Father of Oregon killer blames GUNS, not son, for massacre?

Hey stupid fuck........is this guy a political figure. How do you know what his political affiliations are? Are you psychic as well as dim witted?

Apparently the shooter did not use 13 guns…so why would having less than 13 guns have kept the shooter from murdering people….his son murdered people…..he has to figure that out for himself….and over 320 million guns in private hands were not used to murder anyone…it wasn't guns…it was his son.
He has to figure that out for himself.........very insightful. Is there anything else you'd like this guy to figure out to fit your narrative?

Yeah….that denying millions of AMerican's the right to self defense because his son was a murderer isn't the right thing to do……

I would be more compassionate toward him…but I am tired of the families pushing gun control before the bodies of their children's victims are cold and buried…..

How about the next one….the single parent of the killer simply says "no comment…"
Oh you're tired of people responding emotionally to situations like this. That makes all the difference........very selfish of these people to be so inconsiderate of your feelings and sensibilities.

Nope…..there is a horrible murder, perpetrated by their sons….and the first thing they do…they find the nearest camera and call for gun control. Tired of it.
Because the emotional responses of this guy are so compelling and influential. Is that right?
“I’m not trying to say that they’re to blame for what happened. But if Chris had not been able to get hold of 13 guns it wouldn’t have happened.”
CNN just interviewed the father of the murderer of nine people at Umpqua Community College this week, and though he claims he is not blaming guns, he spent most of the interview doing that exact thing.

“That’s what guns are. The killers. It’s as simple as that. It’s black and white,” he says. Guns are the killers. Not his son.

Read more: Father of Oregon Killer Blames GUNS, Not Son, For Umpqua Massacre » The Right Scoop -

Just another reason to hate liberals. Don't you just fucking hate them?

You have to love how the loser claims guns are not to blame, and then that is all he does.

Double talking ignorant hypocrite.

Now, when the morons post on this thread about how much they want to ban guns, just ask them to give their plan and provide details. That, shuts them up every time.

Do you know why? Cause liberals are fucking morons. They are hypocrites. They are nothing but pawns for their communists, better known as their democrat politicians. They are all losers.

Remember, ask them to give their details when they cry for gun control. It will make you laugh at how fucking moronic they are.

Hey stupid fuck........is this guy a political figure. How do you know what his political affiliations are? Are you psychic as well as dim witted?

A firearm without someone pointing it is harmless, it's just a piece of metal and plastic/wood. With no intent its harmless.

Control the things we can, let God work the rest out.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything I've said?

Blaming guns for any deaths, ludicrous.
The big question for me is, how was he able to acquire all those firearms? I'm not seeing much reporting on that. Did he purchase them legally, or did someone supply him with them?
Yeah because the rest of the world prevents the people from owning guns, we need to do the same.

That foolish lib/DNC argument is entirely without merit or logic, but I am certain you do not understand why.

How can you be so easily duped by the Left?

The rest of the world doesn't have the problems we have with crime and gun violence.

The faulty logic is ignoring the rest of the world and claiming gun control will never work except for all the places it clearly does.

Shit, we don't even have to go the route of a total ban (although I'm fine with that, becuase honestly, fuck gun owners.) Germany LIMITS gun ownership, tightly controls who can get guns and what kind of guns they have.

They have 250 Gun homicides a year compared to our 11,000.
What you leftists always fail to comprehend is the rest of world is not like the USA. We have people here from all over the world...differing religions, ethnicity, race...then add in the DNC, RNC, MSM working hard to divide us, then the 1% who owns the gov and must have the people divided so they can continue to run their scams, a huge unlimited government that definitely wants America divided so it can implement rules and regs while taking rights from Americans....but Joe I know you will never get it.

You do as the DNC instructs you...just admit it.
You do as the NRA instructs you...just admit it.
Uh huh, our leaders and representatives have done such a good job on the Fourth Amendment that now looks like a good time to go to work on the Second.
Agreed. And why not? Nothing has been done to stop what the Feds have done in subverting the fourth.
What you leftists always fail to comprehend is the rest of world is not like the USA. We have people here from all over the world...differing religions, ethnicity, race...then add in the DNC, RNC, MSM working hard to divide us, then the 1% who owns the gov and must have the people divided so they can continue to run their scams, a huge unlimited government that definitely wants America divided so it can implement rules and regs while taking rights from Americans....but Joe I know you will never get it.

You do as the DNC instructs you...just admit it.

Corky, what does that have to do with anything I just said?

