Fact Rape


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Ever notice that when you read an article on something you know a lot about, they’ve got 50% of the facts wrong? Whether it’s a story about your hometown or your favorite band, it’s always shocking how half-assed the journalists are. Apparently, lots of people have noticed this. Last week, we learned of a Gallup poll that said confidence in the media had plummeted to 22%. In 1979 it was 51%. This is because we’ve gone from investigators hitting the pavement to ideologues pounding their keyboards. A reporter used to go where the story led him. Now he starts with the story and crams in facts until it fits.

This may be because the demand for news outpaces the supply, so they blurt out, “Uh, the guy who hit Tracy Morgan was up for 24 hours because Walmart,” since it sounds good. It may be because print ads are dead and income is increasingly based on the number of clicks a web article gets—hence the term “click bait.” Another far more sinister possibility is the vast majority of reporters are basically Marxist liberals and they use the news as a propaganda tool for the “greater good.”

I suspect it’s the latter. There are too many fake stories that fit the liberal narrative for it to be an accident. It seems like every time we see evidence of the left’s hateful worldview, we learn it’s a hoax. Remember when KFC demanded a disfigured girl leave their restaurant because she scared the customers? That never happened either. How many times have we found “Faggot” and “******” scrawled on a wall only to discover later it was done by the same non-hetero-normative person of color who claimed to be a victim? Is there anyone in the country who isn’t convinced every journalist outside of Fox is in the tank for Obama?

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Fact Rape - Taki's Magazine
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Excellent post.








There bed wetters, beat you too it.


For instance, my grandfather was one of the foreman and engineers who built the World Trade Center...

He knows that two airplanes with burning oil were neither sufficient nor even the "appropriate tool" to execute such an organized and complete demolition.
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Well thank goodness Breitbart and CNS News and Fox News and the Washington Times and the Daily Caller get all the facts right.

I know this will probably exceed the intellectual bandwidth of a lot of people here, but here's something written about 180 years ago that is just as true today...

All the political journals of the United States are, indeed, arrayed on the side of the administration or against it; but they attack and defend it in a thousand different ways. They cannot form those great currents of opinion which sweep away the strongest dikes. This division of the influence of the press produces other consequences scarcely less remarkable. The facility with which newspapers can be established produces a multitude of them; but as the competition prevents any considerable profit, persons of much capacity are rarely led to engage in these undertakings. Such is the number of the public prints that even if they were a source of wealth, writers of ability could not be found to direct them all. The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind. The will of the majority is the most general of laws, and it establishes certain habits to which everyone must then conform; the aggregate of these common habits is what is called the class spirit (esprit de corps) of each profession; thus there is the class spirit of the bar, of the court, etc. The class spirit of the French journalists consists in a violent but frequently an eloquent and lofty manner of discussing the great interests of the state, and the exceptions to this mode of writing are only occasional. The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices.

Tocqueville: Book 1 Chapter 11
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Well thank goodness Breitbart and CNS News and Fox News and the Washington Times and the Daily Caller get all the facts right.


At least they don't refer to IRS, Bengazi, NDAA, Iraq and AP wiretaps as phony scandals.
Well thank goodness Breitbart and CNS News and Fox News and the Washington Times and the Daily Caller get all the facts right.


At least they don't refer to IRS, Bengazi, NDAA, Iraq and AP wiretaps as phony scandals.

The irony of this post is profound.

Don't forget the scandalous number of vacations Obama takes!

Theater for the rubes.
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For instance, my grandfather was one of the foreman and engineers who built the World Trade Center...

He knows that two airplanes with burning oil were neither sufficient nor even the "appropriate tool" to execute such an organized and complete demolition.

Obviously he doesn't know that because he was wrong.
"I often wonder … wait; “wondering” is a hate crime. When Cliven Bundy dared to wonder if some blacks were better off during slavery he was vilified. Fuck it. I’m going to wonder. I often wonder why these journalists want America to be a hellhole full of prejudice. I think it’s because their academic years consisted of far-left professors telling them the entire country is a Klan rally and they had better devote their careers to untangling this mess.

When they get a job at MSNBC, Media Matters, Raw Story, or Daily Kos, they look around and see a bunch of totally reasonable white males saying “Hello, how do you do?” Their war on hate quickly becomes a war on a vacuum, so they start randomly grabbing detritus to fill the hole.

They are able to continue this charade unabated because they don’t live in the real world, so there are no checks and balances. They don’t know any truckers, so they don’t realize it’s impossible for them to work more than 11 hours a day. They’ve never been to the ghetto, so they can keep pretending gun violence is about whites hunting blacks. It’s easy to assume everyone is a racist, sexist homophobe when you only talk to other liberal journalists....."

Fact Rape - Taki's Magazine


For instance, my grandfather was one of the foreman and engineers who built the World Trade Center...

He knows that two airplanes with burning oil were neither sufficient nor even the "appropriate tool" to execute such an organized and complete demolition.

I agree with you a lot of the time, but if you're implying that the WTC towers were taken down by the endeavors of anyone but 19 criminally insane jihadist zealots I'll loose all respect for you.

That puppy has been put to rest long ago. Even if you believe it, I would request that you keep it to yourself. Otherwise you marginalize and discredit everything else you post.

"I often wonder … wait; “wondering” is a hate crime. When Cliven Bundy dared to wonder if some blacks were better off during slavery he was vilified. Fuck it. I’m going to wonder. I often wonder why these journalists want America to be a hellhole full of prejudice. I think it’s because their academic years consisted of far-left professors telling them the entire country is a Klan rally and they had better devote their careers to untangling this mess.

When they get a job at MSNBC, Media Matters, Raw Story, or Daily Kos, they look around and see a bunch of totally reasonable white males saying “Hello, how do you do?” Their war on hate quickly becomes a war on a vacuum, so they start randomly grabbing detritus to fill the hole.

They are able to continue this charade unabated because they don’t live in the real world, so there are no checks and balances. They don’t know any truckers, so they don’t realize it’s impossible for them to work more than 11 hours a day. They’ve never been to the ghetto, so they can keep pretending gun violence is about whites hunting blacks. It’s easy to assume everyone is a racist, sexist homophobe when you only talk to other liberal journalists....."

Fact Rape - Taki's Magazine


I think things are the same with democrook political whores.

The moonbat messiah for instance...

He has no clue what it's like to grow up as a poor black kid. He's never been ridiculed for "acting white" by other kids because he studied hard. He's never had to walk down streets where he could get shot for being in the wrong gang, or not in any gang. He's never gone hungry because his parents either could not or would not provide him meals. He's never been arrested for "Walking While Black" in an affluent white neighborhood. He's never had to choose between getting a real job, or criminal activity.

Well on second though he's never had a real job, and I would say his political career is consumed with criminal activity. Of course like I say in order to be a liberal, you're either an imbecile, or a sociopathic criminal.

In obozo's case it's both.

I do like how posts like this are ignored by sniveling bed wetting liberals.


For instance, my grandfather was one of the foreman and engineers who built the World Trade Center...

He knows that two airplanes with burning oil were neither sufficient nor even the "appropriate tool" to execute such an organized and complete demolition.

Obviously he doesn't know that because he was wrong.

Obviously, he doesn't know that because he wasn't qualified to know it.

Dumb thread for dumb people but knock yourselves out.

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