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Father of Apocalyptic Christian Zionism- Hal Lindsey


End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Did it ever occur to you that the uneducated Arabs who became Muslim took a word from Hebrew and misused it?
Yes, I have read the Koran...Allah is used by Muslims as The One Above.
I find it revealing that many religionists have a deep need to endlessly speculate WHEN the end times comes. The obsession that generates cults (David Koresh) and doomsday proclamations over the decades, the endless interpretations of a few lines in the book of revelations (often written in stupid and unnecessary riddles) the endless talk about the "rapture" indicating a deep seated need to believe in something.....

Why can't religionists just patiently wait quietly? leave out the silly speculations as their favorite messiah says no one knows the hour of his coming.....


Some "religionists" fulfill the duty of 'waiting',
others are more 'active'.

But it's of course not black and white, individuals are complex. And for a real "religionist", it seems these two paths should be seen, as serving the same purpose.
The 'End Times' is the End of Time - "Time No More" in Rev 10:6.

That throws christian's, atheists, and all cynics into a whirl.

You won't find me casting my pearls about what it means.
Just by Sunni's reaction...always there for backup.

So. let me get this,

'Episcopalian' suradata is our new teacher on anything Christianity,
and 'Rabbi' Sunni is convincing us of his wisdom by appealing to his knowledge of Torah...

The circus

No.. I just follow traditional Christian teachings rather than Scofield and Hal Lindsey.

I don't tamper with Jewish scripture to PROVE Jesus because I don't think he needs to be proven. Why gild the lily?

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
I have never met an Observant Jew who used the word Allah.
I presume you are referring to non-Observant suck-up Jews.

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Did it ever occur to you that the uneducated Arabs who became Muslim took a word from Hebrew and misused it?
Yes, I have read the Koran...Allah is used by Muslims as The One Above.

The one above in Islam is the God of Abraham. Muhammed's sermons , or many of them, start: "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham".

Which translation of the Koran did you read?

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
I have never met an Observant Jew who used the word Allah.
I presume you are referring to non-Observant suck-up Jews.

I am speaking of the Jews who spoke Arabic and lived in Muslim lands for 2000 years.
In the Middle East the Bibles used in arabic language Christin churches such as in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan.
The word for God printed in their Bibles and spoken during services is Allah.

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Did it ever occur to you that the uneducated Arabs who became Muslim took a word from Hebrew and misused it?
Yes, I have read the Koran...Allah is used by Muslims as The One Above.

The one above in Islam is the God of Abraham. Muhammed's sermons , or many of them, start: "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham".

Which translation of the Koran did you read?
I honestly don't remember as it was back in the late 90s.
I read the first 6 suras and got really bored.
In the Middle East the Bibles used in arabic language Christin churches such as in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan.
The word for God printed in their Bibles and spoken during services is Allah.

Its sad they are so ignorant.
Gen. 12:3
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

There is no sinister plot or wild religious heresy going on in Christian Zionism. That one verse above explains exactly why Christians decide to be "Zionists". It has nothing to do with believing Jews are somehow "better" than any other human being. It's about worshipping the same God - something I'd bet is the root cause for the hatred because usually, those who hate Jews don't believe in God at all or believe in the moon deity Allah.
But hey, rage on.
Here's another verse: If you are a new bride and your new husband accuses you of not being a virgin, and if your parents can't prove otherwise, the men in your neighborhood drag you to your Dad's front yard and throw rocks at you until you are dead. Deut 22:20-21

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Did it ever occur to you that the uneducated Arabs who became Muslim took a word from Hebrew and misused it?
Yes, I have read the Koran...Allah is used by Muslims as The One Above.

The one above in Islam is the God of Abraham. Muhammed's sermons , or many of them, start: "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham".

Which translation of the Koran did you read?
I honestly don't remember as it was back in the late 90s.
I read the first 6 suras and got really bored.

Then you haven't read the Koran.

The lost Palestinian Jews - The Jerusalem Post
Aug 20, 2009 Ā· After years of research, Misinai says that he can declare with certainty that nearly 90 percent of all Palestinians are descended from the Jews. "And ā€¦
Scofield was hired by Samuel Untermyer who also published the Scofield Bible.
I've long been curious about some of the mechanics involved. In particular the details surrounding the old testament being included in the christian bible

Its sort of a progression. Jesus wasn't the Messiah the Jews had expected. He was NOT an anointed warrior king who would vanquish the enemies of the Jews. The government never rested on his shoulders.

Nonetheless Jesus was definitely very special. I think later writers embroidered his story which religion seems to have always done.. exaggerating everything..... and fiddling with the OT to make Jesus "fit" the Jewish prophecies.

IMO you can't dismiss Jesus as the bastard son of a Roman soldier and you can't claim the Jews got it all wrong. Clearly Jesus was an important Holy man.. a messenger if you can get your head around that concept.

