAHHHHHHHH:CryingCow:


The only one obstructing anything is the fuckwad Torquemada who hid exculpatory evidence.
None of what you said can be verified. You are a liar.
You’re not sure which investigation Trump wanted Comey to drop?! Seriously?! Why do I even bother talking to fools like you?
My question was rhetorical and practical since Comey didn't conduct these high level investigations in a vacuum by himself, as already pointed out. Grow the fuck up.

And it makes as much sense as you claiming Comey was fired to end the Russian interference investigation when it did nothing of the kind. If talking to a fool bothers you please stop torturing yourself and run along. You won't be missed.
Perhaps I’m a fool for listening to the words that come out of Trumps mouth, but he literally said he fired Comey because of the “Russian thing” on national TV. Whether it was effective in impacting the investigation or not has no bearing on how the law defines obstruction of justice

Perhaps you're a just hack with virtually no integrity? :dunno:

Former President Barack Obama knew his FBI director was going to "blackmail" incoming President Trump in January 2017, attorney Joe diGenova said.

Last week former FBI General Counsel James Baker admitted the bureau was worried that former FBI Director James Comey would appear to be “blackmailing” the president-elect at the end of a Jan. 6, 2017 briefing at Trump Tower when he divulged some of the most salacious claims in an unverified dossier about Trump's ties to Russia.

Appearing on Fox News late Sunday, diGenova noted this briefing happened one day after Obama met with top officials in the Oval Office, including Comey.}

Obama knew Comey was going to 'blackmail' Trump, Joe diGenova says

Comey was fired for committing treason by trying to blackmail the POTUS..

Where Comey fucked up is that he took the word of John Brennan that his "pee tape" actually existed.

Since the whole thing was a fraud and simply absurd, Trump laughed him out of the Oval Office and fired his traitor ass.
Why am I a hack? Because a believe a Republican special prosecutor that served as head of the FBI under presidents of both parties over Joe DiGovenova?

Ok buddy

You're a hack because you would call Robert Mueller "a Republican special prosecutor "

Who do you think you will deceive? Seriously?
Well he is a registered Republican and a special prosecutor so yeah I’d call that a pretty accurate statement. The fact you’re taking issue with a factual statement shows that you’re the hack. Sorry
In fact his team did indict a number of those members of his inner circle, the political issue is based on Mr. Mueller's unwillingness to indict The President (based on a DOJ policy, not the law).

it 's not that he didn't want it to be political, in fact it is political and Mr. Mueller, IMO, didn't want to be engaged in a political pissing contest, which in on going in the Congress.


Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is a hatchet man hired by the democrats to take out the president of the United States in a soft coup.

Political is the ONLY thing the pile of shit is, or ever was. He surrounded himself with the most vicious Trump Haters he could find, and then engaged in unethical and illegal tactics that have marred his shameful "career" for decades. This pile of shit has put the innocent in prison for as long as he has infected the public sphere.

Even with this, the filthy and corrupt fuck could fabricate NOTHING to hang on the president, even WITH the treason of Obama with all the spying by Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, and McCabe.

Buh buh buh BUT WAHHHHHHHH:CryingCow:


The only one obstructing anything is the fuckwad Torquemada who hid exculpatory evidence.
None of what you said can be verified. You are a liar.

Everything I posted is already verified, dumbfuck.

What are you yapping about, moron?
Comey is a proven liar. BREAKING: Fired FBI Director Comey Lied to Congress - Hid Trump Investigation from US Lawmakers FOR 9 MONTHS!
He lied to the FISA court. He lied to Congress. He lied in his self serving book. Admit it, James Comey: You’ve been lying all along
That he served under both parties, until fired for lying, is irrelevant.
You just lied and so did the article. Comey answered, "because of the sensitivity of the matter". He wouldn't discuss it. There was nothing mentioned about the campaign. That's not lying. Do you know what a "lie" even is?
In fact his team did indict a number of those members of his inner circle, the political issue is based on Mr. Mueller's unwillingness to indict The President (based on a DOJ policy, not the law).

it 's not that he didn't want it to be political, in fact it is political and Mr. Mueller, IMO, didn't want to be engaged in a political pissing contest, which in on going in the Congress.


Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is a hatchet man hired by the democrats to take out the president of the United States in a soft coup.

Political is the ONLY thing the pile of shit is, or ever was. He surrounded himself with the most vicious Trump Haters he could find, and then engaged in unethical and illegal tactics that have marred his shameful "career" for decades. This pile of shit has put the innocent in prison for as long as he has infected the public sphere.

Even with this, the filthy and corrupt fuck could fabricate NOTHING to hang on the president, even WITH the treason of Obama with all the spying by Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, and McCabe.

Buh buh buh BUT WAHHHHHHHH:CryingCow:


The only one obstructing anything is the fuckwad Torquemada who hid exculpatory evidence.
None of what you said can be verified. You are a liar.

Everything I posted is already verified, dumbfuck.

What are you yapping about, moron?
Negative! None of it.They're all lies.

Former President Barack Obama knew his FBI director was going to "blackmail" incoming President Trump in January 2017, attorney Joe diGenova said. Where is the proof?

Comey was fired for committing treason by trying to blackmail the POTUS.. Where is the proof?

Last week former FBI General Counsel James Baker admitted the bureau was worried that former FBI Director James Comey would appear to be “blackmailing” the president-elect at the end of a Jan. 6, 2017 briefing at Trump Tower when he divulged some of the most salacious claims in an unverified dossier about Trump's ties to Russia. Link the proof where Baker said this or you are a friggin liar.
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