CDZ FACTS about the Obama presidency

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
14 Facts About The Obama Presidency That Most People Don rsquo t Know

Listed below are 14 objective facts, without interjecting any opinion, about the state of America under the leadership of President Obama. Every statement is followed up with a link to a source where you can verify these facts for yourself.

1. We've now had 63 straight months of economic expansion.
That’s right, for 63 consecutive months the US economy has gotten progressively better. That includes 54 consecutive months of private sector job growth. Forbes magazine, no fan of President Obama, crunched the numbers and demonstrated how the economic recovery under President Obama has been better in just about every measurable way than the recovery under President Reagan.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

2. We are currently enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history.
Again, this statistic comes from the Forbes Magazine article listed above. In fact, we have now had 54 straight months of private sector job creation. That is the longest period of job creation since the Department of Labor has been keeping statistics. See the link below.

Obama 8217 s claim that businesses are in the 8216 longest uninterrupted stretch of job creation 8217 - The Washington Post

3. Unemployment has dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 5.9% and projected to reach 5.4% by summer of 2015.
Not only has the unemployment rate dropped significantly, but since the recession ended, our economy as added over ten million new jobs. You can refer to the Forbes article above or check this article on PoliticsUSA.

Democratic Presidents Bring It Obama Breaks Clinton s Record For Private Sector Job Growth

4. The stock market continues to set new records since President Obama has been in office.
Since early 2009 there has been a steady trend in stock market growth. The Dow Jones Industrial averages reached an all-time high of 17,098 in August, 2014. Since most Americans have 401K retirement investments in the stock market, this stock market growth benefits millions of middle class Americans.

Dow Jones Industrial Average Last 10 Years MacroTrends

5. The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009.
The $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit that Obama inherited in 2009 was in a large part due to the high rate of unemployment. When millions of people were put out of work in 2008 and 2009, it resulted in far less income taxes and less economic activity to generate federal revenue. As ten million people have been put back to work, there have been billions more tax dollars generated. As a result, the deficit has been shrinking each year. The 2014 deficit is projected to be around $500 billion, the smallest deficit since 2007 and roughly 1/3 of what it was in 2009.

US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

6. Under President Obama, spending has increased only 1.4% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president.
You may have heard critics say that President Obama is spending money wildly and running up our debt. According to this article from Forbes, Obama has increased spending by 1.4% annually, far less than President Reagan (8.7%) or George W. Bush (8.1%). In fact, Obama has increased spending less than any president since Eisenhower.

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower Would You Believe It s Barack Obama - Forbes

7. For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are lower now than just about any time in the previous 50 years.
After President Obama took office, thousands of Tea Party members all over the country held rallies protesting Obama’s tax increases. At that time, President Obama had actually passed several tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Most of the Tea Partiers who were protesting had only seen their taxes decrease under Obama. Yet polls indicated that most Tea Party members wrongly believed their taxes had gone up.

In fact, the only people whose income taxes have gone up during Obama’s presidency are those making $400,000 per year or more. That's less than 2% of the population. Today, for the vast majority of people, tax rates are exactly where they were when Obama first took office or lower. The article below from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explains this in greater detail.

Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

8. Our dependence on foreign oil has shrunk due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards.
While some people claim that oil production has declined under President Obama, the truth is just the opposite. Oil production has reached record highs. The United States now produces so much oil that we export more oil and gasoline than we import.

United States - Oil - production - Historical Data Graphs per Year

9. At least 7 million more Americans now have health insurance than before.
Depending on whose numbers you use, between 7 and 10 million Americans acquired health insurance due to the Affordable Care Act. Now that those 7 to 10 million Americans have insurance, the rest of us are no longer on the hook to pay for their health care when they get sick. This saves the American people billions of dollars in the long run.

Obamacare Helped Up to 10 Million Get Insurance Gallup Finds - NBC News

10. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare.
The Medicare trust fund had been on course to run out of money by the end of 2016. But due to cost savings from the Affordable Care Act and lower healthcare expenses, Medicare’s trust fund is now stable until the year 2030 without cutting benefits.

11. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, we are seeing the slowest rate of increase in healthcare costs since 1960.
Contrary to the predictions from Republicans, health care costs have increased at a much slower pace since the passage of the ACA.

12. We currently have fewer soldiers, sailors and airmen in war zones than any time in over 10 years.
With the end of the Iraq war and the steady withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, we have fewer people in war zones now than any time since 2002.

