FBI STILL hasn't looked at DNC server

FBI hasn't looked at that server because it DIDN'T NEED TO. The alternative is that FBI is incompetent and provide baseless findings for our country and I urge you to go ahead and make that argument upfront, because that is what your premise requires.

Time for Trumsters to one up their Dear Leader and do the sane thing - accept the findings of our Intelligence, including FBI that in no uncertain terms tell you - it was Russian hackers, under Putin's personal directive that were hacking our political organizations with clear goal of manipulating our elections.
gosh i'm sorry. your proof is what again?

17 agencies, or 4? that has changed.
the republicans called to testify? oh wait, they've been told to go away.
the anonymous sources CNN keeps citing? oh wait, they've admitted there's nothing here but ratings

so again - what ARE you basing this off of again?

You need all 17? Why would the ATF be investigating Russian hackers at the dnc ?
I fking agree, so why would they chime in? did they? nope. you all just barking at a skunk, we smell you.
FBI hasn't looked at that server because it DIDN'T NEED TO. The alternative is that FBI is incompetent and provide baseless findings for our country and I urge you to go ahead and make that argument upfront, because that is what your premise requires.

Time for Trumsters to one up their Dear Leader and do the sane thing - accept the findings of our Intelligence, including FBI that in no uncertain terms tell you - it was Russian hackers, under Putin's personal directive that were hacking our political organizations with clear goal of manipulating our elections.

They did and they will keep doing it absent a clear response from Americans.
The feds asked for server access before Trump ever took office.

"The FBI “repeatedly stressed” the importance of accessing the hacked email server of the Democratic National Committee. But one senior law enforcement official now tells TheBlaze that DNC officials rejected its requests.

"The news comes just hours after it was reported the FBI never examined the DNC server, which the bureau and multiple other U.S. intelligence agencies say was hacked by the Russian government, leading to the release of thousands of damning emails by WikiLeaks that some argue helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election."

DNC rejected FBI request to examine hacked email server, law enforcement official says

" The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers..."

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

So back in January, the feds didn't ask to access the servers, but went ahead and said they attributed the so-called "hacking" of the election to Russia....

Then when they were taken to task for THAT, they changed their story and said well they had asked for access, but didn't get it. What a bunch of criminals.

They're all in it together. They should be tried as traitors.
I've been saying this for quite a long time. nothing new. no government agency, none, nada have looked at that server. evah!!!!!!!! That's how I know without a doubt and can say factually, Russia did not hack the DNC server. See how fking easy that is?

They also didn't look at the water cooler! The microwave!

You don't need to hand over a server to prove a hack . Especially a hack where they just stole a password .
let me just put it this way -

if this were Trumps server, would your..."defense" still be the same? or would this be the killer bullet you've been searching for?

if your answer varies at all, the amount if varies signifies how full of shit you are.

If this was trumps server , there is NO way he would turn it over to the FBI .
that wasn't what i asked. i asked if YOUR defense of the DNC NOT doing it would be the same IF they were after TRUMPS server for hacking and RUSSIA info?

stop deflecting and simply say if you'd defend trumps right to not turn this server over under those conditions.

You don't need to turn over the server !!!!

What are u getting at anyway? That the DNC faked a hack? They they leaked their own info and torpedoed the campaign?

None of that makes sense .
The server needs turned over.
Yes THE DNC MADE A FALSE CLAIM OF HACKING. Time to put up or shut up.

Any Democrat that claims to have faith in The Democrat Party and does not want THE DNC server Subpoened is a FRAUD.

The DNC in conjunction with The Clinton Campaign created a false narrative to cover for the scandalous emails Seth Rich leaked to ASSANGE and to attempt to tie Trump to a FALSE STORY about Russian Collusion which then provided cover for Obama to illegally wiretap The Trump Team.
FBI hasn't looked at that server because it DIDN'T NEED TO. The alternative is that FBI is incompetent and provide baseless findings for our country and I urge you to go ahead and make that argument upfront, because that is what your premise requires.

Time for Trumsters to one up their Dear Leader and do the sane thing - accept the findings of our Intelligence, including FBI that in no uncertain terms tell you - it was Russian hackers, under Putin's personal directive that were hacking our political organizations with clear goal of manipulating our elections.
gosh i'm sorry. your proof is what again?

17 agencies, or 4? that has changed.
the republicans called to testify? oh wait, they've been told to go away.
the anonymous sources CNN keeps citing? oh wait, they've admitted there's nothing here but ratings

so again - what ARE you basing this off of again?

