Favorite Joe Biden moments

Not even a year after marrying his third wife:

Donald J. Trump: You know and ...

Unknown: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.

Unknown: Whoa.

Trump: I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unknown: That’s huge news.

Trump: No, no, Nancy. No, this was [unintelligible] — and I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping.

She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —

I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

Billy Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Whoa!

Bush: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!


Trump: Look at you, you are a pussy.


Trump: All right, you and I will walk out.


Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s, it’s her, it’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Bush: Uh, yeah, those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.

Bush: Come on shorty.

Trump: Ooh, nice legs, huh?



Wow! Just when I thought I've seen all of Joe's groping and sniffing, the hits just keep coming in.
Don't tell me what I had, asshole.

That's it, Bee-ach. You are cut off. Don't ever expect any help from me again on anything.

And yes, I know what you had. 70's department store solid state dreck.
You are SUCH a sensitive snowflake. That and the bragging indicate fundamental insecurity, so I forgive ya.
Yeah, my second stereo system was from Radio Shack, maybe? I don't remember. But it sounded good to me. Took up a lot of space in the entertainment center, though.

Nope, no bragging. Believe me, I'm not even beginning to tell you what I could if I were actually BRAGGING. And sensitive? Not at all. God know my skin is thick as mohair. I offered you my friendship and you returned it by calling me an A-hole. Come to think of it, you accused me of bragging there as well on your window thread when I tried to give you a little basic electrical theory. That's not a friend. You are too used to social media. I just won't offer you any help on your car or anything now. I'm sure there are many others here more than eager to give you half truths and and half-baked misinformation. We are full of people who if nothing else, tell much more than they know rather than knowing far more than they tell.
Well we know what the Trumpsters are going to be doing for the nest 8 months...

Lads, get original...We know you do personal attacks because you have nothing else...

How about a policy attack... Change it up a bit...

Now back up all these allegations with witness testimonies... OH FUCK, you have nothing...

Ted says as he trolls with the usual Trump crap.

I suppose people asking a Trumpster to provide evidence is trolling...
We have a Victrola we listen to daily, doesn't everyone?
Well, I at least got Joe covered on the record player part. A six-figure one. Much rather listen to it than Joe any day.
View attachment 310247
OMG I had a stereo system like that once. Could entertain the neighborhood with my 4 foot speakers, too. lol
Joe's ahead of the curve. Vinyl's cool again, unlike bad tan jobs!

Is it (vinyl I mean)? CD's have much better quality sound. Here's Todd:
Among audiophiles it is. I also like CDs and, after I bought my first, didn't looked back and never missed the snap, crackle and pop of vinyl.
Don't tell me what I had, asshole.

That's it, Bee-ach. You are cut off. Don't ever expect any help from me again on anything.

And yes, I know what you had. 70's department store solid state dreck.
You are SUCH a sensitive snowflake. That and the bragging indicate fundamental insecurity, so I forgive ya.
Yeah, my second stereo system was from Radio Shack, maybe? I don't remember. But it sounded good to me. Took up a lot of space in the entertainment center, though.
Radio Shack actually had some pretty good equipment back in their best days.
Compared to later years, it wasn't bad for something you could buy literally on every block.

Don't tell me what I had, asshole.

That's it, Bee-ach. You are cut off. Don't ever expect any help from me again on anything.

And yes, I know what you had. 70's department store solid state dreck.
You are SUCH a sensitive snowflake. That and the bragging indicate fundamental insecurity, so I forgive ya.
Yeah, my second stereo system was from Radio Shack, maybe? I don't remember. But it sounded good to me. Took up a lot of space in the entertainment center, though.
No, No, it wasn't from Radio Shack. I remember being in the store where I bought it--it was a huge electronics store. But you're in the right ball park, I think.

Yeah, my guess is that your stereo looked something like this:

View attachment 310266

to maybe this mid-fi:

View attachment 310267

to maybe this hi-fi, if you really sunk a lot of money into your stuff:

View attachment 310268

The latter was close to the Bees Knees and considered brag-worthy, just that even it comes no where close to capturing the full sound in an LP. To do that, you need the super-high end costing tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars or pro gear set up by a sound engineer like me.

