Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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Barr is putting politics above the law.

But like Holder, hes the AG and will do whatever the fuck he wants s0n!! The left gonna hate Barr more than Trump when it's all said and done which who would think that possible.

Obama weaponized the DOJ....payback does indeed bite the bumpy.

What else did you find in your colon?

Lol.....look what I found!!!

Nolte: Far-Left CNN Suffers Double Digit Primetime Ratings Crash

Liberals disheartened.....they know the big bumpy is coming!:113::113:

Top story on DRUDGE btw:hello77:
The dossier wasn’t used for shit. It was oppo research that Clinton’s team did nothing with. Intelligence found it and informed Trump. It was leaked and then reported as an unsubstantiated document by buzzfeed AFTER Trump was elected. If it was planned to be used in coordination with Russia to spread disinformation to hurt Trump in the election then it was the worst executed plan ever.
So wrong and disingenuous! Was that your plan?
If nothing else the dossier was used as a primary source of information to gain permission from the FISA court to spy on Trump (even though Comey and the gang knew he was proffering bullshit to the court...sort of a fraud that is frowned upon and illegal). So just based on that alone you are very wrong.

The dossier became part of John Brennan's research with the NSA, FBI and CIA looking into Russian collusion so a completely fictitious bit of slander by a noted Trump hater (Steele) was being treated as if it were serious counter intelligence by another noted Trump hater (Brennan). And it was not, by the way, legitimate and Steele himself would
not stand behind his dossier in open court in England.

And as far as Buzzfeed's timing in releasing 35 pages of the salacious dossier after he was elected that's also bullshit...as if the president couldn't be slandered, his administration delegitimized and fuel added to the sedition fire that completely drained his authority, as it still doing so by clowns like you, once in office. That's a laugh!
You’ve got to fix your vocabulary. Mueller found insufficient evidence for conspiracy or illegal cooperation. He posted several instances of collusion where trump people met with Russians and then lied about it. That’s the definition of collusion. Having a shady or secret meeting.

The FISA on Carter Page, took place in Mid October 2016 and it was AFTER Page had left the Trump campaign,

Try again!

Yeah, and yeah, and direct cooperation resulting in influence on an election is different from an intelligence gathering operation that had no influence on the election whatsoever. But then, he has repeated that claptrap so often, and piled that bullshit so high, by now there has to be a little truth to it. It plainly has to.
You’ve got to fix your vocabulary. Mueller found insufficient evidence for conspiracy or illegal cooperation. He posted several instances of collusion where trump people met with Russians and then lied about it. That’s the definition of collusion. Having a shady or secret meeting.
And yet...Mueller has declined to call it such or characterize it in the way you imagine things to be. Why?
Are you joking? I’m using his terms from his report. What doesn’t exist in his report or public statements are the words “No collusion No Obstruction” you are simply parroting dishonest propaganda
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that
Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
Sure. Day is night. Up is down. Hot is cold. The Steele dossier wasn't a Hillary Clinton/Fusion GPS project designed to smear and destroy Donald Trump (ala the Russian hookers golden showers rumor).

Discredited former British M-6 Intelligence Russian expert, agent Christopher Steele, has disavowed his own handiwork and now says he can't vouch for any of the information gathered mostly from Russian sources in his dossier designed
to torpedo candidate Donald Trump.

What could be more appropriate and on point than getting to the bottom of this document and tracking down the British-Russian-American intelligence links when trying to unravel the issue of Russian interference in our election?

But Robert Mueller, who was supposed to investigate wherever the tracks led, for some reason just couldn't be bothered to investigate the central issue of the whole collusion issue, the dossier used to justify spying on the Trump campaign even though James Comey knew this document was an utter work of fiction.

Has anyone asked Captain America Mueller why his time and effort was used to catch small inconsequential fish like Paul Manafort or General Michael Flynn while he utterly ignored the Russian influenced Steele dossier?
Your gutless laughable denial tells us all much about Mueller and his partisan inquisition.
The dossier wasn’t used for shit. It was oppo research that Clinton’s team did nothing with. Intelligence found it and informed Trump. It was leaked and then reported as an unsubstantiated document by buzzfeed AFTER Trump was elected. If it was planned to be used in coordination with Russia to spread disinformation to hurt Trump in the election then it was the worst executed plan ever.
You have a little bullshit in the corner of your mouth. Your fantasy is totally devoid of any truth or fact.
Name one thing that I said that isn’t true
I tell myself facts. If you think I’ve said anything that’s not true then make a counter argument and show why it’s not true
Page 9 of the Mueller report. "Further, the evidence was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election." Evidence not sufficient is a fancy way of saying there was no there there. No conspiracy, no collusion.
You are half right... there was no conspiracy, but collusion is not the same thing. Trump lying when he said he had no contacts with Russians, Flynn lying about meeting with Russians. Don Jr, and Kush lying about meeting at trump tower, the prez helping with a cover story, manafort giving polling data to Russians... all this is collusion. It’s all outlined plus more in Muellers report.

