Fat Lady Just Sang...

How sexist and stupid to boot

THE left has a real hate for women, don't they?

What the hell are you blabbing about? This thread is about Krispy Kreme.
The OP said lady/

I'd like to see Mutt Romney change his mind and run again. OH there would be gnashing of the teeth.

Its going to be a fun circus.
I'd like to see Mutt Romney change his mind and run again. OH there would be gnashing of the teeth.

Its going to be a fun circus.
I'd like to see you take your head out of your ass and take a breath every now and then.
Romney wont run. No reason to. Plenty enough well qualified attractive candidates who will kick Democrat azz. Dems wont know what hit them in November.
I'd like to see Mutt Romney change his mind and run again. OH there would be gnashing of the teeth.

Its going to be a fun circus.
I'd like to see you take your head out of your ass and take a breath every now and then.
Romney wont run. No reason to. Plenty enough well qualified attractive candidates who will kick Democrat azz. Dems wont know what hit them in November.

Yeah right. Why do you think he is so prominent on Sunday talk shows? He's just waiting for the front runner to fall down so he can step in and be the great savior.
I'd like to see Mutt Romney change his mind and run again. OH there would be gnashing of the teeth.

Its going to be a fun circus.
I'd like to see you take your head out of your ass and take a breath every now and then.
Romney wont run. No reason to. Plenty enough well qualified attractive candidates who will kick Democrat azz. Dems wont know what hit them in November.

Yeah right. Why do you think he is so prominent on Sunday talk shows? He's just waiting for the front runner to fall down so he can step in and be the great savior.
Bullshit. No proof of that whatsoever.
I'd like to see Mutt Romney change his mind and run again. OH there would be gnashing of the teeth.

Its going to be a fun circus.
I'd like to see you take your head out of your ass and take a breath every now and then.
Romney wont run. No reason to. Plenty enough well qualified attractive candidates who will kick Democrat azz. Dems wont know what hit them in November.

Yeah right. Why do you think he is so prominent on Sunday talk shows? He's just waiting for the front runner to fall down so he can step in and be the great savior.
Bullshit. No proof of that whatsoever.

I guess you have no experience with narcissistic dilettantes.
I'd like to see Mutt Romney change his mind and run again. OH there would be gnashing of the teeth.

Its going to be a fun circus.
I'd like to see you take your head out of your ass and take a breath every now and then.
Romney wont run. No reason to. Plenty enough well qualified attractive candidates who will kick Democrat azz. Dems wont know what hit them in November.

Yeah right. Why do you think he is so prominent on Sunday talk shows? He's just waiting for the front runner to fall down so he can step in and be the great savior.

I like Christie. Also, that is the strategy for winning the nomination. The complete meltdown of the frontrunner before primaries.

I, and anyone that thinks about it, knows Christie is best in re-grouping Republicans and leading spectacular charges.
They were begging Christie to run in 2012. He thought he had a better chance in 2016

He was wrong
They were begging Christie to run in 2012. He thought he had a better chance in 2016

He was wrong

Boy was he. New Jersey is in terrible shape, credit downgrades, no transportation funding, pension trouble, legal trouble. Chrisie has demonstrated perfectly that he is not the leader people thought he was. He needs to just go away.
I don't think it was as heart tugging as the op suggests:

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, whose meteoric rise as a national Republican in his first term was matched only by his spectacular loss of stature at home in his second, enters the 2016 presidential race on Tuesday morning bearing little resemblance to the candidate he once expected to be.

The economic recovery he promised has turned into a cascade of ugly credit downgrades and anemic job growth. The state pension he vowed to fix has descended into a morass of missed payments and lawsuits. The administration he pledged would be a paragon of ethics has instead conspired to mire an entire town in traffic and the governor’s office in scandal.

Just three and a half years ago, Mr. Christie seemed so popular, compelling and formidable, such an antidote to all that ailed the Republican brand, that senior figures in the party pleaded with him to run for president as a substitute for their eventual nominee, Mitt Romney.

But today, a staggering 55 percent of Republican primary voters say that they cannot envision voting for Mr. Christie, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll, a remarkable deficit from which to embark on a national campaign. The only candidate less palatable: Donald J. Trump, the bombastic developer-turned-reality television star.

Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/01/us/politics/chris-christie-presidential-campaign.html
Isn't his state like 9 billion in the hole?
Bush did it for the country and left it for Obama.
Now it seems like every GOP governor has been following Bush's failed policies.

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