Father of Oregon killer blames GUNS, not son, for massacre?

To your point about boyfriends and girlfriends and killing....

One example would be a gang member who stabs his girlfriend to death in a fit of anger.

Well, then, the thing is, a gang member who SHOOTS his girlfriend in a fit of anger is shooting her because of a domestic issue, not because he's a "gang member". That's the point.

He's not shooting her over some ten year old drug bust. He's shooting her because he caught her with another guy or something dumb like that.

All of which is made much worse IF THERE'S A GUN IN THE HOUSE.

Oddly, you never hear about these sorts of things in Japan. I wonder why.

He is shooting her because he is a violent sociopath and not a normal citizen.....domestic violence is an abnormal behavior......and has a record of a lifetime of violent behavior......and acquaintance murder includes two gang members who know each other or a drug dealer killing a snitch.......
To your point about boyfriends and girlfriends and killing....

One example would be a gang member who stabs his girlfriend to death in a fit of anger.

Well, then, the thing is, a gang member who SHOOTS his girlfriend in a fit of anger is shooting her because of a domestic issue, not because he's a "gang member". That's the point.

He's not shooting her over some ten year old drug bust. He's shooting her because he caught her with another guy or something dumb like that.

All of which is made much worse IF THERE'S A GUN IN THE HOUSE.

Oddly, you never hear about these sorts of things in Japan. I wonder why.

Because Japanese citizens don't commit crime of any kind, not just mirder....they are a people who value submission to authority and conforming to the group as well as group guilt.....again...culture, not guns....

Crime of all kinds are low in Japan....robbery, assault and other violent crime just don't happen as often.......culture, not guns...
Do normal people commit gun murder....no.....again...no.....and one last time...no....

Most murder victims in big cities have criminal record

A review of murder statistics across America shows that in many large cities, up to 90 percent of the victims have criminal records.

Why do you cherry pick data like "big cities", which is not where most murders happen or where most people live.

Again, you are fitting your data to the argument instead of fitting the argument to the data.

A country where ANYONE can get a gun is a country where you are going to have a lot of gun violence.

YOu don't think the rest of the industrialized world doesn't have gangs, abherent behavior and the other shit you go on about? Of course they do. What they don't have is a gun industry pushing out 5 million new units of product every year.

Which is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists, because the world is an evil place & people have a natural right to defend themselves. And since we are on the topic of other cultures, I would like you to explain how transnational criminal organizations like terrorist groups & drug cartels can get their hands on weapons they are not allowed to have in countries without a 2nd Amendment & strict gun control regimes.
Of course you don't worry about the actual killers....you hate people.....normal people....that is why everything you do targets normal people and not criminals....

The vast majority of gun deaths are 'normal people' who just had a really shitty day made worse by the easy availability of a gun.

The vast majority of gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence, all of which wouldn't be possible if a gun hadn't been in the hands of a civilian who had no business having one to start with.

Suicide can be by other means such as sleeping pills, poison, hanging oneself, jumping from heights & a thousand other ways that have nothing to do with firearms. Assaults & domestic violence occur in countries all over the world. I pulled the following from England which has strict gun control.

Crime statistics for England and Wales: violent crime and sexual offences

See the following on weapons used....

Knifes and other sharp instruments, such as broken bottles, made up the largest proportion of weapons involved in offences currently recorded as homicides at 35% of the total, down slightly on the previous year's 39%.

A larger proportion of females at 16% than males at 4% were strangled or asphyxiated. Homicides involving shooting, of which each gender was involved in five making ten overall, were at their lowest number since 1980."

Your statement is completely intellectually dishonest & factually incorrect. These crimes occur readily & in abundance regardless of whether a firearm is present or not...
To your point about boyfriends and girlfriends and killing....

One example would be a gang member who stabs his girlfriend to death in a fit of anger.

Well, then, the thing is, a gang member who SHOOTS his girlfriend in a fit of anger is shooting her because of a domestic issue, not because he's a "gang member". That's the point.

He's not shooting her over some ten year old drug bust. He's shooting her because he caught her with another guy or something dumb like that.

All of which is made much worse IF THERE'S A GUN IN THE HOUSE.

Oddly, you never hear about these sorts of things in Japan. I wonder why.

He is shooting her because he is a sociopath & his gang membership demonstrates it. He is already preconditioned to kill and/or commit violent crime. You honestly think the absence of a gun will necessarily mean he won't find another way to harm her? You really are naive if you believe that.

Japan has always had problems with domestic abuse. They just hid it under the rug until recently...

Japan's domestic abuse cases rise

Violence against women | The Japan Times

And another country with strict gun control.