13. There have been zero successful attacks by al Qaeda on US soil since Obama became president.
Despite Dick Cheney’s claim that if voters elect a Democrat as president, we’ll be “hit again and hit hard” by al Qaeda, we have actually been far safer from terrorist attacks on US soil in recent years than we were under the previous president. There have been several unsuccessful attacks against the US under both presidents, but under Obama, al Qaeda has been largely unsuccessful in striking the US on our home soil.

Timeline of al-Qaeda attacks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

14. We now successfully catch and deport more illegal immigrants than ever before.
Despite the publicity from busloads of children who illegally entered the country, the numbers prove that President Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any other president.

Has Barack Obama deported more people than any other president in U.S. history PolitiFact

All of the facts stated above can be confirmed through multiple sources, yet most Americans are not aware of all of this positive news. I invite you to do your own research and check these facts for yourself.

The truth is, most other presidents would envy President Obama’s record despite the fact that he inherited the worst economic crash since the Great Depression.

Here's a bonus. If you feel particularly ambitious, feel free to research these additional facts.

  1. Since Obama became president, our economy has gone from losing 800,000 jobs per month to adding 200,000 jobs per month. That’s a net improvement under Obama of about 1 million jobs per month!
  2. Before Obama became president, our financial system was in ruins and millions of people were at risk of losing their life savings. Now, the financial loopholes have been fixed and we are no longer at risk of another financial collapse.
  3. In 5 years under Obama the economy has created twice as many jobs as were created in 8 years under George W. Bush.
  4. President Obama passed credit card reforms that protects consumers from excessive fees, rate hikes, deceptive marketing and unreasonable due dates.
  5. Thanks to “Obamacare”, senior citizens have saved billions of dollars on prescription drugs.
  6. The Affordable Care Act requires insurance companies to spend at least 80% of your premiums on health care. As a result millions of Americans have received refunds from their health insurance companies.
Health Insurers Set To Give Out More Obamacare Refunds

Despite the unprecedented obstructionism and record number of filibusters used by Republicans to kill even the most routine legislation, the fact remains, in almost every measurable way, the American people are profoundly better off today than they were before President Obama took office.
Cowardly democratic politicians have been misguided in their attitude toward the POTUS this election cycle.
14 Facts About The Obama Presidency That Most People Don rsquo t Know

Listed below are 14 objective facts, without interjecting any opinion, about the state of America under the leadership of President Obama. Every statement is followed up with a link to a source where you can verify these facts for yourself.

1. We've now had 63 straight months of economic expansion.
That’s right, for 63 consecutive months the US economy has gotten progressively better. That includes 54 consecutive months of private sector job growth. Forbes magazine, no fan of President Obama, crunched the numbers and demonstrated how the economic recovery under President Obama has been better in just about every measurable way than the recovery under President Reagan.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

2. We are currently enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history.
Again, this statistic comes from the Forbes Magazine article listed above. In fact, we have now had 54 straight months of private sector job creation. That is the longest period of job creation since the Department of Labor has been keeping statistics. See the link below.

Obama 8217 s claim that businesses are in the 8216 longest uninterrupted stretch of job creation 8217 - The Washington Post

3. Unemployment has dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 5.9% and projected to reach 5.4% by summer of 2015.
Not only has the unemployment rate dropped significantly, but since the recession ended, our economy as added over ten million new jobs. You can refer to the Forbes article above or check this article on PoliticsUSA.

Democratic Presidents Bring It Obama Breaks Clinton s Record For Private Sector Job Growth

4. The stock market continues to set new records since President Obama has been in office.
Since early 2009 there has been a steady trend in stock market growth. The Dow Jones Industrial averages reached an all-time high of 17,098 in August, 2014. Since most Americans have 401K retirement investments in the stock market, this stock market growth benefits millions of middle class Americans.

Dow Jones Industrial Average Last 10 Years MacroTrends

5. The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009.
The $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit that Obama inherited in 2009 was in a large part due to the high rate of unemployment. When millions of people were put out of work in 2008 and 2009, it resulted in far less income taxes and less economic activity to generate federal revenue. As ten million people have been put back to work, there have been billions more tax dollars generated. As a result, the deficit has been shrinking each year. The 2014 deficit is projected to be around $500 billion, the smallest deficit since 2007 and roughly 1/3 of what it was in 2009.

