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Donna has backed tracked on that sizzler book seller since then....

The DNC did take Hillary's money to bail them out, if they had not, there would have been be NO DNC... there was NOTHING illegal about the transaction, none, zero zip.

So what was the rigging?
How Hillary Clinton Rigged The Democratic Primary — And May Have Broken The Law | Investor's Business Daily
Donna Brazille, someone with a little bit more knowledge and experience in this matter than you, would like to disagree, strenuously.

Care4all thought we were stupid as her friends are that she can bullshit.

I have a low opinion of politicians because they take matters like the Mueller report and argue it to death. My question is "what's best for the country"? Lets do that.
Haha, I’ve got to concede this one to you. I’m so used to your BS that I sped read your last statement and didn’t catch that you were talking about the DNC. Yeah, there was shady business going on there. But that didn’t have anything to do with the mueller investigations. Trump and his teams lies are responsible for that

What it's to complicated to figure out how it all started?

If we were in kindergarten it would be called "Hillary got her hand caught in the cookie jar and blamed little Donald for rating her out to the teacher"

You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth

So now your ok with Comey being an attention whore / meddeling in a National Election that resulted in Hillary losing?

How strange.

When did I say any of that? Stop pulling shit out of your ass and trying to derail the conversation.
You’ve got to fix your vocabulary. Mueller found insufficient evidence for conspiracy or illegal cooperation. He posted several instances of collusion where trump people met with Russians and then lied about it. That’s the definition of collusion. Having a shady or secret meeting.
And yet...Mueller has declined to call it such or characterize it in the way you imagine things to be. Why?
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Joy Behar and other deep thinkers called it "sedition" when it was thought, but never proved, that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. What Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller, etc. is guilty of is no less than sedition.
That's a lie. It was proved that Trump was colluding with Russia.
Haha, I’ve got to concede this one to you. I’m so used to your BS that I sped read your last statement and didn’t catch that you were talking about the DNC. Yeah, there was shady business going on there. But that didn’t have anything to do with the mueller investigations. Trump and his teams lies are responsible for that

What it's to complicated to figure out how it all started?

If we were in kindergarten it would be called "Hillary got her hand caught in the cookie jar and blamed little Donald for rating her out to the teacher"

You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth
Nor was it what Trump said to the Russians who did interfere in our election, when he brought them gleefully, to the Oval Office the day after he fired Comey....

Hillary interfered in Russias Election, Russia payed her back. That's how the real world works, you play with fire you will get burned.
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Joy Behar and other deep thinkers called it "sedition" when it was thought, but never proved, that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. What Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller, etc. is guilty of is no less than sedition.
That's a lie. It was proved that Trump was colluding with Russia.

Proof where? And so what, the last thing America needed was a commie liberal as president after the last one who demanded grown men in little girls bathrooms.

You’ve got to fix your vocabulary. Mueller found insufficient evidence for conspiracy or illegal cooperation. He posted several instances of collusion where trump people met with Russians and then lied about it. That’s the definition of collusion. Having a shady or secret meeting.
And yet...Mueller has declined to call it such or characterize it in the way you imagine things to be. Why?
Sure he did. His report points out clearly there was collusion. And, as a matter of fact, we have new evidence of a conspiracy to collude with Turkey to influence the election with Flynn, who actually got paid as an agreement to collude against Clinton.
What it's to complicated to figure out how it all started?

If we were in kindergarten it would be called "Hillary got her hand caught in the cookie jar and blamed little Donald for rating her out to the teacher"

You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth
Nor was it what Trump said to the Russians who did interfere in our election, when he brought them gleefully, to the Oval Office the day after he fired Comey....

Hillary interfered in Russias Election, Russia payed her back. That's how the real world works, you play with fire you will get burned.
That's a lie with no proof. Trump Toads are nothing but liars.
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Joy Behar and other deep thinkers called it "sedition" when it was thought, but never proved, that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. What Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller, etc. is guilty of is no less than sedition.
That's a lie. It was proved that Trump was colluding with Russia.

Proof where? And so what, the last thing America needed was a commie liberal as president after the last one who demanded grown men in little girls bathrooms.

Read the report DA.

"And so what"? Collusion is, immoral, unethical, and it is cheating. And you are?

And a conspiracy to collude was also proven with Flynn and Turkey.
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You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth
Nor was it what Trump said to the Russians who did interfere in our election, when he brought them gleefully, to the Oval Office the day after he fired Comey....

Hillary interfered in Russias Election, Russia payed her back. That's how the real world works, you play with fire you will get burned.
That's a lie with no proof. Trump Toads are nothing but liars.