That is because they did not become mass shootings because the perp was shot and killed. DUH!

That is because they did not become mass shootings because the perp was shot and killed. DUH!

Of course that photo is a lie.....there have been many....and there would be more....because the gun grabbers have created so many places that disarm normal gun owners that when the shooters go into the gun free zone...of course no one is there with a gun, they actually obeyed the law, the shooter didn't.
They are jealous of our Freedoms

994 mass shootings in 1,004 days: this is what America's gun crisis looks like
The Oregon school shooting is evidence that the US response to gun violence ‘has become routine’, Barack Obama says. The data compiled by the crowd-sourced site Mass Shooting Tracker reveals an even more shocking human toll: there is a mass shooting – defined as four or more people shot in one incident – nearly every day
994 mass shootings in 1,004 days: this is what America's gun crisis looks like

Those "mass shootings are gangsters shooting each other! More power to them as long as they don't kill innocents.
They are jealous of our Freedoms

994 mass shootings in 1,004 days: this is what America's gun crisis looks like
The Oregon school shooting is evidence that the US response to gun violence ‘has become routine’, Barack Obama says. The data compiled by the crowd-sourced site Mass Shooting Tracker reveals an even more shocking human toll: there is a mass shooting – defined as four or more people shot in one incident – nearly every day
994 mass shootings in 1,004 days: this is what America's gun crisis looks like

Those "mass shootings are gangsters shooting each other! More power to them as long as they don't kill innocents.

and of course that is a lie as well....there is a specific definition of mass shooting and the gun grabbers aren't following it....they will take any shooting and call it a mass shooting.
Nor hearing of anyone being refused a car because of a criminal record.

I know quite a few people that have had their drivers' licenses revoked for assorted crimes.

And had there been laws to prevent crazy people from getting guns a lot of those mass shootings never would have happened.

I am now convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that the wingnut loonies know that they'd fail any sanity tests and shouldn't be allowed around firearms.

I know quite a few people that have had their drivers' licenses revoked for assorted crimes.

Need a drivers license to buy a car?

First I heard of that.

I've never been asked for my license when I bought a car.

You will when you get around to buying your first car from a real dealership instead of from a broke-ass relative.

Only place I've ever purchased a car was at a dealership.

Never had a background check done.

Never had to show my license.

Just bought a car. Had to show driver's license, proof of insurance, and they ran credit check. No driver's license usually equals no car. So does no proof of insurance.
I think that rightwinger says it best: it's time for us Americans to admit that a great many of us don't give a flying fuck how many of our kids get murdered in cold-blood by mass-murderers, cuz prune the tree of Liberty, Benghazi, People kill people, yadayadayada. Ev ery excuse in the book, including insinuating that the mass-murders never happened.

When the right to own any kind of gun you want is more important than the lives of our society's most vulnerable, then something is seriously wrong with our society and maybe it doesn't deserve to survive anymore.


The Right-Wing nutbags here can cause one to lose all hope in humanity. They have gone completely insane.
You mean I can own any gun I want. Yippee!!!

How do I get an AK-47?

Go to a gun store and buy one. DUH!
Now, when the morons post on this thread about how much they want to ban guns, just ask them to give their plan and provide details. That, shuts them up every time.

stop pandering to paranoia and reinstate the 1994 ban that bush let expire in 2004...

then give it time and don't ever let it expire again. :thup:

AR-15s were one of 18 semiautomatic weapons banned under a 1994 law that expired in 2004 despite broad public support and a drop in gun fatalities

Why Did The Assault Weapons Ban Expire - Business Insider

Both sides in the gun debate are selectively citing from a series of studies that concluded with a 2004 study led by Christopher S. Koper, “An Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003.” That report was the final of three studies of the ban, which was enacted in 1994 as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

The final report concluded the ban’s success in reducing crimes committed with banned guns was “mixed.” Gun crimes involving assault weapons declined. However, that decline was “offset throughout at least the late 1990s by steady or rising use of other guns equipped with [large-capacity magazines].”

Ultimately, the research concluded that it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun crime,” largely because the law’s grandfathering of millions of pre-ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines “ensured that the effects of the law would occur only gradually” and were “still unfolding” when the ban expired in 2004.

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work?

Did the Oregon shooter use an AR-15? No. Have a nice day!
Chicago man pulls gun to rob store; customer pulls licensed gun and kills him, police say
By Associated Press
on November 01, 2015 at 8:23 PM, updated November 01, 2015 at 8:39 PM

CHICAGO — A customer with a concealed carry license shot and killed an armed man attempting to rob a Chicago neighborhood store, police said Sunday.

