"False Flaggers"; New, disgusting political movement? Boston press conference

There is no such movement... it's just another made-up term by lefty wingnuts. Right up there with "trickle-down economics", which also doesn't exist ecept in the minds of the moonbat brigade.

No, there is a movement of that idea. And it is bi-partisan. Van Jones the 9-11 truther? Left winger. Alex Jones? A self-described "right winger", yes, last night on Coast to Coast AM he stated himself as a "right winger".

But, because they come from all spectrums of political beliefs, the "false flaggers" arent united like OWS or the Tea Party.

I see so its one of those ununited.. groups

I called it a "movement" not a united group. OWS was a movement. They too were very unorganized and fragmented. A movement can be many individuals, not united, but moving towards the same idea or point.
so a kind of grass roots movement of the people ...like an awakening
So, the first press conference I saw on the Boston incident was last night aroun 7ish. It was by the group of the Boston mayor, BPD commish, ATF, FBI, etc, etc.

The FIRST quesiton was some lunatic asking the Boston mayor if the incident was "another false flag" incident "to take away our civil liberties".

The mayor swiftly shut the moron down and moved on.

WTF? Is this the new political extremist movement we're gonna have to deal with? The "False Flaggers"??? I know their type have been around for years, including the Truthers. But it is getting more widespread and looney.

Sadly for every official in office today, the history of FALSE FLAGS (Gulf of Tonkien, for an example, sinking of the battleship Maine, another) makes some of us believe that every disaster MIGHT BE a false flag form of manipulation.

Usually the charge is (I think, I hope, I pray) completely nuts.
There are conspiracy loons on both sides.

However, people need to drop the idiot crap about how both sides are the same. That's just the Paulists trying to unsuccessfully pretend they're not GOP shills.

About 10% of the Democrats are conspiracy loons. And when they pipe up, the rest of the party tells them to STFU.

About 50% of the Republicans are conspiracy loons. And when they're not running the GOP, the GOP is kissing their asses.
There are conspiracy loons on both sides.

However, people need to drop the idiot crap about how both sides are the same. That's just the Paulists trying to unsuccessfully pretend they're not GOP shills.

About 10% of the Democrats are conspiracy loons. And when they pipe up, the rest of the party tells them to STFU.

About 50% of the Republicans are conspiracy loons. And when they're not running the GOP, the GOP is kissing their asses.

Bush was in favor of free trade, Clinton signed every free trade agreement that passed his desk. Clinton campaigned against "normal trade relations with China" after the Tinnemen square massacre and then signed Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China.

Bush Jr and Obama have both been in favor of free trade. They have both been in favor of granted illegal immigrants amnesty. The truth is that both parties are the same in the upper echelons and the only thing that's keeping us from getting together and voting them out is the idiots who buy their party line and would rather argue and fight with other Americans than actually admit there's a problem and get together to fix it.

BTW, I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, I have been both and they both suck. I can't wait until everybody else wakes up too.
The false flag claim was that the Bush Administration planned and carried out 9-11 to be able to launch a War in the Middle East.

How about the false flag claim that Bush fabricated evidence of WMD development?

I seem to recall an awful lot of Khmer Rouge types spouting that conspiracy theory.

President Bush lied many times, but the so called liberal press was cheerleading him on, just like quite a few like minded Democrats were as well. And it is a fact that 10s of thousands of US soldiers were killed or wounded because of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Not to mention the countless Iraqis who died as well, not that they don't matter, it's that we just didn't bother to count them.

It wuz a CONSPIRACY! :eusa_drool::eusa_drool::eusa_drool:
There are conspiracy loons on both sides.

However, people need to drop the idiot crap about how both sides are the same. That's just the Paulists trying to unsuccessfully pretend they're not GOP shills.

About 10% of the Democrats are conspiracy loons. And when they pipe up, the rest of the party tells them to STFU.

About 50% of the Republicans are conspiracy loons. And when they're not running the GOP, the GOP is kissing their asses.


Only 10% of the Khmer Rouge democrats spewed the "Bush lied people died" conspiracy theory...

Oops, I mean, only 100% of the fucked in the brain dems did...
The false flag claim was that the Bush Administration planned and carried out 9-11 to be able to launch a War in the Middle East.

How about the false flag claim that Bush fabricated evidence of WMD development?

I seem to recall an awful lot of Khmer Rouge types spouting that conspiracy theory.

President Bush lied many times, but the so called liberal press was cheerleading him on, just like quite a few like minded Democrats were as well. And it is a fact that 10s of thousands of US soldiers were killed or wounded because of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Not to mention the countless Iraqis who died as well, not that they don't matter, it's that we just didn't bother to count them.

It wuz a CONSPIRACY! :eusa_drool::eusa_drool::eusa_drool:

There was no attack carried out by the Bush adminstration and blamed on Iraq so there was no false flag attack.

I've never said he fabricated evidence. The evidence he did use, that was parroted by the entire so called liberal-media, was not vetted and was from unreliable sources. The establishment of both parties wanted the war. The compliant media made sure that public opinion was on their side.

Yes BDS (and ODS) has claimed the brains of many on both sides of the political spectrum.
The CIA is involved in all sorts of evil mayhem all over the World. Bin Laden, Hussein, Noriega, and others all had ties with the CIA. Just look around, wherever there's war and mayhem, it's a safe bet the CIA is involved in some way. And that's not just 'Crazy Conspiracy' stuff. It's reality.
I don't say there aren't ever any conspiracies: of course there are!

