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In fact, I know a great deal about my country. Evidently much more than you., regarding your OP, you are like the nazis---you are saying some racial groups better do want you want or else--so, not only are you a racist, you are acting like the nazis

Some of the racist douche bags who constantly bitch and moan here had better get ready to adjust their venom as the racial makeup of the US continues to change, as everything in nature does.
..and the blacks are fking themselves over--even more than before--by having so many kids that they cant afford and can't raise properly [ undeniable--per the crime and grad stats ] ..these kids are going to grow up WORSE than the previous generation
..the blacks are the racists, not the whites
Nah. I know lots of racist of multiple color and ethnic background. Some people are just naturally insecure.
I'm native American
Thats cool. I don't know many Native Americans, not sure if I know any. Are you like a high percentage and raised tribal, observing customs, or a one drop thing, like Elizabeth Warren, for benefit without any disadvantages?
Nah. I know lots of racist of multiple color and ethnic background. Some people are just naturally insecure.
...fact--the blacks graduate at lower levels and commit crime at much higher levels---they are very insecure---that's why they blame whitey all the time and whine.....that's what humans naturally do when they fail......whenever a human fails and fks up, they try to blame someone else
Thats cool. I don't know many Native Americans, not sure if I know any. Are you like a high percentage and raised tribal, observing customs, or a one drop thing, like Elizabeth Warren, for benefit without any disadvantages?
UNDENIABLE-I am native American

'''''belonging to a person by birth or to a thing by nature; inherent:native ability;'''''
That’s because being white is suddenly considered evil. Which is insane to me. I am a Jew but my skin is white. So I am evil or not quite? Labels in general are bad. It’s a stupid and divisive article by WAPO IMO.
We've seen you on bad days. You can be evil as hell, not that it bothers me, as it is sometime entertaining.
History suggests that being not white is not exactly an advantage in America. Aside from a few nutjobs, I would imagine most people are who they claim to be.
On here, you should seriously doubt it.

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