FBI Raid On Trump's Mar-A-Lago Had No Valid Legal Basis

One I can't see a link where the former President has access... saying that access and taking it are two different things...
Bolded text below...

§ 2205. Exceptions to restricted access

Notwithstanding any restrictions on access imposed pursuant to sections 2204 and 2208--

(1) the Archivist and persons employed by the National Archives and Records Administration who are engaged in the performance of normal archival work shall be permitted access to Presidential records in the custody of the Archivist;

(2) subject to any rights, defenses, or privileges which the United States or any agency or person may invoke, Presidential records shall be made available--

(A) pursuant to subpoena or other judicial process issued by a court of competent jurisdiction for the purposes of any civil or criminal investigation or proceeding;

(B) to an incumbent President if such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of current business of the incumbent President’s office and that is not otherwise available; and

(C) to either House of Congress, or, to the extent of matter within its jurisdiction, to any committee or subcommittee thereof if such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of its business and that is not otherwise available; and

(3) the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President or the former President’s designated representative.

What ever Obama wanted personally, by LAW, the president has to work it out and get the National Archives aporoval, so the National Archives can have a copy of the record.

Trump did no such thing, ever! He just stole them, with NARA not having copies for our government records.

National archives had custody of all Obama records.
So its OK for Obama and Clinton to do it... BUT oh no no no not Trump... Fucking hypochrite..
Trump never declassified anything....there are no, zip, zero records showing he did.

And he can't declassify or reclassify top secret SCI documents without the agencies involved being notified. There is a legal process to do it.


Witnesses have testified / stated Trump declassified everything he supposedly took.

It is on offical record that PRESIDENT Trump gave the FBI Director a legal Presidential Order to declassify and release all files and information regarding tbe FBI's ILLEGAL and arguably treasonous CROSSFIRE HURRICANE operation.

It is on official record, reported by the media, to include the left wing media (which I provided links to in its own thread), that the FBI illegally DISOBEYED that order and going on 20 months now has neither declassified nor released any of that information.

- Furthermore, it is on official record and also reported even by the left wing media that the FBI has illegally refused to comply with the US FOIA Law by refusing to comply with SEVERAL FOIA requests to release the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE information, requests made in conjunction with / after the President's order to declassify and release everything.

RIGHT NOW, this very minute and until they comply with both Presidentia Order and multiple FOIA requests, the US FBI are and continue to violate numerous orders and laws.

Now, what lack of common sense / intelligence would cause snowflakes to knowingly, falsely claim President Trump did not / made no effort to declasdify information when it is on record that he did, when their own left wing media reported that he did, and when their own left wing media has reported the FBI is guilty of non-compliance with both President Trump's LAWFUL ORDER AND FOIA LAW?

Now, what lack of common sense / intelligence would cause snowflakes to knowingly, falsely claim President Trump ordered the declassification of the FBI's CROSSFIRE HURRICANE information but for some illogical reason did not / would NOT declassify all the other information?

It makes 100% no sense whatsoever... but that is what the DOJ, FBI, and FBI Agents - who all broke laws and knowingly willingly participated in the highly illegal and treasonous failed coup attempt who are now responsible for this unprecedented, historic, unwarranted raid on a President's house...who viated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, and illegally spied on Americans..are asking us to believe.

It is what snowflakes and proven criminal traitor apologists demand we believe.
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That is of course, another lie...https://nypost.com/2022/08/11/feds-seized-documents-from-trumps-mar-a-lago-in-june-report/

As the timetable shows, Trump was fully cooperating with the NARA and had a good relationship with them

WHY DID HE LIE IN June, swearing he returned all top secret documents?

He was NOT cooperating, ever. HE WAS STALLING. That's why he was subpoenaed, and then still all was not returned and they needed a search warrant.

HOW can you even remotely think, that was cooperating?
That is of course, another lie...https://nypost.com/2022/08/11/feds-seized-documents-from-trumps-mar-a-lago-in-june-report/

As the timetable shows, Trump was fully cooperating with the NARA and had a good relationship with them
Thier whole narrative is blowing up in their faces... They cannot defend the raid and now the LSM is abandoning them because they can't even defend what was done. Democrats are in panic mode today and the White House has no idea how to clean up the mess in Isle 46.

WHY DID HE LIE IN June, swearing he returned all top secret documents?

He was NOT cooperating, ever. HE WAS STALLING. That's why he was subpoenaed, and then still all was not returned and they needed a search warrant.

HOW can you even remotely think, that was cooperating?
Still waiting on links to your lies.
That is of course, another lie...https://nypost.com/2022/08/11/feds-seized-documents-from-trumps-mar-a-lago-in-june-report/

As the timetable shows, Trump was fully cooperating with the NARA and had a good relationship with them
Sure, their relationship was great! :rolleyes-41:

That's why NARA gave a criminal referral to the FBI on it!
Care4all said:
Y'all live in a fantasy world of make believe....

Says the person who has seen photos of heavily armed agents wearing body armor that had 'FBI' printed on it outside of / at Trumps home with lights flashing during the raid yet actually stated in a post above that the agents were unarmed and wearing plain clothes so they would not draw attention to the raid.

laughing hilariously.jpg

If THAT isn't living in a fantasy world there is no such thing.
They were not brandishing arms, the FBI were in plain clothes. The guy in the picture bearing a rifle was Trump's Secret Service.

It is the legal standard procedure to keep home owners being searched and/or their lawyers from getting in the way.

Trump had his close circuit tv security cameras going in every place the FBI went....if the FBI did something illegal, they would bring it out in the open, with the Face of the FBI blurred for their safety, and show us or bring it to court.

The search was not the standard break of dawn search with perps in their undies.

Trump secret service was given a heads up, and the search began at around 10am, not 5 am.

The search was under seal, so not to have a media blitz....the paparazzi following Trump 24/7 were out if town following Trump.

The ONLY reason anyone knows about the search is because Trump wanted YOU to know, so he could get you to do his dirty work for death threats and harm to our Nation and so he could make millions in donations by milking you for your last dime!

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