FBI lost General Flynn records

He will probably pardon, thinking it a good technicality. Multi page confessions signed by ignorant defendants, co-signed by their very competent and experienced lawyers and presented to the courts without complaint by defendants professing their guilt mean very little these days. If you're part of the chosen few, you can probably mount up with mafia Don trump for target practice down 5th avenue.
Why did the FBI destroy Flynns records?

the Deep State must have something to hide
Who said the records were destroyed?
Sidney Powell

For months, Powell has insisted that the original draft of the FBI’s notes from its interview with Flynn has gone missing. In one September 2019 filing, Powell asked the judge to help produce “the original draft of Mr. Flynn’s 302 and 1A file, and any FBI document that identifies everyone who had possession of it.””
The original draft? Why would anyone keep drafts?

Dood, WTF!! Draft/original/copy...who the hell cares, they lost/disposed them.

A draft is just a draft. It’s a draft for a reason. It’s irrelevant to anything meaningful.

Just desperately trying to find something to cling to here.
Why did the FBI destroy Flynns records?

the Deep State must have something to hide
Who said the records were destroyed?
Sidney Powell

For months, Powell has insisted that the original draft of the FBI’s notes from its interview with Flynn has gone missing. In one September 2019 filing, Powell asked the judge to help produce “the original draft of Mr. Flynn’s 302 and 1A file, and any FBI document that identifies everyone who had possession of it.””
The original draft? Why would anyone keep drafts?

Dood, WTF!! Draft/original/copy...who the hell cares, they lost/disposed them.

A draft is just a draft. It’s a draft for a reason. It’s irrelevant to anything meaningful.

Just desperately trying to find something to cling to here.

Yep, you're sounding way too desperate.
Who said the records were destroyed?
Sidney Powell

For months, Powell has insisted that the original draft of the FBI’s notes from its interview with Flynn has gone missing. In one September 2019 filing, Powell asked the judge to help produce “the original draft of Mr. Flynn’s 302 and 1A file, and any FBI document that identifies everyone who had possession of it.””
The original draft? Why would anyone keep drafts?

Dood, WTF!! Draft/original/copy...who the hell cares, they lost/disposed them.

A draft is just a draft. It’s a draft for a reason. It’s irrelevant to anything meaningful.

Just desperately trying to find something to cling to here.

Yep, you're sounding way too desperate.
For what?

You geniuses seem to think a draft of a 302 is somehow going to change the known facts and somehow exonerate Flynn. No one can explain how that’s possible but you’re clinging to it anyway.
Hmmm. Must be the new math or something. I was raised at a time you were either telling the truth or you weren't. If you weren't telling the truth, then you were lying. If you are telling the truth, then you're not lying.

But then again, I'm old fashioned and also from the days when there were only two genders, and you had no choice but to be what God made you.
He wasn’t telling the truth. None of the agents said he was telling the truth.
The 302 report stated that Strzok and the other agent “both had the impression at the time that Flynn was not lying or did not think he was lying.”
Flynn Interview Documents | Making False Statements | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
Been explained a million times. All the agents said was that he gave no physical indications he was lying.

That doesn’t mean they thought he wasn’t lying. Quite the opposite.
Wrong, once again. You are twisting it. Period.

You’re the one twisting it. This is what the court documents said:

Finally, the interviewing agents did not observe indicia of deception and had the impression at that time that the defendant was not lying or did not think he was lying. See Strzok 302 at 4. Members of the Presidential Transition Team were likewise misled by the defendant’s false denials. Those misimpressions do not change the fact—as the defendant has admitted in sworn testimony to this District Court—that he was indeed lying, and knowingly made false statements to FBI agents in a national security investigation. Those false statements were material, including by raising the question of why he was lying to the FBI, the Vice President, and others.
What did the 302 say?
Sidney Powell

For months, Powell has insisted that the original draft of the FBI’s notes from its interview with Flynn has gone missing. In one September 2019 filing, Powell asked the judge to help produce “the original draft of Mr. Flynn’s 302 and 1A file, and any FBI document that identifies everyone who had possession of it.””
The original draft? Why would anyone keep drafts?