US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

6. Under President Obama, spending has increased only 1.4% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president.
You may have heard critics say that President Obama is spending money wildly and running up our debt. According to this article from Forbes, Obama has increased spending by 1.4% annually, far less than President Reagan (8.7%) or George W. Bush (8.1%). In fact, Obama has increased spending less than any president since Eisenhower.

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower Would You Believe It s Barack Obama - Forbes

7. For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are lower now than just about any time in the previous 50 years.
After President Obama took office, thousands of Tea Party members all over the country held rallies protesting Obama’s tax increases. At that time, President Obama had actually passed several tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Most of the Tea Partiers who were protesting had only seen their taxes decrease under Obama. Yet polls indicated that most Tea Party members wrongly believed their taxes had gone up.

In fact, the only people whose income taxes have gone up during Obama’s presidency are those making $400,000 per year or more. That's less than 2% of the population. Today, for the vast majority of people, tax rates are exactly where they were when Obama first took office or lower. The article below from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explains this in greater detail.

Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

8. Our dependence on foreign oil has shrunk due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards.
While some people claim that oil production has declined under President Obama, the truth is just the opposite. Oil production has reached record highs. The United States now produces so much oil that we export more oil and gasoline than we import.

United States - Oil - production - Historical Data Graphs per Year

9. At least 7 million more Americans now have health insurance than before.
Depending on whose numbers you use, between 7 and 10 million Americans acquired health insurance due to the Affordable Care Act. Now that those 7 to 10 million Americans have insurance, the rest of us are no longer on the hook to pay for their health care when they get sick. This saves the American people billions of dollars in the long run.

Obamacare Helped Up to 10 Million Get Insurance Gallup Finds - NBC News

10. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare.
The Medicare trust fund had been on course to run out of money by the end of 2016. But due to cost savings from the Affordable Care Act and lower healthcare expenses, Medicare’s trust fund is now stable until the year 2030 without cutting benefits.

11. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, we are seeing the slowest rate of increase in healthcare costs since 1960.
Contrary to the predictions from Republicans, health care costs have increased at a much slower pace since the passage of the ACA.

12. We currently have fewer soldiers, sailors and airmen in war zones than any time in over 10 years.
With the end of the Iraq war and the steady withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, we have fewer people in war zones now than any time since 2002.

13. There have been zero successful attacks by al Qaeda on US soil since Obama became president.
Despite Dick Cheney’s claim that if voters elect a Democrat as president, we’ll be “hit again and hit hard” by al Qaeda, we have actually been far safer from terrorist attacks on US soil in recent years than we were under the previous president. There have been several unsuccessful attacks against the US under both presidents, but under Obama, al Qaeda has been largely unsuccessful in striking the US on our home soil.

Timeline of al-Qaeda attacks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

14. We now successfully catch and deport more illegal immigrants than ever before.
Despite the publicity from busloads of children who illegally entered the country, the numbers prove that President Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any other president.

Has Barack Obama deported more people than any other president in U.S. history PolitiFact

All of the facts stated above can be confirmed through multiple sources, yet most Americans are not aware of all of this positive news. I invite you to do your own research and check these facts for yourself.

The truth is, most other presidents would envy President Obama’s record despite the fact that he inherited the worst economic crash since the Great Depression.

Here's a bonus. If you feel particularly ambitious, feel free to research these additional facts.

  1. Since Obama became president, our economy has gone from losing 800,000 jobs per month to adding 200,000 jobs per month. That’s a net improvement under Obama of about 1 million jobs per month!
  2. Before Obama became president, our financial system was in ruins and millions of people were at risk of losing their life savings. Now, the financial loopholes have been fixed and we are no longer at risk of another financial collapse.
  3. In 5 years under Obama the economy has created twice as many jobs as were created in 8 years under George W. Bush.
  4. President Obama passed credit card reforms that protects consumers from excessive fees, rate hikes, deceptive marketing and unreasonable due dates.
  5. Thanks to “Obamacare”, senior citizens have saved billions of dollars on prescription drugs.
  6. The Affordable Care Act requires insurance companies to spend at least 80% of your premiums on health care. As a result millions of Americans have received refunds from their health insurance companies.
Health Insurers Set To Give Out More Obamacare Refunds

Despite the unprecedented obstructionism and record number of filibusters used by Republicans to kill even the most routine legislation, the fact remains, in almost every measurable way, the American people are profoundly better off today than they were before President Obama took office.



Excellent contribution.

