Facts About Judaism

I'm not Jewish. That doesn't mean that I want what is evil to happen to the Jewish people and ultimately Israel. As for the Torah, I believe that it ultimately demonstrates to those who think that they can keep the Law and reach GOD, are incapable of such a feat. God drives man into the arms of the Savior where they don't have to lose sleep. Here is view concerning the Torah from a completed Jewish perspective:

I don’t need a view on the Torah; unless it’s a commentary from my favourite rabbi.

why were those little vignettes presented? I fail to see the point that 'mindful' is struggling to present. They
strike me as something like sunday school sophistry

I’m not making a point. I’m not even struggling.

oh-----ok, the speakers remind me of conversations
I had over the course of about a year----about
50 years ago with a Seton Hall divinity student who
was hanging around my college student center. He
wanted to "explain" Judaism vs Christianity to me.
They seemed kinda "textbook" to me, ie. formulated

I don’t get the vs. or Little Nipper’s assertion that because he’s not Jewish, he doesn’t mean evil (evil?) to Jewish people or Israel.

Is that some sort of oxymoron or something?

My " vs " reflects the point of view of the
Seton Hall Divinity student. He seemed to
believe that he has a special insight into Judaism
and its writings. As to 'little nipper'---- ??
I'm not Jewish. That doesn't mean that I want what is evil to happen to the Jewish people and ultimately Israel. As for the Torah, I believe that it ultimately demonstrates to those who think that they can keep the Law and reach GOD, are incapable of such a feat. God drives man into the arms of the Savior where they don't have to lose sleep. Here is view concerning the Torah from a completed Jewish perspective:

I don’t need a view on the Torah; unless it’s a commentary from my favourite rabbi.

Who's Your favorite Rabbi?
Muslim Asks Rabbi Tovia Singer Shocking Question: Why Don’t Christians Thank Jews for Killing Jesus?

Muslim caller stuns Rabbi Tovia Singer with an incisive question: Why did the Church, including the Fathers and Reformers, uniformly condemn the Jews for committing the horrendous crime of killing Christ if the death of Jesus atoned for the sins of mankind?
Rabbi Singer explains in detail.

I'm not Jewish. That doesn't mean that I want what is evil to happen to the Jewish people and ultimately Israel. As for the Torah, I believe that it ultimately demonstrates to those who think that they can keep the Law and reach GOD, are incapable of such a feat. God drives man into the arms of the Savior where they don't have to lose sleep. Here is view concerning the Torah from a completed Jewish perspective:

I don’t need a view on the Torah; unless it’s a commentary from my favourite rabbi.

And how does a rabbi become your "favorite" unless you first listen to what he has to say? And how shall they hear without a preacher?

How about the Book and verse so I can look it up and see how your source was doctored?
Secularism and Knowing God by Rabbi Uri Sherki

This article discusses the questions: How did the secular age come about and is it part of God’s divine providence? What is the meaning and positive purpose of atheism and how can it contribute to religious life?

This recording is a reading of an unofficial translation of Rabbi Uri Sherki’s article entitled “Secularism and Knowing God” originally published in Hebrew in his book entitled “Sanctity and Nature” by Ourim publishers.

What does it mean, to “come to faith”?

This question is clearly drawn from Ephesians 4:13 which says, “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.”
If there is one thing I have a personal bias against, that I find personally disgusting, are people seemingly chortling or boasting they 'nabbed' someone from another faith or another denomination.

I do like the idea of "Unity of the faith". What I think might be helpful is for everyone to understand a faithful Jew cannot possibly consider someone who lived as a mortal man to be God or even one with God. It goes against everything they were taught about the first Commandment.

Second, what Christians must learn and understand that Old Testament books can be read and have a completely different meaning than prophecy about Jesus. These books can stand perfectly well and very solidly on events that were occurring hundreds, even thousands of years before Christ. None of these books fail without Christ. The question is, Would Christ would fail without these books?

