FACT: In Spain, For Every GREEN JOB Created, 2 1/2 Are LOST !!!

And the GORE/Obami Salami LIEbtard Scamsters are STILL puking out their emesis.

So? What gives you the idea we'll follow the same game plan and make the same mistakes Spain made?

It's just like all the hollering that the US will be just like Canada or the UK with health care. No, we would take what works from those countries and omit what doesn't.
Equally as concerning is the fact that Federal organizations are required to purchase goods from the Federal Prison's Industries (the organization that produces goods within prisons to keep inmates gainfully occupied) if those goods are produced by FPI. Conveniently, FPI is now looking at green products. This, in essence, cuts the opportunities for private sector businesses to sell to the government - in favor if prisoners. Less green jobs for the unemployed, but on the plus side, if you break the law and end up in prison, you'll get a green job.

Seems kind of like favoritism to me.

That's a bit of a stretch, I'd say. Yes, maybe prisoners will be hired to dig the first holes for a wind tower, but I seriously doubt they will be employed to design and install them.
And the GORE/Obami Salami LIEbtard Scamsters are STILL puking out their emesis.

So? What gives you the idea we'll follow the same game plan and make the same mistakes Spain made?

It's just like all the hollering that the US will be just like Canada or the UK with health care. No, we would take what works from those countries and omit what doesn't.

was triggered by this remark in march.

Department of Energy - Remarks of President Barack Obama at Southern California Edison Electric Vehicle Technical Center

.. Spain generates almost 30 percent of its power by harnessing the wind, while we manage less than one percent...

Then the study from a libertarian think tank in Spain was published. Author is also a senior fellow of a Brussels-based think tank which got money from Exxon Mobil for "Global Climate Change Education Efforts".

now the study seems to have entered the next spin-cycle.
Link about 'sustainable' green jobs in Spain.


President Obama has promised to help create millions of new green jobs, saying that doing so will spur the U.S. economy toward recovery — and has held out Spain as having “surged ahead” of the rest of the world by investing in renewable energy.

But a new study of Spain’s renewable energy initiatives has found that creating green jobs actually destroys jobs in other sectors — and most of the time doesn’t lead to permanent employment.

The study, which was directed by an economics professor at Juan Carlos University of Madrid, found that every green job created by the Spanish government destroyed an average of 2.2 other jobs, and that only 1 in 10 were permanent.

Yes, but...Reuters apparently didn't pursue WHY. Surprise surprise, politics as usual. For every article (with no source) in a Google search, there are at least a dozen repeating the Reuter's story, and the ones containing facts are hard to find:

The Progress Report: The Reality Of Green Jobs

GREEN JOBS DON'T KILL OTHER JOBS: A popular conservative myth is that energy standards, limits on pollution, and public investment in clean energy will destroy other jobs. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Fox News have cast doubt on a green economic recovery by "touting a Spanish study" from a libertarian think tank, Fundacion Juan de Mariana, showing that "for every green job created [in Spain], 2.2 jobs are lost."

The Spanish study, which examines the effect of Spain's support for its renewable industry since 2000, has also been touted by industry front groups, conservative blogs, and right-wing think tanks. The report relies on bad numbers, grossly underestimating that Spain's renewable program created only 50,000 jobs, when other estimates are 188,000. indeed, the study is claiming that "government spending on renewable energy is less than half as efficient at job creation as private-sector spending," the Wall Street Journal's Keith Johnson explains.

Critics neglect to say that "Spain's support for renewable energy came out of existing tax revenues," so "it's hard to see how it could have edged out private-sector spending, especially when the Socialist government there has reduced corporate income-tax rates, most recently this past January."

The reality is that investment in renewable energy sectors creates millions more jobs than does investment in traditional energy sectors, because investment can flow into employing people instead of extracting fuel to burn. The Apollo Alliance reports that "renewable energy creates more jobs than coal: the same investment creates 50% more jobs in wind and in solar than in coal. Energy efficiency is far more labor intensive than generation, creating 21.5 jobs for every $1 million invested, compared to 11.5 jobs for new natural gas generation." According to a Greenpeace International and European Renewable Energy Council study, building a green economy that would cut United States greenhouse emissions by 45% by 2030 would create a net 7.8 million jobs versus business as usual.
In fact I heard just that this AM on the news.

