"False Prophets"


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?"
An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.
"We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth,
"Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"

Why the GOP won't fight to defund Planned Parenthood
September 16, 2015
By Lee Cary

Despite verbal posturing to the contrary, the GOP has not waged a spirited fight to cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood. And, they’re unlikely to do so in the future.

Past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior. And, despite the requisite promises that will come this silly season as GOP candidates argue that Republicans need to regain the White House in order to fulfill promises made in 2010 and in 2014, millions will not believe the unfulfilled promises for a third time. That dog won’t hunt.

We, who have waited in vain for an assertive GOP to surface, are kin to Vladimir and Estragon, who pined for the arrival of Godot in Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot.

Godot didn’t come, and neither will a genuine GOP initiative to defund Planned Parenthood.

This leads some conservatives to ask, “Why not? Haven’t party elites been sufficiently moved to act in response to the horrific harvesting videos released by the Center for Medical Progress?”

The answer is: No. There is not, and never was, a serious GOP intent to strip Planned Parenthood of taxpayer dollars, because party leaders will not invest the political capital necessary to attempt it. They feel no requirement to match their actions with their rhetoric.

This fits within the general pattern for the last seven years, wherein Republican promises to resist the Obama regime have proven to be empty rhetorical offerings of red-meat served to conservative loyalists by party leaders in order to keep them on-board, in-tow, and under control.

Today, the consequence of serial broken promises is playing out in the GOP presidential candidates’ campaigns. The establishment aligned candidates are polling in single digits.

Like the shepherd boy who cried “Wolf” too many times, the GOP establishment’s credibility with millions of conservatives is used-up. The well is dry.

And, it is now at the point in that fable where the old man tells the shepherd boy that,Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!”


For years lefties have been warning Republicans that their leaders were/are lying to them, now-----now the Republican liar-in-chief is calling his own party - a party of "false prophets".

John Boehner Slams Conservative 'False Prophets'

If a party doesn't have the votes to get something done, then it loses on that issue.

That party can then either (a) set about the task of changing hearts & minds to get the votes at some point, (b) admit defeat and move on, or (c) throw a congressional tantrum and threaten to shut everything down, the legislative equivalent of holding its breath until it turns blue.
Real conservatives were sick of Boehner's BS...he paid the price and now's he all butt hurt. Goof riddance to bad rubbish. It's not like he wasn't warned
i believe, even if you do not have the votes the issue should be put out in public view and voted on, if the issue is not approved, at least the general population gets their say to their representatives and maybe next time it is brought up with full public knowledge it may pass. :up:
The only people Obabble compromises with are our sworn enemies. He will demonstrate more flexibility as he bends over to Putin today. Watched obabbles spokesman this morning...then watched Madelne Albgright defend Hillary. Revolting.
i believe, even if you do not have the votes the issue should be put out in public view and voted on, if the issue is not approved, at least the general population gets their say to their representatives and maybe next time it is brought up with full public knowledge it may pass. :up:
I agree...if you can't win the vote tell the people why and what the consequences are...and tell them in a forceful way. The repubs have no voice. So the people have no voice.
My attention is riveted on President Naive...who is speaking to the UN...

Has the Gonad uttered "let me be clear" yet? He regurgitates the same speech over and over. Me, me, me, I, I I, ....BBBBuuuuuttttttt BOOOOOOOOSH!!!!!
Platitudes and statements of the obvious. Hints of future red lines. One polite applause when he mentioned lifting trade ban in Cuber...
If a party doesn't have the votes to get something done, then it loses on that issue.

That party can then either (a) set about the task of changing hearts & minds to get the votes at some point, (b) admit defeat and move on, or (c) throw a congressional tantrum and threaten to shut everything down, the legislative equivalent of holding its breath until it turns blue.

The only one threatening a tantrum is the dear leader and the commiecrats. They are proving they love planned parenthood more than they love this country.
The only people Obabble compromises with are our sworn enemies. He will demonstrate more flexibility as he bends over to Putin today. Watched obabbles spokesman this morning...then watched Madelne Albgright defend Hillary. Revolting.

Yea, right...

Putin got slapped once already... He will learn to be a good boy or he will be sent to bed without tea...


It was actually worse than predicted economy is down 4.8% on this time last year and inflation is running at 15%+....

Obama has all the power in that room and Putin just got spanked...
Short term pain
The only people Obabble compromises with are our sworn enemies. He will demonstrate more flexibility as he bends over to Putin today. Watched obabbles spokesman this morning...then watched Madelne Albgright defend Hillary. Revolting.

Yea, right...

Putin got slapped once already... He will learn to be a good boy or he will be sent to bed without tea...


It was actually worse than predicted economy is down 4.8% on this time last year and inflation is running at 15%+....

Obama has all the power in that room and Putin just got spanked...
Short term pain for long term gain?
It is hard to tell what to make of the replies above? Ignorance? Twelve year olds? Unable to form a thought?

But my question remains unanswered? What does that say about conservatives today?

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be.

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