Third, if I could have one wish, that wish would be that those of the Jewish faith could see Jesus as a man of his times. There is so much to admire about what he did. He lived in a time where the High Priests were not of the highest quality many High Priests were. (It would be like later times when a Pope also failed at being who they should have been.) Jesus was standing up for the ideals of the Jewish faith at a time when a few Jews in power were concerned more with wealth.
So why does the mother of a boy sits 7 and of a girl 14?
What, the boys are less impure?

I'm not Jewish. That doesn't mean that I want what is evil to happen to the Jewish people and ultimately Israel. As for the Torah, I believe that it ultimately demonstrates to those who think that they can keep the Law and reach GOD, are incapable of such a feat. God drives man into the arms of the Savior where they don't have to lose sleep. Here is view concerning the Torah from a completed Jewish perspective:

I don’t need a view on the Torah; unless it’s a commentary from my favourite rabbi.

Who's Your favorite Rabbi?

Jesus is my favorite rabbi/teacher:

John 1:38
Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, he said to them: “What are you looking for?” They said to him: “Rabbi (which means, when translated, “Teacher”), where are you staying?”

See the original Greek here:

Note the Greek word for Rabbi is Rabbi.
I'm not Jewish. That doesn't mean that I want what is evil to happen to the Jewish people and ultimately Israel. As for the Torah, I believe that it ultimately demonstrates to those who think that they can keep the Law and reach GOD, are incapable of such a feat. God drives man into the arms of the Savior where they don't have to lose sleep. Here is view concerning the Torah from a completed Jewish perspective:

I don’t need a view on the Torah; unless it’s a commentary from my favourite rabbi.

Who's Your favorite Rabbi?

Jesus is my favorite rabbi/teacher:

John 1:38
Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, he said to them: “What are you looking for?” They said to him: “Rabbi (which means, when translated, “Teacher”), where are you staying?”

See the original Greek here:

Note the Greek word for Rabbi is Rabbi.

That guy didn't even get Smichah,
his Rabbi saw he was preoccupied with sex, and rejected him.

When he came the 3rd time to ask for forgiveness, because he insulted his Rabbi,
he was in the middle of Shma'ah, gave him a gesture to wait till he finished, though guy didn't read it right, because the Rabbi was actually about to accept him back, but out of anger and in protest bowed to a stone.
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I'm not Jewish. That doesn't mean that I want what is evil to happen to the Jewish people and ultimately Israel. As for the Torah, I believe that it ultimately demonstrates to those who think that they can keep the Law and reach GOD, are incapable of such a feat. God drives man into the arms of the Savior where they don't have to lose sleep. Here is view concerning the Torah from a completed Jewish perspective:

I don’t need a view on the Torah; unless it’s a commentary from my favourite rabbi.

Who's Your favorite Rabbi?

Jesus is my favorite rabbi/teacher:

John 1:38
Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, he said to them: “What are you looking for?” They said to him: “Rabbi (which means, when translated, “Teacher”), where are you staying?”

See the original Greek here:

Note the Greek word for Rabbi is Rabbi.

Yeehaz witlesses just closed the rodeo.
I'm not Jewish. That doesn't mean that I want what is evil to happen to the Jewish people and ultimately Israel. As for the Torah, I believe that it ultimately demonstrates to those who think that they can keep the Law and reach GOD, are incapable of such a feat. God drives man into the arms of the Savior where they don't have to lose sleep. Here is view concerning the Torah from a completed Jewish perspective:

I don’t need a view on the Torah; unless it’s a commentary from my favourite rabbi.

Who's Your favorite Rabbi?

Jesus is my favorite rabbi/teacher:

John 1:38
Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, he said to them: “What are you looking for?” They said to him: “Rabbi (which means, when translated, “Teacher”), where are you staying?”

See the original Greek here:

Note the Greek word for Rabbi is Rabbi.

'Original Greek',
why would I need that?

I have the original Hebrew.

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