YOu can check factcheck.org under green jobs to get some thoughts on green jobs. Seems most think the green jobs push will cost more jobs than it will creat.

Yea, I heard it too. This Pakistani guy who owns the Quickie-Mart was saying the same thing. But he was wearing a tin-foil hat at the time so I am not that sure of him

Even if your Messiah Obami Salami, and/or his Prophet Gore the Bore rose from Hades and CONFESSED that they inundated you with their usual BULLSHIT you'd still think that they were righteous. That's how fucking hopeless you LIEbtards are.

This GREEN JOB CREATION fiasco is just another proof of your psychosis. These LIEbtard Political Charlatans can rub your schnozzle in their doo all day long, and you would still walk away thinking that you inhaled the fragrance of a heavenly flower. Clueless moron.

Here's your sign:

Heard it on National TV.

On three or four occasions.

Do your own research if you don't believe this info.

Yea.....I heard the same thing from this guy in a bar. I think his name was Jimmy or something like that. But he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

Maybe that's because he had read this story.

Subsidizing renewable energy in the U.S. may destroy two jobs for every one created if Spain’s experience with windmills and solar farms is any guide.

For every new position that depends on energy price supports, at least 2.2 jobs in other industries will disappear, according to a study from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid.

U.S. President Barack Obama’s 2010 budget proposal contains about $20 billion in tax incentives for clean-energy programs. In Spain, where wind turbines provided 11 percent of power demand last year, generators earn rates as much as 11 times more for renewable energy compared with burning fossil fuels.

The premiums paid for solar, biomass, wave and wind power - - which are charged to consumers in their bills -- translated into a $774,000 cost for each Spanish “green job” created since 2000, said Gabriel Calzada, an economics professor at the university and author of the report.

“The loss of jobs could be greater if you account for the amount of lost industry that moves out of the country due to higher energy prices,” he said in an interview.

Spain’s Acerinox SA, the nation’s largest stainless-steel producer, blamed domestic energy costs for deciding to expand in South Africa and the U.S., according to the study.

Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study - Bloomberg.com

or this one

President Obama has promised to help create millions of new green jobs, saying that doing so will spur the U.S. economy toward recovery — and has held out Spain as having “surged ahead” of the rest of the world by investing in renewable energy.

But a new study of Spain’s renewable energy initiatives has found that creating green jobs actually destroys jobs in other sectors — and most of the time doesn’t lead to permanent employment.

The study, which was directed by an economics professor at Juan Carlos University of Madrid, found that every green job created by the Spanish government destroyed an average of 2.2 other jobs, and that only 1 in 10 were permanent.

“Spain’s experience cited by President Obama as a model reveals with high confidence, by two different methods, that the U.S. should expect a loss of at least 2.2 jobs on average, or about 9 jobs lost for every 4 created,” the professor, Gabriel Calzada, wrote in an introduction to the study.

“The study’s results demonstrate how such ‘green jobs’ policy clearly hinders Spain’s way out of the current economic crisis, even while U.S. politicians insist that rushing into such a scheme will ease their own emergence from the turmoil,” Calzada wrote.


which includes the caution,

Conservative bloggers have seized on the study to show that Obama’s green energy push will cost the U.S. some 6 million jobs — although others have injected a note of skepticism.

The Wall Street Journal, for example, notes on its Environmental Capital blog that the study is fuzzy on exactly which jobs were destroyed in Spain and suggests that Calzada, as the founder of a libertarian think tank, might not be completely objective.

So should we dismiss this study as fraudulent because the author, a professor of economics at a Spanish university, is a libertarian and risk sending our already batterred economy into a period of higher deficits and higher unemployment or should we wait until there are further studies to determine how many jobs will be lost by converting to green technology alongside Obama's promises of how many will be created?
Even if your Messiah Obami Salami, and/or his Prophet Gore the Bore rose from Hades and CONFESSED that they inundated you with their usual BULLSHIT you'd still think that they were righteous. That's how fucking hopeless you LIEbtards are.

This GREEN JOB CREATION fiasco is just another proof of your psychosis. These LIEbtard Political Charlatans can rub your schnozzle in their doo all day long, and you would still walk away thinking that you inhaled the fragrance of a heavenly flower. Clueless moron.


