Father of Oregon killer blames GUNS, not son, for massacre?

He is shooting her because he is a violent sociopath and not a normal citizen.....domestic violence is an abnormal behavior......and has a record of a lifetime of violent behavior......and acquaintance murder includes two gang members who know each other or a drug dealer killing a snitch.......

Yawn, guy. I know you think there are a bunch of Darkies out there shooting each other, but half the people who shoot other people in this country are "White", or as you would say, "Normal".

Fact is, most murders are people who know each other, not strangers, and guns make them more common.


Yes…most criminals who kill each other know each other…the drug dealer to the user, the gang member to the rival gang member……..the crook to the victim…all considered acquaintances……………almost all shooters have long criminal records, and almost all victims have criminal records…..normal people do not murder other people….
Why is it so many criminals, with long criminal records, are allowed back into society?

It makes one wonder if this is not a plan by government, to cause crime to occur so that the public can be propagandized into granting government more power and limiting citizen rights. Akin to Obama's Fast & Furious program, for which he should have been impeached and removed...if this were a sane nation.

Big Ears is now releasing 6k criminals. Are all of them non-violent? Doubt it.

Yet another impeachable offense.

The problem is that crime rates have been going up….and when you are trying to push gun control and the gun murder rate is going down, it doesn't sell so well……so……you have to push the crime rate up…one way to do that, attack the police and make them stop pursuing criminals…and we see that all around the country this is happening and gun murders are going up. Then, the next step…release over 6,000 convicted felons back into these cities, right before an election….

A win/win for democrats…..
You will when you get around to buying your first car from a real dealership instead of from a broke-ass relative.

Only place I've ever purchased a car was at a dealership.

Never had a background check done.

Never had to show my license.

Just bought a car. Had to show driver's license, proof of insurance, and they ran credit check. No driver's license usually equals no car. So does no proof of insurance.

Wrong. Buying a car on credit requires all those things. Purchasing a car for cash - which is easy to do, if it's a cheap, used vehicle - requires none of those. And insurance is only required to use public roadways. On private property, nothing is required but the car.

You cannot legally buy a car in my state without a driver's license and proof of insurance. I was also a licensed car dealer. Have a nice day and enjoy your fantasy.
The progressives always bring up the "car" thing, but Buying, driving and owning a car is a privilege as it should be. Owning and shooting firearms is a right.
Big difference, just look in Constitution.
By their very nature, Leftists find the Constitution an impediment and willfully chose to ignore it.

Remember BO's comments about positive rights? Akin to FDR's Second Bill of Rights. Funny how progressives never stop with their crazy harebrained ideas.

Sadly too many Americans side with progressive politicians. Failing to see the danger.
He is shooting her because he is a violent sociopath and not a normal citizen.....domestic violence is an abnormal behavior......and has a record of a lifetime of violent behavior......and acquaintance murder includes two gang members who know each other or a drug dealer killing a snitch.......

Yawn, guy. I know you think there are a bunch of Darkies out there shooting each other, but half the people who shoot other people in this country are "White", or as you would say, "Normal".

Fact is, most murders are people who know each other, not strangers, and guns make them more common.


Yes…most criminals who kill each other know each other…the drug dealer to the user, the gang member to the rival gang member……..the crook to the victim…all considered acquaintances……………almost all shooters have long criminal records, and almost all victims have criminal records…..normal people do not murder other people….
Why is it so many criminals, with long criminal records, are allowed back into society?

It makes one wonder if this is not a plan by government, to cause crime to occur so that the public can be propagandized into granting government more power and limiting citizen rights. Akin to Obama's Fast & Furious program, for which he should have been impeached and removed...if this were a sane nation.

Big Ears is now releasing 6k criminals. Are all of them non-violent? Doubt it.

Yet another impeachable offense.

The problem is that crime rates have been going up….and when you are trying to push gun control and the gun murder rate is going down, it doesn't sell so well……so……you have to push the crime rate up…one way to do that, attack the police and make them stop pursuing criminals…and we see that all around the country this is happening and gun murders are going up. Then, the next step…release over 6,000 convicted felons back into these cities, right before an election….

A win/win for democrats…..
Yes....the problem is lower crime rates, in the minds of progressive pols like big ears. So, what better way to increase crime than to attack cops? The so called Ferguson Effect.

It is so transparent to those of us capable of thinking. Amazingly millions of Americans can't or won't see it.

Criminals in the US know many people are armed. Why do you think the mass murder targets gun free zones? Do you need a clue?

Just the mere fact that millions of Americans are ARMED...PREVENTS CRIME!!!

Columbine had armed security police. They still had a mass shooting.
Virginia Tech had an armed police force. They still had a mass shooting.
Fort Hood is a fucking military base. They've had TWO mass shootings.

Mass shooters don't care who has guns. They are looking to die for the most part, anyway.

Criminals in the US know many people are armed. Why do you think the mass murder targets gun free zones? Do you need a clue?

Just the mere fact that millions of Americans are ARMED...PREVENTS CRIME!!!

Columbine had armed security police. They still had a mass shooting.
Virginia Tech had an armed police force. They still had a mass shooting.
Fort Hood is a fucking military base. They've had TWO mass shootings.

Mass shooters don't care who has guns. They are looking to die for the most part, anyway.

Columbine had one guy.....outside the building at the time of the attack....in a high school....

Virginia tech...dittos.....