You need all 17? Why would the ATF be investigating Russian hackers at the dnc ?
or the coast guard. you need to ask hillary that question as she trotted out SEVENTEEN AGENCIES VERIFIED THIS and ask her why she lied. i couldn't tell you.

then you need to ask the posters in here who i went at it with when i told them no way most of those 17 care or are qualified to look. but NOOOOOO - SEVENTEEN YOU DENSE TRUMPER.

now that line has died out, time to push it aside like it never mattered and glom onto some other bullshit excuse.
FBI hasn't looked at that server because it DIDN'T NEED TO. The alternative is that FBI is incompetent and provide baseless findings for our country and I urge you to go ahead and make that argument upfront, because that is what your premise requires.

Time for Trumsters to one up their Dear Leader and do the sane thing - accept the findings of our Intelligence, including FBI that in no uncertain terms tell you - it was Russian hackers, under Putin's personal directive that were hacking our political organizations with clear goal of manipulating our elections.
gosh i'm sorry. your proof is what again?

17 agencies, or 4? that has changed.
the republicans called to testify? oh wait, they've been told to go away.
the anonymous sources CNN keeps citing? oh wait, they've admitted there's nothing here but ratings

so again - what ARE you basing this off of again?

You need all 17? Why would the ATF be investigating Russian hackers at the dnc ?

He doesn't need 17, he needs a straw to desperately grasp.
I've been saying this for quite a long time. nothing new. no government agency, none, nada have looked at that server. evah!!!!!!!! That's how I know without a doubt and can say factually, Russia did not hack the DNC server. See how fking easy that is?

They also didn't look at the water cooler! The microwave!

You don't need to hand over a server to prove a hack . Especially a hack where they just stole a password .
Why don't you quit lying? You are awful at it.

THE FBI "NEEDED TO LOOK AT CLINTON'S SERVER" to assure us (to save her campaign) that her server was not hacked.

So your assertion that we do not need to look at THE DNC SERVER LOGS to determine if it was hacked......IS A BOLD FACED LIE.

Do you work in IT? Or are you one of those people we have to deal with that constantly creates "ID Ten T" errors?

Again, you are full of shit. Assange said Seth Rich gave him The Emails and they were not obtained through Russia, or any Russia Intermediaries.

Go pound salt. Until we see THE DNC SERVER to refute ASSANGE'S Story THE DNC LIED, and IS OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE, and also ENGAGED in a CONSPIRACY, and COLLUDED with The Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration to commit multiple felonies to further perpetrate that fraud.
FBI hasn't looked at that server because it DIDN'T NEED TO. The alternative is that FBI is incompetent and provide baseless findings for our country and I urge you to go ahead and make that argument upfront, because that is what your premise requires.

Time for Trumsters to one up their Dear Leader and do the sane thing - accept the findings of our Intelligence, including FBI that in no uncertain terms tell you - it was Russian hackers, under Putin's personal directive that were hacking our political organizations with clear goal of manipulating our elections.

They did and they will keep doing it absent a clear response from Americans.
The feds asked for server access before Trump ever took office.

"The FBI “repeatedly stressed” the importance of accessing the hacked email server of the Democratic National Committee. But one senior law enforcement official now tells TheBlaze that DNC officials rejected its requests.

"The news comes just hours after it was reported the FBI never examined the DNC server, which the bureau and multiple other U.S. intelligence agencies say was hacked by the Russian government, leading to the release of thousands of damning emails by WikiLeaks that some argue helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election."

DNC rejected FBI request to examine hacked email server, law enforcement official says

" The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers..."

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

So back in January, the feds didn't ask to access the servers, but went ahead and said they attributed the so-called "hacking" of the election to Russia....

Then when they were taken to task for THAT, they changed their story and said well they had asked for access, but didn't get it. What a bunch of criminals.

They're all in it together. They should be tried as traitors.

Say it with me - "FBI is incompetent and cannot be trusted to do basic investigation, that is what I'm arguing here"

Either that or give me some other coherent, sane explanation of what you think is going on.
I've been saying this for quite a long time. nothing new. no government agency, none, nada have looked at that server. evah!!!!!!!! That's how I know without a doubt and can say factually, Russia did not hack the DNC server. See how fking easy that is?

They also didn't look at the water cooler! The microwave!

You don't need to hand over a server to prove a hack . Especially a hack where they just stole a password .
Why don't you quit lying? You are awful at it.