The fact is the rest of the world restricts guns, they have less crime. That's what we are discussing. Please let me know when you want to discuss that issue.
You can get around the 2nd Amendment by outlawing bullets. No mention of bullets in the Constitution.

Yes, we've heard this leftist talking point attempt at cleverness. Doesn't get any less retarded just because another retard says it.
What you leftists always fail to comprehend is the rest of world is not like the USA. We have people here from all over the world...differing religions, ethnicity, race...then add in the DNC, RNC, MSM working hard to divide us, then the 1% who owns the gov and must have the people divided so they can continue to run their scams, a huge unlimited government that definitely wants America divided so it can implement rules and regs while taking rights from Americans....but Joe I know you will never get it.

You do as the DNC instructs you...just admit it.

Corky, what does that have to do with anything I just said?

The fact is the rest of the world restricts guns, they have less crime. That's what we are discussing. Please let me know when you want to discuss that issue.
More bed wetting??
What you leftists always fail to comprehend is the rest of world is not like the USA. We have people here from all over the world...differing religions, ethnicity, race...then add in the DNC, RNC, MSM working hard to divide us, then the 1% who owns the gov and must have the people divided so they can continue to run their scams, a huge unlimited government that definitely wants America divided so it can implement rules and regs while taking rights from Americans....but Joe I know you will never get it.

You do as the DNC instructs you...just admit it.

Corky, what does that have to do with anything I just said?

The fact is the rest of the world restricts guns, they have less crime. That's what we are discussing. Please let me know when you want to discuss that issue.
The rest of the world does not have less crime...lil Joey. You have accepted a lie...propaganda, which is your job as leftist.
Read this if you want the truth. If not, then you can continue to wallow in ignorance.
Gun Lies - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
The rest of the world does not have less crime...lil Joey. You have accepted a lie...propaganda, which is your job as leftist.
Read this if you want the truth. If not, then you can continue to wallow in ignorance.

so your article complains that we are only comparing America to "developed countries".


Those are the best comparisons.

Those are the countries most like the US in terms of technology, economics, lifestyle, etc.

So when we point out that the US had 11,000 (yes, 11,000 2aGuy) gun murders and Japan only has 11, it's because the only real difference between the two is that we let every citizen have a gun and they don't.

Okay, so let's leave Japan off the table, because we'll get some tired thing about how Japanese people really are different.

Let's look at a really, really close one to us. Canada. Same language, same culture, same continent. Canada is what America would be if the Founding Fathers had lost. YOu can own a gun in Canada, but it isn't considered a "Right". the government stictly controls who can own a gun.

Canada vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
You can get around the 2nd Amendment by outlawing bullets. No mention of bullets in the Constitution.

Yes, we've heard this leftist talking point attempt at cleverness. Doesn't get any less retarded just because another retard says it.
And it doesn't get negated because some dumb hairy slit objects to the loophole.
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The rest of the world does not have less crime...lil Joey. You have accepted a lie...propaganda, which is your job as leftist.
Read this if you want the truth. If not, then you can continue to wallow in ignorance.

so your article complains that we are only comparing America to "developed countries".


Those are the best comparisons.

Those are the countries most like the US in terms of technology, economics, lifestyle, etc.

So when we point out that the US had 11,000 (yes, 11,000 2aGuy) gun murders and Japan only has 11, it's because the only real difference between the two is that we let every citizen have a gun and they don't.

Okay, so let's leave Japan off the table, because we'll get some tired thing about how Japanese people really are different.

Let's look at a really, really close one to us. Canada. Same language, same culture, same continent. Canada is what America would be if the Founding Fathers had lost. YOu can own a gun in Canada, but it isn't considered a "Right". the government stictly controls who can own a gun.

Canada vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
Wrong. Read the entire article and then get back to me.

The USA is much more like Mexico than it is like Norway, but the Left has duped you to think Mexico is not applicable and Norway is. Don't be a dupe Joe.
Wrong. Read the entire article and then get back to me.

The USA is much more like Mexico than it is like Norway, but the Left has duped you to think Mexico is not applicable and Norway is. Don't be a dupe Joe.

I did read the article. And just because the trailer park you live in is like Mexico doesn't mean the rest of the country is.
You can get around the 2nd Amendment by outlawing bullets. No mention of bullets in the Constitution.

Yes, we've heard this leftist talking point attempt at cleverness. Doesn't get any less retarded just because another retard says it.
And it doesn't get negated because some dumb hairy slit objects to the loophole.