You managed to rhyme Obami with Salami and Gore with Bore

No wonder Republicans have done so well in the last two elections. You just can't keep down intellect like this


Admittedly, I can't compete with the LIEbtards' indisputable talent for DEFLECTION (which we just witnessed on the part of Wingy-Dingy).....but then as an ANTI-LIEb I never had to.

Not that I'm a Republican (certainly not a Conservative), but you're correct that the Republicans couldn't match MARXIST Obami Salami's expertise in being a semi-negroid playing the 24/7 National Media's inculcation of an unjustified Negroid PC guilt trip on the naive American Public.

But, the Lib controlled National Media's power is begining to munch the tumbleweed, example: this Lib's mouthpiece (together with their brainless ally, the Hollywierdos) did a helluva job on The Ultimate American Woman, Sarah Palin during the hapless McCain campaign.....but lookee what's happening NOW !!!!!

Tea Parties are springing up all over the Nation (the "Tea bagger" epithets from the puky Left notwithstanding).... Gore-the-Bore's credibility is in free fall. A strong indicator of this slimebag's popularity with grassroots America: Gore-the-Bore's book sale: 40,000. Classy Sarah's: over ONE MILLION, projected to THREE MILLION.

More telling: the fact that MARXIST Obami Salami and his crazed stooge Pelosi's MARXIST AGENDA is unravelling.....And, the irrefutable Scam Artiste's background history of being a rock solid COMMIE from both his mommy's and daddy's side, the reputation of Obami's Rapist and Murderous Commie Cousin ODINGA known as the "AFRICAN STALIN" throughout Africa.....LIAR Obami -Salami TWENTY YEAR tenure in the Black Racist whackjob ("pastor, friend and mentor") Wright's Church, this Scam Artiste's self-acknowledged friendship with the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL and MANIACAL TERRORIST COMMIE Bill Ayers from whose home MARXIST Obami-Salami kicked off his Senatorial Career, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.....


Timely ~~

You managed to rhyme Obami with Salami and Gore with Bore

No wonder Republicans have done so well in the last two elections. You just can't keep down intellect like this


Admittedly, I can't compete with the LIEbtards' indisputable talent for DEFLECTION (which we just witnessed on the part of Wingy-Dingy).....but then as an ANTI-LIEb I never had to.

Not that I'm a Republican (certainly not a Conservative), but you're correct that the Republicans couldn't match MARXIST Obami Salami's expertise in being a semi-negroid playing the 24/7 National Media's inculcation of an unjustified Negroid PC guilt trip on the naive American Public.

But, the Lib controlled National Media's power is begining to munch the tumbleweed, example: this Lib's mouthpiece (together with their brainless ally, the Hollywierdos) did a helluva job on The Ultimate American Woman, Sarah Palin during the hapless McCain campaign.....but lookee what's happening NOW !!!!!

Tea Parties are springing up all over the Nation (the "Tea bagger" epithets from the puky Left notwithstanding).... Gore-the-Bore's credibility is in free fall. A strong indicator of this slimebag's popularity with grassroots America: Gore-the-Bore's book sale: 40,000. Classy Sarah's: over ONE MILLION, projected to THREE MILLION.

More telling: the fact that MARXIST Obami Salami and his crazed stooge Pelosi's MARXIST AGENDA is unravelling.....And, the irrefutable Scam Artiste's background history of being a rock solid COMMIE from both his mommy's and daddy's side, the reputation of Obami's Rapist and Murderous Commie Cousin ODINGA known as the "AFRICAN STALIN" throughout Africa.....LIAR Obami -Salami TWENTY YEAR tenure in the Black Racist whackjob ("pastor, friend and mentor") Wright's Church, this Scam Artiste's self-acknowledged friendship with the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL and MANIACAL TERRORIST COMMIE Bill Ayers from whose home MARXIST Obami-Salami kicked off his Senatorial Career, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.....


Way to go guatama. I guess your post just about says it all on OL'BO and I couldn't agree more. Guess 2010 and 2012 will be very interesting.

Voices of the new "conservative" movement.

Idiocracy: Not just a movie anymore...
And the GORE/Obami Salami LIEbtard Scamsters are STILL puking out their emesis.