THE FBI "NEEDED TO LOOK AT CLINTON'S SERVER" to assure us (to save her campaign) that her server was not hacked.

So your assertion that we do not need to look at THE DNC SERVER LOGS to determine if it was hacked......IS A BOLD FACED LIE.

Do you work in IT? or are you one of those people we have to deal with that constantly creates "ID Ten T" errors?

Again, you are full of shit. Assange said Seth Rich gave him The Emails and they were not obtained through Russia, or any Russia Intermediaries.


I work in IT - security logs do not require looking at the server hardware, they are completely portable, just like any piece of data on any server.
I've been saying this for quite a long time. nothing new. no government agency, none, nada have looked at that server. evah!!!!!!!! That's how I know without a doubt and can say factually, Russia did not hack the DNC server. See how fking easy that is?

They also didn't look at the water cooler! The microwave!

You don't need to hand over a server to prove a hack . Especially a hack where they just stole a password .
Why don't you quit lying? You are awful at it.

THE FBI "NEEDED TO LOOK AT CLINTON'S SERVER" to assure us (to save her campaign) that her server was not hacked.

So your assertion that we do not need to look at THE DNC SERVER LOGS to determine if it was hacked......IS A BOLD FACED LIE.

Do you work in IT? or are you one of those people we have to deal with that constantly creates "ID Ten T" errors?

Again, you are full of shit. Assange said Seth Rich gave him The Emails and they were not obtained through Russia, or any Russia Intermediaries.


I work in IT - security logs do not require looking at the server hardware, they are completely portable, just like any piece of data on any server.
then you aren't good at your job, thanks for letting us know you lack the ability to do the right thing.
all of the single cell RW's get lost when complex thinking enters the FBI/investigation scenario.

just because the FBI doesnt send daily updates of EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MOVE THEY MAKE obviously means theyre hiding something.

theyre hiding intel from dipshit RW's who arent on their list of people who have clearance to be in the loop.
I've been saying this for quite a long time. nothing new. no government agency, none, nada have looked at that server. evah!!!!!!!! That's how I know without a doubt and can say factually, Russia did not hack the DNC server. See how fking easy that is?

They also didn't look at the water cooler! The microwave!

You don't need to hand over a server to prove a hack . Especially a hack where they just stole a password .
Why don't you quit lying? You are awful at it.

THE FBI "NEEDED TO LOOK AT CLINTON'S SERVER" to assure us (to save her campaign) that her server was not hacked.

So your assertion that we do not need to look at THE DNC SERVER LOGS to determine if it was hacked......IS A BOLD FACED LIE.

Do you work in IT? or are you one of those people we have to deal with that constantly creates "ID Ten T" errors?

Again, you are full of shit. Assange said Seth Rich gave him The Emails and they were not obtained through Russia, or any Russia Intermediaries.


I work in IT - security logs do not require looking at the server hardware, they are completely portable, just like any piece of data on any server.
then you aren't good at your job, thanks for letting us know you lack the ability to do the right thing.

:rolleyes: I'll carefully consider your baseless assertion.
FBI hasn't looked at that server because it DIDN'T NEED TO. The alternative is that FBI is incompetent and provide baseless findings for our country and I urge you to go ahead and make that argument upfront, because that is what your premise requires.

Time for Trumsters to one up their Dear Leader and do the sane thing - accept the findings of our Intelligence, including FBI that in no uncertain terms tell you - it was Russian hackers, under Putin's personal directive that were hacking our political organizations with clear goal of manipulating our elections.

They did and they will keep doing it absent a clear response from Americans.
The feds asked for server access before Trump ever took office.

"The FBI “repeatedly stressed” the importance of accessing the hacked email server of the Democratic National Committee. But one senior law enforcement official now tells TheBlaze that DNC officials rejected its requests.

"The news comes just hours after it was reported the FBI never examined the DNC server, which the bureau and multiple other U.S. intelligence agencies say was hacked by the Russian government, leading to the release of thousands of damning emails by WikiLeaks that some argue helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election."

DNC rejected FBI request to examine hacked email server, law enforcement official says

" The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers..."

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

So back in January, the feds didn't ask to access the servers, but went ahead and said they attributed the so-called "hacking" of the election to Russia....

Then when they were taken to task for THAT, they changed their story and said well they had asked for access, but didn't get it. What a bunch of criminals.

They're all in it together. They should be tried as traitors.

