FBI Evidence Tampering

You just can't/won't quit him, can you? :)
He will be the boat anchor around the neck of your party, your belief system, and your ideology.

Don't waste my time here with bullshit, son. I know you didn't read the indictment.
It's solid all the way around. If you and the rest of Alt-Right Nation were smart, you'd move on from him.

What happened yesterday was a perp walk. Deal with it.
I don’t choose to quit him. If he doesn’t get the GOP nod, I am content with several of the alternatives on the GOP bench.

But why would I “quit” him? You’re the ones with the problem. Your ilk are all completely irrational. He has been unfairly and unreasonably hounded since day one.

Bottom line: I don’t find any of these criminal cases persuasive so far. If and when I see credible evidence of actual guilt, unlike you Democrap morons, I can move on. You idiots have a demented old racist criminal as your candidate. He has already established he needs to be put into a home. And you have no bench at all. You are stuck. You can’t move on.

You can’t even admit that Potato is unfit for office.
I don’t choose to quit him. If he doesn’t get the GOP nod, I am content with several of the alternatives on the GOP bench.

But why would I “quit” him? You’re the ones with the problem. Your ilk are all completely irrational. He has been unfairly and unreasonably hounded since day one.

Bottom line: I don’t find any of these criminal cases persuasive so far. If and when I see credible evidence of actual guilt, unlike you Democrap morons, I can move on. You idiots have a demented old racist criminal as your candidate. He has already established he needs to be put into a home. And you have no bench at all. You are stuck. You can’t move on.

You can’t even admit that Potato is unfit for office.
What will make the evidence creditable?
Do you not see why he has been hounded over the classified and presidential documents?
What will make the evidence creditable?
Possibly nothing. If it is bullshit, that can’t really get converted into credibility.

But let’s pretend that Clinton Sock Drawer case didn’t exist. And let’s assume that any of the documents were classified. Why shouldn’t the same legal standard apply now as applied to Shrillary? The double standard makes the prosecution too selective to give it credence.

Flip things around. What on Earth, in your view, gives any of this partisan political circus any credibility?
Do you not see why he has been hounded over the classified and presidential documents?
No. I sure don’t — except for the partisan political nature of the ones doing the hounding. That I do see.
Show me the mug shot.
There was no mug shot, taken in his New York or Miami arrangement. His lawyers argued that the purpose of a mug shot is to identify the perp and Donald Trump being one of the most recognizable persons in the world made it unnecessary. This is just the first of many special treatments Trump will enjoy. Where most defendants spend up to 48 hours in jail waiting for arraignment, a judge was sitting waiting for Trump to arrive in court.

Trump's lawyers will begin delaying hearings and the trial date so it won't interfere with his campaigning. With the help of a Trump appointed judge who is handling his case, there is a good chance the trial will not occur till after the election. Then if a republican is elected, the trial goes away and all charges are dropped. If you or I had been arraigned instead of Trump we would be tried, convicted and in a federal prison serving 10 to 20 before the first primary debate. Whoever said justice is blind, needs a pair of glasses.
Possibly nothing. If it is bullshit, that can’t really get converted into credibility.

But let’s pretend that Clinton Sock Drawer case didn’t exist. And let’s assume that any of the documents were classified. Why shouldn’t the same legal standard apply now as applied to Shrillary? The double standard makes the prosecution too selective to give it credence.

Flip things around. What on Earth, in your view, gives any of this partisan political circus any credibility?

No. I sure don’t — except for the partisan political nature of the ones doing the hounding. That I do see.
The following link lists the timeline showing the governments 2 1/2 year fight to get presidential and classified documents illegally taken back from Trump. If Trump was hounded it was he who was responsible. Had he returned the documents in May 2021 to the Nation Achieves as requested or anytime in the following year in which dozens of letters, phone calls were directed to Trump, his staff, and lawyers, there would have been no legal action. Finally, after a year of being ignored and lied to by Trump, the National Achieves turned the issue over to DOJ for action. That action was slow coming, about year. And Donald started his poor me campaign, an innocent man being attacked by government which lacked any creditability but was a good politically move which will certainly resonated with his followers.

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The following link lists the timeline showing the governments 2 1/2 year fight to get presidential and classified documents illegally taken back from Trump.
You have absolutely no valid basis to claim that any documents he had were “illegally taken.” When you start off a post that poorly, you instantly lose any shred of credibility.

According to the only major case yet to discuss the PRA, tell us all exactly who has the authority to determine which documents are “Presidential records” and which ones are personal papers? If you need an assist, I’ll even give you an assist:

I will not grade you on spelling or punctuation or on grammar. But accuracy counts. Go.
You have absolutely no valid basis to claim that any documents he had were “illegally taken.” When you start off a post that poorly, you instantly lose any shred of credibility.

According to the only major case yet to discuss the PRA, tell us all exactly who has the authority to determine which documents are “Presidential records” and which ones are personal papers? If you need an assist, I’ll even give you an assist:

I will not grade you on spelling or punctuation or on grammar. But accuracy counts. Go.
We have absolutely a valid basis to claim that any documents he had were “illegally taken” until TheTrumpHoax proves they weren't.
Possibly nothing. If it is bullshit, that can’t really get converted into credibility.

But let’s pretend that Clinton Sock Drawer case didn’t exist. And let’s assume that any of the documents were classified. Why shouldn’t the same legal standard apply now as applied to Shrillary? The double standard makes the prosecution too selective to give it credence.