So? What gives you the idea we'll follow the same game plan and make the same mistakes Spain made?

It's just like all the hollering that the US will be just like Canada or the UK with health care. No, we would take what works from those countries and omit what doesn't.

was triggered by this remark in march.

Department of Energy - Remarks of President Barack Obama at Southern California Edison Electric Vehicle Technical Center

.. Spain generates almost 30 percent of its power by harnessing the wind, while we manage less than one percent...

Then the study from a libertarian think tank in Spain was published. Author is also a senior fellow of a Brussels-based think tank which got money from Exxon Mobil for "Global Climate Change Education Efforts".

now the study seems to have entered the next spin-cycle.

It's what the right does best. It's sad that spin is what gets the headlines these days.
Heard it on National TV.

On three or four occasions.

Do your own research if you don't believe this info.

Yea.....I heard the same thing from this guy in a bar. I think his name was Jimmy or something like that. But he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

Maybe that's because he had read this story.

Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study - Bloomberg.com

or this one

President Obama has promised to help create millions of new green jobs, saying that doing so will spur the U.S. economy toward recovery — and has held out Spain as having “surged ahead” of the rest of the world by investing in renewable energy.

But a new study of Spain’s renewable energy initiatives has found that creating green jobs actually destroys jobs in other sectors — and most of the time doesn’t lead to permanent employment.

The study, which was directed by an economics professor at Juan Carlos University of Madrid, found that every green job created by the Spanish government destroyed an average of 2.2 other jobs, and that only 1 in 10 were permanent.

“Spain’s experience cited by President Obama as a model reveals with high confidence, by two different methods, that the U.S. should expect a loss of at least 2.2 jobs on average, or about 9 jobs lost for every 4 created,” the professor, Gabriel Calzada, wrote in an introduction to the study.

“The study’s results demonstrate how such ‘green jobs’ policy clearly hinders Spain’s way out of the current economic crisis, even while U.S. politicians insist that rushing into such a scheme will ease their own emergence from the turmoil,” Calzada wrote.


which includes the caution,

Conservative bloggers have seized on the study to show that Obama’s green energy push will cost the U.S. some 6 million jobs — although others have injected a note of skepticism.

The Wall Street Journal, for example, notes on its Environmental Capital blog that the study is fuzzy on exactly which jobs were destroyed in Spain and suggests that Calzada, as the founder of a libertarian think tank, might not be completely objective.

So should we dismiss this study as fraudulent because the author, a professor of economics at a Spanish university, is a libertarian and risk sending our already batterred economy into a period of higher deficits and higher unemployment or should we wait until there are further studies to determine how many jobs will be lost by converting to green technology alongside Obama's promises of how many will be created?

The whole point is none of those skeptics have enough of a case to completely dismiss the fact that GREEN ENERGY IS the way of the future. Private investors with the big bucks aren't even looking at oil projects anymore. They are smart enough to know that the return on their dollar can only increase by investing in alternative energy. Try taking a look at some of the more successful energy producing technocrats, like Siemens (and also peruse their entire website, then come back and tell us where the future lies).

Siemens USA Website - Siemens Share USA
So should we dismiss this study as fraudulent because the author, a professor of economics at a Spanish university, is a libertarian and risk sending our already batterred economy into a period of higher deficits and higher unemployment or should we wait until there are further studies to determine how many jobs will be lost by converting to green technology alongside Obama's promises of how many will be created?

We should dismiss this story because if you actually read the study, you will find that the author does not actually define which jobs were "lost" due to the green industry, or why.

Here is the general description of jobs that were supposedly "lost", directly from the study:

The jobs were lost in metallurgy, non-metallic mining, and food processing, beverage and tobacco.

In fact, if you look at the charts and data presented, you find that the study ended in 2008, a year where millions of jobs were lost generally worldwide.

In addition, the study blames green technology for rising energy costs, which it blames for job losses.

In fact energy costs rose world-wide during the period described at a dramatic rate, which would explain the rise in cost of energy in general.

In fact, is you look at the relative costs of wind power, for instance, over time, (On page 20 of the study) you will find that the rise in cost from 2000 to 2008 (6 euros per kilowatt to 10 euros per kilowatt) is a much slower rise in cost than power from other sources.