Yawn, watch something besides MSNBC and read something besides the Washington compost educate yourself, please and thank you

From liberal politico no less...


Why Putin hates Hillary
Behind the allegations of a Russian hack of the DNC is the Kremlin leader's fury at Clinton for challenging the fairness of Russian elections.


07/25/2016 06:20 PM EDT


Hillary Clinton has never concealed her disdain for Russian President Vladimir Putin. | AP Photo

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Edward Snowden weighs in on DNC leak


But the Clinton campaign has embraced the theory, with campaign manager Robby Mook seeming to endorse the notion of Russian involvement Sunday on CNN. Clinton aides have been gratified to see the story leap onto television, which had previously given little coverage to Trump’s views about Russia and noted that even Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer on Sunday called the allegation of Russian meddling “troubling” and “plausible.”

Story Continued Below

And while Clintonites realize that few Americans typically pay close attention to the state of U.S.-Russia relations, there are two important caveats. One is the presence of large Polish, Ukrainian and other eastern European populations in Rust Belt states like Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin, where the Clinton campaign plans to flag stories about Trump and Putin for ethnic media outlets. The other is that voters of all stripes will surely pay attention to serious talk of foreign influence in the election.

While experts debate whether Putin would actually try to meddle in a U.S. election, there is consensus on the idea that Clinton is unloved within the Kremlin. “I think there is good and credible evidence that there is no love lost in Moscow for Mrs. Clinton,” said Eugene Rumer, a former national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia at the National Intelligence Council now at the Carnegie Endowment for International


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You give Clinton too much credit. The intelligence investigations had nothing to do with her. Mueller was hired by Trump appointed Rosenstein after the election and because of Flynn lying about meeting with Russians and Trump firing Comey for not dropping the Flynn and Russia investigation. Simple as that

No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth
Nor was it what Trump said to the Russians who did interfere in our election, when he brought them gleefully, to the Oval Office the day after he fired Comey....

Hillary interfered in Russias Election, Russia payed her back. That's how the real world works, you play with fire you will get burned.
That's a lie with no proof. Trump Toads are nothing but liars.

Are you proud of yourself that you are so ignorant?

Why does Vladimir Putin hate Hillary Clinton? - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Following a parliamentary election, which Mr Putin's party won with fewer than 50 per cent of votes, protests broke out across the country against the result.

Ms Clinton was vocal in her concerns about the election.

"The OSCE (Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe), for example, cites election day attempts to stuff ballot boxes, manipulate voter lists and other troubling practices," she said.

Mr Putin, refusing to admit his own popularity was under threat, said the US State Department and its secretary Ms Clinton were interfering in his affairs, stirring up protests against him.
No Trump fired Comey for meddeling in a US election, he deserved to be fired for costing Hillary the Election

Simple as that.

That’s not what Trump said on national tv with Lester Holt. Nice try, but like Trump, you got your foot in your mouth
Nor was it what Trump said to the Russians who did interfere in our election, when he brought them gleefully, to the Oval Office the day after he fired Comey....

Hillary interfered in Russias Election, Russia payed her back. That's how the real world works, you play with fire you will get burned.
That's a lie with no proof. Trump Toads are nothing but liars.

Are you proud of yourself that you are so ignorant?

Why does Vladimir Putin hate Hillary Clinton? - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Following a parliamentary election, which Mr Putin's party won with fewer than 50 per cent of votes, protests broke out across the country against the result.

Ms Clinton was vocal in her concerns about the election.

"The OSCE (Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe), for example, cites election day attempts to stuff ballot boxes, manipulate voter lists and other troubling practices," she said.

Mr Putin, refusing to admit his own popularity was under threat, said the US State Department and its secretary Ms Clinton were interfering in his affairs, stirring up protests against him.

From Time

Why Putin Has an Electoral Bone to Pick With Hillary Clinton

At a crisis meeting with his advisers on Dec. 8 of that year, the Russian leader chose to lay the blame on one meddling foreign diplomat: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“She set the tone for certain actors inside the country; she gave the signal,” Putin said of Clinton at the time, accusing her of ordering the opposition movement into action like some kind of revolutionary sleeper cell. “They heard this signal and, with the support of the U.S. State Department, started actively doing their work.”
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Joy Behar and other deep thinkers called it "sedition" when it was thought, but never proved, that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. What Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller, etc. is guilty of is no less than sedition.
That's a lie. It was proved that Trump was colluding with Russia.

Proof where? And so what, the last thing America needed was a commie liberal as president after the last one who demanded grown men in little girls bathrooms.

Read the report DA.

"And so what"? Collusion is, immoral, unethical, and it is cheating. And you are?