Well, that certainly saved any time I might have wasted treating you like an intelligent rational human being. Always helpful when leftists come right out of the closet as the misogynistic imbeciles they are.

Come back when you actually grow your first body hair, Junior. I don't debate children. FLUSH!
You can get around the 2nd Amendment by outlawing bullets. No mention of bullets in the Constitution.

Yes, we've heard this leftist talking point attempt at cleverness. Doesn't get any less retarded just because another retard says it.
And it doesn't get negated because some dumb hairy slit objects to the loophole.

Well, that certainly saved any time I might have wasted treating you like an intelligent rational human being. Always helpful when leftists come right out of the closet as the misogynistic imbeciles they are.

Come back when you actually grow your first body hair, Junior. I don't debate children. FLUSH!
Like you've ever treated anyone like "an intelligent rational human being" for one second. :lmao:
You can get around the 2nd Amendment by outlawing bullets. No mention of bullets in the Constitution.

Actually, there are a whole lot of ways to get around the second amendment.

1) Stack the Supreme Court with people who can read. "Oh, yeah, WELL REGULATED MILITIA!"

2) Allow victims of gun violence to sue gun sellers and gun makers. That will get them to change their behavior, pretty quick.

3) Inform gun makers that ones who are reckless in their marketing and pander to the crazy will not be eligible for government contracts. Since Government Agencies STILL purchase 40% of the firearms manufactured in this country, no manufacturer can really afford to just sell to the crazies.

4) Require gun owners to have liability insurance that can cover multi-million dollar judgements.

And what kind of precedence does this set? Do you EVER think about the consequences beyond your own fearfulness of guns? Like you have been told, your chances of being killed by an automobile in some way far outweigh your risks of EVER being shot. Just because some retards shoot people (and a lot of them obtained their guns illegally) does not mean that the law abiding person should lose any rights at all. Your whole premise is just ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.

Not to mention, this bullshit has been tried with the infamous "war on drugs." Worked out well, eh? :rolleyes-41:
You can get around the 2nd Amendment by outlawing bullets. No mention of bullets in the Constitution.

Actually, there are a whole lot of ways to get around the second amendment.

1) Stack the Supreme Court with people who can read. "Oh, yeah, WELL REGULATED MILITIA!"

2) Allow victims of gun violence to sue gun sellers and gun makers. That will get them to change their behavior, pretty quick.

3) Inform gun makers that ones who are reckless in their marketing and pander to the crazy will not be eligible for government contracts. Since Government Agencies STILL purchase 40% of the firearms manufactured in this country, no manufacturer can really afford to just sell to the crazies.

4) Require gun owners to have liability insurance that can cover multi-million dollar judgements.

And what kind of precedence does this set? Do you EVER think about the consequences beyond your own fearfulness of guns? Like you have been told, your chances of being killed by an automobile in some way far outweigh your risks of EVER being shot. Just because some retards shoot people (and a lot of them obtained their guns illegally) does not mean that the law abiding person should lose any rights at all. Your whole premise is just ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.

Not to mention, this bullshit has been tried with the infamous "war on drugs." Worked out well, eh? :rolleyes-41:

Joe has no common sense and thinks he is some type of authority. His bleeding heart fails to realize the second admendment is a right, no two ways about it.
His little list of "fixes" is nothing more than ignorant gibberish.

And what kind of precedence does this set? Do you EVER think about the consequences beyond your own fearfulness of guns?

sure I have. If we banned private gun ownership or regulated it sensibly, we'd be Canada or Germany, where people are RARELY murdered with guns. I kind of like those consequences.

Like you have been told, your chances of being killed by an automobile in some way far outweigh your risks of EVER being shot.

And if we regulated guns the way we regulate automobiles, I wouldn't have a problem with them.

So let's look what is being done to "Well-regulate' my car.

1) I have to get licensed to drive it every four years.
2) I have to get a registration annually.
3) I have to get checked for emmissions every two years.
4) I have to carry at a minimum liability and property damage insurance, and carry proof of insurance at all times.
5) There are shitload of laws saying what I can and cannot do when operating it, including seatbelt laws, DUI Laws, traffic laws, parking laws.

Also, while the gun industry is marketing to the "retards', as you say, the auto industry is all about safety. Every year, they add new features to make cars safer- Auto-lock brakes, airbags, crumple zones.

The gun industry is about putting deadlier products out there, and making it easier for guys like James Holmes to get them.

