FBI Justification for Mar A Lago invasion: Moving trucks spotted at MAL on Jan 18, 2021.

A lot of other things were in affidavit to support the raid. Your OP is a lie.
No it isn't. The trucks were justification, exactly what I posted.

Go troll another thread, Fuckwit. You have nothing to bring to this one beyond your usual lies and bullshit. You already hit your quota for this thread.
I watched the president of Judicial Watch explain it.
Hahahahaha! That hack?

You should read it yourself instead of having ultra-MAGA hacks think for you.

The case was super different since it was a third party demanding the archives do something and the ruling said that a third party has no grounds to make such a demand.

It was silent as to whether the archives could do it on their own, in fact it notes the enforcement of the PRA by the archives is performed by requesting the AG do it, and that is exactly what’s going on here.
Just trying to keep up with your topic. It’s a moving target.
I'm not surprised. You couldn't figure out one of my posts quoting large sections of Comey outlining how Hitlery had classified info on her home brew server was actually about Hitlery and not Trump.

You aren't very bright, Troll.
A lot of other things were in affidavit to support the raid. Your OP is a lie.
Did I use the word "only" before "justification", Simp?

Nope. Grow a brain then learn to read.
A small number out of the 30,000 she turned over, and the once they dug up she tried to hide. You are scrambling, Simp. You claimed that she didn't have classified info in her emails. I proved the had well over 50 email chains with classified info that was marked classified at the time, up to and including SAP info.

Your lie was exposed. Deal with it.

It was three emails, marked with a C for confidential for information that was no longer classified anymore.

You claim that there were over 50 email chains with info marked classified at the time. But I showed you that’s FALSE.

Hahahahaha! That hack?

You should read it yourself instead of having ultra-MAGA hacks think for you.

The case was super different since it was a third party demanding the archives do something and the ruling said that a third party has no grounds to make such a demand.

It was silent as to whether the archives could do it on their own, in fact it notes the enforcement of the PRA by the archives is performed by requesting the AG do it, and that is exactly what’s going on here.
Judicial Watch is the party who filed the suit, moron. Here is the relevant part of the decision. Explain how that is not relevant:

Judge’s Ruling Over Audio Tapes Hidden in Bill Clinton’s Sock Drawer Could Impact Trump’s Effort to Contest FBI Raid | A new report connects a case tied to former President Bill 'Slick Willy' Clinton with the investigation tied to the raid on Mar-a-Lago, the Florida home of former President Donald Trump. “Judge’s ruling over audio tapes hidden in Bill Clinton’s sock drawer could significantly impact Donald Trump’s effort to contest FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago,” journalist John Solomon | The Tea Party's Front Page. | Slowly, our freedoms are being chipped away with, "We know better..." justification as its hammer and chisel.

“Under the statutory scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President’s term and in his sole discretion,” Jackson wrote.
“Since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records,” the judge wrote.
It’s not. When did Clinton tell them to delete the server?

I thought you knew all about this. Can’t you answer this very simple question.
When did I ever claim that Clinton told them to delete the server? That statement doesn't even make any sense.

It was three emails, marked with a C for confidential for information that was no longer classified anymore.

You claim that there were over 50 email chains with info marked classified at the time. But I showed you that’s FALSE.

Why do you think lying like this will work?

I posted the video, and the transcript of Comey. 52 email chains were marked classified at the time they were sent. "SEPERATE FROM THOSE" were 2000 additional emails with classified info that were not marked classified at the time they were sent.

You have zero credibility, and it's dropping with every post, Simp.

From the group of 30,000 emails returned to the State Department, 110 emails in 52 email chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional emails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the emails were sent.
Basically everything you complained about the raid is false. They didn’t surround the property with flashing lights. They didn’t alert the media. Trump did. You can barely find a photo of the search happening.

I dont know what you think your article proves. If Trump were competent he would have sued for a special master weeks ago. By the time he gets the lawsuit actually filed (this one isn’t even in the right venue, they chose it because it has a far right Trump appointed judge because they’re pathetic like that) there won’t be a need for a special master.

Trump files lots of lawsuits with bogus claims. Just see the lawsuits around the election for more examples. Pretty much fact free.
Bull freakin shit!



Nothing Trump does to defend himself is going to be good enough for you because you are not an honest broker in this thing....You start with the premise that he's guilty, even though he hasn't been charged with anything, and your rhetoric moves on from there....

The fact that you don't think it outrageous that a partisan DoJ, possibly at the behest of the current President, is pulling this sort of shit within 90 days of an election, is just proof of how far the progressive left is willing to trash our Constitution....

So, until one of you can answer for me when Trump will be charged, or at least what they truly think instead of the constant one upsmanship currently that devolves every discussion about this then I will respond only to what I believe I should...Don't like opposing opinion? too bad. At least for now it's a free country.
Bull freakin shit!

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View attachment 688057

Nothing Trump does to defend himself is going to be good enough for you because you are not an honest broker in this thing....You start with the premise that he's guilty, even though he hasn't been charged with anything, and your rhetoric moves on from there....

The fact that you don't think it outrageous that a partisan DoJ, possibly at the behest of the current President, is pulling this sort of shit within 90 days of an election, is just proof of how far the progressive left is willing to trash our Constitution....

So, until one of you can answer for me when Trump will be charged, or at least what they truly think instead of the constant one upsmanship currently that devolves every discussion about this then I will respond only to what I believe I should...Don't like opposing opinion? too bad. At least for now it's a free country.
I think Marener must be a 121-year-old girl posting on Mommy's computer.
No it isn't. The trucks were justification, exactly what I posted.

Go troll another thread, Fuckwit. You have nothing to bring to this one beyond your usual lies and bullshit. You already hit your quota for this thread.
Where do you get the looney idea the trucks were the justification? They interviewed witnesses.
Where do you get the looney idea the trucks were the justification? They interviewed witnesses.
Already told you, Simp.

They are listed in the affidavit. Man, you really are one dumb POS.

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