And a conspiracy to collude was also proven with Flynn and Turkey.

Putting grown men in little girls bathrooms is what did you say again?

Oh yeah..

is, immoral, unethical

And woman hating

So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Joy Behar and other deep thinkers called it "sedition" when it was thought, but never proved, that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. What Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller, etc. is guilty of is no less than sedition.
That's a lie. It was proved that Trump was colluding with Russia.

Proof where? And so what, the last thing America needed was a commie liberal as president after the last one who demanded grown men in little girls bathrooms.

Read the report DA.

"And so what"? Collusion is, immoral, unethical, and it is cheating. And you are?

And a conspiracy to collude was also proven with Flynn and Turkey.

Putting grown men in little girls bathrooms is what did you say again?

Oh yeah..

is, immoral, unethical

And woman hating


Not to mention violating their 14th amendment of a Right to privacy.

The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that
Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
Sure. Day is night. Up is down. Hot is cold. The Steele dossier wasn't a Hillary Clinton/Fusion GPS project designed to smear and destroy Donald Trump (ala the Russian hookers golden showers rumor).

Discredited former British M-6 Intelligence Russian expert, agent Christopher Steele, has disavowed his own handiwork and now says he can't vouch for any of the information gathered mostly from Russian sources in his dossier designed
to torpedo candidate Donald Trump.

What could be more appropriate and on point than getting to the bottom of this document and tracking down the British-Russian-American intelligence links when trying to unravel the issue of Russian interference in our election?

But Robert Mueller, who was supposed to investigate wherever the tracks led, for some reason just couldn't be bothered to investigate the central issue of the whole collusion issue, the dossier used to justify spying on the Trump campaign even though James Comey knew this document was an utter work of fiction.

Has anyone asked Captain America Mueller why his time and effort was used to catch small inconsequential fish like Paul Manafort or General Michael Flynn while he utterly ignored the Russian influenced Steele dossier?
Your gutless laughable denial tells us all much about Mueller and his partisan inquisition.
The dossier wasn’t used for shit. It was oppo research that Clinton’s team did nothing with. Intelligence found it and informed Trump. It was leaked and then reported as an unsubstantiated document by buzzfeed AFTER Trump was elected. If it was planned to be used in coordination with Russia to spread disinformation to hurt Trump in the election then it was the worst executed plan ever.
You have a little bullshit in the corner of your mouth. Your fantasy is totally devoid of any truth or fact.
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Joy Behar and other deep thinkers called it "sedition" when it was thought, but never proved, that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. What Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller, etc. is guilty of is no less than sedition.
That's a lie. It was proved that Trump was colluding with Russia.
According to Maddow, but not Mueller. Have you been in a coma or off world in the past month or two? You might want to catch up.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to make it thru the night sweetie.
I tell myself facts. If you think I’ve said anything that’s not true then make a counter argument and show why it’s not true
Page 9 of the Mueller report. "Further, the evidence was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election." Evidence not sufficient is a fancy way of saying there was no there there. No conspiracy, no collusion.
You are half right... there was no conspiracy, but collusion is not the same thing. Trump lying when he said he had no contacts with Russians, Flynn lying about meeting with Russians. Don Jr, and Kush lying about meeting at trump tower, the prez helping with a cover story, manafort giving polling data to Russians... all this is collusion. It’s all outlined plus more in Muellers report.

Here is the definition of collusion Incase you forgot...

Collusion is a secret cooperation or deceitful agreement in order to deceive others, although not necessarily illegal, as a conspiracy.
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Damn, you got your head so far up Hannities ass you can’t think straight. Wish you could hear how stupid that narrative you just laid out sounds.

Steele didn’t conspire with Russia on anything illegal. He gathered dirt, they gave the dirt to the FBI, the FBI told Trump, it was leaked to the public after the election was over. Clinton didn’t use the dossier or spread lies about Trump during the campaign. Get your facts straight. I laugh every time I hear you all try and turn the table in Clinton over this dossier thing. Such a weak argument
I hope you have a nice warm, soft blanket to snuggle into when you attempt to calm yourself with your delusions. Reality says you're full of shit, but don't let that stop you. Put your stupidity on display so everyone can enjoy a good laugh. Moron.
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Joy Behar and other deep thinkers called it "sedition" when it was thought, but never proved, that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. What Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller, etc. is guilty of is no less than sedition.
That's a lie. It was proved that Trump was colluding with Russia.
Directly from page 9 of the Mueller report. "Further, the evidence was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election. " Now that you know the truth, quit making an ass out of yourself publicly. It isn't becoming.

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