Now why is this? Well, look at all the lawsuits against Auto-makers. And look at the fact the gun inudstry has been largely immunized from lawsuits.

Just because some retards shoot people (and a lot of them obtained their guns illegally) does not mean that the law abiding person should lose any rights at all. Your whole premise is just ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.

I don't accept gun ownership is a "right". The second Amendment is about militias, not the right to gun ownership, and the courts have held it to be so from 1787 up until 2008.

Well regulated means exactly that. Well regulated. Even the court didn't go so far as to say you can have any weapon you want, which is why your "right to bear arms' doesn't let you have your own anthrax or howitzer or predator drone.
You can get around the 2nd Amendment by outlawing bullets. No mention of bullets in the Constitution.

Actually, there are a whole lot of ways to get around the second amendment.

1) Stack the Supreme Court with people who can read. "Oh, yeah, WELL REGULATED MILITIA!"

2) Allow victims of gun violence to sue gun sellers and gun makers. That will get them to change their behavior, pretty quick.

3) Inform gun makers that ones who are reckless in their marketing and pander to the crazy will not be eligible for government contracts. Since Government Agencies STILL purchase 40% of the firearms manufactured in this country, no manufacturer can really afford to just sell to the crazies.

4) Require gun owners to have liability insurance that can cover multi-million dollar judgements.

And what kind of precedence does this set? Do you EVER think about the consequences beyond your own fearfulness of guns? Like you have been told, your chances of being killed by an automobile in some way far outweigh your risks of EVER being shot. Just because some retards shoot people (and a lot of them obtained their guns illegally) does not mean that the law abiding person should lose any rights at all. Your whole premise is just ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.

Not to mention, this bullshit has been tried with the infamous "war on drugs." Worked out well, eh? :rolleyes-41:

Joe has no common sense and thinks he is some type of authority. His bleeding heart fails to realize the second admendment is a right, no two ways about it.
His little list of "fixes" is nothing more than ignorant gibberish.

A well-regulated militia to me is the National Guard, if not the US army, which are made up of ordinary Americans who are there to protect the citizens from tyranny....
And what kind of precedence does this set? Do you EVER think about the consequences beyond your own fearfulness of guns?

sure I have. If we banned private gun ownership or regulated it sensibly, we'd be Canada or Germany, where people are RARELY murdered with guns. I kind of like those consequences.

Like you have been told, your chances of being killed by an automobile in some way far outweigh your risks of EVER being shot.

And if we regulated guns the way we regulate automobiles, I wouldn't have a problem with them.

So let's look what is being done to "Well-regulate' my car.

1) I have to get licensed to drive it every four years.
2) I have to get a registration annually.
3) I have to get checked for emmissions every two years.
4) I have to carry at a minimum liability and property damage insurance, and carry proof of insurance at all times.
5) There are shitload of laws saying what I can and cannot do when operating it, including seatbelt laws, DUI Laws, traffic laws, parking laws.

Also, while the gun industry is marketing to the "retards', as you say, the auto industry is all about safety. Every year, they add new features to make cars safer- Auto-lock brakes, airbags, crumple zones.

The gun industry is about putting deadlier products out there, and making it easier for guys like James Holmes to get them.

Now why is this? Well, look at all the lawsuits against Auto-makers. And look at the fact the gun inudstry has been largely immunized from lawsuits.

Just because some retards shoot people (and a lot of them obtained their guns illegally) does not mean that the law abiding person should lose any rights at all. Your whole premise is just ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.

I don't accept gun ownership is a "right". The second Amendment is about militias, not the right to gun ownership, and the courts have held it to be so from 1787 up until 2008.

Well regulated means exactly that. Well regulated. Even the court didn't go so far as to say you can have any weapon you want, which is why your "right to bear arms' doesn't let you have your own anthrax or howitzer or predator drone.

Driving a car is not a right. The 2nd amendment is a right. The second amendment is about the people of the United States. Read the federalist papers and educate yourself please.
Driving a car is not a right. The 2nd amendment is a right. The second amendment is about the people of the United States. Read the federalist papers and educate yourself please.

Once again, there are no "Rights" Rights are a figment of your imagination. Any shithead who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese Americans, 1942".

What you have is what the rest of society agrees you should have. "Yeah, that sounds reasonable".

Sorry, that's the unpleasent reality. When society finally gets sick and tired of watching small children being wheeled out of schools and theaters in body bags, they aren't going to give two shits about what "rights" you think some Slave Raping Asshole who Shit in a Chamber Pot gave you.

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