Dood, WTF!! Draft/original/copy...who the hell cares, they lost/disposed them.

A draft is just a draft. It’s a draft for a reason. It’s irrelevant to anything meaningful.

Just desperately trying to find something to cling to here.

Yep, you're sounding way too desperate.
For what?

You geniuses seem to think a draft of a 302 is somehow going to change the known facts and somehow exonerate Flynn. No one can explain how that’s possible but you’re clinging to it anyway.

Sure, that's why the documents have vanished....fricken idiot.
Current FBI Director Wray told the FISA Court that the FISA Court abuses, perjury, falsifying data, using known false data, altering official documents, altering testimony after the fact, illegally spying, violating rules / regs / laws, etc... can all be remedied with 'a few changes' is the same guy who is leading the agency that just 'LOST' the entire file on one of the most important, high-vis, politically oriented cases.... Wray is another FBI in-bred d!ck cut from the same cloth as Mueller and Comey, whose top priority is protecting the FBI. This is why, if anything is ever going to change, someone from OUTSIDE the agency must be brought in to run / oversee the FBI and everyone within the FBI (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clinesmith, etc...) who took part in the failed coup attempt must be PUBLICLY punished.
Current FBI Director Wray told the FISA Court that the FISA Court abuses, perjury, falsifying data, using known false data, altering official documents, altering testimony after the fact, illegally spying, violating rules / regs / laws, etc... can all be remedied with 'a few changes' is the same guy who is leading the agency that just 'LOST' the entire file on one of the most important, high-vis, politically oriented cases.... Wray is another FBI in-bred d!ck cut from the same cloth as Mueller and Comey, whose top priority is protecting the FBI. This is why, if anything is ever going to change, someone from OUTSIDE the agency must be brought in to run / oversee the FBI and everyone within the FBI (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clinesmith, etc...) who took part in the failed coup attempt must be PUBLICLY punished.

Much of this is false. No one lost the entire file on Flynn. That’s just a stupid lie you’ve been told to repeat.
Innocent of what? He lied. We know he lied.
No you don't know any such thing...can you tell us what he lied about?...what was the so called lie?...

Of course we know. We know he lied about speaking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions prior to the inauguration of Trump.
Or he didn't remember meeting him and what was the topic of conversation....have you ever misspoke or forgotten what you talked about at a dinner?....would that make you a liar?....like I said you are one blood thirsty vengeful mfer....
Innocent of what? He lied. We know he lied.
No you don't know any such thing...can you tell us what he lied about?...what was the so called lie?...

Of course we know. We know he lied about speaking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions prior to the inauguration of Trump.
Or he didn't remember meeting him and what was the topic of conversation....have you ever misspoke or forgotten what you talked about at a dinner?....would that make you a liar?....like I said you are one blood thirsty vengeful mfer....
It wasn’t a meeting. It was a phone call.

It’s awfully hard to make the case he forgot what he talked about. Flynn had numerous conversations with the Trump transition team detailing exactly what he was supposed to say with regards to sanctions as well as having several follow up phone calls to report back the results.

The idea that level of planning would have been “forgotten” just a few weeks later defies rational thought.
Innocent of what? He lied. We know he lied.
No you don't know any such thing...can you tell us what he lied about?...what was the so called lie?...

Of course we know. We know he lied about speaking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions prior to the inauguration of Trump.
Or he didn't remember meeting him and what was the topic of conversation....have you ever misspoke or forgotten what you talked about at a dinner?....would that make you a liar?....like I said you are one blood thirsty vengeful mfer....
It wasn’t a meeting. It was a phone call.

It’s awfully hard to make the case he forgot what he talked about. Flynn had numerous conversations with the Trump transition team detailing exactly what he was supposed to say with regards to sanctions as well as having several follow up phone calls to report back the results.

The idea that level of planning would have been “forgotten” just a few weeks later defies rational thought.
Phone calls are even easier to miss quote you angry hateful monster...to throw a innocent man in prison gives you a rush I guess....
Much of this is false. No one lost the entire file on Flynn. That’s just a stupid lie you’ve been told to repeat.

