FBI Catching Hell


Sep 23, 2010
The intelligence community is under attack for failing to identify the danger the Bomber Brothers exhibited beforehand

First of all, the Department of Homeland Security never should have been set up. That’s water over the dam, but it’s not too late to shut it down. See #2 permalink in this thread:

The FBI is catching hell for not acting on the signals sent by Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s activities. That’s a crock. The blame lies with the Democrats. The Democrat party’s global policies are seeping into the day to day operations of every intelligence agency. Socialism’s global agenda being implemented by top Democrats permeates DHS; so it’s logical to assume those policies have a negative impact on the FBI, CIA, and so on.

In this excerpt from an article about the Major Nidal Hasen case Rep. Frank Wolf’s opening statement appears to support my oft-repeated warning: Never let a Democrat get anywhere near an intelligence agency.

A top FBI official testified today that Ft. Hood shooter Army Major Nidal Hasan should have been interviewed by FBI and Defense Department investigators before the deadly shooting based on reports from a field office about the major’s activities.

FBI Executive Assistant Director Mark Giuliano appeared before the House Appropriations Committee to testify about an investigative report by former FBI Director William Webster over how the FBI handled intelligence information and communications between Maj. Hasan and Anwar Al Alawki, the now deceased American-Yemeni cleric who played an operational planning role for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

“It’s easy to go back and second guess. I believe an interview would have been prudent in this case,” Giuliano told Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., chairman of the Appropriations Commerce-Justice-Science subcommittee.

“I am concerned that there were warning signs, and that with more aggressive investigation, there is a chance that this incident could have been prevented. I am further concerned that the reason for less-aggressive investigation may have been political sensitivities in the Washington Field Office, and maybe even the FBI’s own investigating guidelines,” Wolf said in his opening statement at the hearing.

Ft. Hood Shooter Should Have Been Interviewed, FBI Official Says

Ft. Hood Shooter Should Have Been Interviewed, FBI Official Says - ABC News

If nothing else there must be a serious conflict between those who believe in using the FBI to further the Socialist agenda, and those who do not. A situation like that would undermine any intelligence agency’s effectiveness.

The fact is that the Left always criticized the FBI, and J. Edgar Hoover (1895 - 1972), because the agency saw the Communist threat for what it was. Note that before 1972 American Communists were in a perpetual state of anger because they wanted the FBI to treat the Mafia as the enemy within rather than communism.

The same technique Democrats used to protect communism was employed right from the start of the war against Muslim fundamentalism. Then-Senator Biden was a leading proponent of treating enemy combatants like criminals rather than soldiers. After years of promoting the criminal claptrap, dirt bag Biden bragged about killing Osama bin Laden. While he was giving the Chicago sewer rat credit for bin Laden’s sudden demise he ignored one thing. The military did the job NOT POLICE OFFICERS GOING AFTER A CRIMINAL.

Biden is not alone. Democrats always move the enemy into the realm of jaywalking with one slight twist in Boston. It’s okay to tie the Tsarnaev boys to al-Qaeda but not to Islam. Fine distinctions were not possible with communism. There are no subdivisions in communism. A Communist is always a Communist fighting for communism.

Bottom line: Had Communists engaged in terrorism Democrats would have found a way to separate the attacks from communism —— and lay the blame on the FBI into the bargain.

The murders in Benghazi offer another example of the Democrat party’s global policies seeping into intelligence community recommendations based on intel. In this case the military was involved. Democrats sat in the White House and watched the attack unfolding on TV, but the COMMANDER IN CHIEF did nothing to help those Americans under attack.

It’s probably too late for the public to get the full story, but there is a slight chance Hillary Clinton will get her sorry ass nailed to the wall for her part in Benghazi:

The New York Times reported Clinton and then-CIA Director David Petraeus had concocted the plan, which called for vetting rebels and arming Syrian fighters with the assistance of Arab countries.

If Clinton knew about the arms transfers, she may have committed perjury during her Benghazi testimony.

Rand Paul: Hillary's Benghazi story unraveling
'Surprised' by claim she had no knowledge of arms deals
Published: 12 hours ago

Rand Paul: Hillary?s Benghazi story unraveling

If not perjury, Clinton should be nailed for extending the failed “Arab Spring” to Syria. I’d like to know what she thought “rebels” would do after al-Assad is toast. She should get all of the blame when the Muslim Brotherhood takes over in Syria. Her stupidity should be exposed before the nominating convention in 2016. Remember that Hussein will be gone, but she stands a chance of continuing THEIR policies.
What should he have been arrested for?

To rightwinger: His citizenship should have been revoked, then he should have been treated like a prisoner of war —— not treated like a criminal entitled to the protections Americans get under the Constitution.
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Perhaps you should first review in depth whom the bombers really were .
The Brothers certainly were not .
Try the Navy Seals and/or The Craft organisation .
Perhaps you should first review in depth whom the bombers really were .
The Brothers certainly were not .
Try the Navy Seals and/or The Craft organisation .

To blackcherry: Which one are you?


What crime had he committed?

To rightwinger: It’s the crime he will be accused of committing. Whether or not he committed the crime should be decided by professional soldiers at a military trial.
Perhaps you should first review in depth whom the bombers really were .
The Brothers certainly were not .
Try the Navy Seals and/or The Craft organisation .

To blackcherry: Which one are you?


What crime had he committed?

To rightwinger: It’s the crime he will be accused of committing. Whether or not he committed the crime should be decided by professional soldiers at a military trial.

Two years ago when the FBI investigated him, what charges should have been filed against him?
Good question, RW.

As to saying we shouldn't have a DHS: why do so many of the rightwing nutters now whine that their powers aren't vast enough?
I think they want the FBI to emply more mediums

then they can arrest people before they do the crimes
What should he have been arrested for?

To rightwinger: His citizenship should have been revoked, then he should have been treated like a prisoner of war —— not treated like a criminal entitled to the protections Americans get under the Constitution.

1. He was not a citizen yet...in fact it looks like this is what delayed him getting his citizenship.

2. Treated like a POW based on what charges?
What should he have been arrested for?

To rightwinger: His citizenship should have been revoked, then he should have been treated like a prisoner of war —— not treated like a criminal entitled to the protections Americans get under the Constitution.

This political correctness we find ourselves puts us all in more danger. People like the bombers are obviously protected by it.
This wounded surviving bomber is now going to be tried in civilian court as a citizen. I am curious exactly how much information he and his attorney will be able to obtain. As a citizen being tried in court you are allowed to have a copy of all statements and information obtained in your investigation. In his case will this include FBI confidential files on this case? Will this put undercover personnel in danger? Will this put people that gave statements in danger? Will this allow other terrorist that they may be looking at in connection with this case to escape or cover their tracks.
This political correctness we find ourselves puts us all in more danger. People like the bombers are obviously protected by it.

To bornright: Exactly.

This wounded surviving bomber is now going to be tried in civilian court as a citizen. I am curious exactly how much information he and his attorney will be able to obtain. As a citizen being tried in court you are allowed to have a copy of all statements and information obtained in your investigation. In his case will this include FBI confidential files on this case? Will this put undercover personnel in danger? Will this put people that gave statements in danger? Will this allow other terrorist that they may be looking at in connection with this case to escape or cover their tracks.

To bornright: Now those are serious questions. With the Democrats in charge of the Justice Department I’m sure the American people will not like the answers.

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