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ANOTHER major fk up by you--woooohooooo... I fkd you on that one--here it is:

being the place or environment in which a person was born or a thing came into being:eek:ne's native land''''''.
You're not an American Indian? Why did you lie about that?

Some of the racist douche bags who constantly bitch and moan here had better get ready to adjust their venom as the racial makeup of the US continues to change, as everything in nature does.
Who gives a shit how someone "identifies"
Fuck that stupid virtue signaling nonesense.
If your skin is white, and you are 1/4 Latino with not a soul on the planet guessing it - but you "identify" as multiracial... you are a virtue signaler.

Most Americans are ALL multi-racial. When you start claiming 10% or even less as your "race"... you are doing it because it is currently the chic thing to do.

Some of the racist douche bags who constantly bitch and moan here had better get ready to adjust their venom as the racial makeup of the US continues to change, as everything in nature does.
That’s because being white is suddenly considered evil. Which is insane to me. I am a Jew but my skin is white. So I am evil or not quite? Labels in general are bad. It’s a stupid and divisive article by WAPO IMO.
Because it's cooler than white.
History suggests that being not white is not exactly an advantage in America. Aside from a few nutjobs, I would imagine most people are who they claim to be.

Oh My Gawd!!... like... all the, like white privilege you white people have!!
Us Latinos are, like, so sick of it!!
History suggests that being not white is not exactly an advantage in America. Aside from a few nutjobs, I would imagine most people are who they claim to be.
they have a lot MORE advantages:
accepted in colleges with shit grades/don't graduate from high school
can't fire them if they are shithead workers
NBA/NFL !!!!!!
over represented in great jobs--even though they graduate at lower levels
etc etc
even in the '''old days'', racism/etc is over blown..most whites never came into contact with blacks

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