Bush did lie and people did die because of it: that was a conspiracy between Rumsfeld, Cheney, and poor Bush, to promote the war with a lie about WMD.

From the perspective of a rational person, your conspiracy theory is every bit as nutty as claiming Boston was a false flag.

{ Saddam's deception has defeated their effectiveness. Instead of the inspectors disarming Saddam, Saddam has disarmed the inspectors.

This situation presents a clear and present danger to the stability of the Persian Gulf and the safety of people everywhere. The international community gave Saddam one last chance to resume cooperation with the weapons inspectors. Saddam has failed to seize the chance.

And so we had to act and act now.

Let me explain why.

First, without a strong inspection system, Iraq would be free to retain and begin to rebuild its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs in months, not years.

Second, if Saddam can crippled the weapons inspection system and get away with it, he would conclude that the international community — led by the United States — has simply lost its will. He will surmise that he has free rein to rebuild his arsenal of destruction, and someday — make no mistake — he will use it again as he has in the past.

Third, in halting our air strikes in November, I gave Saddam a chance, not a license. If we turn our backs on his defiance, the credibility of U.S. power as a check against Saddam will be destroyed. We will not only have allowed Saddam to shatter the inspection system that controls his weapons of mass destruction program; we also will have fatally undercut the fear of force that stops Saddam from acting to gain domination in the region.} - President Bill Clinton

See, you Obamunists have no credibility with your stupid CT's, because you place a 100% partisan agenda on it. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Plugs Biden, Nazi Pelosi, Dingy Harry Reid, ALL had the same line on Iraq. You attack Bush purely out of partisan vitriol.

And I suppose the CIA: SecState Colin Powell said they fooled him into that UN poster talk showing all the movements of WMD that never happened. I think most people understood perfectly well what was going on, I certainly did.


{"Iraq is a long way from [America], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risk that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face." – Secretary of State Madeline Albright, 1998}

Oh, but that was DIFFERENT, because, um, Obama Akbar....

I think a lot of this WMD talk now is just people who were clueless at the time justifying the fact that they didn't understand what was going on, but I think many people were perfectly clear about it before the war ever started.


{"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical- and biological-weapons stock, his missile-delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al-Qaeda members." } - Hillary Clinton, 2002

It happens: there've been lots of conspiracies. But they are small groups, or they don't work, often near the top of the power pyramid. Not always high level: entrapment FBI operations, or the WWII elaborate plots to hide the fact that we had the German encription codes.

Don't pretend that you Obamunists are any less nutjobs than the black helicopter crowd. Just because you are driven by pure partisanship, doesn't alter the insanity of your claims.

"We know that [Saddam] has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
"Iraq’s search for [WMD] has proven impossible to deter, and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
} - Algore, Inventor of the internet, 2002

They all aim to do something very specific and definite, however. And small groups run them. You can't have a false flag operation about something vague with a lot of people in on it. That's just not how the world works.

I don't support the right wing conspiracy theories. I simply note the hypocrisy of the left, which is fully submerged in whackadoodle conspiracies of their own.

{"There's no question that Saddam Hussein is a threat to the United States and to our allies." } - Screaming Howie Dean, Chairman of the DNC, 2003
And right next to Uncensored on the prayer mats is JimBowie bowing to Mecca and praying to Allah.

You American islamonazis are the worst.
Only 10% of the Khmer Rouge democrats spewed the "Bush lied people died" conspiracy theory...

Only a kook-right-cultist would make the crazy claim that Bush didn't lie. Thank you for confirming my point that about 50% of the Republicans are whackaloon conspiracy spouters.

In the case of Uncensored here, we've got a glorious Randroid. Fail to bestow messiah status on his DearLeaderAyn, and he defines you as a communist.
Only 10% of the Khmer Rouge democrats spewed the "Bush lied people died" conspiracy theory...

Only a kook-right-cultist would make the crazy claim that Bush didn't lie. Thank you for confirming my point that about 50% of the Republicans are whackaloon conspiracy spouters.

In the case of Uncensored here, we've got a glorious Randroid. Fail to bestow messiah status on his DearLeaderAyn, and he defines you as a communist.

If Bush lied then the following also lied: both clintons, the UN, Kerry, Gore, France, Spain, Italy, Japan,, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Germany, Poland, the EU, the UK. They all believed Saddam's lies and the bad itel that came from the clinton administration.

as to conspiracies, you leftists are at the top of the list with your bullshit about Bush lying and the USA doing 9/11

BTW, repeating something that you believe to be true (even if it is not) is not lying.
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Only a kook-right-cultist would make the crazy claim that Bush didn't lie. Thank you for confirming my point that about 50% of the Republicans are whackaloon conspiracy spouters.

In the case of Uncensored here, we've got a glorious Randroid. Fail to bestow messiah status on his DearLeaderAyn, and he defines you as a communist.

More conspiracy theories from the unstable left.....
If Bush lied then the following also lied: both clintons, the UN, Kerry, Gore, France, Spain, Italy, Japan,, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Germany, Poland, the EU, the UK. They all believed Saddam's lies and the bad itel that came from the clinton administration.

as to conspiracies, you leftists are at the top of the list with your bullshit about Bush lying and the USA doing 9/11

BTW, repeating something that you believe to be true (even if it is not) is not lying.

The mindless fuckwad Mamooth COULD read post 151 - but he wouldn't grasp it. He has the same intellect as a termite. He is programmed by the swarm and has no ability to think.

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