Are any of the 14 claims untrue? Pick the one that you think is most dishonest and we will discuss it.
Somehow the list above omits the points due for foisting off the biggest and greatest number of lies on not only America but on the entire world. My fave:

The only way you're going to "keep your doctor" is when Obama brings back slavery. Then, if you're a rich Democrat Lino Liberal you can keep as many doctors as your allowance allows.

No, not the words of the professed president; just the grim reality.
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Don't you know that no one on the right is interested in the facts?

Instead they will stick to their "talking points" disinformation. And to be fair you can't blame them. It isn't as though they have any factual rebuttals.

I was struck by something I heard the other day about the determination to make Obama's presidency a "one term failure" and I wondered if that was just an attempt to ensure that only "white males" will be considered to be "qualified" for the job. If that is true then Hilary is going to face the same opposition should she become POTUS. Oh, and yes, she would have faced the same obstruction as Obama did in my opinion for much the same reason.
14 Facts About The Obama Presidency That Most People Don rsquo t Know

Listed below are 14 objective facts, without interjecting any opinion, about the state of America under the leadership of President Obama. Every statement is followed up with a link to a source where you can verify these facts for yourself.

1. We've now had 63 straight months of economic expansion.
That’s right, for 63 consecutive months the US economy has gotten progressively better. That includes 54 consecutive months of private sector job growth. Forbes magazine, no fan of President Obama, crunched the numbers and demonstrated how the economic recovery under President Obama has been better in just about every measurable way than the recovery under President Reagan.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

2. We are currently enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history.
Again, this statistic comes from the Forbes Magazine article listed above. In fact, we have now had 54 straight months of private sector job creation. That is the longest period of job creation since the Department of Labor has been keeping statistics. See the link below.

Obama 8217 s claim that businesses are in the 8216 longest uninterrupted stretch of job creation 8217 - The Washington Post

3. Unemployment has dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 5.9% and projected to reach 5.4% by summer of 2015.
Not only has the unemployment rate dropped significantly, but since the recession ended, our economy as added over ten million new jobs. You can refer to the Forbes article above or check this article on PoliticsUSA.

Democratic Presidents Bring It Obama Breaks Clinton s Record For Private Sector Job Growth

4. The stock market continues to set new records since President Obama has been in office.
Since early 2009 there has been a steady trend in stock market growth. The Dow Jones Industrial averages reached an all-time high of 17,098 in August, 2014. Since most Americans have 401K retirement investments in the stock market, this stock market growth benefits millions of middle class Americans.

Dow Jones Industrial Average Last 10 Years MacroTrends

5. The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009.
The $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit that Obama inherited in 2009 was in a large part due to the high rate of unemployment. When millions of people were put out of work in 2008 and 2009, it resulted in far less income taxes and less economic activity to generate federal revenue. As ten million people have been put back to work, there have been billions more tax dollars generated. As a result, the deficit has been shrinking each year. The 2014 deficit is projected to be around $500 billion, the smallest deficit since 2007 and roughly 1/3 of what it was in 2009.

US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

6. Under President Obama, spending has increased only 1.4% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president.
You may have heard critics say that President Obama is spending money wildly and running up our debt. According to this article from Forbes, Obama has increased spending by 1.4% annually, far less than President Reagan (8.7%) or George W. Bush (8.1%). In fact, Obama has increased spending less than any president since Eisenhower.

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower Would You Believe It s Barack Obama - Forbes

7. For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are lower now than just about any time in the previous 50 years.
After President Obama took office, thousands of Tea Party members all over the country held rallies protesting Obama’s tax increases. At that time, President Obama had actually passed several tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Most of the Tea Partiers who were protesting had only seen their taxes decrease under Obama. Yet polls indicated that most Tea Party members wrongly believed their taxes had gone up.

In fact, the only people whose income taxes have gone up during Obama’s presidency are those making $400,000 per year or more. That's less than 2% of the population. Today, for the vast majority of people, tax rates are exactly where they were when Obama first took office or lower. The article below from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explains this in greater detail.

Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

8. Our dependence on foreign oil has shrunk due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards.
While some people claim that oil production has declined under President Obama, the truth is just the opposite. Oil production has reached record highs. The United States now produces so much oil that we export more oil and gasoline than we import.

United States - Oil - production - Historical Data Graphs per Year

9. At least 7 million more Americans now have health insurance than before.
Depending on whose numbers you use, between 7 and 10 million Americans acquired health insurance due to the Affordable Care Act. Now that those 7 to 10 million Americans have insurance, the rest of us are no longer on the hook to pay for their health care when they get sick. This saves the American people billions of dollars in the long run.