Say it with me - "FBI is incompetent and cannot be trusted to do basic investigation, that is what I'm arguing here"

Either that or give me some other coherent, sane explanation of what you think is going on.
well I can tell you with a straight face that without the server, there is no russia. time to move on.
FBI hasn't looked at that server because it DIDN'T NEED TO. The alternative is that FBI is incompetent and provide baseless findings for our country and I urge you to go ahead and make that argument upfront, because that is what your premise requires.

Time for Trumsters to one up their Dear Leader and do the sane thing - accept the findings of our Intelligence, including FBI that in no uncertain terms tell you - it was Russian hackers, under Putin's personal directive that were hacking our political organizations with clear goal of manipulating our elections.

They did and they will keep doing it absent a clear response from Americans.
The feds asked for server access before Trump ever took office.

"The FBI “repeatedly stressed” the importance of accessing the hacked email server of the Democratic National Committee. But one senior law enforcement official now tells TheBlaze that DNC officials rejected its requests.

"The news comes just hours after it was reported the FBI never examined the DNC server, which the bureau and multiple other U.S. intelligence agencies say was hacked by the Russian government, leading to the release of thousands of damning emails by WikiLeaks that some argue helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election."

DNC rejected FBI request to examine hacked email server, law enforcement official says

" The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers..."

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

So back in January, the feds didn't ask to access the servers, but went ahead and said they attributed the so-called "hacking" of the election to Russia....

Then when they were taken to task for THAT, they changed their story and said well they had asked for access, but didn't get it. What a bunch of criminals.

They're all in it together. They should be tried as traitors.

Say it with me - "FBI is incompetent and cannot be trusted to do basic investigation, that is what I'm arguing here"

Either that or give me some other coherent, sane explanation of what you think is going on.
well I can tell you with a straight face that without the server, there is no russia. time to move on.

That's because you are fucking clueless winger grasping at straws to maintain a losing position.

You fellas just don't get it. This Russian hacking thing is off from the discussion table, they did it and we know they did it, nobody gives a shit about your BUT BUT BUT BUT THE SERVER!!! they didn't get to go through everything on it!.

Time to quit the denials and move on to something else.
Last edited:
I've been saying this for quite a long time. nothing new. no government agency, none, nada have looked at that server. evah!!!!!!!! That's how I know without a doubt and can say factually, Russia did not hack the DNC server. See how fking easy that is?

They also didn't look at the water cooler! The microwave!

You don't need to hand over a server to prove a hack . Especially a hack where they just stole a password .
Why don't you quit lying? You are awful at it.

THE FBI "NEEDED TO LOOK AT CLINTON'S SERVER" to assure us (to save her campaign) that her server was not hacked.

So your assertion that we do not need to look at THE DNC SERVER LOGS to determine if it was hacked......IS A BOLD FACED LIE.

Do you work in IT? or are you one of those people we have to deal with that constantly creates "ID Ten T" errors?

Again, you are full of shit. Assange said Seth Rich gave him The Emails and they were not obtained through Russia, or any Russia Intermediaries.


I work in IT - security logs do not require looking at the server hardware, they are completely portable, just like any piece of data on any server.
then you aren't good at your job, thanks for letting us know you lack the ability to do the right thing.

:rolleyes: I'll carefully consider your baseless assertion.
well dude, then there was no need to bring in Crowdstrike then. Right? it can't be both ways. either crowdstrike lied or DNC lied or both lied and the FBI didn't do their job as we now all know.
FBI hasn't looked at that server because it DIDN'T NEED TO. The alternative is that FBI is incompetent and provide baseless findings for our country and I urge you to go ahead and make that argument upfront, because that is what your premise requires.

Time for Trumsters to one up their Dear Leader and do the sane thing - accept the findings of our Intelligence, including FBI that in no uncertain terms tell you - it was Russian hackers, under Putin's personal directive that were hacking our political organizations with clear goal of manipulating our elections.

They did and they will keep doing it absent a clear response from Americans.
The feds asked for server access before Trump ever took office.

"The FBI “repeatedly stressed” the importance of accessing the hacked email server of the Democratic National Committee. But one senior law enforcement official now tells TheBlaze that DNC officials rejected its requests.

"The news comes just hours after it was reported the FBI never examined the DNC server, which the bureau and multiple other U.S. intelligence agencies say was hacked by the Russian government, leading to the release of thousands of damning emails by WikiLeaks that some argue helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election."

