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So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Joy Behar and other deep thinkers called it "sedition" when it was thought, but never proved, that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. What Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller, etc. is guilty of is no less than sedition.
The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that

LMFAO, the biggest spin is where it started, Hillary getting busted for rigging the DNC and then blaming Trump for collusion on knarking to the public..
She was not busted for rigging the DNC.... if you believe she was, then why not post this rigging that you believe took place that would have given Bernie the win, if it had not taking place... a reputable source with facts, pretty please.

Did she save the DNC, by bailing them out of the financial hole they were in, back in August of 2015, yes, she did.

Did she get more super delegates to support her, yes she did.... but Bernie signed off, on the rules of the game set in place for every prior DNC recent election with super delegates..... he should not have agreed to the rules, if he had no plan to stand by them, and run as an independent or Socialist.

Now please show us where the rigging of the primary comes in, where you keep saying she rigged the DNC

How was it rigged?

Look it up yourself, their is multiple threads on that subject here alone at USMB over the years, not going to rehash common facts and play your boring game.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that

LMFAO, the biggest spin is where it started, Hillary getting busted for rigging the DNC and then blaming Trump for collusion on knarking to the public..
I’d agree except for none of that being true

So Debbie didn't step down, Bernie supporters didn't see the DNC?

No one discredited the Emails

How much lying you going to do?
Haha, I’ve got to concede this one to you. I’m so used to your BS that I sped read your last statement and didn’t catch that you were talking about the DNC. Yeah, there was shady business going on there. But that didn’t have anything to do with the mueller investigations. Trump and his teams lies are responsible for that

What it's to complicated to figure out how it all started?

If we were in kindergarten it would be called "Hillary got her hand caught in the cookie jar and blamed little Donald for rating her out to the teacher"

You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that
The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
It did not need addressing, because they had all the evidence they needed to justify the investigation, WITHOUT the dossier...
The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that

LMFAO, the biggest spin is where it started, Hillary getting busted for rigging the DNC and then blaming Trump for collusion on knarking to the public..
She was not busted for rigging the DNC.... if you believe she was, then why not post this rigging that you believe took place that would have given Bernie the win, if it had not taking place... a reputable source with facts, pretty please.

Did she save the DNC, by bailing them out of the financial hole they were in, back in August of 2015, yes, she did.

Did she get more super delegates to support her, yes she did.... but Bernie signed off, on the rules of the game set in place for every prior DNC recent election with super delegates..... he should not have agreed to the rules, if he had no plan to stand by them, and run as an independent or Socialist.

Now please show us where the rigging of the primary comes in, where you keep saying she rigged the DNC

How was it rigged?

And it is amazing how the left on here conveniently forgot already...

Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested. I’d had my suspicions from the moment I walked in the door of the DNC a month or so earlier, based on the leaked emails

Just think, if Trump had not lied lied and lied about no contact and no business connections and no nothing with the Russians to all of us, the investigation in to the Trump campaign's connections and contacts with the Russians, would have likely not been opened.

The LIES and LIES and LIES is what got them caught up in it.
LMFAO, the biggest spin is where it started, Hillary getting busted for rigging the DNC and then blaming Trump for collusion on knarking to the public..
I’d agree except for none of that being true

So Debbie didn't step down, Bernie supporters didn't see the DNC?

No one discredited the Emails

How much lying you going to do?
Haha, I’ve got to concede this one to you. I’m so used to your BS that I sped read your last statement and didn’t catch that you were talking about the DNC. Yeah, there was shady business going on there. But that didn’t have anything to do with the mueller investigations. Trump and his teams lies are responsible for that

What it's to complicated to figure out how it all started?

If we were in kindergarten it would be called "Hillary got her hand caught in the cookie jar and blamed little Donald for rating her out to the teacher"

You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
He wrote a 400 page report that laid out collusion (not conspiracy) and obstruction and then had to listen to trump and his parrots repeat “No collision No obstruction” totally vindicated... we all know that was not what the report said but Trump pushed it to his mindless puppets anyways. That’s the bullshit
Whatever you need to tell yourself to make it thru the night sweetie.
I tell myself facts. If you think I’ve said anything that’s not true then make a counter argument and show why it’s not true
Page 9 of the Mueller report. "Further, the evidence was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election." Evidence not sufficient is a fancy way of saying there was no there there. No conspiracy, no collusion.
You are half right... there was no conspiracy, but collusion is not the same thing. Trump lying when he said he had no contacts with Russians, Flynn lying about meeting with Russians. Don Jr, and Kush lying about meeting at trump tower, the prez helping with a cover story, manafort giving polling data to Russians... all this is collusion. It’s all outlined plus more in Muellers report.