Fort Hood...he attacked at a gun free zone on the fort grounds...not one soldier had a weapon available to defend themselves.....dittos the other guy....
320 million guns in private hands…..

gun murder 2014…..8,124

Guy, we banned side loading baby cribs for causing all of 32 deaths.

Trying to minimize the numbers doesn't help your case.

8124 is STILL too many.

Then tell the sociopaths to stop murdering people...these are not accidents, they are not lawful uses of these weapons....

and since there are over 320 million guns in private hands...that means 319,991,876 guns in the hands of normal gun owners were not used to commit murder.....can you tell which number is bigger?

8,124 illegal gun murders.... vs. ......319,991, 876 lawfully used guns......

No...we don't have a gun problem. We have a thug problem.

Criminals in the US know many people are armed. Why do you think the mass murder targets gun free zones? Do you need a clue?

Just the mere fact that millions of Americans are ARMED...PREVENTS CRIME!!!

Columbine had armed security police. They still had a mass shooting.
Virginia Tech had an armed police force. They still had a mass shooting.
Fort Hood is a fucking military base. They've had TWO mass shootings.

Mass shooters don't care who has guns. They are looking to die for the most part, anyway.

Columbine had one guy.....outside the building at the time of the attack....in a high school....

Virginia tech...dittos.....

Fort Hood...he attacked at a gun free zone on the fort grounds...not one soldier had a weapon available to defend themselves.....dittos the other guy....

Yeah, these military base slaughters are especially puzzling. Soldiers being forced to be unarmed? Crazy stuff.

Criminals in the US know many people are armed. Why do you think the mass murder targets gun free zones? Do you need a clue?

Just the mere fact that millions of Americans are ARMED...PREVENTS CRIME!!!

Columbine had armed security police. They still had a mass shooting.
Virginia Tech had an armed police force. They still had a mass shooting.
Fort Hood is a fucking military base. They've had TWO mass shootings.

Mass shooters don't care who has guns. They are looking to die for the most part, anyway.

They all attacked gun free zones....not one normal person had a gun where they attacked....they had to get police there...with guns to stop them. If one or more people there had had guns they would have slowed down if not stopped the carnage altogether........but you anti gun extremists made sure that the innocent people were defenseless.......and easy victims.

Criminals in the US know many people are armed. Why do you think the mass murder targets gun free zones? Do you need a clue?

Just the mere fact that millions of Americans are ARMED...PREVENTS CRIME!!!

Columbine had armed security police. They still had a mass shooting.
Virginia Tech had an armed police force. They still had a mass shooting.
Fort Hood is a fucking military base. They've had TWO mass shootings.

Mass shooters don't care who has guns. They are looking to die for the most part, anyway.
If you know anything about an military base you would know they are gun free. All firearms are stored in vaults, you have to check in and out firearms.
You DUMBA$$ milky licker...

Criminals in the US know many people are armed. Why do you think the mass murder targets gun free zones? Do you need a clue?

Just the mere fact that millions of Americans are ARMED...PREVENTS CRIME!!!

Columbine had armed security police. They still had a mass shooting.
Virginia Tech had an armed police force. They still had a mass shooting.
Fort Hood is a fucking military base. They've had TWO mass shootings.

Mass shooters don't care who has guns. They are looking to die for the most part, anyway.
So because not all mass shooters were stopped, guns should be outlawed. Is that your point?
No...we don't have a gun problem. We have a thug problem.

No, guy, we have a gun problem. Every other industrialized country has just as many thugs as we do.

They just don't let them have easy access to guns.

And they don't have anywhere near our death rate of 33,000 gun deaths.
Yeah because the rest of the world prevents the people from owning guns, we need to do the same.

That foolish lib/DNC argument is entirely without merit or logic, but I am certain you do not understand why.

How can you be so easily duped by the Left?
So because not all mass shooters were stopped, guns should be outlawed. Is that your point?

If guns were outlawed, there would be no mass shooters because they couldnt' get guns.

This is why the United Kingdom hasn't had a mass shooting incident since 2010. the last Mass shooting they had before that was 1996.

The last mass shooting the US had was October 1st. The last one before that was 9-17.
Yeah because the rest of the world prevents the people from owning guns, we need to do the same.

That foolish lib/DNC argument is entirely without merit or logic, but I am certain you do not understand why.

How can you be so easily duped by the Left?

The rest of the world doesn't have the problems we have with crime and gun violence.

The faulty logic is ignoring the rest of the world and claiming gun control will never work except for all the places it clearly does.

Shit, we don't even have to go the route of a total ban (although I'm fine with that, becuase honestly, fuck gun owners.) Germany LIMITS gun ownership, tightly controls who can get guns and what kind of guns they have.

They have 250 Gun homicides a year compared to our 11,000.
You can get around the 2nd Amendment by outlawing bullets. No mention of bullets in the Constitution.
You can get around the 2nd Amendment by outlawing bullets. No mention of bullets in the Constitution.

Actually, there are a whole lot of ways to get around the second amendment.

1) Stack the Supreme Court with people who can read. "Oh, yeah, WELL REGULATED MILITIA!"

2) Allow victims of gun violence to sue gun sellers and gun makers. That will get them to change their behavior, pretty quick.

3) Inform gun makers that ones who are reckless in their marketing and pander to the crazy will not be eligible for government contracts. Since Government Agencies STILL purchase 40% of the firearms manufactured in this country, no manufacturer can really afford to just sell to the crazies.

4) Require gun owners to have liability insurance that can cover multi-million dollar judgements.

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