Obamacare Helped Up to 10 Million Get Insurance Gallup Finds - NBC News

10. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare.
The Medicare trust fund had been on course to run out of money by the end of 2016. But due to cost savings from the Affordable Care Act and lower healthcare expenses, Medicare’s trust fund is now stable until the year 2030 without cutting benefits.

11. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, we are seeing the slowest rate of increase in healthcare costs since 1960.
Contrary to the predictions from Republicans, health care costs have increased at a much slower pace since the passage of the ACA.

12. We currently have fewer soldiers, sailors and airmen in war zones than any time in over 10 years.
With the end of the Iraq war and the steady withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, we have fewer people in war zones now than any time since 2002.

13. There have been zero successful attacks by al Qaeda on US soil since Obama became president.
Despite Dick Cheney’s claim that if voters elect a Democrat as president, we’ll be “hit again and hit hard” by al Qaeda, we have actually been far safer from terrorist attacks on US soil in recent years than we were under the previous president. There have been several unsuccessful attacks against the US under both presidents, but under Obama, al Qaeda has been largely unsuccessful in striking the US on our home soil.

Timeline of al-Qaeda attacks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

14. We now successfully catch and deport more illegal immigrants than ever before.
Despite the publicity from busloads of children who illegally entered the country, the numbers prove that President Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any other president.

Has Barack Obama deported more people than any other president in U.S. history PolitiFact

All of the facts stated above can be confirmed through multiple sources, yet most Americans are not aware of all of this positive news. I invite you to do your own research and check these facts for yourself.

The truth is, most other presidents would envy President Obama’s record despite the fact that he inherited the worst economic crash since the Great Depression.

Here's a bonus. If you feel particularly ambitious, feel free to research these additional facts.

  1. Since Obama became president, our economy has gone from losing 800,000 jobs per month to adding 200,000 jobs per month. That’s a net improvement under Obama of about 1 million jobs per month!
  2. Before Obama became president, our financial system was in ruins and millions of people were at risk of losing their life savings. Now, the financial loopholes have been fixed and we are no longer at risk of another financial collapse.
  3. In 5 years under Obama the economy has created twice as many jobs as were created in 8 years under George W. Bush.
  4. President Obama passed credit card reforms that protects consumers from excessive fees, rate hikes, deceptive marketing and unreasonable due dates.
  5. Thanks to “Obamacare”, senior citizens have saved billions of dollars on prescription drugs.
  6. The Affordable Care Act requires insurance companies to spend at least 80% of your premiums on health care. As a result millions of Americans have received refunds from their health insurance companies.
Health Insurers Set To Give Out More Obamacare Refunds

Despite the unprecedented obstructionism and record number of filibusters used by Republicans to kill even the most routine legislation, the fact remains, in almost every measurable way, the American people are profoundly better off today than they were before President Obama took office.



Excellent contribution.

Are any of the 14 claims untrue? Pick the one that you think is most dishonest and we will discuss it.

Well let's start with the first claim... 'Economic Expansion has been realized in the US since obama took power.'

Such is false. First the Federal Reserve has spent TRILLIONS of dollars per year since obama took power JUST in the propping up of the Financial Markets. obama has spent nearly 7 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT since he took office... the gross domestic product of the US economy has been stagnate, averaging just over 1%... and the workforce has RECEDED IN STRENGTH and VOLUME as a DIRECT RESULT of obama econoic policy which subsidizes, thus encourages unemployment and UNDER EMPLOYMENT... AS WELL AS HIS MASSIVE INCREASES IN TAXES AND BUREAUCRATIC REGULATORY FEES AND PROCESSES WHICH THOSE MARKETS MUST ENDURE, EVEN AS DEMAND FOR SERVICES AND PRODUCT WAIN DUE TO THE ABSENCE OF SUFFICIENT RESOURCES TO SECURE SUCH. All of which points to Economic Recession... not expansion. "Words" mean things. Its best to understand what those meanings are... as that helps us better understand one another. Such is a critical element of what is OKA: Civilization.

It just gets worse from there... .

Feel better?
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Really does anyone believe a word that comes from his cult member's or him for than matter?

man oh man desperation is strong to make him something the majority of the people in this country doesn't see him as
Really does anyone believe a word that comes from his cult member's or him for than matter?

man oh man desperation is strong to make him something the majority of the people in this country doesn't see him as

No one of the 'human' variety... where humanity is recognized as being distinct from the lower species, purely as a result of humanity to reason objectively, thus soundly.
14 Facts About The Obama Presidency That Most People Don rsquo t Know

Listed below are 14 objective facts, without interjecting any opinion, about the state of America under the leadership of President Obama. Every statement is followed up with a link to a source where you can verify these facts for yourself.