Here is the definition of collusion Incase you forgot...

Collusion is a secret cooperation or deceitful agreement in order to deceive others, although not necessarily illegal, as a conspiracy.
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Damn, you got your head so far up Hannities ass you can’t think straight. Wish you could hear how stupid that narrative you just laid out sounds.

Steele didn’t conspire with Russia on anything illegal. He gathered dirt, they gave the dirt to the FBI, the FBI told Trump, it was leaked to the public after the election was over. Clinton didn’t use the dossier or spread lies about Trump during the campaign. Get your facts straight. I laugh every time I hear you all try and turn the table in Clinton over this dossier thing. Such a weak argument
Just think, if Trump had not lied lied and lied about no contact and no business connections and no nothing with the Russians to all of us, the investigation in to the Trump campaign's connections and contacts with the Russians, would have likely not been opened.

The LIES and LIES and LIES is what got them caught up in it.

Just think if Hillary was not corrupt and played fair, no damaging info would of been in those emails of her rigging the DNC nomination ..

Quit playing the victim.

The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that

LMFAO, the biggest spin is where it started, Hillary getting busted for rigging the DNC and then blaming Trump for collusion on knarking to the public..
She was not busted for rigging the DNC.... if you believe she was, then why not post this rigging that you believe took place that would have given Bernie the win, if it had not taking place... a reputable source with facts, pretty please.

Did she save the DNC, by bailing them out of the financial hole they were in, back in August of 2015, yes, she did.

Did she get more super delegates to support her, yes she did.... but Bernie signed off, on the rules of the game set in place for every prior DNC recent election with super delegates..... he should not have agreed to the rules, if he had no plan to stand by them, and run as an independent or Socialist.

Now please show us where the rigging of the primary comes in, where you keep saying she rigged the DNC

How was it rigged?

And it is amazing how the left on here conveniently forgot already...

Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested. I’d had my suspicions from the moment I walked in the door of the DNC a month or so earlier, based on the leaked emails

Donna has backed tracked on that sizzler book seller since then....

The DNC did take Hillary's money to bail them out, if they had not, there would have been be NO DNC... there was NOTHING illegal about the transaction, none, zero zip.

So what was the rigging?
Just think, if Trump had not lied lied and lied about no contact and no business connections and no nothing with the Russians to all of us, the investigation in to the Trump campaign's connections and contacts with the Russians, would have likely not been opened.

The LIES and LIES and LIES is what got them caught up in it.
100% agree
It did not need addressing, because they had all the evidence they needed to justify the investigation, WITHOUT the dossier...
Bullstuff! You cannot investigate the matter of Trump collusion and Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election while ignoring the whole issue of Clinton/Fusion GPS and their Steele dossier which was used as justification for spying by the FISA court and was the genesis of the whole attempted coup that tried to remove Trump from his legally earned office.

No one with a shred of intelligence can claim this main component of the whole case against Trump doesn't need to be considered.
Mueller found zero evidence that Trump was guilty of collusion. I guess you'd like us all to just turn away and ignore the even bigger case against the Deep State that tried to manipulate a lie and remove a president from office.
I’d agree except for none of that being true

So Debbie didn't step down, Bernie supporters didn't see the DNC?

No one discredited the Emails

How much lying you going to do?
Haha, I’ve got to concede this one to you. I’m so used to your BS that I sped read your last statement and didn’t catch that you were talking about the DNC. Yeah, there was shady business going on there. But that didn’t have anything to do with the mueller investigations. Trump and his teams lies are responsible for that

What it's to complicated to figure out how it all started?

If we were in kindergarten it would be called "Hillary got her hand caught in the cookie jar and blamed little Donald for rating her out to the teacher"

You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth
It did not need addressing, because they had all the evidence they needed to justify the investigation, WITHOUT the dossier...
Bullstuff! You cannot investigate the matter of Trump collusion and Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election while ignoring the whole issue of Clinton/Fusion GPS and their Steele dossier which was used as justification for spying by the FISA court and was the genesis of the whole attempted coup that tried to remove Trump from his legally earned office.

