Fake outrage

Hacking up the Supreme Court isn't desperation? LOL ok

It is quite clear that you were not comprehending what I was talking about.

I am referring to how Trump keeps saying that things are worse in the country than ever before, and that the American dream is dead. Or how he talks about how our military is completely broken and the economy is at rock bottom, yada yada.

That is promoting desperation.
Hacking up the Supreme Court isn't desperation? LOL ok

It is quite clear that you were not comprehending what I was talking about.

I am referring to how Trump keeps saying that things are worse in the country than ever before, and that the American dream is dead. Or how he talks about how our military is completely broken and the economy is at rock bottom, yada yada.

That is promoting desperation.
Ok, and I was saying they both are. They BOTH are promoting desperation. They all do it.
Ok, and I was saying they both are. They BOTH are promoting desperation. They all do it.

The things you listed were not really promoting desperation.

It gives me the impression that you are clueless on the definition of desperation.
Lol you are so full of shit

Why are you deflecting? Deflection is a tactic of intellectually dishonest idiots.

Rise above acting like a petulant child. Trust me, your life will get better.
Lol you are so full of shit

Why are you deflecting? Deflection is a tactic of intellectually dishonest idiots.

Rise above acting like a petulant child. Trust me, your life will get better.
Im not deflecting, I was saying you are full of shit. I can see you are a bit biased against Trump. Honesty is the answer to what ails you.
Im not deflecting, I was saying you are full of shit. I can see you are a bit biased against Trump. Honesty is the answer to what ails you.

Just calling it like it is, and I spoke the truth.

I am not biased against Trump. The reality is that he is far worse for society and the economy, and I also find his cult to be way more reprehensible.
Im not deflecting, I was saying you are full of shit. I can see you are a bit biased against Trump. Honesty is the answer to what ails you.

Just calling it like it is, and I spoke the truth.

I am not biased against Trump. The reality is that he is far worse for society and the economy, and I also find his cult to be way more reprehensible.
Your opinion, perhaps.
I don't agree. I don't like Trump, but I hate HIllary Clinton and hope she loses.
Your opinion, perhaps.
I don't agree. I don't like Trump, but I hate HIllary Clinton and hope she loses.

It is more than opinion

Worse for society: Trump is ostracizing and toxic. He has a worse favorability rating before even being elected than the approval ratings of Bush and Obama at the end of office. He managed to turn half of the GOP against himself, which is them closer to the Democratic party, meaning less tax and spending cuts if he were to be president. His fanatical and intolerant behavior is impressionable on children and contradictory to many religious and personal values shared by Americans.

Worse for the economy: It has been analyzed many times that Trumps proposals will increase the debt about ten times that of Clinton. His war on offshoring will cost tens of thousands of high paying jobs in America that are sustained on overseas labor, and that will subsequently take a toll on the economy. Increasing and adding tariffs has the potential to cause the economy to spiral into a major recession. They will assuredly cost American jobs, decrease economic growth, and put both large and small American businesses out of commission. He wants to increase spending on the military-industrial complex, which is better funded and supported than ever before in United States history, which is also another tremendous cost.

More Crooked: Note that Donald Trump literally has 1000 times the allegations of acting crooked in regards to his business partners, government officials, his property tenants, his employees, small businesses, and contractors. He is one of the worse offenders of patent trolling in the United States, and has abused the court system to sue his critics and rivals into silence. He engaged in crony capitalism in the past to have the taxpayers subsidize his wealth and bailout his businesses. The Trump foundation was used as his personal bank account, as well as collecting money unlicensed. He engaged in fraud with Trump U and his modeling agency. He settled with the federal government on charges of discriminating against allowing black residents. There are strong connections with his businesses with one of the New York mafia families. There are dozens of testimones that Trump ordered his employees to sabotage residencies and intimidate residents, speculatively at the behest of those same mafia connections. Before the election there was the Scottish golf course scandal, in which he attempted to build a golf course over revered ancient land. It was alleged that he bribed Scottish politicians to evict residents, as well as inciting the community against residents that would not give into his extortion. Also he destroyed iconic New York agriculture to save himself a couple ten thousand measly bucks for removal when he built Trump Tower, which preservation groups offered to pay anyways. I know I forgot a dozen or so scandals.

