FBI Investigating Hillary Clinton

Yo, who controls the Justice Department? Obama! I just hope he helps the crook Hillary, that way they can both go to jail!!!

The writings on the wall... The Obomanation can't control the agenda with the Hildebeast as president, so he has to take her out WITHOUT having her spill all she knows and has e-mails from him.... The DOJ is the middleman, cut a deal with Shrillary, she DROPS OUT, goes away, and DOESN'T GET PROSECUTED!!!! The Obomanations, PUPPET, JoJo Biden, will enter, stage FAR LEFT.... He's a fucking moron, and SOOO FUCKING EASY for VALERIE JARETT to become his SENIOR ADVISER, and have him do whatever she, and the Obomanation want... just a continuation of.....

Nothing will happen to her
The ONLY reason Nixon escaped jail is because he was a sitting president. Hillary is NOT.

:lol: She is definitely not going to jail. That I can assure you.
Here is a short video. The Laws she BROKE call for 3 thi
Nothing will happen to her
The democrats may not have any other choice. It's getting so bad they may have to sacrifice their top liar to save the rest of their asses.
The doj says they aren't just focusing on her, which bodes ill for others.
And history REPEATS! The FBI was not looking at Nixon at the start either. It was his "staff". Until John Dean came along. *SMILES* Who is Hillary's John Dean?
And when none of this comes to pass, will all the rightwing idiots subscribing to this thread return to post that they were wrong – of course not.
What do we have wrong? She's a liar and a scum bag. How do you think she is going to change that even if she isn't sent to prison?
Cnn and a few other more respectable sources also have this news...So I wouldn't say it is nothing but I'd bet dollars to dog crap that she didn't do anything really wrong.
Ask General Petraus if she did anything wrong.
And when none of this comes to pass, will all the rightwing idiots subscribing to this thread return to post that they were wrong – of course not.
Wrong? The bitch used her own email server in complete disregard of the laws of the country and you think we will be wrong? How stupid are you? The only question that remains is if the liar we have as POTUS has enough respect for the law he will actually prosecute her for the obvious. Which if he doesn't pretty much means all democrats are guilty.

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