I'm Christian by heritage and by choice so I just accept the Jewish beliefs as well as Muslim beliefs..
Blood brothers: Palestinians and Jews share genetic roots ...

Oct 20, 2015 Ā· Confronted by the violence sweeping over Israel, it can be easy to overlook the things that Jews and Palestinians share: a deep attachment to the same sliver of contested land, a shared appetite for hummus, a common tradition of descent from the patriarch Abraham, and, as scientific research shows - a common genetic ancestry, as well.

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Did it ever occur to you that the uneducated Arabs who became Muslim took a word from Hebrew and misused it?
Yes, I have read the Koran...Allah is used by Muslims as The One Above.

The one above in Islam is the God of Abraham. Muhammed's sermons , or many of them, start: "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham".

Which translation of the Koran did you read?
I honestly don't remember as it was back in the late 90s.
I read the first 6 suras and got really bored.

Then you haven't read the Koran.

The lost Palestinian Jews - The Jerusalem Post
Aug 20, 2009 Ā· After years of research, Misinai says that he can declare with certainty that nearly 90 percent of all Palestinians are descended from the Jews. "And ā€¦
I am certain that for every 1,000 experts who have one opinion there are 1,000 that have another opinion.

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Did it ever occur to you that the uneducated Arabs who became Muslim took a word from Hebrew and misused it?
Yes, I have read the Koran...Allah is used by Muslims as The One Above.

The one above in Islam is the God of Abraham. Muhammed's sermons , or many of them, start: "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham".

Which translation of the Koran did you read?
I honestly don't remember as it was back in the late 90s.
I read the first 6 suras and got really bored.

Then you haven't read the Koran.

The lost Palestinian Jews - The Jerusalem Post
Aug 20, 2009 Ā· After years of research, Misinai says that he can declare with certainty that nearly 90 percent of all Palestinians are descended from the Jews. "And ā€¦
I am certain that for every 1,000 experts who have one opinion there are 1,000 that have another opinion.

Ben Gurion and Shlomo Sands also claimed the Palestinians were descended from Jewish farmers and DNA confirms that.

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.


Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.

Allah | Deity, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Did it ever occur to you that the uneducated Arabs who became Muslim took a word from Hebrew and misused it?
Yes, I have read the Koran...Allah is used by Muslims as The One Above.

The one above in Islam is the God of Abraham. Muhammed's sermons , or many of them, start: "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham".

Which translation of the Koran did you read?
I honestly don't remember as it was back in the late 90s.
I read the first 6 suras and got really bored.

Then you haven't read the Koran.

The lost Palestinian Jews - The Jerusalem Post
Aug 20, 2009 Ā· After years of research, Misinai says that he can declare with certainty that nearly 90 percent of all Palestinians are descended from the Jews. "And ā€¦
I am certain that for every 1,000 experts who have one opinion there are 1,000 that have another opinion.

Ben Gurion and Shlomo Sands also claimed the Palestinians were descended from Jewish farmers and DNA confirms that.
No wonder they werenā€™t kicked out by the Jews.
I find it revealing that many religionists have a deep need to endlessly speculate WHEN the end times comes. The obsession that generates cults (David Koresh) and doomsday proclamations over the decades, the endless interpretations of a few lines in the book of revelations (often written in stupid and unnecessary riddles) the endless talk about the "rapture" indicating a deep seated need to believe in something.....

Why can't religionists just patiently wait quietly? leave out the silly speculations as their favorite messiah says no one knows the hour of his coming.....


Some "religionists" fulfill the duty of 'waiting',
others are more 'active'.

But it's of course not black and white, individuals are complex. And for a real "religionist", it seems these two paths should be seen, as serving the same purpose.
The 'End Times' is the End of Time - "Time No More" in Rev 10:6.

That throws christian's, atheists, and all cynics into a whirl.

You won't find me casting my pearls about what it means.
Revelation 10:6 doesn't say anything about time being no more.

And the Bible doesn't say anything about the end of time.

End Times Dispensationalism

So what are these End Times beliefs that have converted much of the remaining Protestant establishment in American into a disastrous death cult? Itā€™s complicated.

Christians have always believed that Jesus would one day return, but that belief started out vague, and grew steadily less important as this key event kept failing to occur. In first decades after Jesusā€™ crucifixion, the Apostle Paul believed that Jesusā€™ return was so imminent that people neednā€™t bother getting married. Naturally, that belief didnā€™t age well.

As time passed and Christians who initially thought themselves immune from death started dying, these young churches needed an explanation. New Testament writers offered a series of oblique pronouncements about an End of Days, but their attention gradually moved from the imminent return of someone who persistently failed to return, toward a focus on Heaven and the Afterlife.