Anyone that believes Clinton is worse is living in an echo chamber. She is an unlikable bitch with many hurtful policies, but it does not even come close when you judge by comparison.
Your opinion, perhaps.
I don't agree. I don't like Trump, but I hate HIllary Clinton and hope she loses.

It is more than opinion

Worse for society: Trump is ostracizing and toxic. He has a worse favorability rating before even being elected than the approval ratings of Bush and Obama at the end of office. He managed to turn half of the GOP against himself, which pushed them over to the Democratic party, meaning less tax and spending cuts if he were to be president. His fanatical and intolerant behavior is impressionable on Children and contradictory to many religious and personal values shared by Americans.

Worse for the economy: It has been analyzed many times that Trumps proposals will increase the debt about ten times that of Clinton. His war on offshoring will cost tens of thousands of high paying jobs in America that are sustained on overseas labor, and that will subsequently take a toll on the economy. Increasing and adding tariffs has the potential to cause the economy to spiral into a major recession. They will assuredly cost American jobs, decrease economic growth, and put both large and small American businesses out of commission. He wants to increase spending on the military-industrial complex, which is better funded and supported than ever before in United States history, which is also another tremendous cost.

More Crooked: Note that Donald Trump literally has 1000 times the allegations of acting crooked in regards to his business partners, government officials, his property tenants, his employees, small businesses, and contractors. He is one of the worse offenders of patent trolling in the United States, and has abused the court system to sue his critics and rivals into silence. He engaged in crony capitalism in the past to have the taxpayers subsidize his wealth and bailout his businesses. The Trump foundation was used as his personal bank account, as well as collecting money unlicensed. He engaged in fraud with Trump U and his modeling agency. He settled with the federal government on charges of discriminating against black residents. There are strong connections with his businesses with one of the New York mafia families. There are dozens of testimones that Trump ordered his employees to sabotage residencies and intimidate residents, speculatively at the behest of those same mafia connections. Before the election there was the Scottish golf course scandal, in which he attempted to build a golf course over revered ancient land. It was alleged that he bribed Scottish politicians to evict residents, as well as inciting the community against residents that would not give into his extortion. Also he destroyed iconic New York agriculture to save himself a couple ten thousand measly bucks for removal when he built Trump Tower, which preservation groups offered to pay anyways.

Anyone that believes Clinton is worse is living in an echo chamber. Unlikable bitch with many hurtful policies? Certainly, but just judge by comparison.
They are both crooked. They are both liars. But Hillary was crooked in one of the highest seats in our govt. Could be coincidence, but coincidences SURROUND her.
I don't think having the Establishment politicians hate him is a bad thing.
They are both crooked. They are both liars. But Hillary was crooked in one of the highest seats in our govt. Could be coincidence, but coincidences SURROUND her. I don't think having the Establishment politicians hate him is a bad thing.

I will never vote for a politician. They all suck.

That does not mean I am going to bullshit around like they are on the same level. Read what I wrote. Worse for society, the economy, and way more crooked (most of Clinton's crookedness is just repeated conjecture too)
I don't think having the Establishment politicians hate him is a bad thing.

Many of those establishment politicians have been consistently cutting your taxes and this countries excessive social spending.

Believe me, you were better off in solidarity. The new establishment that Trump wants to put in place would be big government progressive, if it wasn't already clear that Trump was a RINO.
Yet Bill's penis problems are over 20 years old and still being used, but you care about that...
Bill Clinton is the white Bill Cosby
What drug did Bill use, power?
He's a career politician doesn't need drugs your right, it's called power. Lol
And women that put themselves in a position to be used by powerful men are not the victims...
Problem with slick Willy it's not only a pattern it's a ongoing pattern with him, no doubt he's a child rapist/molester… LOL

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