Oil rose in cost from a low of about $25.00 in 2000 to a high of 135.00 in 2008.

So, wind power costs rose by 60%, but during the same period oil power rose by over 400%.

The study itself points to rising energy costs as a "job killer" supposedly responsible for many of the job losses. There's a link in the Reuter's story that leads to the actual study:


This is just from me reading the actual data, by the way, rather than relying on someone else's opinion...
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So should we dismiss this study as fraudulent because the author, a professor of economics at a Spanish university, is a libertarian and risk sending our already battered economy into a period of higher deficits and higher unemployment or should we wait until there are further studies to determine how many jobs will be lost by converting to green technology alongside Obama's promises of how many will be created?

We should dismiss this story because if you actually read the study, you will find that the author does not actually define which jobs were "lost" due to the green industry, or why.

Here is the general description of jobs that were supposedly "lost", directly from the study:

The jobs were lost in metallurgy, non-metallic mining, and food processing, beverage and tobacco.

In fact, if you look at the charts and data presented, you find that the study ended in 2008, a year where millions of jobs were lost generally worldwide.

In addition, the study blames green technology for rising energy costs, which it blames for job losses.

In fact energy costs rose world-wide during the period described at a dramatic rate, which would explain the rise in cost of energy in general.

In fact, is you look at the relative costs of wind power, for instance, over time, (On page 20 of the study) you will find that the rise in cost from 2000 to 2008 (6 euros per kilowatt to 10 euros per kilowatt) is a much slower rise in cost than power from other sources.

Oil rose in cost from a low of about $25.00 in 2000 to a high of 135.00 in 2008.

So, wind power costs rose by 60%, but during the same period oil power rose by over 400%.

The study itself points to rising energy costs as a "job killer" supposedly responsible for many of the job losses. There's a link in the Reuter's story that leads to the actual study:


This is just from me reading the actual data, by the way, rather than relying on someone else's opinion...

Since you read the study instead of just relying on some one else's opinion of it, you understand that your quote

The jobs were lost in metallurgy, non-metallic mining, and food processing, beverage and tobacco.

doesn't actually come from the study but is widely claimed in articles about the study. The actual quote from the study is:

Principally, the high cost of electricity affects costs of production and
employment levels in metallurgy, non-metallic mining and food processing,
beverage and tobacco industries.

But since you read the study instead of relying on some one else's opinion about it, you understand that the high cost of electricity is not relevant to the study's calculation that for every green job created 2.2 other jobs were destroyed. Using government statistics, the study compares the amount of investment necessary to create a green job with the amount of investment needed to create, on average, a job in the rest of the economy and it found that the investment needed to create one green job would have created 2.2 jobs if it had been otherwise invested in the economy. Essentially the study argues that the opportunity cost of creating one green job is 2.2 other jobs.

I understand that economic conditions at any particular time may mean the number could be higher or lower than 2.2, but the fact that it costs more than twice as much, according to Spanish government figures, to create one green job as to create one job in the rest of the economy, it seems likely that a rapid, large scale conversion to green energy such as Spain has had will produce a net loss of jobs for the economy.

The study argues that exactly where in the economy these jobs will be lost will depend on how the enormous cost of the green conversion is paid for. This would have to be done by some combination of raising electricity rates, raising taxes or continuing to pay interest on the accumulating debt.

According to
the National Energy Commission, the price of a comprehensive energy rate (paid by
the end consumer) in Spain would have to be increased 31% to begin to repay the
historic debt generated by this deficit.

This would mean the bulk of the jobs lost would be in the most energy intensive industries. If taxes were raised consumption and investment would be reduced throughout the economy and jobs would be lost throughout the economy. Continuing deficits and a growing debt, of course, will eventually mean either higher taxes of fewer services to pay for the interest and may cause some private sector businesses to pay higher interest rates, so in this case, too, jobs would be lost throughout the economy.

The study also warns that Spain's forced conversion to green energy is producing a bubble that may eventually lead to a period of higher unemployment and perhaps a recession when the goal of producing 20% of Spain's electricity through green energy is reached and all the jobs involved in manufacturing and building the capacity to produce green energy are lost.