Flip things around. What on Earth, in your view, gives any of this partisan political circus any credibility?

No. I sure don’t — except for the partisan political nature of the ones doing the hounding. That I do see.
Attacking the Clintons and the Bidens has been the primary defense Trump supporters have put forward, preferring not to attack the staggering amount of evidence in the Trump indictment. The Clinton Sock Drawer is a good example. Judicial Watch brought a suit to court seeking a declaration by the National Achieves that audiotapes created by the former president and historian were presidential records under the Presidential Records Act. Also an order was sought to compel the NARA to assume custody and control of the tapes. The case was thrown out court because the court did not have the power under the PRA to rule for the plaintiff. This case was about president records, not classified documents. Comparing this case to the Trump indictment is an apples and oranges comparison. Of course that did not stop the conservative media from building a case of espionage against Clinton.

Trump hopes that every voter will go to polls believing No politician in history has been treated as unfairly as Donald Trump. In fact, it looks like Trump's campaign will be built around this belief. However, the facts do not support this statement. Any federal employee that did what Trump did would have already been tried, convicted, and serving at least a 10 year term.
Trump can lie all he wants, and the Trumpsters can truly believe and spread it all over the internet, but his attorneys are not going to try to present stupid stuff with out evidence in court because that would make them MAGA, or making attorneys get attorneys.

You don’t get thing one about the legal burden of proof. You’re a slow jackass.
Classified markings are prima facie that the documents were classified.

Good luck with your 'telepathic declassification' argument. Especially with the tape of Trump admitting he held classified docs.

You know.....the one the MSM told us about days before the release of the indictment?
Attacking the Clintons and the Bidens has been the primary defense Trump supporters have put forward, preferring not to attack the staggering amount of evidence in the Trump indictment. The Clinton Sock Drawer is a good example. Judicial Watch brought a suit to court seeking a declaration by the National Achieves that audiotapes created by the former president and historian were presidential records under the Presidential Records Act. Also an order was sought to compel the NARA to assume custody and control of the tapes. The case was thrown out court because the court did not have the power under the PRA to rule for the plaintiff. This case was about president records, not classified documents. Comparing this case to the Trump indictment is an apples and oranges comparison. Of course that did not stop the conservative media from building a case of espionage against Clinton.

Trump hopes that every voter will go to polls believing No politician in history has been treated as unfairly as Donald Trump. In fact, it looks like Trump's campaign will be built around this belief. However, the facts do not support this statement. Any federal employee that did what Trump did would have already been tried, convicted, and serving at least a 10 year term.
Wrong. Pointing to the undeniable fact that their cases are viewed differently than Trump’s “case” is entirely the point of (1) the double standard of a politicized DOJ and (2) conclusive evidence of the fact that the “standard” requires that politicized view BY the DOJ.

There is a reason it is proscribed to treat defendants differently for no valid reason. A selective prosecution undermines that. It’s called “equal Justice” and you really should get to know it.
Wrong. Pointing to the undeniable fact that their cases are viewed differently than Trump’s “case” is entirely the point of (1) the double standard of a politicized DOJ and (2) conclusive evidence of the fact that the “standard” requires that politicized view BY the DOJ.

There is a reason it is proscribed to treat defendants differently for no valid reason. A selective prosecution undermines that. It’s called “equal Justice” and you really should get to know it.

And what charge was Trump indicted for that you believe Hillary, Pence or Biden should have been charged with?
And what charge was Trump indicted for that you believe Hillary, Pence or Biden should have been charged with?
The espionage charge. At least Shrillary should have together with contempt and destruction of evidence. And Biden too (If a presently sitting President could be charged) for that espionage act charge. And maybe Pence, too.

This isn’t rocket science Skylar. Even you should be able to follow the dots.
You have absolutely no valid basis to claim that any documents he had were “illegally taken.” When you start off a post that poorly, you instantly lose any shred of credibility.

According to the only major case yet to discuss the PRA, tell us all exactly who has the authority to determine which documents are “Presidential records” and which ones are personal papers? If you need an assist, I’ll even give you an assist:

I will not grade you on spelling or punctuation or on grammar. But accuracy counts. Go.

It is illegal for a president to take any records other than personal records. Although it is illegal to take presidential records there are no prescribed penalty. the Nation Archivist has the responsibility of seeing that presidential records are returned. Trump may be the first president who has refused to return presidential records. Typically, when presidential records are taken it is by accident. Most of these records end up in the presidents library or in the National Achieve available to historians and researchers.

Classified Documents are a different ballgame. Unlike presidential records, classified documents can not be mistaken for president or personal records. You have to be blind to do so. Taking and keeping them is a criminal offense.

The PRA requires that all documentary materials “be categorized as Presidential records or personal records upon their creation or receipt and be filed separately.” 44 U.S.C. 2203(b). The President does not have discretion to categorize a Presidential record as a personal record.
Presidential Records and Personal Records are clearly defined in the PRA.

Donald Trump is not facing criminal trial because he removed presidential records.

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The espionage charge. At least Shrillary should have together with contempt and destruction of evidence. And Biden too (If a presently sitting President could be charged) for that espionage act charge. And maybe Pence, too.

This isn’t rocket science Skylar. Even you should be able to follow the dots.

And which charge was that? Specifically.

Name the charge. The name of the charge demonstrates the absurdity of your pseudo-legal gibberish.

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