Fat People Hate


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
What's sort of strange and bewildering is that FPH didn't uphold any sort of extreme mission statement. The basic idea that permeated the forum was that people should be exercising and eating healthy, and that obesity can lead to health problems. This isn't a groundbreaking concept — organizations like the CDC and the World Health Organization have said as much.

Why Reddit s ban on Fat People Hate is ripping it apart - Vox

I simply hate fat people. The way they move, the way they behave, the way they whine about genetics and unfair 'skinny bitches'. Most of them haven't been born this way. It is their choice and therefore I am not being prejudiced and disrespectful, right? It is everyone's right to judge people based on their decisions. You choose to be fat, I choose to disrespect and make fun of you. It is that simple.
no problem disliking them but I say that there is no reason to verbally assault them imo !! My way would be better , no reason to be impolite , imo !!
Damn large number of people, no pun intended, are not fat by choice. Our food supply is fucking rigged. It's not inevitable but the deck is stacked. It isn't as black-and-white as your blanket statement thinks. It isn't necessarily a "choice".
I also disagree with Pogos take , everyone knows what they swallow .
I also disagree with Pogos take , everyone knows what they swallow .

Everyone knows what they swallow -- interesting way to put it -- but what you eat isn't necessarily why you get fat. That's oversimplification, and ignorant. Overeating does cause fat -- but that doesn't mean the reverse, that fat is caused only by overeating.

We have an obesity epidemic. Yet we're not eating more than we used to. It's the food.
What's sort of strange and bewildering is that FPH didn't uphold any sort of extreme mission statement. The basic idea that permeated the forum was that people should be exercising and eating healthy, and that obesity can lead to health problems. This isn't a groundbreaking concept — organizations like the CDC and the World Health Organization have said as much.

Why Reddit s ban on Fat People Hate is ripping it apart - Vox

I simply hate fat people. The way they move, the way they behave, the way they whine about genetics and unfair 'skinny bitches'. Most of them haven't been born this way. It is their choice and therefore I am not being prejudiced and disrespectful, right? It is everyone's right to judge people based on their decisions. You choose to be fat, I choose to disrespect and make fun of you. It is that simple.
Perhaps walking a mile or two in their shoes might assuage your prejudices.....Many overweight folks, like myself suffer from hereditary induced issues, and are really powerless, save almost starving themselves, to control their body shapes.
As i recently reached my 75th year, I can take some meagre solace in knowing that virtually all of my peers who were slim, virulent athletes back when I was just a chubby nerd, have all passed away, regardless of their prime fitness during their youth..
Several of them were major league athletes, on the Red Sox, and Celtics teams, and AFAIK, they maintained their virile physiques into their later years....But here I sit, still a bit on the chubby side, still ticking..!!!
And I still have my favorite retort for those who hate me for my body shape...."GO FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE>>!!!"
something else for you libs to worry about I guess , me , I'll just continue to mind my own business 'pogo' !!
Damn large number of people, no pun intended, are not fat by choice. Our food supply is fucking rigged. It's not inevitable but the deck is stacked. It isn't as black-and-white as your blanket statement thinks. It isn't necessarily a "choice".

How is it not a choice if you prefer eating fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, baked fish and chicken over processed and fast foods? My point is not for or against huge or skinny people.
Damn large number of people, no pun intended, are not fat by choice. Our food supply is fucking rigged. It's not inevitable but the deck is stacked. It isn't as black-and-white as your blanket statement thinks. It isn't necessarily a "choice".

How is it not a choice if you prefer eating fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, baked fish and chicken over processed and fast foods? My point is not for or against huge or skinny people.

"Your" point? You just got here. Are you confusing yourself with a sock?
and I judge that its none of my or mochelles or any other libs business 'pogo' !!
something else for you libs to worry about I guess , me , I'll just continue to mind my own business 'pogo' !!

Then do that and don't presume to judge others.
I'll judge as I like 'pogo' !!!!