Here is the definition of collusion Incase you forgot...

Collusion is a secret cooperation or deceitful agreement in order to deceive others, although not necessarily illegal, as a conspiracy.
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Damn, you got your head so far up Hannities ass you can’t think straight. Wish you could hear how stupid that narrative you just laid out sounds.

Steele didn’t conspire with Russia on anything illegal. He gathered dirt, they gave the dirt to the FBI, the FBI told Trump, it was leaked to the public after the election was over. Clinton didn’t use the dossier or spread lies about Trump during the campaign. Get your facts straight. I laugh every time I hear you all try and turn the table in Clinton over this dossier thing. Such a weak argument
I hope you have a nice warm, soft blanket to snuggle into when you attempt to calm yourself with your delusions. Reality says you're full of shit, but don't let that stop you. Put your stupidity on display so everyone can enjoy a good laugh. Moron.
Wow, you really are an empty box aren’t ya?! That’s two posts in a row that you have only responded with insults and having failed to make a counter argument or prove me wrong with substance. That’s the characteristic of somebody who doesn’t have the facts or the intellect behind them to engage in a debate. Do better.
The dossier wasn’t used for shit. It was oppo research that Clinton’s team did nothing with. Intelligence found it and informed Trump. It was leaked and then reported as an unsubstantiated document by buzzfeed AFTER Trump was elected. If it was planned to be used in coordination with Russia to spread disinformation to hurt Trump in the election then it was the worst executed plan ever.
So wrong and disingenuous! Was that your plan?
If nothing else the dossier was used as a primary source of information to gain permission from the FISA court to spy on Trump (even though Comey and the gang knew he was proffering bullshit to the court...sort of a fraud that is frowned upon and illegal). So just based on that alone you are very wrong.

The dossier became part of John Brennan's research with the NSA, FBI and CIA looking into Russian collusion so a completely fictitious bit of slander by a noted Trump hater (Steele) was being treated as if it were serious counter intelligence by another noted Trump hater (Brennan). And it was not, by the way, legitimate and Steele himself would
not stand behind his dossier in open court in England.

And as far as Buzzfeed's timing in releasing 35 pages of the salacious dossier after he was elected that's also bullshit...as if the president couldn't be slandered, his administration delegitimized and fuel added to the sedition fire that completely drained his authority, as it still doing so by clowns like you, once in office. That's a laugh!
If the dossier was used to get a warrant to spy on trump then your off your talking point that Clinton was using it nefariously, it now turns into a deep state conspiracy. It is foolish IMO to think that only the dossier was used to get the warrants. The FBI and CIAs job is to gather intel and I’m confident that the intel they used was substantiated through a variety of sources. But if not then I’ll give it to ya. If all they used was the dossier with no substantiation then I agree that would be wrong and there should be accountability. Easy solution is to release the FISA warrants. Trump said he was going to declassify... why hasn’t he? It’s another tax return situation. He isn’t releasing anything because it wouldn’t mean his fake narrative would crumble.

Chris Wray who is the Trump appointed director of the FBI has backed up the validity of the investigations. Don’t take his word? Then I guess we will have to wait till Barr is done. Once he turns up nothing will you finally admit you were spoon fed a bunch of BS by your propagandist media and president?
What it's to complicated to figure out how it all started?

If we were in kindergarten it would be called "Hillary got her hand caught in the cookie jar and blamed little Donald for rating her out to the teacher"

You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth
Nor was it what Trump said to the Russians who did interfere in our election, when he brought them gleefully, to the Oval Office the day after he fired Comey....

Hillary interfered in Russias Election, Russia payed her back. That's how the real world works, you play with fire you will get burned.
At least he is finally admitting that Russia targeted Clinton and interfered in the election. Baby steps...
Are you joking? I’m using his terms from his report. What doesn’t exist in his report or public statements are the words “No collusion No Obstruction” you are simply parroting dishonest propaganda
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot. Mueller won't say Trump is guilty of anything. He can't say it.
Or he certainly would have said so by now. How easy is that to figure out?

But he infers and hints at it and leaves it for the political class to make that case for him. You know....because they don't have to prove a single fucking thing!
They only have to find agreement among their like minded party ideologues that Trump is a naughty guilty boy.
And that will be good enough for them because nothing has to be conclusively proved...
they only need to appease their howling rabid base. And you are proof enough of how easy that is to a predisposed mentally unbalanced audience.