1. We've now had 63 straight months of economic expansion.
That’s right, for 63 consecutive months the US economy has gotten progressively better. That includes 54 consecutive months of private sector job growth. Forbes magazine, no fan of President Obama, crunched the numbers and demonstrated how the economic recovery under President Obama has been better in just about every measurable way than the recovery under President Reagan.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

2. We are currently enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history.
Again, this statistic comes from the Forbes Magazine article listed above. In fact, we have now had 54 straight months of private sector job creation. That is the longest period of job creation since the Department of Labor has been keeping statistics. See the link below.

Obama 8217 s claim that businesses are in the 8216 longest uninterrupted stretch of job creation 8217 - The Washington Post

3. Unemployment has dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 5.9% and projected to reach 5.4% by summer of 2015.
Not only has the unemployment rate dropped significantly, but since the recession ended, our economy as added over ten million new jobs. You can refer to the Forbes article above or check this article on PoliticsUSA.

Democratic Presidents Bring It Obama Breaks Clinton s Record For Private Sector Job Growth

4. The stock market continues to set new records since President Obama has been in office.
Since early 2009 there has been a steady trend in stock market growth. The Dow Jones Industrial averages reached an all-time high of 17,098 in August, 2014. Since most Americans have 401K retirement investments in the stock market, this stock market growth benefits millions of middle class Americans.

Dow Jones Industrial Average Last 10 Years MacroTrends

5. The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009.
The $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit that Obama inherited in 2009 was in a large part due to the high rate of unemployment. When millions of people were put out of work in 2008 and 2009, it resulted in far less income taxes and less economic activity to generate federal revenue. As ten million people have been put back to work, there have been billions more tax dollars generated. As a result, the deficit has been shrinking each year. The 2014 deficit is projected to be around $500 billion, the smallest deficit since 2007 and roughly 1/3 of what it was in 2009.

US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

6. Under President Obama, spending has increased only 1.4% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president.
You may have heard critics say that President Obama is spending money wildly and running up our debt. According to this article from Forbes, Obama has increased spending by 1.4% annually, far less than President Reagan (8.7%) or George W. Bush (8.1%). In fact, Obama has increased spending less than any president since Eisenhower.

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower Would You Believe It s Barack Obama - Forbes

7. For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are lower now than just about any time in the previous 50 years.
After President Obama took office, thousands of Tea Party members all over the country held rallies protesting Obama’s tax increases. At that time, President Obama had actually passed several tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Most of the Tea Partiers who were protesting had only seen their taxes decrease under Obama. Yet polls indicated that most Tea Party members wrongly believed their taxes had gone up.

In fact, the only people whose income taxes have gone up during Obama’s presidency are those making $400,000 per year or more. That's less than 2% of the population. Today, for the vast majority of people, tax rates are exactly where they were when Obama first took office or lower. The article below from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explains this in greater detail.

Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

8. Our dependence on foreign oil has shrunk due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards.
While some people claim that oil production has declined under President Obama, the truth is just the opposite. Oil production has reached record highs. The United States now produces so much oil that we export more oil and gasoline than we import.

United States - Oil - production - Historical Data Graphs per Year

9. At least 7 million more Americans now have health insurance than before.
Depending on whose numbers you use, between 7 and 10 million Americans acquired health insurance due to the Affordable Care Act. Now that those 7 to 10 million Americans have insurance, the rest of us are no longer on the hook to pay for their health care when they get sick. This saves the American people billions of dollars in the long run.

Obamacare Helped Up to 10 Million Get Insurance Gallup Finds - NBC News

10. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare.
The Medicare trust fund had been on course to run out of money by the end of 2016. But due to cost savings from the Affordable Care Act and lower healthcare expenses, Medicare’s trust fund is now stable until the year 2030 without cutting benefits.

11. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, we are seeing the slowest rate of increase in healthcare costs since 1960.
Contrary to the predictions from Republicans, health care costs have increased at a much slower pace since the passage of the ACA.

12. We currently have fewer soldiers, sailors and airmen in war zones than any time in over 10 years.
With the end of the Iraq war and the steady withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, we have fewer people in war zones now than any time since 2002.