One Biblical writer, influenced apparently by persecutions of Christians in the Second Century, wrote a psychedelic screed which came to be titled Revelation. To the extent that anyone can derive context or meaning from this rant, it seems to be directed squarely at the writerā€™s most hated targets, the Romans and the Jews.

In it Jesus is said to condemn the unbelieving Jews as the ā€œSynagogue of Satanā€ and their future torments are described with sadistic color. It also imagines a series of exquisite horrors to be vengefully visited on its other main character, Rome, at the End of the World.

The Book of Revelation barely made it into our New Testament canon and the Christian belief in Jesusā€™s return faded into a minor element of the faith. Down through the centuries, End Times theology flared up in times of plague, disorder, or mayhem, but it remained the playground of religious zealots and outcasts, never developed with much interest by conventional theologians.

Ask an American evangelical today about Armageddon or the End of the World, and youā€™re likely to hear a story gleaned from popular literature that descends not from the early church or the Bible, but from the colorful imagination of a 19th century English cultist.

After being seriously injured in a fall from horse in 1827, lapsed cleric John Nelson Darby began to write down the theology God had revealed to him.

Most of his work was forgotten, and his teachings flopped entirely in Europe. However, one element of his cult mythology caught fire in the US, especially in the South. By crafting together bits and pieces of Biblical text like the disconnected words on refrigerator magnets, Darby invented a story of The End Times perfectly suited

for the needs of slaveholder religion in the South. It was called Dispensationalism.

Ehh, you are a pagan. The End Times Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is for Israel's Repentance and to bring the remnant of Israel in to recognition and acceptance of Yeshua-Jesus as their Messiah.

It's 2nd fold purpose is to punish a Christ Rejecting humanity, and destroy human government and pour out The Wrath of God on The End Times Anti Christ Government, and then put an end to Evil, and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Christ on a Restored Earth.

Hal Lindsey only teaches what The Scriptures Say. And they say The Jews will suffer just as much if not more than all the other unbelievers on Earth during that time of the 7 year tribulation. 2/3rds of The Jews are killed, and only 1/3rd is saved at The End at Armageddon during Christ's return when The Jews "look upon Him whom they pierced". So how you can call 2/3rds of all Jews being slaughtered some kind of Zionism is beyond me.

70% of the World's population is wiped out in that 7 years, most of the water is poisoned, most of the fish die, 1/4 of all plant life get's burnt up, and 1/3rd of all ships are destroyed, and that is just the beginning of sorrows and curses such as The Earth has never seen.

Only The Church of Believers in Christ escape the wrath that is coming upon The Earth, and everyone else, including Jews endures God's Wrath.

The end times were the end of Temple Judaism. I'm not a pagan at all. Hal Linsey is a poor scholar, but he does base his theology on the beliefs of Cyrus Scofield who was a convicted felon and had no religious training.

The Tribulation was over in 70 AD and the new Jewish Christians fled to the mountains as Jesus told them to do. They fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided the horrors or the tribulation.
Sorry, but you preach heresies and blasphemies, and are wrong and ignorant of prophecy. Daniel's prophecy of 490 years or 70 Week Years of 7s was accurate right until the end of the 69th week or 483 years when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for Himself" right down to the day it was accurate.

That means the that last 7 years determined upon Israel have been on hold since The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This represents The Church Age and Age of The Gentiles. When that age is over, and The Age of The Gentiles is Full, The Last 7 Years will begin.

Daniel was written by a group of Jews around 164 BC, during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to offer hope and encouragement to the Jews.

Antiochus was terrible. he raised an idol in the Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) forbid circumcision.... all sorts of mean crap. This was also around the time of the Maccabean Revolt. The writers set the story in the Babylonian court..

Jesus referenced Daniel when he said, "when you see the Abomination of Desolation again flee to the mountains... and they did.
It's no skin off of my nose if you perish in your heresies. Hell was made for Lucifer (Allah) and his Demons, and you are welcome to join them on Judgment Day.

Even in your lies about The Book of Daniel, you cannot explain away that prophecy being accurate right down to The Day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was ultimately "cut off" like Daniel Foretold.

Ok, so I'm not the only one seeing the cheap Islamist pretense...

I'm Episcopalian. Allah is just Arabic for God.. Remember, most prophecy was written after the fact. You should probably study Daniel. Its reaction to Antiochus IV.. Do you even know who he was?
Allah means To Ascend.
There was only One Being who said, "I will ascend" God does not need to ascend.

Isaiah 14:12-14

King James Version

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Allah is Satan
Scofield was hired by Samuel Untermyer who also published the Scofield Bible.
I've long been curious about some of the mechanics involved. In particular the details surrounding the old testament being included in the christian bible
Jesus preached exclusively from The Old Testament so why would anyone be surprised that most of the New Testament references The Old Testament?

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