FDR knew!

The USS Reuben James was sunk by a German U-Boat, U-552 that killed over 100 Americans wearing Navy uniforms in service to their country enforcing America's international right to freedom of the seas and freedom of trade. Germany and Japan had a mutual protection treaty that provided mutual support if either were attacked. In other words, retaliation against Germany for sinking the USS Reuben James and murder of 100 American sailors would be judged as an attack on Japan.
The US restrained itself, but how many US Navy ships and US-flagged cargo ships manned by Americans would go to the bottom of the ocean and have to be sacrificed before a military response had to be made?
I was just telling my son about how when I was in High School, I had an honors Am. History course, where we had to do a term paper about what would've happened if just one thing in history had changed.

I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my teacher, he was a great guy, for some ideas.

He suggested doing research into what would have happened if the US had broken the Japanese navel code before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

So I started researching it.

That's when my high school eyes were opened. Holy shit. That teacher knew what he was doing all along.

The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would have happened differently. The British had broken that code before Japan had attacked, and there were none of the U.S.'s most powerful navel assets at that base on purpose.

He just wanted me to find out the truth on my own.


I think we could have used pickets, to greater effect, and had time to crew weapons and launch aircraft.
Is my thought experiment too cerebral for you?

Do you want me to dumb it down for you?

Much like 1939, we say fuck em
Like FDR did with Japan, we organize strict economic sanctions against Russia and let Putin explain his economy to his people

Easy enough for you to comprehend?
Come now...that can't be your real opinion.

Don't you want Americans to kill and die for the state, as your beloved FDR did?

If it involves saving the world.......yes, I support what FDR did
Okay then you admit that FDR was saving the world when he lied us into war.

Kill the world to save the world...the statist motto.

There was no lie.....Japan really attacked Pearl Harbor
Back to square one every time. You must have dementia. Or maybe just insane.
Charity Begins at Home, and Should End There, Too

How was that any of our business? Let the natives take care of their own problems or they deserve to get overrun. What kind of people took over after the Japanese left? A country gets the government, and even the foreign occupation, it deserves.
Statists love war because war IS the health of the state... naturally statists like Leftnutter love a very healthy state. Plus they don't care about all the people murdered for their nefarious purposes.
Which people?
Like a true blood thirsty statist, you don't consider Japanese people.
It was our scrap metal made into bombs and our gasoline that was used to deliver the bombs all to kill Chinese civilians. Maybe that sort of made it our business?
So to the murderous statist, this means American boys must kill and die to stop it...incinerating Japanese women and children who had no control over the actions of their tyrannical militarist government, is justified in the small deluded mind of the statist.

The statist often does not even know that their ideology always leads to death and destruction.
It did not mean we must kill Japanese to stop selling war goods to Japan. It was our gas and scrap metal and we should have the right to sell it, or not sell it, at our discretion.
Oh...FDR was selling it...to his butt buddy in the Kremlin. The US was shipping oil and raw materials right past Japan and dumping it on the USSR. Even to the extent that US troops in the Pacific were harmed by his love of Uncle Joe. TRAITOR!!!!

It is clear to all but the hardened statist, that FDR did all he could to get Japan to start the war. FDR's actions prior to Pearl Harbor were Acts of War. Preventing Japan from accessing oil, was essentially killing the people of Japan. Here is more proof, not that you are interested in the truth...Worse Than Japan - Roosevelt Was A Traitor

Imperial Japan was a horror show, but that does not mean that you statists get to murder and destroy them.

Did you read the McCollum Memo? I am guessing not...statists have no desire to learn...but just in case I have it for you....please learn.
FDR provoked the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
I was just telling my son about how when I was in High School, I had an honors Am. History course, where we had to do a term paper about what would've happened if just one thing in history had changed.

I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my teacher, he was a great guy, for some ideas.

He suggested doing research into what would have happened if the US had broken the Japanese navel code before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

So I started researching it.

That's when my high school eyes were opened. Holy shit. That teacher knew what he was doing all along.