And I don't mean to sound like I'm putting down yours or anyone's stereo, it is just a statement of fact. When millions of people threw out their old LPs for new CDs, they threw away a treasure in incredible sound they never knew.
I sold my pretty good sized collection when I broke up housekeeping to go to college. Couldn't keep humping around a house full of stuff. Most of my vinyl was scratched all to shit and I found one that apparently had a dollop of mashed potato on it. No treasure of incredible sound was coming out of them. I still had 99% of the dust jackets, though.
We have a Victrola we listen to daily, doesn't everyone?
Well, I at least got Joe covered on the record player part. A six-figure one. Much rather listen to it than Joe any day.
View attachment 310247
OMG I had a stereo system like that once. Could entertain the neighborhood with my 4 foot speakers, too. lol
Joe's ahead of the curve. Vinyl's cool again, unlike bad tan jobs!
Is it (vinyl I mean)? CD's have much better quality sound. Here's Todd:
Among audiophiles it is. I also like CDs and, after I bought my first, didn't looked back and never missed the snap, crackle and pop of vinyl.

It's funny you say that because I still have original LP pressings from the 60s and early 70s that still play like new and are so quiet, I've put the needle on the record and had to go back and check thinking I missed the vinyl! That snap crackle pop doesn't come from the LP, it comes from people who abuse LPs and don't care for them properly.

Record Cleaning Machine Reviews

And FWIW, you can even get CD quality sound out of a CASSETTE! If you have a really good tape recording deck with Dolby-C or S; you'd think it was a CD except during a totally quiet passage turned up loud (Dolby-C), you can just hear a very faint hiss that the CD wouldn't have.
Don't tell me what I had, asshole.

That's it, Bee-ach. You are cut off. Don't ever expect any help from me again on anything.

And yes, I know what you had. 70's department store solid state dreck.
You are SUCH a sensitive snowflake. That and the bragging indicate fundamental insecurity, so I forgive ya.
Yeah, my second stereo system was from Radio Shack, maybe? I don't remember. But it sounded good to me. Took up a lot of space in the entertainment center, though.

Nope, no bragging. Believe me, I'm not even beginning to tell you what I could if I were actually BRAGGING. And sensitive? Not at all. God know my skin is thick as mohair. I offered you my friendship and you returned it by calling me an A-hole. Come to think of it, you accused me of bragging there as well on your window thread when I tried to give you a little basic electrical theory. That's not a friend. You are too used to social media. I just won't offer you any help on your car or anything now. I'm sure there are many others here more than eager to give you half truths and and half-baked misinformation. We are full of people who if nothing else, tell much more than they know rather than knowing far more than they tell.
I must try not to sink beneath my anguish....

Anyway, back to Joe.
Don't tell me what I had, asshole.

That's it, Bee-ach. You are cut off. Don't ever expect any help from me again on anything.

And yes, I know what you had. 70's department store solid state dreck.
You are SUCH a sensitive snowflake. That and the bragging indicate fundamental insecurity, so I forgive ya.
Yeah, my second stereo system was from Radio Shack, maybe? I don't remember. But it sounded good to me. Took up a lot of space in the entertainment center, though.

Nope, no bragging. Believe me, I'm not even beginning to tell you what I could if I were actually BRAGGING. And sensitive? Not at all. God know my skin is thick as mohair. I offered you my friendship and you returned it by calling me an A-hole. Come to think of it, you accused me of bragging there as well on your window thread when I tried to give you a little basic electrical theory. That's not a friend. You are too used to social media. I just won't offer you any help on your car or anything now. I'm sure there are many others here more than eager to give you half truths and and half-baked misinformation. We are full of people who if nothing else, tell much more than they know rather than knowing far more than they tell.
I must try not to sink beneath my anguish....
Anyway, back to Joe.

I'm sure that like casting pearls before swine, it'll be no loss to you at all because one cannot miss what one has never had.

In this clip, we see Chris Wallace discuss concern with Joe Biden over his numerous misstatements. Essentially he is questioning his mental ability for the job with his inclination towards dementia.

Just fast forward to the end where Joe Biden thanks Chris for the interview, only, he calls him "Chuck" instead.


He's recently declared himself a "diverse" American.

Record player Joe is a knee slapper.

How many attacks now that the VP is a leader in the nomination will be tolerated by the Mods? Given the number and the disgusting comments all of them ought to be merged in the Rubber Room.
Record player Joe is a knee slapper.

How many attacks now that the VP is a leader in the nomination will be tolerated by the Mods? Given the number and the disgusting comments all of them ought to be merged in the Rubber Room.

I protest this objection.

I purposely left out videos like the one below so it could be in the politics section.

Wow, the Bernie gang really hates Quid Pro Dementia Joe


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