No one with a shred of intelligence can claim this main component of the whole case against Trump doesn't need to be considered.
Mueller found zero evidence that Trump was guilty of collusion. I guess you'd like us all to just turn away and ignore the even bigger case against the Deep State that tried to manipulate a lie and remove a president from office.
The FISA on Carter Page, took place in Mid October 2016 and it was AFTER Page had left the Trump campaign,

Try again!
It did not need addressing, because they had all the evidence they needed to justify the investigation, WITHOUT the dossier...
Bullstuff! You cannot investigate the matter of Trump collusion and Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election while ignoring the whole issue of Clinton/Fusion GPS and their Steele dossier which was used as justification for spying by the FISA court and was the genesis of the whole attempted coup that tried to remove Trump from his legally earned office.

No one with a shred of intelligence can claim this main component of the whole case against Trump doesn't need to be considered.
Mueller found zero evidence that Trump was guilty of collusion. I guess you'd like us all to just turn away and ignore the even bigger case against the Deep State that tried to manipulate a lie and remove a president from office.
You’ve got to fix your vocabulary. Mueller found insufficient evidence for conspiracy or illegal cooperation. He posted several instances of collusion where trump people met with Russians and then lied about it. That’s the definition of collusion. Having a shady or secret meeting.
The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that

LMFAO, the biggest spin is where it started, Hillary getting busted for rigging the DNC and then blaming Trump for collusion on knarking to the public..
She was not busted for rigging the DNC.... if you believe she was, then why not post this rigging that you believe took place that would have given Bernie the win, if it had not taking place... a reputable source with facts, pretty please.

Did she save the DNC, by bailing them out of the financial hole they were in, back in August of 2015, yes, she did.

Did she get more super delegates to support her, yes she did.... but Bernie signed off, on the rules of the game set in place for every prior DNC recent election with super delegates..... he should not have agreed to the rules, if he had no plan to stand by them, and run as an independent or Socialist.

Now please show us where the rigging of the primary comes in, where you keep saying she rigged the DNC

How was it rigged?

And it is amazing how the left on here conveniently forgot already...

Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested. I’d had my suspicions from the moment I walked in the door of the DNC a month or so earlier, based on the leaked emails

Donna has backed tracked on that sizzler book seller since then....

The DNC did take Hillary's money to bail them out, if they had not, there would have been be NO DNC... there was NOTHING illegal about the transaction, none, zero zip.

So what was the rigging?

So did Kayne on his support of Trump, that's what the left does put pressure on people to shut up, once again it was in the stolen emails that she rigged the nomination and nothing illegal with that.

Donna has backed tracked on that sizzler book seller since then....

The DNC did take Hillary's money to bail them out, if they had not, there would have been be NO DNC... there was NOTHING illegal about the transaction, none, zero zip.

So what was the rigging?
How Hillary Clinton Rigged The Democratic Primary — And May Have Broken The Law | Investor's Business Daily
Donna Brazille, someone with a little bit more knowledge and experience in this matter than you, would like to disagree, strenuously.
So Debbie didn't step down, Bernie supporters didn't see the DNC?

No one discredited the Emails

How much lying you going to do?
Haha, I’ve got to concede this one to you. I’m so used to your BS that I sped read your last statement and didn’t catch that you were talking about the DNC. Yeah, there was shady business going on there. But that didn’t have anything to do with the mueller investigations. Trump and his teams lies are responsible for that

What it's to complicated to figure out how it all started?

If we were in kindergarten it would be called "Hillary got her hand caught in the cookie jar and blamed little Donald for rating her out to the teacher"

You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth
Nor was it what Trump said to the Russians who did interfere in our election, when he brought them gleefully, to the Oval Office the day after he fired Comey....
So Debbie didn't step down, Bernie supporters didn't see the DNC?

No one discredited the Emails

How much lying you going to do?
Haha, I’ve got to concede this one to you. I’m so used to your BS that I sped read your last statement and didn’t catch that you were talking about the DNC. Yeah, there was shady business going on there. But that didn’t have anything to do with the mueller investigations. Trump and his teams lies are responsible for that

What it's to complicated to figure out how it all started?

If we were in kindergarten it would be called "Hillary got her hand caught in the cookie jar and blamed little Donald for rating her out to the teacher"

You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth

So now your ok with Comey being an attention whore / meddeling in a National Election that resulted in Hillary losing?

How strange.


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