And I quote --

something else for you libs to worry about I guess , me , I'll just continue to mind my own business 'pogo' !!
... following:
I also disagree with Pogos take , everyone knows what they swallow .

You're all over the road. Pick a lane.
I comment , judge on anything I like 'pogo' , think that's obvious !!
next you libs will be pushing the topic of 'food deserts' on sane people . Think that 'mochelle' has already mentioned them .
What's sort of strange and bewildering is that FPH didn't uphold any sort of extreme mission statement. The basic idea that permeated the forum was that people should be exercising and eating healthy, and that obesity can lead to health problems. This isn't a groundbreaking concept — organizations like the CDC and the World Health Organization have said as much.

Why Reddit s ban on Fat People Hate is ripping it apart - Vox

I simply hate fat people. The way they move, the way they behave, the way they whine about genetics and unfair 'skinny bitches'. Most of them haven't been born this way. It is their choice and therefore I am not being prejudiced and disrespectful, right? It is everyone's right to judge people based on their decisions. You choose to be fat, I choose to disrespect and make fun of you. It is that simple.

Shouldn't be hating nayone. Once we let ourselves feel hate for someone or some group of people, chances are very high it's going to manifest against more than just the original group. Now that we've given ourselves permission to hate, the standard at which hate gets expressed lowers. Now we hate another group or individual. NOw the bar goes down again and we hate more. Until we hate most people and things.

Hate's self-destructive. In the end we suddenly realize all the hate we exhibit for others is really hate for ourselves.
What's sort of strange and bewildering is that FPH didn't uphold any sort of extreme mission statement. The basic idea that permeated the forum was that people should be exercising and eating healthy, and that obesity can lead to health problems. This isn't a groundbreaking concept — organizations like the CDC and the World Health Organization have said as much.

Why Reddit s ban on Fat People Hate is ripping it apart - Vox

I simply hate fat people. The way they move, the way they behave, the way they whine about genetics and unfair 'skinny bitches'. Most of them haven't been born this way. It is their choice and therefore I am not being prejudiced and disrespectful, right? It is everyone's right to judge people based on their decisions. You choose to be fat, I choose to disrespect and make fun of you. It is that simple.
That is very cruel, cold, and uncalled for. What does one gain from criticizing obese people? When you criticize them, does it make you feel good about yourself, does it make you wealthier, happier, wiser, healthier, and gives you a warm fuzzy feeling? Who benefits from criticizing obese people? Do you also criticize short people, tall people, skinny people, disabled people, disfigured people, people with red hair, men with a mustache, people that can't see, people that can't hear, people with severe health issues, and others that may not be "perfect"? If not, why not? Is it because you wouldn't feel good about yourself if you did?
Obesity is a symptom of other issues. Once you realize that, it's easier to feel compassion for sick people like you would anyone else.

If you eat so much comfort food you become obese chances are high you have little joy in your life. Maybe you suffer from clinical depression, or some other condition where you're always down. So naturally you seek to self-medicate via junk food and over time this untreated condition results in satellite issues like obesity.

Not hard to imagine some of the reasons people get fat. If they pay any attention at all to national or global issues, it'd be surprising if they weren't self-medicating with something.
What's sort of strange and bewildering is that FPH didn't uphold any sort of extreme mission statement. The basic idea that permeated the forum was that people should be exercising and eating healthy, and that obesity can lead to health problems. This isn't a groundbreaking concept — organizations like the CDC and the World Health Organization have said as much.

Why Reddit s ban on Fat People Hate is ripping it apart - Vox

I simply hate fat people. The way they move, the way they behave, the way they whine about genetics and unfair 'skinny bitches'. Most of them haven't been born this way. It is their choice and therefore I am not being prejudiced and disrespectful, right? It is everyone's right to judge people based on their decisions. You choose to be fat, I choose to disrespect and make fun of you. It is that simple.
I had a rude ass one clogging up the aisle at walmart today.

Big fat-ass school teacher, just fuckin' up the works by her sheer size.


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