DNC rejected FBI request to examine hacked email server, law enforcement official says

" The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers..."

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

So back in January, the feds didn't ask to access the servers, but went ahead and said they attributed the so-called "hacking" of the election to Russia....

Then when they were taken to task for THAT, they changed their story and said well they had asked for access, but didn't get it. What a bunch of criminals.

They're all in it together. They should be tried as traitors.

Say it with me - "FBI is incompetent and cannot be trusted to do basic investigation, that is what I'm arguing here"

Either that or give me some other coherent, sane explanation of what you think is going on.
well I can tell you with a straight face that without the server, there is no russia. time to move on.

That's because you are fucking clueless winger grasping at straws to maintain a losing position.
then why did they need crowdstrike? please I'll wait.
This little fact proves without a doubt, that the D Party is the corrupt party.

I wonder if any of the DNC media outlets have reported this little know fact. Could any of my lib friends here tell me if they know of this?

One of two things happened. Either they were never hacked and a look at the server will show it could only be a leaker or everyone hacked the server and in that case it we will never know what happened.

Either case is very embarrassing for the DNC.
We already know the leaker, and he's dead.
FBI hasn't looked at that server because it DIDN'T NEED TO. The alternative is that FBI is incompetent and provide baseless findings for our country and I urge you to go ahead and make that argument upfront, because that is what your premise requires.

Time for Trumsters to one up their Dear Leader and do the sane thing - accept the findings of our Intelligence, including FBI that in no uncertain terms tell you - it was Russian hackers, under Putin's personal directive that were hacking our political organizations with clear goal of manipulating our elections.

They did and they will keep doing it absent a clear response from Americans.
The feds asked for server access before Trump ever took office.

"The FBI “repeatedly stressed” the importance of accessing the hacked email server of the Democratic National Committee. But one senior law enforcement official now tells TheBlaze that DNC officials rejected its requests.

"The news comes just hours after it was reported the FBI never examined the DNC server, which the bureau and multiple other U.S. intelligence agencies say was hacked by the Russian government, leading to the release of thousands of damning emails by WikiLeaks that some argue helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election."

DNC rejected FBI request to examine hacked email server, law enforcement official says

" The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers..."

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

So back in January, the feds didn't ask to access the servers, but went ahead and said they attributed the so-called "hacking" of the election to Russia....

Then when they were taken to task for THAT, they changed their story and said well they had asked for access, but didn't get it. What a bunch of criminals.

They're all in it together. They should be tried as traitors.

Say it with me - "FBI is incompetent and cannot be trusted to do basic investigation, that is what I'm arguing here"

Either that or give me some other coherent, sane explanation of what you think is going on.
well I can tell you with a straight face that without the server, there is no russia. time to move on.

That's because you are fucking clueless winger grasping at straws to maintain a losing position.
then why did they need crowdstrike? please I'll wait.

...because crowdstrike are the foremost security experts - DUH?

Do you want to know what they found? :rolleyes:
The feds asked for server access before Trump ever took office.

"The FBI “repeatedly stressed” the importance of accessing the hacked email server of the Democratic National Committee. But one senior law enforcement official now tells TheBlaze that DNC officials rejected its requests.

"The news comes just hours after it was reported the FBI never examined the DNC server, which the bureau and multiple other U.S. intelligence agencies say was hacked by the Russian government, leading to the release of thousands of damning emails by WikiLeaks that some argue helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election."

DNC rejected FBI request to examine hacked email server, law enforcement official says

" The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers..."

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

So back in January, the feds didn't ask to access the servers, but went ahead and said they attributed the so-called "hacking" of the election to Russia....

Then when they were taken to task for THAT, they changed their story and said well they had asked for access, but didn't get it. What a bunch of criminals.

They're all in it together. They should be tried as traitors.

Say it with me - "FBI is incompetent and cannot be trusted to do basic investigation, that is what I'm arguing here"

Either that or give me some other coherent, sane explanation of what you think is going on.
well I can tell you with a straight face that without the server, there is no russia. time to move on.

That's because you are fucking clueless winger grasping at straws to maintain a losing position.
then why did they need crowdstrike? please I'll wait.

...because crowdstrike are the foremost security experts - DUH?

Do you want to know what they found? :rolleyes:
well you said you didn't need to look at the server. they did. how is it they found something? I know it wasn't russian, they later admitted it. but still they looked at the server and so far, no agency of our government has. Crowdstrike is not in our country,.

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