The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would have happened differently. The British had broken that code before Japan had attacked, and there were none of the U.S.'s most powerful navel assets at that base on purpose.

He just wanted me to find out the truth on my own.


I think we could have used pickets, to greater effect, and had time to crew weapons and launch aircraft.
Some of the Japanese codes had been broken but not all. The Japanese naval codes were not, and the Japanese kept revising them the codes in 1941. What had been broken was the Japanese diplomatic codes.
I was just telling my son about how when I was in High School, I had an honors Am. History course, where we had to do a term paper about what would've happened if just one thing in history had changed.

I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my teacher, he was a great guy, for some ideas.

He suggested doing research into what would have happened if the US had broken the Japanese navel code before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

So I started researching it.

That's when my high school eyes were opened. Holy shit. That teacher knew what he was doing all along.

The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would have happened differently. The British had broken that code before Japan had attacked, and there were none of the U.S.'s most powerful navel assets at that base on purpose.

He just wanted me to find out the truth on my own.


I think we could have used pickets, to greater effect, and had time to crew weapons and launch aircraft.
Some of the Japanese codes had been broken but not all. The Japanese naval codes were not, and the Japanese kept revising them the codes in 1941. What had been broken was the Japanese diplomatic codes.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.
It is a documented fact that FDR was dealing directly with secret space alien allies who had told him that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor. FDR chose not to intervene because he wanted a fleet of aircraft carriers, which congress would not pay for, and he considered the battleships obsolete. The US Navy had laid down a 3,000 mile string of buoys in the Pacific leading to the islands, from japan, so that there was no way that they could get lost on the way. How Gipper missed all these historical facts are beyond me.
It is a documented fact that FDR was dealing directly with secret space alien allies who had told him that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor. FDR chose not to intervene because he wanted a fleet of aircraft carriers, which congress would not pay for, and he considered the battleships obsolete. The US Navy had laid down a 3,000 mile string of buoys in the Pacific leading to the islands, from japan, so that there was no way that they could get lost on the way. How Gipper missed all these historical facts are beyond me.

It gets worse!

FDR made them paint bulls eyes on the battleships
Proof FDR had advance warnings of Japan's plans to sink his Battleships


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I am not defending Japan's actions...dumb ass.

You have condemned Dipshit W for his war, while commending FDR for his. Yet there is little difference except that FDR caused the deaths of far more people, leading to decades of suffering and Cold War.

Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia

Charity Begins at Home, and Should End There, Too

How was that any of our business? Let the natives take care of their own problems or they deserve to get overrun. What kind of people took over after the Japanese left? A country gets the government, and even the foreign occupation, it deserves.
We decided not to contribute any more military supplies to a government massacring hundreds of thousands of innocents

It's called having a conscience
Let the Inventive Interventionists Sacrifice Their Own Sons

Letting American troops die for other people's failure to protect themselves is unconscionable.
As for McCollum, that sounds like a navy screwup.
No. It IS the acts of typical lawless corrupt criminal politicians.

Just accept the FACT that your beloved FDR was a fucking TRAITOR!!!
Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia

Charity Begins at Home, and Should End There, Too

How was that any of our business? Let the natives take care of their own problems or they deserve to get overrun. What kind of people took over after the Japanese left? A country gets the government, and even the foreign occupation, it deserves.
We decided not to contribute any more military supplies to a government massacring hundreds of thousands of innocents

It's called having a conscience
Let the Inventive Interventionists Sacrifice Their Own Sons

Letting American troops die for other people's failure to protect themselves is unconscionable.

"With great power comes great responsibility"

FDR saved Democracy in the world
Is my thought experiment too cerebral for you?

Do you want me to dumb it down for you?

Much like 1939, we say fuck em
Like FDR did with Japan, we organize strict economic sanctions against Russia and let Putin explain his economy to his people

Easy enough for you to comprehend?
Come now...that can't be your real opinion.

Don't you want Americans to kill and die for the state, as your beloved FDR did?