A masked man walked into the store and currency exchange about 7 p.m. Saturday on the city's southwest side, displayed a handgun and announced a robbery to an employee, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. The gunman then pointed his weapon at another employee and forced her to the back of the store.

The armed customer then fatally shot the man, identified Sunday by the Cook County medical examiner's office as 55-year-old Reginald Gildersleeve. Other details about Gildersleeve weren't released.

No one else was hurt during the incident. It wasn't immediately clear whether the customer, who has not been identified, will face charges. Guglielmi said preliminary details suggest the customer was not at fault, but that the case was under review by local prosecutors.

Chicago man pulls gun to rob store; customer pulls licensed gun and kills him, police say
He is shooting her because he is a violent sociopath and not a normal citizen.....domestic violence is an abnormal behavior......and has a record of a lifetime of violent behavior......and acquaintance murder includes two gang members who know each other or a drug dealer killing a snitch.......

Yawn, guy. I know you think there are a bunch of Darkies out there shooting each other, but half the people who shoot other people in this country are "White", or as you would say, "Normal".

Fact is, most murders are people who know each other, not strangers, and guns make them more common.

He is shooting her because he is a violent sociopath and not a normal citizen.....domestic violence is an abnormal behavior......and has a record of a lifetime of violent behavior......and acquaintance murder includes two gang members who know each other or a drug dealer killing a snitch.......

Yawn, guy. I know you think there are a bunch of Darkies out there shooting each other, but half the people who shoot other people in this country are "White", or as you would say, "Normal".

Fact is, most murders are people who know each other, not strangers, and guns make them more common.

Yeah the people are too stupid to be allowed guns.

Only government should have guns because history tell us government is wonderful, peaceful, benevolent, nice, caring,objective, fair minded, and just plain peachy.:confused::rolleyes:o_O:woohoo:

Can't fix stupid.
Yeah the people are too stupid to be allowed guns.

Only government should have guns because history tell us government is wonderful, peaceful, benevolent, nice, caring,objective, fair minded, and just plain peachy.:confused::rolleyes:o_O:woohoo:

Can't fix stupid.

What you don't get, probably because you are a libertarian mutant who can't operate in the real world- is that the Government is US. Government are usually no better or no worse than the people they rule.

33,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes a year prove most people really, really are too stupid to have guns.
Yeah the people are too stupid to be allowed guns.

Only government should have guns because history tell us government is wonderful, peaceful, benevolent, nice, caring,objective, fair minded, and just plain peachy.:confused::rolleyes:o_O:woohoo:

Can't fix stupid.

What you don't get, probably because you are a libertarian mutant who can't operate in the real world- is that the Government is US. Government are usually no better or no worse than the people they rule.

33,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes a year prove most people really, really are too stupid to have guns.
I know you can't be this stupid Joe. I also know you only post as instructed by the DNC.

But just in case, please get an education on the consequences of no rights to guns, by the people...throughout all of civilized history.
Yeah the people are too stupid to be allowed guns.

Only government should have guns because history tell us government is wonderful, peaceful, benevolent, nice, caring,objective, fair minded, and just plain peachy.:confused::rolleyes:o_O:woohoo:

Can't fix stupid.

What you don't get, probably because you are a libertarian mutant who can't operate in the real world- is that the Government is US. Government are usually no better or no worse than the people they rule.

33,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes a year prove most people really, really are too stupid to have guns.
I know you can't be this stupid Joe. I also know you only post as instructed by the DNC.

But just in case, please get an education on the consequences of no rights to guns, by the people...throughout all of civilized history.
Joe knows the consequences, and approves.
I know you can't be this stupid Joe. I also know you only post as instructed by the DNC.

But just in case, please get an education on the consequences of no rights to guns, by the people...throughout all of civilized history.

Actually, private gun ownership has never prevented a dictatorship.

German citizens had a shitload of guns. And they all enthusiastically supported Hitler up until the point allied armies were rolling into their cities. Some of them even used their guns to keep fighting after VE Day. (The allies solved that problem by taking the German gun nuts out and shooting them.)

Guy, here's the thing. I used to be a Republican, until the Religious nuts and the Libertarian Nuts, who are fringes, took over the party. So while you are fighting over government small enough to fit in a woman's vagina, I look for reasonable solutions to problems.

If you can come up with a method to keep guns out of the hands of guys like Christopher Mercer, people who never under any circumstances should have access to guns, please let me know.

The rest of the world figured this out. Gun ownership should be restricted to only those who are responsible. You know, a "Well-Regulated Militia".

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