Of course, there's no reason to think the US experience would be exactly like Spain's, but on the other hand, there's no reason to think it would be entirely different, so imo, it would be prudent to demand a detailed economic analysis of the costs and benefits we might see from a rapid, large scale government subsidized conversion to green energy such as Obama seems to want before going ahead with it.
So should we dismiss this study as fraudulent because the author, a professor of economics at a Spanish university, is a libertarian and risk sending our already battered economy into a period of higher deficits and higher unemployment or should we wait until there are further studies to determine how many jobs will be lost by converting to green technology alongside Obama's promises of how many will be created?

We should dismiss this story because if you actually read the study, you will find that the author does not actually define which jobs were "lost" due to the green industry, or why.

Here is the general description of jobs that were supposedly "lost", directly from the study:

In fact, if you look at the charts and data presented, you find that the study ended in 2008, a year where millions of jobs were lost generally worldwide.

In addition, the study blames green technology for rising energy costs, which it blames for job losses.

In fact energy costs rose world-wide during the period described at a dramatic rate, which would explain the rise in cost of energy in general.

In fact, is you look at the relative costs of wind power, for instance, over time, (On page 20 of the study) you will find that the rise in cost from 2000 to 2008 (6 euros per kilowatt to 10 euros per kilowatt) is a much slower rise in cost than power from other sources.

Oil rose in cost from a low of about $25.00 in 2000 to a high of 135.00 in 2008.

So, wind power costs rose by 60%, but during the same period oil power rose by over 400%.

The study itself points to rising energy costs as a "job killer" supposedly responsible for many of the job losses. There's a link in the Reuter's story that leads to the actual study:


This is just from me reading the actual data, by the way, rather than relying on someone else's opinion...

Since you read the study instead of just relying on some one else's opinion of it, you understand that your quote

doesn't actually come from the study but is widely claimed in articles about the study. The actual quote from the study is:

Principally, the high cost of electricity affects costs of production and
employment levels in metallurgy, non-metallic mining and food processing,
beverage and tobacco industries.

But since you read the study instead of relying on some one else's opinion about it, you understand that the high cost of electricity is not relevant to the study's calculation that for every green job created 2.2 other jobs were destroyed. Using government statistics, the study compares the amount of investment necessary to create a green job with the amount of investment needed to create, on average, a job in the rest of the economy and it found that the investment needed to create one green job would have created 2.2 jobs if it had been otherwise invested in the economy. Essentially the study argues that the opportunity cost of creating one green job is 2.2 other jobs.

I understand that economic conditions at any particular time may mean the number could be higher or lower than 2.2, but the fact that it costs more than twice as much, according to Spanish government figures, to create one green job as to create one job in the rest of the economy, it seems likely that a rapid, large scale conversion to green energy such as Spain has had will produce a net loss of jobs for the economy.

The study argues that exactly where in the economy these jobs will be lost will depend on how the enormous cost of the green conversion is paid for. This would have to be done by some combination of raising electricity rates, raising taxes or continuing to pay interest on the accumulating debt.

According to
the National Energy Commission, the price of a comprehensive energy rate (paid by
the end consumer) in Spain would have to be increased 31% to begin to repay the
historic debt generated by this deficit.

This would mean the bulk of the jobs lost would be in the most energy intensive industries. If taxes were raised consumption and investment would be reduced throughout the economy and jobs would be lost throughout the economy. Continuing deficits and a growing debt, of course, will eventually mean either higher taxes of fewer services to pay for the interest and may cause some private sector businesses to pay higher interest rates, so in this case, too, jobs would be lost throughout the economy.

The study also warns that Spain's forced conversion to green energy is producing a bubble that may eventually lead to a period of higher unemployment and perhaps a recession when the goal of producing 20% of Spain's electricity through green energy is reached and all the jobs involved in manufacturing and building the capacity to produce green energy are lost.

Of course, there's no reason to think the US experience would be exactly like Spain's, but on the other hand, there's no reason to think it would be entirely different, so imo, it would be prudent to demand a detailed economic analysis of the costs and benefits we might see from a rapid, large scale government subsidized conversion to green energy such as Obama seems to want before going ahead with it.

Fat chance that MARXIST Obami Salami would initiate such a study.

This much needed analysis MUST BE DONE.

But, let's say some non-biased, non-political organization would underwrite such a vital study, with the predictable results similar to the Spain study.


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