13. There have been zero successful attacks by al Qaeda on US soil since Obama became president.
Despite Dick Cheney’s claim that if voters elect a Democrat as president, we’ll be “hit again and hit hard” by al Qaeda, we have actually been far safer from terrorist attacks on US soil in recent years than we were under the previous president. There have been several unsuccessful attacks against the US under both presidents, but under Obama, al Qaeda has been largely unsuccessful in striking the US on our home soil.

Timeline of al-Qaeda attacks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

14. We now successfully catch and deport more illegal immigrants than ever before.
Despite the publicity from busloads of children who illegally entered the country, the numbers prove that President Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any other president.

Has Barack Obama deported more people than any other president in U.S. history PolitiFact

All of the facts stated above can be confirmed through multiple sources, yet most Americans are not aware of all of this positive news. I invite you to do your own research and check these facts for yourself.

The truth is, most other presidents would envy President Obama’s record despite the fact that he inherited the worst economic crash since the Great Depression.

Here's a bonus. If you feel particularly ambitious, feel free to research these additional facts.

  1. Since Obama became president, our economy has gone from losing 800,000 jobs per month to adding 200,000 jobs per month. That’s a net improvement under Obama of about 1 million jobs per month!
  2. Before Obama became president, our financial system was in ruins and millions of people were at risk of losing their life savings. Now, the financial loopholes have been fixed and we are no longer at risk of another financial collapse.
  3. In 5 years under Obama the economy has created twice as many jobs as were created in 8 years under George W. Bush.
  4. President Obama passed credit card reforms that protects consumers from excessive fees, rate hikes, deceptive marketing and unreasonable due dates.
  5. Thanks to “Obamacare”, senior citizens have saved billions of dollars on prescription drugs.
  6. The Affordable Care Act requires insurance companies to spend at least 80% of your premiums on health care. As a result millions of Americans have received refunds from their health insurance companies.
Health Insurers Set To Give Out More Obamacare Refunds

Despite the unprecedented obstructionism and record number of filibusters used by Republicans to kill even the most routine legislation, the fact remains, in almost every measurable way, the American people are profoundly better off today than they were before President Obama took office.



Excellent contribution.

Are any of the 14 claims untrue? Pick the one that you think is most dishonest and we will discuss it.

Well let's start with the first claim... "Economic Expansion" has been realized in the US since obama took power.

Such is false. First the Federal Reserve has spent TRILLIONS of dollars per year since obama took power JUST in the propping up of the Financial Markets. obama has spent nearly 7 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT since he took office... the gross domestic product of the US economy has been stagnate, averaging just over 1%... and the workforce has RECEDED IN STRENGTH and VOLUME as a DIRECT RESULT of obama econoic policy which subsidizes, thus encourages unemployment and UNDER EMPLOYMENT... AS WELL AS HIS MASSIVE INCREASES IN TAXES AND BUREAUCRATIC REGULATORY FEES AND PROCESSES WHICH THOSE MARKETS MUST ENDURE, EVEN AS DEMAND FOR SERVICES AND PRODUCT WAIN DUE TO THE ABSENCE OF SUFFICIENT RESOURCES TO SECURE SUCH.

It just gets worse from there... .

Feel better?

Caps don't help you make LIES INTO FACTS.

GDP is up. That is expansion.

The fed is spending trillions? Is that like a stimulus? Where do they get the money that they are "spending"? You don't think it is our tax dollars, do you? I hope not....that would mean you are ignorant of the subject you are discussing.

What does Obama have to do with what the fed does? Are you of the opinion that Obama directs the action of the fed? Do you think the fed operates in such a manner as to support the president?

What Obama economic policy subsidizes unemployment? Are you talking about expanding unemployment insurance? Is that your claim? Direct result of Obama policies means you can outline the connection with no problems. I'd like to see that.

What massive increase in taxes? What massive increase in regulations? How about some specifics?

Come on man......fewer claims........more facts.

So why are the Democrats brutally losing Tuesday's elections?
So why are the Democrats brutally losing Tuesday's elections?

Are you seriously asking that question?

You don't think it is due to the unemployment rate being under 6% do you?

You don't think it is due to the Dow breaking records do you?

You don't think it is due to the deficit being lowered do you?

If you are seriously asking....I will seriously answer. Are you?
Caps don't help you make LIES INTO FACTS.

True... but they do express the passion relevant to the stating of the facts at issue.

GDP is up. That is expansion.