If it involves saving the world.......yes, I support what FDR did
Okay then you admit that FDR was saving the world when he lied us into war.

Kill the world to save the world...the statist motto.

There was no lie.....Japan really attacked Pearl Harbor
Tora, Tora, Tora Bora

They didn't have to do that, which proved that their leadership was mentally unstable. It was a danger to the world for that reason only, not for its aggression on its own continent. A sane leadership would have seized the oil of the Dutch Empire in Indonesia and dared FDR to start the war.
It is a documented fact that FDR was dealing directly with secret space alien allies who had told him that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor. FDR chose not to intervene because he wanted a fleet of aircraft carriers, which congress would not pay for, and he considered the battleships obsolete. The US Navy had laid down a 3,000 mile string of buoys in the Pacific leading to the islands, from japan, so that there was no way that they could get lost on the way. How Gipper missed all these historical facts are beyond me.

It gets worse!

FDR made them paint bulls eyes on the battleships

Actually, that is the only reason that the Japanese did not completely obliterate the whole Pacific fleet was because the red targets that FDR put on the ships looked to them like the Rising Sun on their flag. They almost ran out of gas flying around trying to make up their minds if the ships were their's, or ours. FDR had to send Tojo a telegram telling him to release the bombs.
I was just telling my son about how when I was in High School, I had an honors Am. History course, where we had to do a term paper about what would've happened if just one thing in history had changed.

I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my teacher, he was a great guy, for some ideas.

He suggested doing research into what would have happened if the US had broken the Japanese navel code before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

So I started researching it.

That's when my high school eyes were opened. Holy shit. That teacher knew what he was doing all along.

The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would have happened differently. The British had broken that code before Japan had attacked, and there were none of the U.S.'s most powerful navel assets at that base on purpose.

He just wanted me to find out the truth on my own.


I think we could have used pickets, to greater effect, and had time to crew weapons and launch aircraft.
Some of the Japanese codes had been broken but not all. The Japanese naval codes were not, and the Japanese kept revising them the codes in 1941. What had been broken was the Japanese diplomatic codes.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.

I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
I was just telling my son about how when I was in High School, I had an honors Am. History course, where we had to do a term paper about what would've happened if just one thing in history had changed.

I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my teacher, he was a great guy, for some ideas.

He suggested doing research into what would have happened if the US had broken the Japanese navel code before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

So I started researching it.

That's when my high school eyes were opened. Holy shit. That teacher knew what he was doing all along.

The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would have happened differently. The British had broken that code before Japan had attacked, and there were none of the U.S.'s most powerful navel assets at that base on purpose.

He just wanted me to find out the truth on my own.


I think we could have used pickets, to greater effect, and had time to crew weapons and launch aircraft.
Some of the Japanese codes had been broken but not all. The Japanese naval codes were not, and the Japanese kept revising them the codes in 1941. What had been broken was the Japanese diplomatic codes.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.

I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?
I was just telling my son about how when I was in High School, I had an honors Am. History course, where we had to do a term paper about what would've happened if just one thing in history had changed.

I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my teacher, he was a great guy, for some ideas.

He suggested doing research into what would have happened if the US had broken the Japanese navel code before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

So I started researching it.

That's when my high school eyes were opened. Holy shit. That teacher knew what he was doing all along.

The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would have happened differently. The British had broken that code before Japan had attacked, and there were none of the U.S.'s most powerful navel assets at that base on purpose.

He just wanted me to find out the truth on my own.


I think we could have used pickets, to greater effect, and had time to crew weapons and launch aircraft.
Some of the Japanese codes had been broken but not all. The Japanese naval codes were not, and the Japanese kept revising them the codes in 1941. What had been broken was the Japanese diplomatic codes.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.

I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
I think we could have used pickets, to greater effect, and had time to crew weapons and launch aircraft.
Some of the Japanese codes had been broken but not all. The Japanese naval codes were not, and the Japanese kept revising them the codes in 1941. What had been broken was the Japanese diplomatic codes.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.

I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
He can't read.

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