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his racism and hate not only blinds him, but it also makes him babble
These passive racists like Unkotare who cheer on and celebrate the notion of fewer whites really have no clue what they’re actually championing. They fail to realize that while nearly all white America was swiftly becoming the greatest most powerful nation on the globe black and brown nations would remain stuck in time…those who broke into our nation and rode the backs of WHITE Americans ONLY wanted to do so because we were white, united and thriving. There‘s a reason NOBODY is breaking into dark nations.
What happens when Americans become what Mexicos people are?
The difference between looking the look, talking the talk, walking the walk and acting like they were forced into their position in life by outside forces and ready to show resentment at the drop of a hat.
To me leftists don’t really want diversity. Because true diversity is diversity of thought not diversity of skin color.
To me leftists don’t really want diversity. Because true diversity is diversity of thought not diversity of skin color.
I thought they wanted mandatory, universal acceptance and approval no matter what kind or color of A-hole they chose to be or where they chose to be it.
I thought they wanted mandatory, universal acceptance and approval no matter what kind or color of A-hole they chose to be or where they chose to be it.
No. They say so but blacks and Hispanics who are Republicans get vilified. Same with gays. See Kysrten Sinema. So they don’t want diversity. I do not mind that you’re a Leftist. That’s fine. But the fact that you refuse to admit it. That I find interesting.
You want to discuss the best and safest neighborhoods? They are Jewish neighborhoods. Best schools, home values, safety. Yet antisemitism is sky high? How do those on both sides explain that?
History suggests that being not white is not exactly an advantage in America. Aside from a few nutjobs, I would imagine most people are who they claim to be.
Yeah.... H I S T O R Y ..
And if you don't think white liberals are claiming micro-percentages as their "race" - then you haven't been paying attention.
There is a cornucopia of available advantages/tax breaks/grants/funding available to non whites. I personally know of several businesses where the owner claims "minority owned" and they are white. I know several-several-several businesses that claim to be a WOB by putting their wives name as a partner - but she has absolute ZERO position in the company in order to get the tax breaks/grants/interest free loans etc. etc. etc.

Today - officially speaking. As in government policy - the white male is the most discriminated against by faaaaaaar.
No. They say so but blacks and Hispanics who are Republicans get vilified. Same with gays. See Kysrten Sinema. So they don’t want diversity. I do not mind that you’re a Leftist. That’s fine. But the fact that you refuse to admit it. That I find interesting.
Don't waste much thought or worry your pretty little head on it. The far left and the far right don't agree with my views on gun control, abortion, race relations, taxation or foreign policy, being too far to the center for either side to be useful to them. The center moderate position lets me take shots at either side as I think they deserve it, without owing allegiance to either side. Just not much of a joiner, I guess.
And if you don't think white liberals are claiming micro-percentages as their "race" - then you haven't been paying attention.
Do you have any proof that any more than a few flakes here and there do so? A few anecdotes do NOT prove any universal truth.

Read the OP.
Don't waste much thought or worry your pretty little head on it. The far left and the far right don't agree with my views on gun control, abortion, race relations, taxation or foreign policy, being too far to the center for either side to be useful to them. The center moderate position lets me take shots at either side as I think they deserve it, without owing allegiance to either side. Just not much of a joiner, I guess.
Yet you said you would have voted for Raphael Warnock? Doesn’t compute. And the far left is currently running the Democratic Party. Do you at least see that?
Don't waste much thought or worry your pretty little head on it. The far left and the far right don't agree with my views on gun control, abortion, race relations, taxation or foreign policy, being too far to the center for either side to be useful to them. The center moderate position lets me take shots at either side as I think they deserve it, without owing allegiance to either side. Just not much of a joiner, I guess.
thats kinda like how i feel.....the far right and left are so much alike as people,they call each other the same names and think the same shit about each other, that its a wonder they dont merge and form their own party...
Yet you said you would have voted for Raphael Warnock? Doesn’t compute. And the far left is currently running the Democratic Party. Do you at least see that?
You got the wrong guy. I don't vote out of state, don't canvass for mail-in ballots for the republicans and not dead enough to have my vote used by the Democrats. Let me know when he moves to TN.
I just looked it up, seeing that he ran against Kelly Loeffler of the far right, kiss trumps ass, objected to the electoral votes being counted (right up until after the insurrection) after she lost her race. If she moves to TN, I will not vote for her.
You got the wrong guy. I don't vote out of state, don't canvass for mail-in ballots for the republicans and not dead enough to have my vote used by the Democrats. Let me know when he moves to TN.
I just looked it up, seeing that he ran against Kelly Loeffler of the far right, kiss trumps ass, objected to the electoral votes being counted (right up until after the insurrection) after she lost her race. If she moves to TN, I will not vote for her.
“Would have” not “did”. If you had the choice. So rather than abstaining you would have voted for a far left radical? Lol
“Would have” not “did”. If you had the choice. So rather than abstaining you would have voted for a far left radical? Lol
I have a strict policy since the election. I will not vote for a trump supporter for national office, as I intend my kids to live their adult lives in a representative republic. I still like and vote for republicans I like in local or state bound offices, as they are best to make sure people leave me the heck alone. In national office, at the moment they represent an existential threat to representative democracy in the country, and as such, cannot be trusted in national office. If we lose it. We ain't getting it back in my lifetime without civil war. I see this policy remaining in place for 2 presidential cycles before I consider revision.
I am not above abstaining. I already did it once by voting libertarian in 2016, not voting for trump or the Hill, as I knew both would be bad for the country and trump proved me correct.
I have a strict policy since the election. I will not vote for a trump supporter for national office, as I intend my kids to live their adult lives in a representative republic. I still like and vote for republicans I like in local or state bound offices, as they are best to make sure people leave me the heck alone. In national office, at the moment they represent an existential threat to representative democracy in the country, and as such, cannot be trusted in national office. If we lose it. We ain't getting it back in my lifetime without civil war. I see this policy remaining in place for 2 presidential cycles before I consider revision.
I am not above abstaining. I already did it once by voting libertarian in 2016, not voting for trump or the Hill, as I knew both would be bad for the country and trump proved me correct.
So you would vote for Sanders sycophants but not Trump sycophants? Great logic….

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