No... GDP is not up. GDP has consistently been in the <-0-2% range which is the range OKA: the RECEDING to STAGNATE Range. Subtract from that the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from which the Federal Government has taken from the Economy to promote stagnation, the only positive of which that can be said for such is that stagnation is preferred over ECONOMIC COLLAPSE... which is what is reasonably expected as a consequence of the obama economic policy. So KUDOS to the Americans who have managed to SURVIVE DESPITE obama ECONOMIC POLICY.

The fed is spending trillions? Is that like a stimulus?
No... it's 'like' economic suicide.

Where do they get the money that they are "spending"?
They CREATE IT FROM NOTHING...Guess what that makes it worth? Which for people of even minimal means to reason, demonstrates the idiocy intrinsic to the building of the obama economic house of cards.

You don't think it is our tax dollars, do you?

No... as it is future tax dollars which will be... IN THE BEST CASE SCENARIO... required as a LOAN which will be needed to prop up the Fed just before it crashes and burns, int he greatest traditions of historic socialism. This just before the catastrophic failure of the US Federal Government, when the Fed is no longer able to 'maintain' +/-0% interest rates for government debt.

What does Obama have to do with what the fed does?

He appoints the head of such.... Thus providing the best clue that the Federal Reserve is the ATM in front of the FEDERAL BANK Facade.

What Obama economic policy subsidizes unemployment?

Seriously? How many hundreds of months did obama extend federal unemployment benefits? You can answer in 'Years', if that helps.

Direct result of Obama policies means you can outline the connection with no problems. I'd like to see that.

Sure, no problem... this the first of just over 1 million hits, querying 'obama advocacy for extending unemployment benefits', which took .43 seconds:

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is applauding a Senate vote advancing legislation to renew jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed as an important step."

Obama Applauds Senate For Advancing Unemployment Insurance Extension Bill

What massive increase in taxes?

The one that resulted from his failure to extend the Bush tax cuts, comes to mind... then there's the increase in MASSIVE increases in the Cost of Health Insurance, which, the US Supreme Court recognized as being a TAX, as the only plausible basis which would provide for the ACA to be anything remotely akin to "Constitutional".

What massive increase in regulations?

A powerfully long list... but I'll submit the ACA as the most efficient means of refuting your implication...

How about some specifics?

See: Above.

My pleasure.
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Fail. Extending unemployment insurance is not encouraging unemployment. That is retarded. You lose.
Are you seriously asking that question?

You don't think it is due to the unemployment rate being under 6% do you?

No... Because unemployment is over 15%.

You don't think it is due to the Dow breaking records do you?
No... because the markets are being sustained by trillions of Federal Reserve Inflation makers not a tangible expansion of the markets.

You don't think it is due to the deficit being lowered do you?

ROFLMNAO! Lowered? Prior to the collapse of the US financial markets due to the catastrophic failure of socialist policy which substituted sound, actuarial lending principles for a perversion of the concept "FAIRNESS", US annual spending deficits averaged 150 billion. Upon taking power obama increased that average to 1500 billion spent in deficit PER YEAR. So... probably not that. Nope.

And yes... seriously.
Fail. Extending unemployment insurance is not encouraging unemployment. That is retarded. You lose.

So.. subsidies do not function as a means to encourage that which is being subsidized?


In reality, subsidies serve only one purpose and that is the same that paying for anything serves... TO GET MORE OF WHATEVER IS BEING PAID FOR!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Now folks... all ya really need to know about the people presently running the government is that these are the SAME people who are DEMANDING that you believe that: 'EBOLA is no cause for concern'.

They're the same one's telling you that sexual behavior which deviates as FAR FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL STANDARD AS CAN BE DEVIATED AND STILL BE ASSOCIATED WITH HUMANS... 'is Perfectly Normal...' .

And that extended periods of global cooling... is PROOF CERTAIN that 'the GLOBE IS WARMING!'

What more do ya really need to recognize that these people are NOT WELL...? That their means to reason is DEFECTIVE.

What we are witnessing today, is the literal expression of Edgar Allen Poe's "Stonehearst Asylum", wherein the "inmates came to RUN the Asylum". Poe of course provided that such ended well... but in reality, author's license, aside, such is simply not possible.

And we are VERY close to seeing that certainty come to life, in the most undeniable of terms.
And THAT is how THAT, is done... .

I hope that you've enjoyed watching it GET down as much as I've enjoyed GETTING IT DONE.

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