FBI Investigating Hillary Clinton

And when none of this comes to pass, will all the rightwing idiots subscribing to this thread return to post that they were wrong – of course not.
Wrong about what?

Does David Kendall have Top Secret clearance?
If not, why was he possession of these thumb drives?
Can he account for the whereabouts the entire time he had them?
Who else had access?
How many copies are there?
They will White Water Wash the scandal....................
This is a show................

She will not get taken down............
They hold the cards..............
They believe they are above the law.............
The DOJ is their patsi............

Enjoy the show...............

If they actually cared about justice and the law..........she would have already been on trial. Classified Data or even Confidential data release is a Federal Crime......Any peon who had done this, would already be in jail.
I find it hard that she is actually going to pay for this. Unless Obama gave the okay...

What was she planning to say about Obama or has already said...? Tom Clancy should be taking notes for his next book...great drama.
You're wrong. This is an Obama hit. Hillary is done. Joe Biden will announce a run next month. Bank on it.

Bullshit....In the extremely unlikely scenario that there's an honest look into Hilly and finding laws broken, she takes the whole shebang down in a plea deal...Barry, Biden, Holder, all of them. I'd offer that deal to her.....it's Obozo's head on a spike that we want....not the wrinkly old murderess.
You're wrong. This is an Obama hit. Hillary is done. Joe Biden will announce a run next month. Bank on it.

Bullshit....In the extremely unlikely scenario that there's an honest look into Hilly and finds laws broken, she takes the whole shebang down in a plea deal...Barry, Biden, Holder, all of them. I'd offer that deal to her.....it's Obozo's head on a spike that we want....not the wrinkly old murderess.

Wouldn't there need to be a impeachment and conviction to remove him?
You're wrong. This is an Obama hit. Hillary is done. Joe Biden will announce a run next month. Bank on it.

Bullshit....In the extremely unlikely scenario that there's an honest look into Hilly and finding laws broken, she takes the whole shebang down in a plea deal...Barry, Biden, Holder, all of them. I'd offer that deal to her.....it's Obozo's head on a spike that we want....not the wrinkly old murderess.
Many times one leads to another. If he is in on this, I'm sure she had ammunition against him.
You're wrong. This is an Obama hit. Hillary is done. Joe Biden will announce a run next month. Bank on it.

Bullshit....In the extremely unlikely scenario that there's an honest look into Hilly and finding laws broken, she takes the whole shebang down in a plea deal...Barry, Biden, Holder, all of them. I'd offer that deal to her.....it's Obozo's head on a spike that we want....not the wrinkly old murderess.
Many times one leads to another. If he is in on this, I'm sure she had ammunition against him.

Nope. Hillary is done. Obama has her by her hairy cankles. They want Joe Biden....not the Hildabeast. Who do you think has been leaking all of these stories to the NY Times and Washington Post?
Why didn't the FBI grab the servers months ago? I don't think they will find much. I bet they were wiped clean and it will be over in no time.
I want to see the Hildebeast resign from running for president to save her fat ass from going to jail!

Why didn't the FBI grab the servers months ago? I don't think they will find much. I bet they were wiped clean and it will be over in no time.

If it's even the real server that gets turned over....this is a HOAX....she'll end up "cleared" and the drive-by media will be doing "I told ya so's" all through the holidays. You know this DOJ (who the FBI works for)...they don't enforce laws they don't like or indict their pals.

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