That shit may work for you. But for nearly three years of investigating, and $25 million dollars in cost this "I'm not calling him guilty, but you people can go ahead and try to make that case" seems like a transparently phony way of continuing this partisan jihad.
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Are you joking? I’m using his terms from his report. What doesn’t exist in his report or public statements are the words “No collusion No Obstruction” you are simply parroting dishonest propaganda
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot. Mueller won't say Trump is guilty of anything. He can't say it.
Or he certainly would have said so by now. How easy is that to figure out?

But he infers and hints at it and leaves it for the political class to make that case for him. You know....because they don't have to prove a single fucking thing!
They only have to find agreement among their like minded party ideologues that Trump is a naughty guilty boy.
And that will be good enough for them because nothing has to be conclusively proved...
they only need to appease their howling rabid base. And you are proof enough of how easy that is to a predisposed mentally unbalanced audience.

That shit may work for you. But for nearly three years of investigating, and $25 million dollars in cost this "I'm not calling him guilty, but you people can go ahead and try to make that case" seems like a transparently phony way of continuing this partisan jihad.
He held a press conference to clarify to all you braindeads that didn’t read or couldn’t understand his report. He explained why he couldn’t accuse the president of crimes because of his inability to prosecute a sitting president. He did however clear Trump of conspiracy. Don’t you think he would have done the same about o structuring if he thought there was no there there?! The ball is in congresses hands now.

I say drop it and move on. But let’s just be honest about what’s going on. Shall we?
How about you pick one specifically and I debate you regarding its validity
My comments are part of the record now. If you choose to find fault with anything I posted you are free to give it a try.
Haha, you can’t turn the tables like that, nice try. You were challenging my statements calling all of them wrong. I asked you to pick one and we can debate it. This response of yours is a total cop out. Thanks for playing.
Haha, you can’t turn the tables like that, nice try. You were challenging my statements calling all of them wrong. I asked you to pick one and we can debate it. This response of yours is a total cop out. Thanks for playing.
My comments address each point you made in full. How is that a cop out? You fourth grade Debate Kings always declare yourselves the winner when nothing else works. I'm afraid that's not how things go.
He held a press conference to clarify to all you braindeads that didn’t read or couldn’t understand his report. He explained why he couldn’t accuse the president of crimes because of his inability to prosecute a sitting president.
According to Kenneth Starr and the NY Times Mueller could have prosecuted Trump, if he was so inclined and had a case to make.
I posted that proof long ago. I guess you don't pay attention to the things that tend to not make your case.

He did however clear Trump of conspiracy. Don’t you think he would have done the same about o structuring if he thought there was no there there?! The ball is in congresses hands now.
The case for obstruction is just asinine and pathetic. There is no other way to put it.
Mueller got everything he wanted and he ran his own show. The idea that Trump had the intent to obstruct is just ridiculous. I've already disposed of this bullshit.

That Hillary can't be prosecuted for her many crimes because "no serious prosecutor" could show her intent but Trump can be prosecuted because his intent is, on it's face, so obvious is just moronic.
Haha, you can’t turn the tables like that, nice try. You were challenging my statements calling all of them wrong. I asked you to pick one and we can debate it. This response of yours is a total cop out. Thanks for playing.
My comments address each point you made in full. How is that a cop out? You fourth grade Debate Kings always declare yourselves the winner when nothing else works. I'm afraid that's not how things go.
Because you ran away from the debate! I’m not going to dig through you past comments. You called foul on the things I said. Pick one and explain why you think I’m lying.
He held a press conference to clarify to all you braindeads that didn’t read or couldn’t understand his report. He explained why he couldn’t accuse the president of crimes because of his inability to prosecute a sitting president.
According to Kenneth Starr and the NY Times Mueller could have prosecuted Trump, if he was so inclined and had a case to make.
I posted that proof long ago. I guess you don't pay attention to the things that tend to not make your case.

He did however clear Trump of conspiracy. Don’t you think he would have done the same about o structuring if he thought there was no there there?! The ball is in congresses hands now.
The case for obstruction is just asinine and pathetic. There is no other way to put it.
Mueller got everything he wanted and he ran his own show. The idea that Trump had the intent to obstruct is just ridiculous. I've already disposed of this bullshit.

That Hillary can't be prosecuted for her many crimes because "no serious prosecutor" could show her intent but Trump can be prosecuted because his intent is, on it's face, so obvious is just moronic.
Ok neither of your points dispute anything that I’ve said. I don’t care what Ken starr says. It has nothing to do with my statement explaining what mueller said about feeling he couldn’t accuse the president of any crimes so he punted to congress. I don’t agree with what he did but that is what happened. Also the report never said No Obstruction so how about you concede that Trump lies about that one.

Also, you can think the case for obstruction is ridiculous all you want. I never said it was strong or weak, I just said that mueller obviously did not clear trump.

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