No, that's the stupid lie Wray and the FBI are expecting the Gruber-esque snowflake sheep to buy......
So after destroying his life & the life of his family (and many others also), the FBI is now reporting that the records have been lost....WTF.

Trump considering 'full pardon' for Michael Flynn after FBI 'lost' records
He will probably pardon, thinking it a good technicality. Multi page confessions signed by ignorant defendants, co-signed by their very competent and experienced lawyers and presented to the courts without complaint by defendants professing their guilt mean very little these days. If you're part of the chosen few, you can probably mount up with mafia Don trump for target practice down 5th avenue.
he really eats at your skin, doesn't he. I love it. your insane behavior tells it all.
Much of this is false. No one lost the entire file on Flynn. That’s just a stupid lie you’ve been told to repeat.

No, that's the stupid lie Wray and the FBI are expecting the Gruber-esque snowflake sheep to buy......

Except that extensive documentation has been produced from this supposedly “lost” file throughout the investigation and hearings.
Innocent of what? He lied. We know he lied.
No you don't know any such thing...can you tell us what he lied about?...what was the so called lie?...

Of course we know. We know he lied about speaking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions prior to the inauguration of Trump.
Or he didn't remember meeting him and what was the topic of conversation....have you ever misspoke or forgotten what you talked about at a dinner?....would that make you a liar?....like I said you are one blood thirsty vengeful mfer....
It wasn’t a meeting. It was a phone call.

It’s awfully hard to make the case he forgot what he talked about. Flynn had numerous conversations with the Trump transition team detailing exactly what he was supposed to say with regards to sanctions as well as having several follow up phone calls to report back the results.

The idea that level of planning would have been “forgotten” just a few weeks later defies rational thought.
Phone calls are even easier to miss quote you angry hateful monster...to throw a innocent man in prison gives you a rush I guess....

How are phone calls easier to miss quote? This phone call was recorded by the FBI.
Much of this is false. No one lost the entire file on Flynn. That’s just a stupid lie you’ve been told to repeat.

No, that's the stupid lie Wray and the FBI are expecting the Gruber-esque snowflake sheep to buy......

Except that extensive documentation has been produced from this supposedly “lost” file throughout the investigation and hearings.

Let's start with something you may understand.

So after destroying his life & the life of his family (and many others also), the FBI is now reporting that the records have been lost....WTF.

Trump considering 'full pardon' for Michael Flynn after FBI 'lost' records
you do know that this Flynn lawyer already made that claim and requested a retrial or dismissal and the Judge had a hearing on it and slapped down that fake request and made up conspiracy, don't you?

The hand written notes from the time of the interview were submitted which proves their 302s turned in were matching....
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Much of this is false. No one lost the entire file on Flynn. That’s just a stupid lie you’ve been told to repeat.

No, that's the stupid lie Wray and the FBI are expecting the Gruber-esque snowflake sheep to buy......

Except that extensive documentation has been produced from this supposedly “lost” file throughout the investigation and hearings.

Let's start with something you may understand.

That about encapsulates the sophistication of your argument.
No you don't know any such thing...can you tell us what he lied about?...what was the so called lie?...

Of course we know. We know he lied about speaking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions prior to the inauguration of Trump.
Or he didn't remember meeting him and what was the topic of conversation....have you ever misspoke or forgotten what you talked about at a dinner?....would that make you a liar?....like I said you are one blood thirsty vengeful mfer....
It wasn’t a meeting. It was a phone call.

It’s awfully hard to make the case he forgot what he talked about. Flynn had numerous conversations with the Trump transition team detailing exactly what he was supposed to say with regards to sanctions as well as having several follow up phone calls to report back the results.

The idea that level of planning would have been “forgotten” just a few weeks later defies rational thought.
Phone calls are even easier to miss quote you angry hateful monster...to throw a innocent man in prison gives you a rush I guess....

How are phone calls easier to miss quote? This phone call was recorded by the FBI.
Nothing this FBI did or does can be trusted...haven't you been paying attention?....

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